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Love DOULA Baby
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25.01.2022 I can recall several baby showers I have attended. This concept hadn’t really taken off when I was expecting my eldest, so although a few friends and family mem...bers gathered and brought some thoughtful presents, I certainly didn’t write big lists of items that I wanted. But I do remember thinking that I wanted a certain pushchair, a particular changing bag. I sourced many things second hand but I still almost certainly spent far too much money on my unborn baby. You know what babies need? You, mostly. Of course they need somewhere safe to sleep (wherever that happens to be in your family I’m not judging). Of course they will need some nappies/diapers and clothes. You’ll need to feed them, and clean up after them. But really, they don’t need a lot else. I wish I had known more about postnatal doulas. What would have made a big difference after the initial burst of visitors had gone, would have been someone to support me. Someone to settle my baby while I rested or had a bath. Someone to sit and cuddle my baby while I had a walk with my husband. Someone to watch my baby while I ensured that I was having my own needs met. This would have been worth all the gifts I was given and more. I often suggest to parents to have a postnatal party instead of a baby shower. Once you know what you need, or what would be useful. Perhaps for people to arrange a mealtrain instead of endless outfits or contraptions. I’m not saying I don’t like presents.. but sometimes in focusing on presents we forget the reality of new parenting. For many years now, whenever I am invited to a baby shower, I always make sure I buy the changing bag. Then I load it with things that new parents actually need maternity pads, breast pads, pain killers, rescue remedy, muslin squares, nappies, lipsalve, and such. What could you do for the pregnant parents in your life to make their transition easier? #parenting #empoweringparents #attachment #responsiveparenting #gentleparenting #attachment #respectfulparenting #holisticsleepcoaching #newparents #transitiontoparenting #babyshower #postnatalparty #postnataldoula #postpartumdoula #newborncarespecialist #maternitynurse #mealtrain #community
24.01.2022 Excited to pass on this beautiful journal to my clients.
23.01.2022 What a great source of information for all new parents
22.01.2022 Good information...all your questions answered to make an informed choice
22.01.2022 Brendan & I were lucky enough to have my amazing Mumma @lovedoulababy as my Doula for Lucas beautiful & empowering arrival into the world. Words can not how incredible & amazing my birth experience was to have her by my side (along with my amazing husband). Her support & guidance throughout my pregnancy & Lucas birth was unmeasurable. It helped me achieve the drug free natural birth I had hoped for. What is a Doula you ask? Go check out @lovedoulababy & @beachesdoulas for info on the amazing job these ladies do. I highly recommend having a Doula to any expecting Mumma in order to help you achieve an empowering birth experience in the most natural way possible. See more
22.01.2022 Girls night out , to celebrate the premier of the wonderful Birth Time documentary. The beginning of a wonderful change with a huge ripple effect in the world of birth. Ladies, thanks for the fun @lovedoulababy @blossomdoulacare
21.01.2022 REMEMBER.....birth with confidence
20.01.2022 I’m going to call something out for a moment. I’ve been hearing a lot of nonsense about parents responding to infant crying being referred to as ‘helicopter par...enting’. My friends. This is NOT helicopter parenting. This is normal, responsive parenting. It’s a great thing. Why can’t these people learn the difference between an infant needing a parent to help them in the night, and a four-year-old climbing a tree? It’s not rocket science. Helicopter parenting is interfering, intrusive, insensitive parenting that does not allow a child room to grow, take age-appropriate risks, and be independent when they’re ready for it. Responsive parenting is accurately interpreting a child’s need for reassurance and comfort and promptly providing it. It’s really simple. Spread the word. #holisticsleepcoaching #empoweringparents #newfamilies #HSCP #gentleparenting #nosleeptraining #evidencebased #attachment #responsiveparenting #breastfeeding #bedsharing #biologicallynormal #familycentredcare #research #sleepscience #doula #IBCLC #nurse #postpartum #helicopterparenting #callingoutbullshit
16.01.2022 Have you worried that your newborn fell asleep hungry after breastfeeding? "When a baby is hungry, he tends to clench his fists tightly and bring them toward hi...s face. If he falls asleep hungry, his fists usually stay clenched. But when he gets milk, he relaxes starting with his face. Then his shoulders relax, and finally those fists unclench. Eventually they're as limp as the rest of him. Think of his hands as a built-in fuel gauge." -- La Leche League's Womanly Art of Breastfeeding, 8th edition #listentoyourbaby #listentoyourself #bfsupport #newbornnursing This rule should be used for healthy, full-term newborns. If your newborn is listless and difficult to wake, consulting with your healthcare provider to rule out extenuating circumstances is recommended. Want #breastfeeding help? Find your local LLL Leader at [Image: Infant sound asleep with a relaxed hand. Text: "Is she still hungry after nursing?" Trust the hands.] See more
16.01.2022 Supporting women with their choices.
13.01.2022 A paper exploring childbirth education in Australia has proposed that, "Antenatal education in Australia has shifted its focus from preparation for birth, to a... broader focus on pregnancy, birth and parenting, without expanding the time allocated to the classes.There have been appropriate reasons behind this move because focussing only on birth often came at the expense of discussing early parenting. Our main concern is that insufficient time is allocated for birth preparation and rehearsal of natural pain management techniques, with reliance on medical management remaining at the forefront of childbirth pain management discourse."
12.01.2022 Clever things our bodies. The thing is, it's actually pretty hard to stop a baby falling asleep feeding. Not only does breastmilk contain many of these amazing ...hormones and neurotransmitters, but your baby's body actually releases some of them in response to feeding. Falling asleep is an almost inevitable consequence of a feed (whether breast or bottle). So all those books and professionals telling you avoid letting your baby fall asleep feeding..... They just don't understand biology my friends.
12.01.2022 Great infornation
12.01.2022 I can recall several baby showers I have attended. This concept hadnt really taken off when I was expecting my eldest, so although a few friends and family mem...bers gathered and brought some thoughtful presents, I certainly didnt write big lists of items that I wanted. But I do remember thinking that I wanted a certain pushchair, a particular changing bag. I sourced many things second hand but I still almost certainly spent far too much money on my unborn baby. You know what babies need? You, mostly. Of course they need somewhere safe to sleep (wherever that happens to be in your family Im not judging). Of course they will need some nappies/diapers and clothes. Youll need to feed them, and clean up after them. But really, they dont need a lot else. I wish I had known more about postnatal doulas. What would have made a big difference after the initial burst of visitors had gone, would have been someone to support me. Someone to settle my baby while I rested or had a bath. Someone to sit and cuddle my baby while I had a walk with my husband. Someone to watch my baby while I ensured that I was having my own needs met. This would have been worth all the gifts I was given and more. I often suggest to parents to have a postnatal party instead of a baby shower. Once you know what you need, or what would be useful. Perhaps for people to arrange a mealtrain instead of endless outfits or contraptions. Im not saying I dont like presents.. but sometimes in focusing on presents we forget the reality of new parenting. For many years now, whenever I am invited to a baby shower, I always make sure I buy the changing bag. Then I load it with things that new parents actually need maternity pads, breast pads, pain killers, rescue remedy, muslin squares, nappies, lipsalve, and such. What could you do for the pregnant parents in your life to make their transition easier? #parenting #empoweringparents #attachment #responsiveparenting #gentleparenting #attachment #respectfulparenting #holisticsleepcoaching #newparents #transitiontoparenting #babyshower #postnatalparty #postnataldoula #postpartumdoula #newborncarespecialist #maternitynurse #mealtrain #community
11.01.2022 This exclusively breastfed 3 month baby is pulling at the breast after only a few minutes breastfeeding because the flow of milk from the breast has decreased. ... The mother started off with an abundant milk supply and her supply is still good, but the milk supply has decreased. In this case, because the baby did not have a good latch, due to a tongue tie. Late onset decreased milk supply can also cause the baby to have mucus and BLOOD in the bowel movements. Though there are many possible reasons for blood in the bowel movements, allergy to something in the breastmilk is very rarely the cause. The cause is late onset decreased milk supply. See the explanation and an illustrative case at Need help breastfeeding? See more
11.01.2022 Always a great day catching up with doula clients and their babies that are now big kiddies running around having the best time. Facebook is a great way of communicating when your doula clients move back to their hometown. Always love an update from all my clients.....
11.01.2022 The term 'breastsleeping' was coined by James McKenna PhD - Director of Mother-Baby Behavioural Sleep Laboratory at the University of Notre Dame. Breastsleepin...g is specifically comprised of a breastfeeding mother-baby pair sharing a bed during sleep in order to facilitate breastfeeding Dr McKenna and a team of researchers found that if practiced safely, breastsleeping may protect against SIDS: Breastfeeding allows for regular inspections and physiological regulation of the baby. A Breastfeeding mother typically rouses if the baby stops breathing or moves into a risky position. Breastsleeping increases milk production & breastfeeding frequency, equipping babies with a larger quantity of breastmilk containing the nutrition they need which is known to enhance protection against SIDS. Increased frequency of breastfeeding means mother & baby are waking throughout the night which helps the baby remain in a light stage of sleep and provides more practice waking to develop the infants arousal mechanisms Multiple studies also show that breastsleeping families get equal or more sleep than families practicing solitary sleep as the awakenings - although maybe more often - are briefer and calmer. Bedsharing isn't for all families and isn't safe for all families. But if there are no risk factors present and it works for you and your family - happy days! Do you and your baby breastsleep? Safe Infant Sleep; James.J McKenna, PhD; 2020
10.01.2022 Im going to call something out for a moment. Ive been hearing a lot of nonsense about parents responding to infant crying being referred to as helicopter par...enting. My friends. This is NOT helicopter parenting. This is normal, responsive parenting. Its a great thing. Why cant these people learn the difference between an infant needing a parent to help them in the night, and a four-year-old climbing a tree? Its not rocket science. Helicopter parenting is interfering, intrusive, insensitive parenting that does not allow a child room to grow, take age-appropriate risks, and be independent when theyre ready for it. Responsive parenting is accurately interpreting a childs need for reassurance and comfort and promptly providing it. Its really simple. Spread the word. #holisticsleepcoaching #empoweringparents #newfamilies #HSCP #gentleparenting #nosleeptraining #evidencebased #attachment #responsiveparenting #breastfeeding #bedsharing #biologicallynormal #familycentredcare #research #sleepscience #doula #IBCLC #nurse #postpartum #helicopterparenting #callingoutbullshit
10.01.2022 Quote of the day: "In the age of synthetic oxytocin and cesarean sections, the number of women who give birth to babies and placentas thanks to the release of a... cocktail of natural love hormones is tending towards zero. Love hormones are therefore becoming useless in critical periods of human life: our species is in an unprecedented situation." Michel Odent, M.D. See more
09.01.2022 The power of our breath
08.01.2022 Beautifully written
07.01.2022 Lots of good info here on Delayed cord clamping
07.01.2022 THE KEY INGREDIENT IS TIME Do you know that your uterus cramps after birth and ejects blood into your baby? This cannot happen if the cord is cut. Mother Natur...e's design is perfect for transforming your baby into an air breathing creature. This transformation is in fact called a Transition, but like all transitions the key ingredient is time - time for the placenta to release the rest of the baby's blood back to him. The effects of premature cord clamping on our babies are not detectable right away - and this has allowed doctors and even midwives to continue this practice without challenge. (I was in fact taught to do immediate cord clamping due to a misguided belief that it prevented hemorrhaging). Research continues to prove that the baby deprived of blood is at risk for harm, and this is only evident later because you cannot test for cognition on a newborn. The way to get an Intact Birth as parents is to know and to demand they wait. Much of what we clinicians do to help your baby breathe when needed, can be done without immediate clamping. The science is all there. The question around cord cutting is not "where is the evidence", but "why is this happening?" More-than-you-can-read compilation of research available at
06.01.2022 Good important read
06.01.2022 When the pressure is on its always a good reminder to trust and believe
04.01.2022 Confident Birth & Breastfeeding, this is an amazing and awesome graphic. Thank you!!!
02.01.2022 I think it’s time for another reminder! You don’t ‘teach’ a child to sleep. It’s a normal bodily function. Maybe some folks think I’m splitting hairs, but it’s ...really important that we separate out the parts of sleep that we can influence, from the parts that we can’t. If we feel responsible for something that is out of our control, it can add to anxiety and pressure. When we realise that this is not our job, we can let go. The usual comeback from some (often with an eyeroll) is that the part we are aiming to teach is how to fall asleep ‘correctly’. If by this they mean independently, without ‘sleep associations’ then there’s even more unpacking to do. You see, it’s normal for little ones to need some support to fall asleep. They sometimes need our help and assistance to calm down, become regulated, and drift off. They will eventually learn how to calm down for themselves, but don’t sweat it. They’ll get there. Now, I get that this might not be what you need to hear, but you know me I’m all about telling it like it is. I refuse to lie to you and say that you can teach your child to be independent before they’re ready. But I’m also a pragmatist, because I’ve worked with families long enough to know that sometimes this parenting gig is tough. If it’s become unsustainable, then have a look at my sleep ‘associations’ video on IGTV where I talk about habit stacking. But don’t forget, it’s only a problem if it’s a problem for you. #sleepisnotalearntskill #youcannotteachsleep #lyndseyhookway #gentlesleep #nosleeptraining #nocryitout #cryitoutsucks #tellitlikeitis #HSCP #holisticsleepcoach #holisticsleepcoaching #holisticsleepcommunity #childsleepcoach #babysleepcoach #babysleep #infantsleep #childsleep #gentlesleepcoach #sleepscience #supportingparents #empoweringparents #parenthoodistough #habitstacking #sleeptips #parentingtips #babysleepsupport #gentlesleepconsultant #sleepsolutions #goeasyonyourself #responsiveparenting #connectedparenting
02.01.2022 Babies just know what to do
02.01.2022 I’m always being asked about frequent night waking. When will it end? When does it get better? When will they sleep through the night? Is my baby normal? Am I a...lone? For those that don’t know - I have a newsletter that I send out monthly which breaks down a research study I think has practical application or implication. I didn’t want you folks who aren’t signed up to miss out on this so I’m including the highlights here. This was a study that was published in the journal Sleep Medicine. It’s not a fluffy, responsive parenting journal so I was particularly surprised to see it. It’s sensible and realistic and I hope many medical professionals who usually only read about behavioural sleep training will see it and realise the normalcy of infant night waking. Here’s the reference if any of you want to nerd out. You might not be able to get past the journal paywall if you don’t have university access or a subscription because it’s a pretty new study. Pennestri, M. H., Burdayron, R., Kenny, S., Béliveau, M. J., & Dubois-Comtois, K. (2020). Sleeping through the night or through the nights?. Sleep Medicine, 76, 98-103. #infantsleep #babysleep #sleepresearch #holisticsleepcoaching #lyndseyhookway #nosleeptraining #responsiveparenting #normalisinginfantsleep #evidencebased #supportingparents #sleepingthroughthenight #sleepingthrough
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