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Lotus Lactation
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24.01.2022 Vaccines are so important. I’ll be jumping at the opportunity to get my family and myself vaccinated as soon as the corona vaccine is available
24.01.2022 Breastfeeding tips source: nutritionarts.com
24.01.2022 What other tips do you have?
22.01.2022 Are you familiar with why we wait for the white when clamping or cutting your baby’s umbilical cord? It’s known as delayed cord clamping. If you take a look a...t the first couple photos you’ll see what your baby’s cord may look like at birth. At that time there’s still about a 1/3 of your baby’s blood pumping through the cord and placenta. The latter photos show what the cord looks like after waiting a while. Physiologic cord camping allows for optimal transfusion of this blood which is necessary for your baby’s health. DCC results in a boost of your baby’s blood supply & higher iron levels, which is vital for healthy brain development and increased oxygenation for your baby. Midwives have always practiced delayed clamping and cutting while many providers clamp as soon as the baby is placed on moms chest. Policy’s are being updated as hospitals become more mom & baby friendly & providers are catching up on the evidence. Don’t hesitate to state your desires to delay clamping the cord if you birth in a space where this isn’t the norm. The time delayed varies by many providers, but a rule of thumb would be to wait until the cord is no longer pulsating. If you view many out of hospital birth photos & see the baby still attached to the placenta, this is why. Did you delay clamping and cutting your baby’s cord? Why or why not? #delayedcordclamping #waitforthewhite #homebirth #mymidwifetia #naturalbirth #midwife #childbirtheducation #birthprep #pregnancy : tagged in original post on Instagram. breedowners_doula_photography
21.01.2022 This is something that can cause a mamma to stop breastfeeding. Please please please get some help before stopping because your mills supply can generally be fixed!
19.01.2022 For the #milkmakers You do MORE that a full time job, no vacation/holiday AND feed your baby with you body. #epic The Little Milk Bar ... . . For support in your gentle parenting journey get your copy of the new Winter Issue 39 of The Natural Parent Magazine https://linktr.ee/TheNaturalParentMagazine See more
18.01.2022 Hug your baby, you won’t realise that you need a hug too
18.01.2022 Black Breastfeeding Week 2020. Black breasts fed America. Support Black Breastfeeding!
17.01.2022 This is beautiful. We offer this service too
16.01.2022 The word galactogogue comes from the Greek term galacta which means milk. Galactogogues are substances that help increase a nursing mother’s milk supply and... can be found in herbs, lactogenic foods, lactation supplements, or prescription medications. Examples of lactogenic herbs: Fenugreek, Fennel, Alfalfa, Blessed Thistle, Shatavari, Milk Thistle, Goat’s Rue, and Vitex. Examples of lactogenic foods: oatmeal, Brewer’s yeast, and flax. Before you decide on any type of galactagogue, consider your reasons for doing so. Do you think that your milk supply is low? Why? Many moms think that they have a low milk supply even though their supply is just fine. It is very important to talk to your doctor and a lactation consultant before adding any herbs to your diet. Remember that any galactagogue will be most effective in raising milk supply when combined with increased breastfeeding frequency and milk removal. Keep in mind that if you have an underlying medical condition (i.e. thyroid issue, hormonal imbalance, insufficient glandular tissue, etc), galactogogues may not help with milk supply. It is important to find the root cause of low milk production with the help of an IBCLC. repost @wildflowerbreastfeeding #galactogogues #lactogenicfoods #lactogenic #herbs #breastfeeding #breastfeedingsupport #wildflowerbreastfeeding #ibclc #lactationconsultant #lactation #milkproduction #pregnancy #postpartum
15.01.2022 The wonders of a placenta. So sad to see them discarded without a thought once the baby comes. #placentaencapsulation#placentatour
13.01.2022 Wharton’s Jelly magic . Here you see a true knot being slipped up and down the cord with ease due to the gelatinous substance that surrounds a baby’s umbil...ical cord called Wharton’s jelly. This is also what makes it easy for a care provider to slip a nuchal cord (umbilical cord around a baby’s neck) over a baby’s head as they pass through a vulva. . About 1 in 3 babies are born with a nuchal cord and in the majority of cases, it is completely harmless Mom & baby from the video are healthy and happy . Shared from @nestandnourishbirth . #aboutbirth #aboutbirthonline #onlinelearning #laelandjules #birtheducation #reproduction #positivebirth #onlinebirtheducation #placenta # #whartonsjelly #thirdstage #onlinebirthclasses See more
12.01.2022 LATCHING POSITIONS: Side-lying When you feed your baby in the side-lying position, you lie on your side and place your baby down alongside you on their side.... You and your child will be facing each other belly to belly with your baby's head at the level of your breast/chest and their feet toward your feet. When you might want to use this position: In the hospital After a cesarean Middle of the night feedings Large breasts Baby is sleepy You need rest Have you tried this position to feed your baby?
09.01.2022 WILL TOO MUCH WATER DECREASE MILK SUPPLY? Flat out no. The only thing that maaaaybe has basis is that it might make your nipples more elastic. Let me explain ho...w the body works... . . Your body cells wants to be in water balance to make sure electrolytes work. So when you drink MORE water than what you need, your body gets rid of it to keep the balance. How? Water goes into your blood, through your kidneys, and well... you pee! . . When is it too much? You continuously pound back water WITHOUT peeing (or you have a medical condition that affects your kidney function). There is too much water for our blood to handle so it leaks out into the space between our cells (causing swelling/edema). . . So what does this mean for your milk making cells? . . Well if you have functioning kidneys, milk making is NOT down regulated because there is so much water available. Your milk making cells will simply just keep taking what it needs from your blood and leave the rest for the kidneys to do their thing. . . If you don’t have functioning kidneys or are ignoring your body’s need to pee (and have swelling from this), you’ll likely experience way more problems beyond your milk supply concerns - because this is called water intoxication where your cells can’t function properly. . . So there’s NO evidence that drinking too much water will decrease your supply. But what’s this evidence about too much water and elastic nipples? . . The evidence is actually around how drinking more water than your usual intake will make your *SKIN* more elastic (PMID: 26345226) ... Nipple cells are slightly different than skin cells though, but if you have elastic nipples, maybe check your own hydration. . . Moral of the story? Listen to your body Drink enough to satisfy thirst, and it’s okay if it’s a bit more! Do you have elastic nipples? Check your hydration status. I have another post on my feed about this. . . Stay tuned this week for a new freebie coming your way! Get on my email list if you want to be the first to get it! breastfeedingdietitian.com/insta . . #breastfeedinghelp #breastfeedingmama #breastfeedingsupport #thebreastfeedingdietitian #exclusivepumping #milksupply #newmomlife #breastfedbaby See more
09.01.2022 Anyone else currently pregnant and feeling the effects of this? Watching this made me realise just why I’m feeling so squished! And it’s not even showing all t...he other organs being shoved out of the way! I’m only 24 weeks and already I feel like the space under my ribs requires a we’re at full capacity sign! No social distances for these organs Thanks to @aboutbirthonline for sharing @douleando epic video. Such a great reminder of how incredible the body is during pregnancy and what’s required of it! Be kind to yourselves pregnant people
09.01.2022 The Benefits of Breastfeeding (poster courtesy of the alpha parent) #PillarBreastfeedingSupportGroup #OLPMC #breastfeeding #baby #moms #breastfeedingmoms #nicetoknow
08.01.2022 Babywearing can help support perinatal mental health for both parents/caregivers. There are many reasons why it’s helpful; hormone release, soft touch, a tool t...o calm children (and yourself), a way to keep little ones safe and build confidence. It helped me: and I know it has helped countless others, as part of a wider support structure. What about you?
07.01.2022 Take a look at these two photos (the breastfeeding message in English has been added; it wasn’t in the original). The two photos are part of a joint campaign, c...o-sponsored by the Brazilian Pediatric Society and Nestle. What these photos suggest and what is strongly emphasized by the words on the mother’s breast (translation: Your child is what you eat), is that if a mother doesn’t have an ideal diet, her child will get nutritionally poor milk if she breastfeeds; he will get junk food milk, or, in other words, breastmilk which is deficient in nutrients and could damage the baby’s health. This is outrageous and sinister advertising. Nestle does it again. Nestle undermines breastfeeding while, at the same time looks like a good corporate citizen. The message of this campaign states directly what formula companies have been trying to tell mothers for years: "Eat right or don’t breastfeed." This campaign is based on a myth about breastfeeding so ingrained that it instantly gets full support of doctors and much of the public - the idea that if a mother drinks soda or eats junk food or sweets or chocolate or ... insert any number of foods considered bad for breastfeeding mothers, her milk turns into these foods and the baby sucks out a hamburger (metaphorically speaking of course) while breastfeeding. In other words, formula companies joined by the pediatric society say "if you can’t make the right life style choices, then formula is safer, because formula is scientifically designed and controlled whereas you as a mother as not disciplined enough to deny yourself a hamburger". In fact, the more the socio-economic situation of the mother is difficult, the more important is it for her baby and for her that she breastfeed. In Brazil, as in many countries of the world, it is the poor whose diets may not be ideal. And most know their diets may be less than perfect, but they cannot afford better. So if they are influenced by this advertising and not breastfeed, their children will be faced with significant risks of becoming sick and even dying from gastroenteritis or respiratory diseases. And this can be a reason mothers don’t breastfeed in wealthy countries too. My diet just isn’t as good as Health Canada’s food guide says it should be. The piece of the puzzle that these campaigns prevent people from learning is that the composition of breastmilk is relatively independent of what the mother eats, that breastmilk contains hundreds of items, including live cells, that will never be part of formula and that the biochemistry of formula is entirely different from that of breastmilk. Eating poorly does not cause the immune factors (including the antibodies) from breastmilk, nor the stem cells, nor the prostaglandins, nor the white cells and dozens of other important ingredients to disappear from breastmilk. Proteins, sugars, fats and other nutrients in breastmilk are "high quality" no matter what the mother eats. That the Brazilian pediatric society would endorse this campaign says that they are completely out of touch with what babies and children need and don´t know that promoting children´s health (and their mother´s heath) means making it possible for mothers to breastfeed. It is very sad. The formula companies are cunning, they have the resources to smell out an opportunity and to use it. And the pediatric societies instead of reading the World Health Organization materials and forwarding them to pediatricians and mothers, wait for formula companies to predigest (and in the process twist) the message and then join hands with the pediatric societies to feed it to the public. The WHO 1000 days campaign has been turned against breastfeeding as much as the WHO Code did. The WHO did not predict that the Code would give rise to "follow on formulas" just as this 1000 days campaign has been turned into a perfect marketing campaign for formula companies.
07.01.2022 Summary of the top ten sleep myths I hear, taken from chapter 1 of Let’s talk about your new family’s sleep. I’ve been supporting families nearly 20 years, and... teaching others for nearly 9... so one of the twisted privileges of that is that I get to hear about many myths. These myths can be demoralising, frustrating and depressing to hear for families. So I devoted an entire chapter to debunking them. Here are the top 10 myths I hear about, along with some info about why they’re unhelpful. How many of these have you heard? #bustingmyths #nobullshit #holisticsleepcoaching #sleepcoach #holisticsleepcommunity #gentleparenting #evidencebase #ibclc #nurse #sleep #supportingparents #community #nosleeptraining #biologicallynormal #infantsleep #babysleep #tiredparents #realtalk
05.01.2022 The evidence-base is clear. Formula feeding is risky. Breastfeeding, especially six months of exclusive breastfeeding, has a significant effect in the reductio...n of mortality from the two biggest contributors to infant deaths: diarrhoea and pneumonia (Figure 2), as well as on all-cause mortality [4]. In addition, evidence for the specific survival benefits of continued breastfeeding from 6 to 23 months points to continued protection against illness such as diarrhea and respiratory infection, with similar levels observed for both [9]." https://www.unicef.org//IYCF_programming_guide_Apr_2013.pdf
04.01.2022 My favourite breastfeeding position. How comfy does mum look?
04.01.2022 Another beautiful placenta lovingly encapsulated and ready for its Mumma..
03.01.2022 Were you ever told that the latch looks good but it still HURT?? It really doesn’t matter much what it looks like. Good questions to ask: Is mom comfortable? ...Is baby transferring milk? Note: the latch may not look textbook, but if baby is growing and having good diaper output, and mom is comfy, all is well. Or opposite- the latch may look amazing but if mom is cringing in pain and dreading feedings, something is wrong. #latch #latchandpositioning #breastfeeding #breastfeedingsupport #tonguetie #liptie #wildflowerbreastfeeding #ibclc #lactationconsultant #lactation #milkproduction #pregnancy #postpartum
02.01.2022 I just love this!
01.01.2022 Breastfeeding is a team effort This 2 month old baby had never breastfed before. This was the first time baby latched. Supporting mum to increase/establish... milk supply (lots of skin-to-skin contact!). Avoid all bottles, spoon/cup feed instead. Skin-to-skin contact so so important and empowering mothers to believe in their ability to produce milk is key. Breastfeeding counseling and some education. And remember...Relaxation is the key to Relactation. Here family are taught and then involved in the process of Relactation. Drip-Drop Method used. Sometimes all you need is plenty of skin-to-skin contact and a suckling baby. But like in this case, baby needed a little technical support to be enticed to the breast... * With consent to share
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