Lotus Life Solutions in Perth, Western Australia | Business service
Lotus Life Solutions
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
Phone: +61 414 851 541
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24.01.2022 This is something I do to de stress! Would love to hear what others do to de stress ?
24.01.2022 Another happy client. The session was done online. If you need any extra support at this time please pm me or contact me on 0414851541. ... Julie x
23.01.2022 So privileged to have been trained in this incredible modality that has been recognised world wide as the number 1 modality for treating PTSD and Trauma. Such an amazing tool and I cant wait to help people heal themselves. The results are incredible.
22.01.2022 Our ego wants to fix our emotions, stop them, numb them out or shut them down. When we are in our healthy Adult, we remember that our emotions are a normal part of being human. We experience a range of emotions from love to fear. Our goal is to allow our emotions to run through us without stopping them; to become witness to them without judgement or story...to even use them as our internal guidance system to move forward or pause. Our emotions are a gift when we learn how to... not fear them and instead witness and/or work with them. They are not something that needs to be shut down. When we do this, we shut down parts of ourselves. Our emotions are coming from our beautiful inner child. When we shut down our emotions, we shut down our inner child. A great first step to healing is to notice what you are feeling/experiencing. Can you name an emotion youre feeling right now and really sit in without judgement or trying to change it?
21.01.2022 Had the opportunity to take two new beautiful clients through some really profound processes online this week after completing the Family Freedom Protocol course created and taught by the amazing Emma Romano. So happy I did this course and have learnt through it so many powerful process to remove peoples limiting beliefs and help relationships within families thrive as well as the individuals themselves.
20.01.2022 I read something disturbing today ... someone was worrying about leaving a toxic relationship only to have the effort of going through the connecting of new souls, figuring out if theyre right for you, working through trust issues from past relationships ... it went on and on .. FUCK NO!!! Work on yourself, love yourself, find yourself, be in a relationship with yourself and nurture it ... then and only then .. will the right person show themselves and it will not raise those questions. Date yourself
20.01.2022 Ever considered the possibility that severe life long trauma can suddenly just be gone? That horrific pain you carry, that 10 out of 10 problem you’ve had for... decades, and all the emotions, reactions and beliefs that stem from it can suddenly just be released? What if I told you, that’s a very natural occurrence with the Sacred Ancestral Clearing and DNA Healing Process. I’ve have seen it countless times - basically every time I take someone thru it. Because we release the problem from the conscious, subconscious, energetic, cellular and soul level. We release the energy, we get the learnings. It transcends all pain. And my practitioners are consistently getting the same results. I’m no longer seeing clients (and may not ever again when I return I may only return to teaching) so I HIGHLY recommend booking in with any of my fabulous practitioners... Check out Julie Doyle from Lotus Life Solutions she’s AMAZING! Located NOR - WA but also available online
20.01.2022 What are someone the powerful words that move you forward?
20.01.2022 WOW.... Im in a lot of spiritual groups and Im hearing the same things over and over again ... 1. Im feeling depressed 2. Constant headaches and dizziness 3. Suicidal tendencies ... These feelings are coming from a collective consciousness (awakening) but what were seeing at the moment is the storm before the calm !! Things are so crazy right now. Corruption, child trafficking, racism is so rife in this world that people are living in fear. What we need to do as a collective is step out of the fear and into love and light. The more we do this and spread our light far and wide, the faster, we as a collective will ascend into the 5th dimension. Have faith . A new Earth is coming.
19.01.2022 Thank you Shani-Faye Chambers for sharing this. I forget how powerful these simplistic words are but when said with intent , they can change someones day in one sentence. If you are unaware of the magic of these words and where they originated from and the profound effects they have on people please research this. . ... Truly magical
18.01.2022 I love this. I always explain to clients/friends.. It DOES NOT matter what we’ve been through. We can only gage our emotions on our worst and best experience. One person could have been in an abusive relationship, another may have been ignored by a parent as a child. We shouldn’t ever judge people on having a ‘sheltered life’ we all have a worst and best experience. We live within that. It’s how we choose to react to it that counts. ... See more
18.01.2022 Time line reset is the worlds #1 modality for getting people through PTSD and traumas. PM me for more info.
17.01.2022 I know from the work I do that there are many people that suffer from panic/anxiety attacks, I hope this is useful. We’re never alone in this although it feels very lonely at the time. I had a huge panic attack several days ago and I had to listen to guided meditation for about 3 hrs to remind me to breathe. It’s so important to do breath work and sometimes in the moment our thoughts take over and we forget to breathe properly. There are many videos on YouTube that will ...be able to explain this better than myself but please never feel alone in this. Many of us go through it and don’t talk about it but it’s extremely common and it’s our unconscious mind trying to keep us safe. Just breathing and knowing it WILL pass is the key. Xxx See more
17.01.2022 HOW MUCH DOES YOUR EMOTIONAL AND PHYSICAL HEALTH MEAN TO YOU ? Im privileged to have had the training to get rid of the below ailments for people with the amazing process of Timeline Reset by Emma Romano. Fast becoming known as the worlds #1 modality in the world for this... Time Line Reset is a beautiful process that gets rid of your trapped emotions which create dense areas of trapped negative energy in our bodies which not only hold you back emotionally but can c...ause physical ailments. The process is simple yet powerful and very safe. You dont need to revisit certain traumas (which we all have on some level) to be able to get rid of the trapped emotions surrounding them. Normally $450 for 3, 60-90 min sessions, for the rest of September Im offering this process for $399 upfront or $450 on a payment plan. WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE FREE OF ALL THE SHITTY STUFFY INSIDE OF YOU THAT YOUVE BEEN HANGING ONTO FOR YEARS IF NOT DECADES ? ? The payment plans make this affordable for all and the reason Ive done this is because I know how powerful this process is and I want to help as many people as possible. YOU DESERVE TO BE HAPPY Contact me (Julie) for more info. 0414851541
14.01.2022 Sad to have had to say goodbye to someone I thought was a dear friend today... I knew he had been tested positive for COVID a few weeks back and after telling ...him Id been sick the past few days he said How was it having COVID? I didnt have COVID but I said Ive been self isolating so others didnt catch it (I would do this for any type of virus) He told me when he had COVID he was still going out and meeting with people and why should he be punished for having COVID ?!! I said what about all the people that have underlying health issues that you cant see and he replied ...they should be the ones staying at home I had to ask the question again cause surely Id misunderstood the answer so I re worded it and got the same answer. WTAF ?!! And this person is a life coach !! So his theory is that people with ongoing medical issues, even if they have them their entire lives , should stay home so that people with COVID or the flu or gastro can go out when theyre sick and spread it to as many people as they want to and people with ongoing medical issues should stay at home all the time and not have a life in case these selfish idiots pass it to them. I think that is the most selfish and stupid thing I have EVER heard in my entire life !!!! BTW this person is in Melbourne so probably contributed to the fact that theres been a spike and theres been another lockdown. Seriously what is wrong with people?! People are missing their loved ones birthdays/celebrations , not able to see their new born grandchildren or elderly parent etc etc. STAY THE FUCK HOME IF YOU HAVE COVID !!
14.01.2022 I find this really interesting... I’m somewhere between secure and avoidant .. would love to know others opinions ?! ...
14.01.2022 Happy Easter to all my beautiful followers, clients and friends. I know its a tough one this year but sending love to you all and I hope you have a wonderful time whatever youre doing (or not doing ) Best wishes ... Julie x See more
14.01.2022 I put this up a few weeks ago. Since then Ive had many people contacts me saying theyve been feeling depressed , suicidal, lack of motivation.. Ive felt that way myself ..as has in one of my family members. YOU ARE NOT ALONE... pls reach out. I CAN help. Wishing you all love .!
14.01.2022 Shadow work is so important.. suppressing our emotions will work temporarily but will inevitably come out in worse ways... lean into the pain... feel it ... come out of the other side and the light will be so much brighter and more fulfilling and you won’t make those mistakes again. Xxxx
12.01.2022 Hey my lovelies. Ive recorded a hypnosis for you all based on forgiveness and letting go of resentment. Please let me know if you would like me to send it to you . Comment YES below to receive it. ... You can do this during the day sat up or use it to drift off to sleep at night. Entirely up to you. Please feel free to share Enjoy
12.01.2022 Who is curious about previous lives? Ive always been fascinated about it and so I decided to do a course and become a practitioner in it and had the privilege... of learning this fascinating modality with the incredible Emma Romano and Greg Riley who are the top of their field. What surprised me by doing this course is not only the amazing experiences you see/feel whilst going through this process and the information you receive but also to see the lessons we learn about how our previous lives affect our present life. Theres always a message in this process and its amazing how many breakthroughs you can have . If any one would like any more information about it please reach out. Its so powerful. Xx
11.01.2022 Omggggg. In the middle of a past life regression course with Emma Romano and Greg Riley and its absolutely mind blowing If anyone wants to know who they were in a previous life and what affect thats having on yhis life let me know cause this is fascinating. Can be done online as well.
11.01.2022 Well worth a quick watch. Words are medicine !
11.01.2022 Had to share this. Its so true. Its our experiences that allow us to help others through theirs
09.01.2022 The makings of a healthy relationship
09.01.2022 I love this. What are you doing more of? What do you need to do less of?
09.01.2022 Normally my attention span isnt long enough to watch an hr long podcast but OMGF this girl is amazing
08.01.2022 COMPETITION TIME One of the most fascinating things I have ever studied and taken people through . HAVE YOU EVER WANTED TO FIND OUT WHERE OR WHO YOUVE BEEN IN A PAST LIFE? ... This month Im giving away a FREE online Past Life Regression session Rules... 1. Like this page 2. Share this post 3. Tag as many people as you like (1 entry per tag) Winner will be announced on Sat 19th at 12pm. T&Cs Youll need to have a computer that has a camera and be in a quiet space with no distractions. Ill call the winner prior to the session to walk them through this incredible process Good luck Julie x
08.01.2022 We are heading into Mental Health and Awareness week on the September 21-27th. I will openly start a facebook conversation about this over the next few weeks le...ading up to to the date as I think this deserves the conversation. Firstly lets get rid of the word mental, as this associated word carries negative stigma.. I look at our country and I see it has been voted one of the most desirable places in the world to live in and yet we have the highest suicide rate and general overall wellbeing is not great , the number of suicides in New Zealand has reached its highest-ever level 2019, with 685 people dying in the year to June 30. That compares to the 2018 road toll where 377 lives were lost. In the 20 to 24 year age group, the numbers of people who took their own lives grew from 76 to 91. In the past decade, the number of suicides has risen 29 per cent, from 531 deaths in 2008/09, compared to 685 in 2018/19. In the same period the rate of suicides per 100,000 people went from 12.04 to 13.93 - up 15.7 per cent. Men continue to be more at risk, with 68 per cent of the deaths this year men. There was also an increase in suicide statistics amongst Mori and Pacific Islanders. The Mori rate rose from 142 to 169 deaths, whilst the Pacific Island figures rose from 23 to 34 deaths. Mental disorders, as a group, are the third-leading cause of health loss for New Zealanders (11.1% of all health loss), behind only cancers (17.5%) and vascular and blood disorders (17.5%). I will start of one tool that helps with wellbeing and if practiced like most behaviours it will make a difference.. What have you found that can assist with this topic, as I like to normalise this and open it up for discussion ?
08.01.2022 I love this. Im so blessed to be surrounded by so many amazing people in my life that I know I wouldnt have met if I hadnt been through certain hardships. Im grateful for those times and the lessons theyve taught me and allowed me to have so many beautiful friends.
07.01.2022 So many people are struggling atm with increased anxiety, very vivid dreams or sleeplessness nights. . Dont be concerned by this. We are heading towards ...a global conscious awakening and people that are feeling this way are more in tune with whats happening in the universe It may take a while but everything will come into alignment for you at the right time. These are confusing and troubled times but there will be a beautiful outcome at the end of it We are already seeing amazing things happening as Mother Nature heals from the world pausing. Be excited for what is to come Love to all. Xx
07.01.2022 ... THE #1 LAW OF ATTRACTION: POLARITY Home Ask Tony How can I harness the law of polarity? What you will learn from reading this article:... The definition of the law of polarity and how it relates to relationships and personal goals The difference between masculine and feminine energy (and how the two don’t necessarily correspond to physical gender) How you can use the law of polarity to transform your life Ways to identify your own energy and how it manifests itself in your life the law of polarity Is there a single law that explains how the universe works? It’s a complex world we live in and the human mind is even more complicated. But if there is one principle that comes close to making sense of it all, it’s the law of polarity. Understanding the law of polarity is essential to living a fulfilling and happy life. The energy you put out into the world matters not only to and for your relationships, but to all of your life goals. WHAT IS THE LAW OF POLARITY? The law of polarity is the principle that everything has two poles: good and evil, love and hate, attraction and disconnection. Think of the North and South Poles on a globe or a battery with its negative and positive terminals. Everything in the universe has an opposite. Everything is dual. And it’s what allows us to experience life to the fullest and appreciate the good in the world. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This is Newton’s Third Law of Motion, and it sums up the law of polarity perfectly. It means that forces come in pairs: negative and positive, action and reaction, masculine and feminine. You can not only nurture certain energies within yourself, but also use the law of polarity to draw other energies to you like a magnet. ‘Tony Robbins’
06.01.2022 Morning Excited to announce that I am now offering payment plans for all of my services to make them more accessible to people. For more information on the services I offer please go up the services section on this page or pm me to arrange a time for a free 15 minute, no obligation consultation. ... Julie Doyle x
05.01.2022 The Angels: Dealing with Intense Emotion Posted on 06/01/2020 by EraOfLight My dear friends, we love you so very much,... Many of you are empathic. You feel the world deeply. You feel its fears, its upsets, and hopefully its love and hopefulness as well. You may know intellectually that youre not afraid of the virus, yet from time to time you feel fear. You may know youre not by nature an angry soul and yet you find yourself more irritable and a less tolerant than usual. You may feel hopeful, excited about the future, and grateful to be alive, one moment, then in the next, frustrated with yourself when worries or guilt creep in. Be kind to yourselves dear ones. There is massive growth going on in the human race and in each of your hearts as you raise your collective vibration. You are growing beyond anything you have ever experienced, into a dimension of interconnectedness beyond your wildest dreams. You are growing into a vibration where you will more quickly see the results of the energies you are emitting into the universe where you have a chance to manifest in ways you have not before. You are moving into a vibration where love is valued more than stuff, and where compassion is valued more than being right. Right now, however, it is a breach and bumpy birthing. As greater light arises within each of you it is flushing out the darkness the old stuffed fears, tears, upsets, worries, guilts you name it! Think of running clear water through an old pipe. At first all you will see is the gunk washing out. Flow long enough and the clear and pure water will reveal itself. The feelings are further compounded because you are feeling the world. Your anger will feel amplified by the worlds vibration of frustration. Your fear will seem stronger for the same reason. So too with your sadness, your pain, and also, happily, your joy! No matter what you feel, you are feeling the vibration in the mass consciousness that matches your own feelings, even more strongly. There is no escaping from yourselves. There is no escaping your connection with one another. It is time dear ones to remember this simple mantra: Reveal Feel Heal See & Be Free Reveal: This pandemic has put you in situations where you are not in control. Youve had to be with yourself without distractions. Youve had to get to know yourself better. All of life has conspired to bring to the surface the things that youve stuffed. Youre seeing your hopes and dreams more clearly. Youre seeing your desire for connection, you fears, your upsets, your loneliness, your light and your brilliance. All your old feelings about these feelings are coming up too! Do you feel shame or blame for being upset over petty things when people are dying? We would never shame you for your feelings. Do you feel guilt for feeling amazing? We would only encourage you to feel joy. Do you feel sad that in order to feel happy you have to walk away from a situation that never quite worked anyway? We celebrate your awakening. Feel: There is only one thing to do with all these emotions, dear ones. Be with them. Feel them deeply. Send love to the parts of self that dont feel so great. Send encouragement to the powerful and light filled parts and tell them to shine without guilt. Imagine you are talking to people inside you, for indeed you are talking to aspects of your own soul that got pushed deep within, and were ignored or unloved. It is time to sit with these unloved parts of your soul and heal them. Heal: As you acknowledge your feelings, you begin to heal. As you love yourself through your frustrations, your fears, your loneliness, your guilt, your tantrums, and in your glorious magnificent light without shame or guilt for being in your power, you heal. Love heals. All that is coming up within you simply wants to be acknowledged and loved. Try not to distract yourself. Try not to fall into old behaviors that allow you to avoid your feelings. Feel yourself deeply and love yourself all of you. It is in self-love and self-acceptance that you become more whole, elevate your vibration, and feel your connection to the loving Source ever more deeply. See & Be Free: Observe the desires arising within you. Observe the changes you desire in your life. Grant yourself permission to dream the dreams that youve pushed aside. Allow yourselves to fantasize about lives you havent a clue how to create. Even when you feel constrained by the rules externally, find your freedom internally. Stop censoring your soul. Stop sorting out acceptable vs. unacceptable dreams. Even if you wear a face mask, take off the mask of the false persona and let others see who you really are. Connect with your eyes, and more importantly with your hearts. Be kind to yourselves as you move forward into uncharted futures. Be sensitive to yourself. Feel your feelings. As they are revealed, love them and help them heal. Dream your dreams. Be your authentic self. You are dropping the confines you have placed around your own hearts and the walls youve created between hearts. You are unmasking your true selves, willing at long last to step forth into the world as the unique, beautiful, bright, and loving lights that you truly are. Enjoy the journey of your birthing dear ones, even if it is a messy and challenging. Our love is with you every day. Our guidance is with you. We never judge you, always love you, and lovingly ask you to grant yourselves the same unconditional acceptance as you move forward. Revealing your feelings is healing. You are freeing your spirits from the things that blocked you from feeling love. As you do so, you uplift yourselves and the entire human race. God Bless You! We love you so very much. The Angels Source Channel: Ann Albers
04.01.2022 So so true. Something I definitely need to work on.
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