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24.01.2022 A woman's worth is not defined by: her thigh gap how much she weighs... the size of her clothes how pretty she is how "perfect" her life is No, a woman's worth is defined by: HER. And only her Because ALL women are friggen amazing THE END! Give me a if you agree. KC

23.01.2022 Stop Wait If you are a woman who has had or does have a mean relationship with your body, then you need to hear this...... Your body is BEAUTIFUL and it is time to celebrate your amazing body. On 20th December 2020 (Yes, I know it is only 5 days until Christmas ) let's unite for ... A Body Beautiful Celebration Join me at Bim'bimba Park, Pimpama where you will get to be a part of something amazing. Or wherever you are in the world. Find a beautiful place... Bring along a picnic to share with your daughter, granddaughter, mother, wife, partner, friends or any other amazing woman in your life. Women and Girls of all ages are welcome. Come and connect and feel the love with other beautiful women. Wear something that makes you feel beautiful because we will take a huge group photo to show the world we support one another. We will unite as women and we will unite to empower our girls with the love they deserve so they can grow up into beautiful women who do not hate themselves or their bodies. (Use the link below for more information) So, why is this an important day? I had this idea gifted to me so together we can show the world we've had enough of hating who we are and what we look like. We deserve to feel amazing. We deserve to feel beautiful. We deserve to feel enough. You may feel afraid. You may feel intimidated. You may feel uncomfortable. That's ok. Do it anyway. You have the power within you to be the amazing woman you are. KC #bodybeautiful

21.01.2022 Soaking up the morning sun

21.01.2022 Beautiful words to always hold dear to yourself

19.01.2022 Life doesn’t always give you what you want But it does give you what you need KCLife doesn’t always give you what you want But it does give you what you need KC

19.01.2022 Happy Monday Hope you have a beautiful week Happy Monday Hope you have a beautiful week

19.01.2022 A fantasyWhat if? today. What if you woke up tomorrow morning with your dream body? What would you do?... How would you feel? Id love to know. Share in the comments. Be as fun and outrageous and you want to be LOVE body

19.01.2022 love your leftovers I love to cook but not everyday.... If I cook a meal I make extra for lunch or dinner the next day... saving time and effort. Or I freeze it for another day. This way, if I don't feel like cooking I have something yummy ready to go. And, the best part is I don't end up eating a slap together meal with random ingredients (Ok, I'll be completely honest... this does still happen. But only sometimes ) Love your leftovers! LOVE body

17.01.2022 If you could break up with dieting forever, how would that make you feel? If you never had to go on a crazy, weird, restrictive diet again...

16.01.2022 This week is Women's Health Week. How do you take care of yourself and your health?... Do you feel guilty if you take some time for yourself? Do you find it hard to make the time? This week is the perfect time to give yourself a break, look after yourself and your health and CELEBRATE the amazing woman you are. I talked some more about how to take care of yourself this morning in the Behind the Body - Women Connected group. If you'd love to know more, you can join the group here < > and watch when you have a few moments tonight or tomorrow. See you there. LOVE body

16.01.2022 Happening every Friday at 12pm (AEST) Ill be asking the question. What if?... What if you stopped hating yourself and your body? What if you empowered yourself as an amazing women to LOVE who you are? What if you released the weight loss obsession and learnt to LIVE? Im inviting you to join me every Friday at 12pm to ask yourself the questionWhat if? With all of the crazy amounts of information being shoved in your face, I want to encourage you to question it I want to encourage you to question yourself, your thoughts, your beliefs I want to encourage you to question ALL OF IT because what you believe, what you think (especially about yourself) May not be coming from a place of kindness and of LOVE What if you decided to open yourself up to a new way of living? A new way of believing in yourself Its time. Time to give yourself the chance to be empowered to live your life without thinking and worrying about your weight every moment of the day. LOVE body P.S.If you cant make it live, dont worry you can watch the replay when it suits you.

16.01.2022 A bit of lunchtime love Repeat this to yourself... I am enough. I am enough. I am enough... Because you are. All day Every day In every way KC

15.01.2022 You are the author , editor and publisher of your own life. You get to decide what stays and what goes. YOU have the power to write any story you desire for yourself.... Everyone has a NOW story This is the story going around and around inside your head right now. Because inside your mind is a looping soundtrack and it plays the same story over and over again. And this story has been influenced by many people in your life, lots of different experiences and the way you think about yourself. So, when you repeat a particular story for years and years you end up living it. It becomes your normal and you dont question whether that story is true or not. Maybe you've never even thought about your story and what has been written. Take a moment and think about what your NOW story might be? What if this story changed? Changed into something kinder and more loving. A story that didn't have only one theme.... losing weight! What if you created a NEW story? What would that look like? Have you dreamt of a new story but never dared hope that it cold come true? It could. Oh, how you can create a beautiful NEW story for yourself. Type "I'm READY!" in the comments and I will share with you how to begin writing your NEW story for a happier, more confident YOU! LOVE body

15.01.2022 Are you fed up with thinking about your weight all the time? Have you had enough of feeling like you aren't good enough because your body isn't "perfect"? I know I am.... In this new weekly series "Conversations with Kelly" all of us amazing women will have a conversation. Together. We will talk about inspiring, empowering and motivating ideas that propel us forward instead of keeping us stuck on the weight loss roller-coaster. It's time to get off, AND LIVE! If you have anything at all you want to ask or talk about, please send me a message and we will talk about them. Invite as many women as you know to join the conversation. The more women who rebel against feeling shitty about themselves, the BETTER! Join the group here: Behind the Body - Women Connected Join me live in the group, every Tuesday at 10am (AEST) If you cannot make it live, you can watch on replay at a time which suits you. LOVE body P.S. Cant wait to have an amazing conversation with you

11.01.2022 I dont look at myself in the mirror Is this something you say? As women we do find it difficult to really look at ourselves in the mirror...... because all we see is someone else looking back at us. She is too fat too old too wrinkly too... fill in the blank What if, instead of saying horrible things to yourself as you look into your own eyes You say this instead... I am enough. As I am right now. I am enough Tonight before you go to bed, look into your bathroom mirror and say the words to yourself. Out loud or in your head. Then do it the next night, then the next night and every night after until youve been saying it for 30 days. When youve hit 5 days notice how you feel. When youve hit 10 days notice how you feel. Is it easier? 20 days... easier and easier. Are you believing it yet? What feelings surface? How challenging is it for you to say the words to yourself. 30 days... those words are penetrating your mind. Flowing throughout your body. They are becoming you. You are enough. Shout it to yourself. Shout it to the world. LOVE body

11.01.2022 It's the weekend What could you do to nourish your soul this weekend? go for a walk?... dance? catch up with friends? I'd love to hear your favourite way to nourish your soul. LOVE body

09.01.2022 LOVE Not something I easily felt. It wasn't familiar to me.... It was uncomfortable. I ran away from it. Especially the love for myself. I was not enough. I felt invisible. I believed I was alone in this world. And, my weight was a result of these feelings. That all changed the day I realised I was enough, I didn't have to feel invisible any more and I wasn't alone. My weight no longer consumes me. My weight no longer holds me back. My weight does not define me. I am so much more... And, so are you. It's time... time to re-write those beliefs, re-write the story. If you're ready to LIVE and to LOVE, then SHOUT "I'M READY" in the comments and I'll guide you along the way. LOVE body

09.01.2022 How would you describe your body in only 1 word? How would you describe your body in only 1 word?

08.01.2022 Words... Words are powerful Words can make you cry... Words can make you happy Words can make you angry Words can make you or break you. Words play over and over in your mind.... but Did you know YOU have control over the words you say to yourself? "I'll never lose weight" "I'm out of control. I can't stop eating" "I'm such a failure" What if you changed those words? Would your mind know the difference? Absolutely. Your mind believes whatever you tell it, so ultimately how you feel, your beliefs, your behaviour and who you are can all be transformed with... Words... "I love my body and I am beautiful as I am. My weight does not rule my life" "I am in control of the food I put into my body. I choose to eat nourishing, healthy foods" "I am learning not failing" Use encouraging, empowering, loving words and see how they change how you feel on the inside. Give it a try for the next 7 days. Do something beautiful for yourself. Comment below... I'm Ready show you are committed to a whole body transformation. LOVE body

08.01.2022 It was the year 2000 and I had just landed in the UK. I was there to work as a nanny to two boys. This was the second time I had moved from Australia to another country to live. ... It was exciting but deep down I was scared. Because I was scared of everything. But mostly I was scared of living. Why was I so scared of living? Because I had the belief that I was Broken I wasnt Enough I was Lost I was Isolated even when I had people around me I was an Emotional cripple... ...and my fear ruled my life. So, how on earth did I move to the other side of the world on my own to live with complete strangers? Twice! And, I was obese (my brain tried to keep me safe here by wanting to say overweight. That was not the case at all). What happened within me that I managed to travel the world on my own, become friends with complete strangers and just go and do it anyway? It was me. The real me. Because there was something deep inside me that held my hand and helped me through. She has been guiding me all these years without me fully understanding. Until now. It was my own loving voice inside of me whispering, shouting and crying at me every day to LIVE. I am not perfect. My body is not perfect. My life is not perfect. But I am doing it anyway. I am showing up for her. For me. For my daughter. Now I am truly BELIEVE I am Beautiful, Enough, Loved, Inspired, Emotional (in a great way)... ...and I still have Fear but my fear now drives me to do amazing things. Life is out there every day waiting for you to jump on in, boots and all. Its not idly sitting back waiting until you get the courage to dip your toe in, or just pop your head out to see if its safe. No! Life is there every moment of every day. What have you done in your life that probably should have never really happened because you continually hold yourself back but you did it anyway? Id love you to share. LOVE body

08.01.2022 You only have one body . This body was given to you with love... to look after it and care for it,... in the hope that you would treat it with kindness. Your body is unique. Your body is beautiful. Your body is amazing. Love it with everything you have. LOVE body

08.01.2022 I love every inch of my body And I love the women in my life fiercely KC

08.01.2022 What someone looks like does not determine who they are. For far too long society has shamed women if they were not the right size. People feel they can comment on what you look like and make hurtful, horrible remarks...... Like fat people dont have feelings. Everyone has feelings. You too. Its time. Time to love ourselves enough to stand up for ourselves... But most importantly, Not judge, hurt or be mean to others because of what they look like. LOVE body

06.01.2022 "I am"... two of the most powerful words you can have in your vocabulary, and when you put them together in a sentence they become your own superpower.... Because saying to yourself... "I am happy" "I am worthy" "I am confident" ...really changes the feelings you feel in your body. Life is more than how much you weigh. You are so much more than what your body looks like. Focus on giving yourself some mental and emotional love... and allow yourself to be free of the weight-loss craziness you feel every day. Because you are so worth loving every part of you. RIGHT NOW! If you agree hit the LOVE button and show you are going to start giving yourself more love. LOVE body

06.01.2022 Taking the animals out for a morning walk ...dont ask

05.01.2022 No more counting calories Your life doesn't need to be spent counting calories... day in and day out (BORINGGGGG! ) ... What if there was a better way? There is! Because your body wants energy... not calories. It doesn't even give a about calories. All your body wants is natural, nourishing foods so it can fill you up with the energy it needs to keep you feeling AMAZING! And LOVE... your body definitely needs lots of love. Give your body the love it needs by nourishing it with beautiful foods... (and sometimes it might want a ) Do these things for your body and your body will love you in return. You'll feel: Energised Healthier Happier Beautiful Strong ...and so much more... Who doesn't want to feel all that? I will be honest... It isn't always so easy to know what to eat to nourish your beautiful body (yes, it is beautiful. I heard you putting yourself down! Stop it) If you're ready to STOP calorie counting forever reply in the comments, "I'M READY" ...and let's start giving your body the love and nourishment it needs and deserves (and so do you ) LOVE body

05.01.2022 It is possible to bring greatness into your life through the pain KCIt is possible to bring greatness into your life through the pain KC

04.01.2022 I hope you have a beautiful nights sleep... and when you wake up in the morning, remember to say to yourself "I am enough"... LOVE body

04.01.2022 Good Morning, Beautiful. Can we talk for a minute? How did you wake up this morning?... Did you wake up feeling overwhelmed? Horrible? Like a failure (again!) I bet you would love to wake up feeling better... More energised Happy! You absolutely can. YOU have the power to feel any way you want when you wake up in the morning. Before you go to sleep tonight, tell yourself... "When I wake up in the morning I am going to feel " Your mind will probably go to the same old automatic thoughts you have every morning when you wake up... BUT do this little power move every night before bed and you will begin to notice a difference. And, when those shitty thoughts come raging back into your mind... STOP and say to yourself "Today I choose to feel " And, before you know it you will be waking up feeling your awesome feeling EVERY DAY. No more feeling crap. No more feeling like you aren't in control of how you feel. Remember... you get to decide. You get to choose. Always. Have a beautiful day. LOVE body

04.01.2022 Hanging out with my beautiful girl. Dinner date for the two of us. ... What are you up to tonight?

04.01.2022 How much time do you spend focusing on your weight and what your body looks like? I'm guessing WAYYYYYYY too much! For the next 30 days I have given myself the challenge of learning to juggle.... Why? Because I want to get out of my comfort zone I want to have fun again I want to feel joy and I want to shift my focus away from any negative feelings I still hold onto about my body. Want to join me? Find some juggling balls and lets go...

04.01.2022 How many times have you wanted to do something but thought im too fat to do that? How many times have you thought When I lose all this weight I will.? How many times have you hidden away because you arent skinny enough?... Let's ask the question... "What if"?

03.01.2022 Hi, Beautiful. I want to introduce myself in case you don't know me or know what LOVE body is all about. I'm Kelly and I am founder and CEO of LOVE body. ... When I came into this world, I was born with all I needed inside of me. Love, peace and joy. These belonged to me and they were a part of me. However, life happened and these beautiful, magical feelings got lost. As the years passed, I went from being a young girl with anger in my heart to being a teenager with anger in my mind to being a woman with anger throughout my whole body; and that anger sat in me like a volcano full of red, hot, burning lava ready to explode at any moment. The woman I became hated herself so much that she couldnt see past the hatred and the anger. I thought this was all I was. All I would ever be... So, I ate my feelings instead of feeling them and hid my body, and myself, in plain sight. I eventually became obese and dealt with this weight issue on my own. I used food and my weight to slip away from myself whilst also removing myself from any joy in the world. Then one day I couldn't do it any more. I fought with every fibre of my being to release myself from this horrible prison I was in. That's when LOVE body was born. Now, as a Holistic Health Practitioner, I help other amazing women transform from within to create a life where they feel free to LOVE themselves and their bodies again. And most importantly, feel HAPPY! I use the 4 pillars of Holistic Health: Mind, Body, Spirit and Emotions to create a Whole-Body Transformation. No more crazy diets or intense physical programs which leave you feeling like a failure and running back to the fridge. LOVE body gives women loving outcomes which last as they learn to love every part of themselves once again. Are you ready to embrace your LOVE body? Leap on over to my website RIGHT now and grab my free gift to you... my book "5 steps to loving your body and creating your ideal weight naturally". It's all for you, beautiful. You deserve to LOVE yourself and your body and be free of the weight-loss obsession. LOVE body

02.01.2022 chocolate How much do you love chocolate??? Chocolate is a great way to boost your mood...... only one catch, though it needs to be at least 75% dark chocolate. All the sugar, crappy fats and other that is in chocolate will do the opposite. Enjoy a couple of small squares to give yourself a feel-good boost. LOVE body

02.01.2022 Do you agree? Hit the button for YES! KC

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