Louise Byrne Energy Healing in Waterford, Ireland | Medical and health
Louise Byrne Energy Healing
Locality: Waterford, Ireland
Phone: +61 497 836 222
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25.01.2022 With every situation we have, there is a choice. There is options. Ultimately we make the decision one way or another but the place from where that decision is made can have a Huge influence on our lives.... Decisions can be made from Fear or from Love, neither are wrong or right as everything thats ment to happen, will. Next time you want to make a decision check in with your higher self and ask is this decision been made from the most beneficial source? I often find people trying to work from a place of Love are often overshadowed by their fears without even realising it. Fear is our illusion friend, its not real but can have such a Huge impact on our lives! Make friends with your fears and they will no longer have control over you. Choose to vibrate from the highest place there is, Love Rub dTERRAs Rose oil over your heart and allow in the divine love it had to offer in turn, clearing fears that are not needed dTERRAs Rose Oil is the highest vibrational essential oil on the planet
24.01.2022 Reiki Level 1 in the bag Super proud to be officially adding Usui Reiki to my bag of energy super tools . A Huge Thank You to the real life Angel @natalienamaste_ who so perfectly guided us through our training offering so much knowledge, support & love . Highly recommened Natalie for anyone interested in doing a course... . Reiki has existed since the creation of the Universe. It is encoded into the makeup of every living thing. It is the universal energy that flows through us all. . Everybody can benefit from Reiki no matter what the ailment See more
23.01.2022 Some nice mountain views in the Irish countryside . Connecting with nature . .... . . #louisebyrneenergyhealing #nature #grounding #green #mountains #hills #sheep #grass #rock #waterfall #views #countryside #waterford #waterfordireland #sunnysoutheast #healing #reset @ Mahon Falls, Comeragh Mountains, Co. Waterford See more
22.01.2022 Finally its time to reveal to you all my new website I am so incredibly proud and delighted my new website is up & running ready to share with you all! Please share, love and tag your besties to spread the word... Hope you enjoy it as much as I do, Happy Reading
22.01.2022 So excited to be offering QHHT Consults early next year Have you heard of QHHT before?? . QHHT = Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique .... QHHT achieves the deepest level of hypnosis possible and allows past life regression . This technique will very quickly allow people to access that part of themselves that has all of the answers and receive instantaneous healing if its appropriate. . Whos excited?? See more
22.01.2022 Woohhooo!! Roll on Tuesday
21.01.2022 While I patiently wait for the postman to arrive with my new Healy Frequency device, here is a sneaky peak at some of the things this Healy machine is designed to help you rebalance, there is many many many more 144,000 to be precise Exciting times in the world of Energy Medicine and a Huge step towards full health & wellness without the toxic side effects of medication and the like... Which programme do you think you would use the most?? For more info check out my previous posts or message me
20.01.2022 And just like that we are into Spring HELLO SEPTEMBER A little message from Louise Hay for September!
17.01.2022 Cant believe im writing this!! Upon returning to work end of Jan I had planned 2/3 weeks of distant consults only with the view to being back to fulltime in-person and distance soon after - the universe had other plans for me! Well over 200 clients later with excitement, happiness and some nerves I will no longer be taking energy clients in Australia and will be moving back home to Ireland in the coming weeks... I will individually contact everyone on the in-person waiting list but if you see this post and know somebody waiting please tag or share with them, I simply do not have the time to fit them in. I cant Thank all my lovely clients enough for everything over the last 3years! Its been amazing, rewarding, tiring, fun and everything in between, ive learned so much from you all thank you wherever in the world you are for being apart of Louise Byrne Energy Healing I still am/will be availble for all things dTERRA so please feel free to email any qts My upline lady Zoe will also be available to help my team based in Perth, details in comments. The universe works in mysterious ways, Roll on Ireland
17.01.2022 And just like that we are into the last month of 2019! What a year its been! I couldnt think of a better message for December then the one Louise Hay refers to here. Such a pivotal message to close one year and start a new one I have the pleasure everyday to help people who want to be helped with numerous different issues in their life and the most common repeated issues are peoples own negative self beliefs & restrictions they have placed upon themselves... The power of positive thoughts & affirmations are not something to take for granted, as they really do shape the world around us You want a different outcome to something? Shift and change your thinking on it, match the frequency of what you want through your thoughts Life can be simple, if we let it Make this last month of 2019 your most positive yet, let go of limiting negative beliefs and update your thought systems Blessings, Louise
17.01.2022 FRIDAY FEELS Would you like some special guidance specific to just you? I will pick a card just for you, comment below telling me your favourite holiday destination and like/love this post... When commenting, think of a specific question or area you would like an answer too
16.01.2022 Highly recommend anyone with a dTERRA account to join in this amazing night! Last years was brilliant, we got to learn So much behind the scenes work about all the oils and products and left with a new appreciation for these amazing natural products that give us daily support I will be there with some of my team members and you are welcome to join us! Tickets are $15 and you receive a free oil to take home... This year there is 13new products been launched, with the oil range Adaptiv been labelled a game changed which you will get to test and trial yourself on the night Message me if you would like to join in
16.01.2022 Sending big love to everyone been effected by these devastating bushfires over east Stay safe everyone
14.01.2022 Who is looking to join a Yoga Class? Power Vinyasa is on every wed evening with Edel, in Nest Yoga Wembley. Catering from beginners to advanced. Spaces available tomo, all details in this group... https://www.facebook.com//11267/permalink/563670164394458/
14.01.2022 Who is guilty of negative thinking?? Do you know thinking negative thoughts about yourself is the biggest form of self-sabotage? By Acknowledging our thoughts, we then have the power to change them. Swopping negative to positive... The thoughts you think, shape the world around you, be kind to yourself Whats your positive thought of the day? Mine is trusting the flow & divine timing dTERRAs Cypress oil is the perfect oil to accompany this affirmation as it is the oil of motion & flow Cypress works with the heart & mind creating flexibility, apply 2drops to the soles of your feet and repeat the affirmation Happy Monday . Louisebyrne.co
13.01.2022 Another good way to help shift unwanted energies
13.01.2022 Hello November Can you actually believe it? November already!! Only 1 month to santa Whos excited?... Words of wisdom from the beautiful Louise Hay for November 2019
12.01.2022 This is why I love dTERRAs Loyalty rewards programme! This month i spent $210, most of which was on xmas presents for people and I received over $250 worth of free products using my points!! I used my points on home essentials like laundry detergent, body wash, shampoo & conditioner, toothpaste etc and saved myself an absolute fortune right before xmas!!... Whats even better is I will receive another 47points (roughly $60) back from this order so can get more free stuff again next month its win win. All natural ingrediants promoting overall wellness to make it even better! Whats your favourite items to get free on points?? https://www.mydoterra.com/louisebyrne/#/
10.01.2022 A support that has been coming up Alot with clients this week is Meditation. I have had some interesting responses to this and peoples beliefs on meditation are quite interesting So lets set a few things straight here! Meditation is not something you need to sit cross legged for hours and do... Meditation is not about learning how to control your thoughts Meditation is not something only weird people do Meditation is learning how to not let your thoughts control you You can clear Huge energies that are negatively effecting you through meditation including fears and anxieties Yes EVERYBODY can meditate, everybody Yes you can feel amazing benefits on every level through meditation. In my opinion its one of the most under-rated tools a human can have, its free, you can do it anytime anywhere and all you need is yourself! If you have been waiting for a sign to start something new, here it is - Learn to meditate. Tomorrow is our Sept New Moon so Perfect timing to start something new
09.01.2022 Perfect reminder
09.01.2022 As many of you now know, unfortunately I have been quite unwell and out of work since before christmas. Apologies to all my lovely clients who have been re-scheduled and a Huge Thank You to you all for all the well wishes and love, your support has been amazing Being ill and away from home especially at christmas time was not easy and your kind words ment alot The good news is I have been given the all clear now to slowly start back ... So from this Wednesday 5th Feb I will be doing part-time distance only consults As I didnt get a chance at christmas, I would like to say a Huge Thank You to all my clients near and far for your love & support of louise byrne energy healing throughout 2019 and wishing you all the very best of health and happiness for 2020 and onwards lm looking forward to seeing you all again soon and cant wait to get back into my dTERRA workshops Bookings can be made https://louisebyrne.co
09.01.2022 Happy Monday Diffusing beside me today Green Mandarin, Ylang Ylang and Ginger smells amazing and perfect boost on a monday morning, starting off the week on a good vibe!... Green Mandarin - Uplifting Citrus boost, supporting a healthy immune system aswell as a healthy nervous & respiratory system. Helps promote feeling of being Fearless, hopeful, excited and delighted making it an all round brilliant oil that I love!! I also add a drop of this to my water to add flavour too Ylang Ylang - soo beautiful aswell as supporting healthy hair and skin it promotes a calming effect and positive outlook! Being the oil of the inner child it supports you feeling free, emotionally connected and intuitive Ginger - powerhouse oil, who likes Ginger tea? Helping support digestion it also offers a calming effect to emotions. Beautiful to add to breads and cakes too! Emotionally allowing us to feel empowered, capable and committed. How great are these oils! Happy Monday everyone
09.01.2022 Following on from my previous post about my new frequency device called a Healy here is a little inside video that I Love explaining a little more about frequency and how it works in the body and how it can help you.... So interesting! Currently checking the delivery status every 10mins waiting for this too arrive and trial it on everybody
09.01.2022 Im Back After a recent very bad dose of flu I am finally back at work today! A Big Thank you to all you wonderful clients who had to be re-scheduled all last week for you understanding, compassion and well wishes.... I found myself in very strange energies over the past week as firstly I am never sick and secondly it was the first time ever in 2.5yrs of business I had to say "No I cant test you today, I need to reschedule you" which completely took me out of my comfort zone, I never say No to people! So lots of lessons learned. The universe decided I obviously needed a break and a Big reminder that you cant pour from an empty cup! I had lots of time to reflect and see the healthy boundaries I did have in place I had unintentionally taken down and completely pushed myself to far - So lesson learned!! Take this post as your reminder today to look after yourself first, make sure when you say yes to someone/something, your not saying no to yourself! Tag a friend who needs to hear this today and share the Love Consultations available next week and new website is also up and running, check it out! louisebyrne.co
08.01.2022 Its that time of year again, posting about christmas hours! I feel like last christmas was only 6months ago, anyone else feel like that?? Last bookings of the year, I will be finishing up 2019 consults on Dec 20th with Distance Only from Monday Dec 16th which leaves just over 2.5weeks for in-person consults! Thank you as always to my wonderful clients this year, you make my job very rewarding and enjoyable... Blessings https://louisebyrne.co
08.01.2022 There is lots of different reasons we can be energetically imbalanced and feeling off with low energy levels, emotions, not sleeping properly and general wellbeing . Try meditate/connect and ask your higher self can one of these energetic problems be the cause? . Release & clear completely following your higher selfs guidance... . Then ask do i need to replace this with anything? . Job done See more
07.01.2022 2020 the year we really learned the meaning of these words We scroll passed posts like these All the time without a second thought, taking happiness, peace and above all our health for granted. Its not until you are forced to listen do they really connect with you and 2020 has forced us to stop and to listen, to change and rethink the way we live . Spend a moment tonight before going asleep on this World Mental Health Day and name to yourself 10things you have to be grateful... for - more importantly Feel the Gratitude . Reach out to someone, to anyone if you are struggling - you are not alone See more
07.01.2022 And here we are in August, already! Can you believe it, we have less then 5months left in 2020!! This month promotes the message of Creativity and promotes balance of our Sacral Charka Learning to trust ourselves more listening to our bodies & heart and Not our head!... Good time to learn a new hobby in music or art
07.01.2022 O C T O B E R 2 0 1 9 Wise words for our October message! Who else is guilty of blaming themselves for things gone wrong? Who else beats themselves up over the tiny little things - that really dont actually matter? ... More importantly who else is willing to feel more gratitude this month and appreciate where you are in life, where-ever it may be? Tag a friend in the comments below and ask them to join you in a month of only gratitude vibes and see how you both feel on October 31st Get tagging
05.01.2022 Using some lovely Cedarwood incense to cleanse my home today shifting and lifting dead stuck energy and allowing it to leave making space for higher vibes . I like to use Cedarwood or Palo Santo incense to Cleanse along with diffusing dTERRA’s Frankincense, Salubelle, Purify or Lemongrass essential oil to maintain higher frequencies spaces . Cedarwood incense is great to cleanse a bedroom as it can help with nightmares... . I also cleanse my crystals and energetic tools while doing this . This particaular brand which I love is Twelve Tribes Incense based in Perth, yet to find an Irish brand I like - message me if you know one See more
05.01.2022 So super excited to be getting one of these new frequency devices called a Healy. The first of its kind ever anywhere in the world and a huge step for energy medicine . This energy device scans your body for energy imbalances then sends the correct frequency back to your body to rebalance it to where it should be . I have been researching this for some time now and results are simply amazing everything from Skin issues to sleep, mental clarity and much more... . Now if only the post would hurry up so I can have a play with it, I have a list of things I want to test it on and a list of people waiting!! . What would you like Healy to help you with? See more
04.01.2022 When you have a teething puppy that just wants to chew on Everything, time to try the Healy on him!! . I done an analysis scan on him and this is what showed up, pain and tooth/jaw being what he needed most - spot on . This Healy frequency device works the exact same on all animals as it does with Humans rebalancing the energy field... . Lets hope this stops him chewing or il be running the relax programme a few more times See more
03.01.2022 Interesting read, what do you think??
03.01.2022 The Beautiful Co.Wicklow ~ Glendalough and Powerscourt
01.01.2022 With every walk in nature one receives far more than he seeks . Colours are the smiles of nature . Local Waterford nature... . Isolation exploration . . . #louisebyrneenergyhealing #energyhealing #nature #colours #grounding #naturenurture #balance #beauty #love #waterford #ireland #home #countywaterford @ Waterford, Ireland See more
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