Lost Boy in Charleville, Queensland, Australia | Book
Lost Boy
Locality: Charleville, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 7 4654 1616
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23.01.2022 I know people who have found this far more helpful than any sit around and discuss our problems type group. http://community.alison.com//alison-easing-the-challenge/
22.01.2022 Oh, What An Outback Show! - And Other True Tales of Life in the Gulf Country True stories of swimming cattle across flooded rivers, dodging saltwater crocodiles..., hunting feral pigs, droving trips over wild country, catching scrub bulls, brave and loyal dogs, country racing capers and other misadventures of young men in the untamed Gulf Country of Australia. www.booksfromthebush.com.au Extract: ....(Two blokes -Old Fruity and Sparrow go night fishing in the Norman River) They set off carrying this little boat and net not knowing what lay ahead of them. They got to the river, put the little boat in, both climbed in, and Old Fruity steered it to the other side of the river. Now they had to place the net at the mouth of the other river where it junctions. In this area roaming around free as the breeze, a monster of a salty. He has shortened the life of many animals. Some horses, many cattle, wallabies and pigs in the hundreds; and he is not alone there are others that come and go. They put their miniature boat in and started running the net across, but they had a slight set back they broke one paddle and you cannot go straight with only one paddle, they carried on, Old Fruity using his hand to paddle. It was all set up, Bingo, ready for action! It would not be long before the net would be getting some big strikes. But while this was happening they did not know that every movement was being watched by this Old Salty. The tinny was right with the tide, they had enough fish by now and started getting them free and putting them in the boat. By now the Old Salty was getting very hungry and watching all these fish being placed in the boat, he knew where they were and must try and get a feed soon. They headed for the other side of the first river. After going three quarters of the way, things were getting strange. By now they could not reach the water with the paddle and Fruity could not reach with his hand, so they are virtually not paddling but the boat was still heading for the mangroves. Old Sparrow, his hair on his neck and back were standing out like bristles on a pig, he sang out, What the hell is going on?. Fruity said I don’t know, I can’t touch the water. By now the bottom of the boat is almost out of the water, Old Salty was right under the boat carrying it straight towards the bank. The boat was going up and down. It was a mystery how it hadn’t tipped over but that was Old Salty’s intention to shake the fish out. He kept the tinny going straight for the bank in a pretty fast manner, and then it went flying out of the water onto the dry land! They landed in one piece. They don’t know to this day how they were so lucky. The old fellow up above must have been on their side that day, and probably the only time Old Salty missed out on a feed. Old Fruity said to Sparrow, You know this is the closest I have ever been to water skiing. Sparrow said, Never mind about your water skiing, you ratbag; never, never, think about asking me to go fishing with you again, this is going to haunt me for weeks, I will be having bad nightmares. I thought I was a goner! See more
21.01.2022 A Christmas Excerpt from Chapters 3 and 4 of the book A Bunch of Battlers. By Kylie aged 11 years to get a complete copy visit www.booksfromthebush.com.au (P...ete (14), Robyn (11) & Billy (5) children, evading the Child Welfare Department, and travelling by bicycle, have set up a hidden camp in the city of Melbourne in bushland near Collingwood Farm. Peter has gone job hunting while Billy and Robyn take a look around the area.) >>> The noise of traffic gradually surrounded them as they headed towards the main road. Turning left the children entered a quieter street. A large church sat between two of the houses. The church door was open. Billy had a thoughtful look on his face. As they came beside it he let go of Robyn’s hand, ran up the steps and through the door. "Billy..." Robyn’s surprised voice tailed off in mid-yell, remembering the need not to draw attention to them, she looked around. There seemed to be nobody watching. Quickly she followed her little brother. Standing just inside the doorway Robyn saw Billy kneeling in front of the altar. As she was halfway down the aisle he stood up, turned, and ran towards her. She put out her arms. He ran into them like a toddler and gave her a hug. "Oh Robbie," He whispered. "I just remembered that it is Christmas soon. Santa won't know where we live, so I asked God to tell him." <<< Later on in the story >>>> "Pete... began Robyn What about Christmas?" she told him about Billy's visit to the church. "No problem we’ll have enough money to buy him a few little toys. Besides that I read an interesting notice in the window of the grocery store. Because this is the poor part of the city, the Brotherhood of Saint Laurence put on a Christmas party. It is on Christmas Day at the church and costs only five dollars per family and each kid under ten gets a present from Santa I’ve already put our name down and paid the money." Pete smiled broadly. Robyn flung her arms around him. "Oh Pete you’re just the best big brother in the world". <<< (Christmas day arrives) >>>> Peter pushed the billycan of water closer to the coals, as small flames leaped and crackled. It was just before dawn on Christmas Day. He had woken early to lay out Billy's presents and now a fine new sleeping bag and a stocking full of toys were waiting beside Billy’s bike. Throwing a handful of tea leaves into the boiling water Pete lifted the billy from the fire and fetched his mug. He sat drinking his tea and thought about the past few weeks. Things had gone pretty well for them. The money from the paper rounds had built up into a large sum that Pete had put into the Commonwealth Bank. It had cost them less for food than he had originally thought. Day old bread from the bakers was less than half price and best of all they'd found a way of getting fruit and vegetables for nothing! Several mornings a week they went to a street market in Richmond, and picked up the produce that had fallen to the ground during unloading and could not be sold. Sudden streaks of sunlight filtered through the trees. Pete poured himself another cuppa as Billy’s voice wailed from the tree house, He didn’t come! Pete! Pete! Silly Billy comforted Robyn use your brains. Santa couldn't climb up the tree - his tummy would get in the way. Here, put your clean clothes on, and go scout around below. Santa won’t have forgotten you I’m sure. Pete stood at the foot of the tree. Careful nipper - take it easy - too quick and you'll fall! Too late! Billy lost his grip and fell into his brother’s strong arms. Silly Billy said Pete, tousling his hair. Merry Christmas. Billy squirmed away with a shout of delight as he spied the presents. Robbie, Pete! Look! Look! he spread the sleeping bag out - sat on it and began pulling out some toys. What have you got there? asked Robyn as she climbed down from the tree. It says Billy announced Billy excitedly holding the stocking up. Santa can spell my name see! Billy spread the toys around him talking all the time. Smiling with amusement - Peter and Robyn sat sipping their tea. A front-end loader! I can build a pond for duckie exclaimed the little boy. Don’t forget your breakfast, called Robyn and remember we have a party to go to today. Whose birthday is it? demanded Billy whose only experience of parties had been birthdays. It’s Baby Jesus, answered Pete and that’s why we are going to church before the party so mind you keep your clothes clean. <<<<< (..later on..)---------------------- >>>> Robyn cast a critical eye over the boys I don’t think a western hat is quite the thing to wear to church, Pete. Righto, grinned Pete removing his hat I was only teasing anyway. I guessed that said Robyn but you can never tell with boys - you might have been serious! Come on! Come on! Billy was eager to be off, he had both pockets of his shorts crammed with toy vehicles and held a fire engine in his hand. Just one toy ordered Robyn or you’re likely to lose them - and anyway, all those cars push your pockets out of shape. Billy had expected this answer Okay just the fire engine then. Teddy can mind the other things. he added as he emptied his pockets. The streets were quiet and the air warm as the children walked to the church. They went in following a couple of family groups and slipped into a seat near the side door. There were many families with small children and each seemed to be carrying a new toy. After the service the children passed unnoticed among the crowd of people. They walked in the direction of the Brotherhood Centre several blocks away, for the Christmas party. That was a good song remarked Billy. Which one? enquired Robyn? The socks one answered Billy. Socks? Socks? Which one was about socks? queried Pete You know, they were washing them, explained Billy Washing socks? What are you talking about? Pete and Robyn were both puzzled. Billy spoke slowly and patiently as though to a very small child Listen this is how it goes. While shepherds washed their socks by night. Now do you know it? Oh Billy! exclaimed Robyn and Pete together. Then they were laughing too hard to speak. Billy just stared at them. He began to laugh because they looked so funny. Finally Pete clapped him on the shoulder, Billy, you say the funniest things! Robyn wiped her streaming eyes, and looking at her watch said, We’ll have to run. Up on my shoulders, Nipper Pete swung his little brother aloft and jogged alongside Robyn. <<<<< (..later on..) >>>> I ate too much, began Robyn, Me too! agreed the boys. I reckon we won’t have to eat for a couple of days at least, added Pete. It was late afternoon and the children had just returned to their hideout after a wonderful Christmas dinner. Billy showed a small box of ‘Lego’ and a large bag of lollies to teddy You can mind these now Ted, while I play with my Santa things. He spread his toys out and was soon engrossed in a game. What’s the next move, Pete? Where and when do we go from here?’ Robyn sat down beside Pete who was leaning with his back against the trunk of the tree. Well I’ve been thinking, cosy and all as this set up is, we're bound to be noticed when school starts back. I mean you and Billy can’t just go to a school because they will want to meet your parent or guardian. I’m ok because I look big enough to have left. If you don’t go to school and you’re noticed around school hours someone’s sure to dob and there goes our freedom I reckon we better head bush in a couple of weeks. What are we going to do about school anyway? After all it is against the law not to go to school unless you’re nearly fifteen, and we don’t want to be asking for trouble that obviously! Correspondence School of course! answered Pete The school teacher told us about it once, maybe you weren’t there that day. If you live a long way from a school or are travelling around a lot then you can do school by mail. I seem to remember something about it replied Robyn, Sounds just the thing, Pete, I’ll find out all about it from the library. I reckon we ought to head north - up Mildura way - there could be fruit picking going and its getting into station country too. Pete took out a map I’ve been looking see, we can get a train to Sea Lake, then a couple of days ride brings us to here - this national park on the Murray River. We should be able to make a pretty inconspicuous camp there. It’s a start anyway. Hey you two Billy called. They looked over at him as he sat surrounded by toys. It’s been a bloody good Christmas! Billy eyes sparkled with mischief. BILLY! Robyn exploded don’t you swear or I’ll wash your mouth out with soap and water. Billy was unashamed Well it’s been a beaut Christmas then he answered - his face one broad grin. <<<<< See more
20.01.2022 When I wrote Lost Boy Bipolar Dreaming , I mentioned briefly about some of the events that took place in Cameron’s life. I am now going to enlarge on these and I hope you will enjoy them. Some will be happy and some will be sad. I have already told you about the time when Cameron stowed away on a plane and I hope you liked that one. I still think of that occasionally and have a little chuckle about it. I mentioned in the book about Cameron being fond of animals. When w...e lived in New Guinea, some people used to leave for good, because they had finished their time there, or were just going for their annual leave, which sometimes lasted for at least three months. They would leave their animals in the yard and not make any arrangements for their care. Of course, not all people were like that, but you do have exceptions in all walks of life, don’t you? Maybe they just forgot or maybe they were just careless! Anyway, all this happened on one particular day. I was busy working in the house when I heard loud noises outside. It sounded like the barking of dogs. That was strange as we didn’t have a dog but we were looking for one. I ran outside and what do you think I saw?? Not one dog, but four dogs! There were two small dogs, one big Labrador and the biggest dog I had ever seen. I t was a Great Dane. There was rope attached to all their collars and underneath the Great Dane, guess who I saw? You guessed rightly! It was Cameron! I looked at him and shouted, Cameron, why in the name of goodness aren’t you at school? He got up off the ground and said in a small voice, Well, Mum, I was just on my way to school when I saw this savage Rottweiler attack one of these little dogs, so I kicked it in the guts and grabbed the little dog. I looked first at the little dog which was cuddling into Cameron and shaking with fright. I looked at Cameron and was horrified to see blood pouring down his arm! I shouted, Cameron! You’ve got blood all over your arm! What on earth happened? Cameron nonchalantly looked down, noticed the blood and wiped it on his face and all over his school shirt. But the blood still kept coming. Get in the car now! I ordered him. You are going straight to the hospital! Just wait till I get the car keys, and I raced into the house, leaving Cameron protesting and telling me that the bit of blood would wash off. I wrapped a towel round his arm and shoved him into the car. Then I called out to Petrus, our New Guinean houseboy to watch the dogs, while I took Cameron to the hospital. He protested all the way to the hospital, telling me that he would be OK. But the wound was more serious than we thought and two hours and twenty stitches later we returned home. Cameron certainly did not like the idea of wearing bandages and also a sling and said he would be fine in a day or so. When we got home what a sight met our eyes! ....... To be continued See more
19.01.2022 Whether we recognize it or not, We are all on the same personal journey to a collective destination Love, Light and Truth,Wholeness and Freedom of Being and Choosing. "To Life" is an inspirational and practical guide for those who are seeking to live consciously, meaningfully, joyfully and fully. Rachel Angel Sussman tells of her own journey... as she guides and encourages each of us to walk our own unique path. http://shoutout.wix.com/so/fLEOR_5Q See more
18.01.2022 How Do We Make Goodness Attractive? "Fame is a four-letter word and like ‘tape’ or ‘zoom’ or ‘face’ or ‘pain’ or ‘life’ or ‘love’, what ultimately matters is what we do with it. I feel that those of us and television are chosen to be servants. It doesn’t matter what our job, we are chosen to help meet the deeper needs of those who watch and listen day and night. The conductor of the orchestra at the Hollywood Bowl grew up in a family that had little interest in music, but he ...often tells people he found his early inspiration from the fine musicians on television. Last month a 13-year-old boy abducted an 8-year-old girl and when people asked him why, he said he learned about it on TV something different to try he said life’s cheap, what does it matter. Well, life isn’t cheap, it’s the greatest mystery of any millennium and television needs to do all it can to broadcast that; to show and tell what the good in life is all about. But how do we make goodness attractive? By doing whatever we can do bring courage to those whose lives move near our own; by treating our neighbour at least as well as we treat ourselves and allowing that to inform everything that we produce. Who in your life has been such a servant to you? Who has helped you love the good that grows within you?" Mr Rogers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3vp-EXQ5Rs
13.01.2022 http://shoutout.wix.com/so/fLEOR_5Q#/main
10.01.2022 Please share with professional service providers, community support groups and all who have an interest. A letter to all those who have experience of mental health issues either as professional providers of services, clients of these providers, relatives and friends of people suffering mental illness. It is exactly ten years since my son Cameron committed suicide from Bipolar Disorder. While I am happy to see that some of the TV and Radio stations have programs about Bipolar...Continue reading
08.01.2022 The Stowaway It is now ten years since Cameron suffered from bipolar disorder and took his own life. I think of him every day and in my mind I still remember some of the things we used to talk about during that last precious time we had together when we were living at Forrest Beach. By that time I had more knowledge about bipolar disorder than I had before, and was a lot more understanding of what he had gone through. As you know from my last book, I had changed as well an...Continue reading
08.01.2022 Does your child enjoy audio books? Here is one for all the family to enjoy. Produced locally. - Three Australian bush kids are alarmed by a plan the Welfare have for their future. By 'flying beneath the radar' of the authorities, they avoid being noticed as missing. On bicycles they explore the western outback of Queensland and New South Wales, in search of a home where they can live together. Humorous, true to life incidents with plenty of ups and downs. For - ages 7 to 70. ... Reviews: I just want to say, this is one of the best stories.... I wish it could have gone on longer, but the ending was the best. It brought tears to my eyes, it made my heart fill with joy,. I give this book a AAA . ...I would like to say, Thank You, to the author & you can take me on another cross-country journey, anytime you want to. You have made it into my Hall of Fame!!! "The story is so real that you feel you know Peter, Robyn and Billy well. Billy is such a cute little boy with all his funny sayings. I would say to anyone who is looking for a story for the whole family, don't miss this one! " Read more here: - https://www.charlevillequeensland.com/a-bunch-of-battlers-a See more
07.01.2022 Bipolar disorder and other mental illnesses are sometimes called "no casserole" diseases. - See more at: http://ibpf.org//10-ways-help-someone-who-has-bipolar-diso
07.01.2022 Following on from previous post.. When we got home what a sight met our eyes! There were dogs running around the yard being chased by Petrus and some of his friends, but the dogs kept eluding them. Cameron jumped out of the car and called out to the dogs. Of course they immediately came to him and were so pleased to see him. I put the car away and went inside. I gasped in horror with what I saw! My beautiful lounge was covered in muddy doggy footprints; the carpet was the...Continue reading
05.01.2022 My Horne Prize-winning essay is now available to read online. "When my grandfather died in 1980, he left me an inheritance, of sorts: permission. I was born two... years later, and didn’t know about his suicide until I was a teenager. I had been protected by all manner of half-truths before then: he was sick, he had been sick for ages, he’d had an accident. One Saturday morning, on our way to school sport, Dad said to me, You know your grandpa killed himself? and it shot out of him the way a secret often does, all at once: a relief and a burden." See more
03.01.2022 We have some wonderful locally written books available in store. The books are also available as Audio Books. Great idea to if you are traveling or for the elderly. #Murweh #madeinmurweh #charlevilleqld
03.01.2022 http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/d/depression_b_5267263.html
02.01.2022 May TRIGGER !! http://neoskosmos.com//Suicide-prevention-needs-people-on-
02.01.2022 Books From The Bush December 16 at 1:53 PM https://www.charlevillequeensland.com/book-shop Gifts priced well under $10.00 - For the kids (the young at heart)... download these books in AudioBook, Read Along for Audiobook and ebook formats for iPad (ibooks), and other ereaders. https://www.charlevillequeensland.com/book-shop See more
01.01.2022 https://www.charlevillequeensland.com/book-shop Gifts priced well under $10.00 - For the kids (the young at heart) download these books in AudioBook, Read Along for Audiobook and ebook formats for iPad (ibooks), and other ereaders. https://www.charlevillequeensland.com/book-shop
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