Louise Dixon in Ashgrove, Queensland | Tutor/teacher
Louise Dixon
Locality: Ashgrove, Queensland
Address: 429 Waterworks Road 4060 Ashgrove, QLD, Australia
Website: http://www.louisedixon.com.au
Likes: 89
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25.01.2022 Lets acknowledge the difference between rhythm of words and musical rhythm. Though they should match each other on the most important levels, they can also var...y in many ways. For example, when we read, we normally dont extend a syllable for four beats, nor do we speed up parts of a line and slow other parts down significantly. Music does it all the time. What should remain constant between the rhythms of words and musical rhythm is this: Stressed syllables belong with stressed notes. Unstressed syllables belong with unstressed noted. This is called preserving the natural shape of the language. See more
25.01.2022 Only TWO WEEKS until auditions for THE BOY FROM OZ begin! Savoyards 2019 production of The Boy From Oz will bring the story-telling of Peter Allens music and... lyrics into focus, with a reimagined concept and design. The Boy From Oz offers something for everyone. Not only does the production showcase well-known and beloved characters, but also includes an array of featured minor and ensemble roles. Have you scheduled your audition? AUDITION PACK: savoyards.com.au/audition . . . THE BOY FROM OZ Auditions 7th to 9th of July, 2019 savoyards.com.au/theboyfromoz
23.01.2022 A little song writing advice from Pat Pattison. I did one of Pats courses a number of years ago.
22.01.2022 Eager to start preparing for your next audition? Want to get ahead of the crowd? Sign up to our Mailing List by the 16th of May to receive early access to The Boy from Oz Audition Pack! SIGN UP HERE: www.savoyards.com.au/audition
22.01.2022 Fantastic group
20.01.2022 Message for the songwriters
19.01.2022 When The Lion King and Jungle Festival invites itself to the Gare de Lyon ... Love music? check out these: bit.ly/2Lw1thA
17.01.2022 A long time coming. Im starting a choir
17.01.2022 AURORA takes you across the universe for Like A Version.
17.01.2022 Songwriting tip from Pat Pattison
17.01.2022 I am so lucky to have worked with so many amazing singing teachers. I sung with Jim for three years after graduating from the Queensland Conservatorium. I wanted my time with Jim to be less about the sound I made and more about refinement. He helped me so much with my languages and musicality. As a young opera singer it was wonderful to work with him professionally at Opera Queensland (Lyric Opera of Queensland). A time has ended.
16.01.2022 There are so many neurological benefits of #singing. Even at an amateur level, it is beneficial to peoples emotional, physical, and cognitive well-being. Singi...ng both listening to it and doing it can release #dopamine, a chemical that works to help regulate the brains pleasure and reward centres. #Music has also been found to release #serotonin, a neurotransmitter found mostly in the digestive tract that helps regulate our moods, social behaviors and appetite; other studies have shown that #cortisol levels can be lower when listening to music and singing. Requiem masses by Mozart, Haydn, Verdi and Berlioz are extremely popular selections for #choirs worldwide. And even though the content isnt necessarily joyful or soothing in these cases, #endorphins hormones produced by the central nervous system release and interact with opiate receptors in the brain, diminishing pain and triggering an almost analgesic feeling in the body. Our brains still get an endorphin rush, which apparently feels a lot like taking morphine. In addition, Dr. David Huron, a music professor at OSU, postulates that singing may increase #prolactin production; prolactin is found both in tears and in nursing mammals, and it helps regulate the immune system. Doctors are now finding that singers have more circuit connections between the right and left sides of their #brains than non-singers. Research findings have shown that elderly singers suffer #depression less frequently, make fewer doctors visits each year, need less medication, and also increase their other activities. And the most remarkable phenomenon that a choir vocalist experiences are the many take your breath away moments that come as a result of being one of many voices coming #together in harmony. A 2004 study by Dr. Gunter Kreutz showed that singing in a choir as opposed to simply listening to choral music increases SIgA production (antibodies in saliva that help immune function) and other positive physical responses. So if you get the chance to sing, do it. Youll be happier and healthier for it, no matter how you sound. https://www.choraldirectormag.com//your-brain-and-singing/ #neurochild #music #musicalintelligence
15.01.2022 Song Mandala Choir meeting on Sunday 2pm. ALL WELCOME! [email protected]
14.01.2022 https://youtu.be/uPwkwHuhZA4
12.01.2022 I studied at the WAAPA before coming to Queensland and completing my studies here at the Conservatorium. WAAPA is unique. My time there was an intensity of extreme experiences. I had some of the best times of my life there. Highly recommend to some of you wanting to study opera.
12.01.2022 Jonathon Welch, founder of the Choir of Hard Knocks, demonstrates how serotonin is produced when we make music together.
12.01.2022 Swing-Latin-Classic Rock all with a cocktail feel - come on down for one of Brisbanes iconic experiences at the Emporium Hotel - Thursday nights from 6pm https://moodmusic.com.au/event/amica-jazz-on-thursdays-1-8/
11.01.2022 Humming is one of the best exercises for physical pain, as it massages the body from the inside. Keep the pitch low and if you can, try to notice where in the body you feel the sound resonate. Try to direct the pitch so that you can feel the sound in the part where you feel pain.
10.01.2022 Think youre not a bluegrass fan? Wait til you hear The Petersens cover Jolene!
10.01.2022 Registrations close this Thursday for our Holiday Music Program! Dont miss out on this amazing opportunity to learn from our talented tutors! With a wide range... of musical backgrounds and hidden talents - your children will have a holiday thats memorable and educational! https://bit.ly/2M4GYJ8
09.01.2022 Really good local band!
08.01.2022 Hi Singers Information is changing daily. This is my third update. These emails are only going to students I have seen in the last four months. I realise there are others who come less often. Information will be updated on the front of my webpage. Studio Concerts...Continue reading
08.01.2022 Very timely on the week that my new choir - Song Mandala is starting up. All welcome on Sunday at 2pm.
07.01.2022 Australian singer Kim Sheehy.
07.01.2022 Awesome local band!
06.01.2022 Song writing top from Pat Pattison.
05.01.2022 Anxiety is a psychological and sociological phenomenon. Some amount of anxiety can help stimulate action and creativity but persistent anxiety can be debilitating. #MTD #muscletensiondysphonia
04.01.2022 Hi Singers It feels like the right time to email everyone about the serious issue of Corona Virus. Please dont come to the studio if you have any cold and flu symptoms... This is something I say often and yet people will often come at the end of a cold if they feel they are not contagious. Singers also often turn up because they feel they are letting other singers down in a concert situation. At this time PLEASE JUST STAY HOME. Please also note that I have many students who are over the age of 60 or who for various reasons have low immunity so I need to provide a germ free environment. Fees I have never charged for missed lessons and will not start doing that now. In 2020 group sessions are also pay as you come. Cleaning All surfaces are being cleaned often throughout the day. This includes remotes for the air-conditioning, music stands, percussion instruments, pianos, guitar stands, pens and pencils, door handles, toilet/bathroom area and kitchen. Please dont rinse glasses for water out yourself after use. At this time washing up is done carefully in boiling water. Hand sanitiser is available in the waiting room and in the studio. Concerts and Events As you know, I have a lot of concerts in the studio. We can usually at the most expect 20 people at a concert. This number includes the singers. All chairs will be wiped down with disinfectant after use. Bigger concerts Special concerts this year are being held at the Red Hill Community Sports Centre. I expect at the very most to have 50 people at these events. That number includes singers. Choir If the Song Mandala choir was bigger, I would put it into recess but at this time between 8 and 12 singers show up at each session. Groups Singing groups between 4 and 7 singers will continue at this time. Skype, Zoom and Internet lessons I have the facility via my webpage for skype integration. It has never been my favoured way of teaching mainly because of the delay for singers singing with my piano accompaniment. I can provide midi files for those wishing to have private lessons via skype if need be. Will the studio close down? I will strictly follow all advice from the Queensland Health Department regarding keeping the studio open. Given the fast spread of the corona virus, should it be necessary I will notify students of any temporary closure. Office of Jenny Gilmore The office of Louise Dixon - Singers in the Community shares space with Jenny Gilmore. All the same measures are being taken in Jennys office. Sing on! Louise
03.01.2022 We LOVE choirs and the sense of community generated by the gatherings, but right now, it is just too risky. The virtual choir has to be enough... #stayathome #...choir #voices #community #besafe #drsims #janpotterreed #COVID_19 #SARSCoV #shelterinplace https://www.msn.com//a-choir-decided-to-go-ah/ar-BB11Tjim
01.01.2022 I studied song writing with Pat. Great book for all songwriters
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