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Louise Staley MP | Politician

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Louise Staley MP

Phone: +61 1300 782 539


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22.01.2022 A tale of two states. There’s only one virus so Daniel Andrews needs to release the health advice behind Victoria’s continuing restrictions.

21.01.2022 If Victoria loses its Triple A credit rating, that will be the first credit downgrade of any Australian government in seven years. The lower our state's credit rating goes, the more expensive it becomes to borrow. If we lose our credit rating, the $4 billion in annual interest payments that will go with Labor's $155 billion debt explosion will grow. Victorians just can't afford Labor.

21.01.2022 Happy Diwali to everyone celebrating the festival of light in Ripon

21.01.2022 Back in September, Daniel Andrews published "Victoria's roadmap for reopening." There were five steps culminating in COVID Normal. COVID Normal was to occur when Victoria reached no new cases for 28 days, no active cases and no outbreaks of concern in other states or territories. Mr Andrews promised Victorians true light at the end of that very dark tunnel. Remember when this was published Melbourne was locked down with an 8 pm - 5 am curfew as the hotel quarantine second wav...e raged. On Friday, with phenomenal suffering and overwhelming compliance, we achieved 28 days of no new cases and no active cases. But the goalposts changed again. There was no further easing of restrictions as had been promised. Last week in the parliament we asked his health minister if we would now go to his COVID Normal. The Minister said "the Premier has made multiple public commitments, including most recently the release of the current set of COVIDSafe restrictions that are in place, which have substantially freed up the operation of the Victorian community to the point that it is." That's his long-winded way of saying, no, we weren't going to COVID Normal at 28 days. Was COVID Normal always a chimera, shining and bright in the distance, but never intended to be delivered while we stay in the extended State of Emergency? If the health advice has changed since the roadmap was created, if 28 days is no longer enough before restrictions are lifted again, we need to be told why. And told immediately.

20.01.2022 The Treasurer can't even tell Victorians how much the worst cost blow outs are. And he's hiding the information from Victorians.

18.01.2022 The smell of freshly ground coffee and baked goods wafting through the café. The clink of a wine glass as plates of tasty canapes bustle past the bar. The sound of kegs being tapped as pubs quench a hard-earned thirst.... The friendly greeting of your host, as you appreciate the joy of great food without the cooking or dishes. All these great reasons (and more!) to support our local hospitality industry and help them get #BackToWork. Our Eat Out for Victoria program would subsidise 50% of bills up to a maximum of $20 per person for a period of four weeks as soon as dine-in restaurants are permitted to operate at a COVID normal capacity. Kickstarting our hospitality industry is just one of the many ideas put forward in our plan to get Victoria #BackToWork. Read our full plan at

18.01.2022 The pandemic, business closures and harsh lockdowns have hit women particularly hard. 107,000 women have lost their jobs since March but women have largely missed out in Daniel Andrews' Budget. Just 6,000 of the 146,500 women who are unemployed will receive any direct assistance. ... The Andrews Labor Government has turned its back on women in this budget.

17.01.2022 More bad news today for Victorians looking for work as the latest payroll jobs figures released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics confirm that Victoria has been hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic and the Andrews Labor Government’s second wave. Since the start of the pandemic in March, payroll jobs have fallen by 8 per cent, which is at least double the rate of every other state in mainland Australia.

17.01.2022 Australia’s manufacturing sector employs around 860,000 Australians. The Morrison Liberal Government’s plan builds on Australia’s strengths and will ensure manufacturing plays an even greater role in our recovery. We want most of these jobs in Victoria, that’s why the Victorian Liberal Party‘s Back To Work Plan proposes a $1 billion Bringing Manufacturing Home Fund. You can read about it here:

17.01.2022 Yesterday I delivered the Opposition's budget reply. This was a budget that fails to get Victorians back to work but takes on $155 billion in debt to cover the waste in their project cost overruns.

14.01.2022 If you’re still at home in Melbourne on a day like today, why? Stephen, Daisy and I ventured out to Moonambel, to Grape Farm Winery. Tapas and good wine while overlooking a vineyard - what more can anyone ask for? #riponhaseverything #golocalfirst #pyrenees #visitvictoria #springst

11.01.2022 And now this: a golf resort in Torquay received over $500,000 of taxpayers dollars from the Andrews Labor Gov for hotel quarantine. But it never housed a single quarantine guest and got the money just weeks before it went into receivership owing creditors, including its 174 employees, more than $1 million. This raises more questions than answers on the day the Hotel Quarantine Inquiry is due to hand down it’s interim report into the debacle that led to a second wave outbreak ...and over 800 deaths. We’re calling on Daniel Andrews and Labor to make this Interim Report public today. Further, the Inquiry today must lay down a plan for further hearings to unravel the conflicts in evidence given so far by the Premier, the Chief Health Officer and others and determine the truth.

10.01.2022 With COVID restrictions lifting, I am now able to come to your community group or business, or soon be able to once again meet with constituents in my office. To make it easier for you to schedule appointments, I'm trialling the Facebook appointment app. It's a trial so I have no idea how it will go. To start with, all booked appointments will need to be confirmed by my office who will get in contact, so please leave your email or mobile when booking.

10.01.2022 I won the fourth prize in the Maryborough Advertiser digital subscriber competition!!! The prize is fantastic a gift voucher from Alan Randell Smith Florist. #golocalfirst

08.01.2022 Thank you for your continued support of my Page. I don’t mind robust interactions but please consider how you come across before posting. Also, remember this Page automatically hides posts with offensive language.

06.01.2022 Our plan to get Victoria Back to Work would kick-start tourism by promoting travel within Victorian with ‘Road Trip for Victoria’ vouchers that offer Victorians a 50% discount up to $200 on tours or accommodation when booking three nights or more. There would be more reasons to return to the places you love and to discover new places with $400 million to develop and upgrade tourist attractions across Victoria in 2021 and a $300 million Victorian Tourism Fund to support tourism operators to recover and promote local tourism. Tourism means jobs. Our ideas will kick start Victorian tourism and get our state #BackToWork

06.01.2022 When Victoria is in its worst jobs crisis in a generation, urgent action must be taken. This is a budget full of spending taxpayer money and weak on job creation or getting projects up and running now. Only the Liberal Nationals have a positive plan to get Victoria back to work and back in business.

06.01.2022 28 days no cases! Congratulations Victoria, that’s the agreed definition of eliminating the virus. I didn’t think Melbourne would make it. I knew country Victoria would but I worried about Melbourne. It is a magnificent achievement by all Victorians. Now Daniel Andrews must deliver on his promised Covid Normal. We asked him yesterday in parliament if he will and he said no. ... This is not good enough. For all the Victorians who have lost their jobs and businesses, I will keep fighting for you. We must rebuild Victoria’s economy and get Victorians back to work and back in business.

06.01.2022 The Fire Danger Period has started in many parts of Ripon. Buloke, Northern Grampians, Loddon, Central Goldfields, and parts of Pyrenees are already in their Fire Danger Period and Ararat is set to start restrictions on the 7th of December. To find out what’s happening in your local area and to read about what the Fire Danger Period means you can visit

05.01.2022 Victorians understand borrowing to build in the recovery period. But Victorians shouldn't be forced to borrow to cover Labor’s waste and mismanagement. Worse, the Premier has no plan to repay the record $155bn debt.

02.01.2022 Pyrenees. Grampians. Ballarat These are just Ripon’s share Victoria's world-class wine regions - there are many, many more. But winemakers in each of these regions will suffer from the 200 per cent tariffs just imposed by the Chinese Government on our wine imports.... While Victorian jobs suffer, Daniel Andrews stands by his dodgy Belt and Road deal with the Chinese government. An O’Brien Liberal Nationals government will scrap Labor’s dodgy Belt and Road deal.

01.01.2022 Daniel Andrews lied and 800 people died. Sometimes it is that simple. And appalling.

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