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N.B. Love Light Hope Freedom in Inverloch, Victoria | Product/service

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N.B. Love Light Hope Freedom

Locality: Inverloch, Victoria

Phone: +61 417 513 699


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24.01.2022 #shineyourlight #connecttoyoursoul #lookwithin #youalreadyhavetheanswers #holisticlifecoach

23.01.2022 Dust if you must, but what are you missing out on?

21.01.2022 Today, walking into school as me, feeling: Proud (Check) Happy (Check) Not in a rush (Check) ... Carrying enough bought cupcakes for my son, Cooper, to share with his class on his 7th birthday (Check) Did I feel worried, embarrassed, concerned about what others may think? Absolutely, NO! Not any more. Fast forward to now and I am happy within myself and only do things that serve myself and my family. Ive been on a journey and discovered why I was doing so many things to please others. So, if that means taking in bought cupcakes instead of homemade, who cares?!?! Not my son or I! Im happy I have the time to be present and so is he and at my core this is what I truly desire and believe to be right. I know this because I have worked hard to get here. We all feel so much pressure to be and do so many things these days. Theres so much worry all the time about what others think and wanting to show we are doing all the right things as a parent but in the end just feeling exhausted and unhappy inside. Having the freedom to be you allows so many other things to flow into your life. When we continually do things for others and cant understand why we are saying yes when our insides are screaming no, we become stuck in a vicious cycle and what you value most, time, is taken away from what you truly want. Freedom is one of the cornerstones of my business. It is a cornerstone because I believe it to be fundamental to helping create a love for yourself and your life. For me it means freedom to be exactly who you are meant to be without being held back by what you think you should do. Let me help you feel the same way. Contact me to make a time for a free 30 min chat or use link to schedule a time xx

20.01.2022 I need to post an update on whats been happening in my life.... I am still here and coaching on Fridays. This video shows a little about what I focus on and how I help clients to connect to themselves

18.01.2022 Reminiscing this Saturday night...thinking about how much fun I had seeing Bruno Mars just over two weeks ago. It was like a big dance party. I sang and danced my little heart out without a care in the world. What was different about this concert for me is that I went on my own. It was a choice Id made a year earlier upon purchasing the ticket. I decided I wanted to be really in the moment without having to think about anyone else and can I say it was a real joy. Of course d...oing things with others is fun but also enjoying your own time is important. These times out on my own help remind me of how much fun I am. I dont at all feel alone as I have me and Im wonderful company. I like to call in dating myself. I havent always felt like that but along the way Ive learnt that Im never on my own if Im in love with myself. Do you ever date yourself? Would you consider going out on your own? Comment below! Contact me via link in bio so I can help you love yourself too xx P.S. sorry for the incredibly bad video. I was dancing. Lucky you cant hear me singing. Didnt take any other video after that. Too hard! #brunomars24kmagic #xxiv #danceandsingypurheartout #holisticlifecoach #dateyourself #lovebeingonyourown #neveralone See more

17.01.2022 Light - The second pillar of my cornerstones. It makes things visible. On a deeper level, light, provides insight and understanding. This allows one to become enlightened. How do you shine your light on the world? Do you even know what your light is? Do you even believe you have a glorious light to shine? Remember light always puts out the darkness you just have to be brave enough to connect and look within yourself. We all have something special to offer, sometimes we just need help figuring out what it is. Once you find it. So much of your life simply flows. #holisticlifecoach #lightputsoutthedark #justflicktheswitch #lookwithin #shineyourlight #lovelighthopefreedom

16.01.2022 The navy blue colour in my logo represents the very deep blue sea. This is the deepest part of ourself that we must connect to, understand, challenge and change to grow and become who we were always meant to be. #holisticlifecoach #deepbluesea #traveltoyourdeepestdepths #connecttoyourcore #understandyourselfandwhstmakesyoutick #talktomeicanhelpyou

16.01.2022 Update....a lot has been going on for me of late. Ive been putting a lot of pressure on myself and my business to make money, the complete opposite of why I started. For this to happen Ive been investing in business coaches etc trying to get a fast fix to attract clients and generate income. Id invested so much that I just kept telling myself I had to keep pushing forward, but something inside of me has not been feeling right. You know that niggling feeling? Youre just ...not sure what it is or choose to ignore it? Since being back at Uni Ive remembered how much I love that space and have dreams of lecturing one day. As it turns out, when you can take the time to be still and really listen to within, the answers and your path will reveal itself and so this is what I did amongst all the pressure and worry. I stopped, waited and listened and the answers have come. I have a gift for coaching and teaching. I need to honour both of these and follow what my heart says. A job teaching education support staff has begun (the start to my career in adult education)! My coaching business will continue to grow but the old fashioned way. Im not comfortable with marketing and being on social media all the time. To be honest I dislike it immensely! So instead of doing what the experts tell me Im doing what feels right for me. What is right for me is similar to myself in the dating world. I persisted so much with online dating but always felt like it wasnt a good fit. When I finally decided to listen to that and trust the universe things fell into place and Im going to do exactly the same with my business. Im trusting the universe and that the right people will find their way to me the old fashioned way, through word of mouth. I had to remind myself when youre in alignment the universe meets you. So if Im not always visible on here its not because Im a flake or inconsistent. Its just not the forum I want to establish my business from. I dont want a fast fix. I want to be patient and let my business grow authentically in time. Please remember to drop me a line for a free 30 mon clarity call. Much love, Nicole. #dowhatfeelsrightforyou #listentoyourgutinstinct See more

15.01.2022 This is me and my desk, 12:30 on Sunday night. A big day of birthday party celebrations for my son and assignment handed in 30 mins late! A research proposal about text messaging and face to face contact. Its certain to say there has been a lot going on. However, its not an excuse for my lack of presence online. Ive had feelings of fear and insecurity creep in and they have been holding me back from moving forward. So, today Im giving myself the freedom to say its O.K. ...Its O.K. that Im in a period of adjustment. Its ok to take a step back from things. Im so passionate for this business and my ideas to be successful but Im also passionate about my studies. So, Ive had to make the call.whilst theres a stack going on behind the scenes and Im working hard, the release date for my online course is shifting until May. Its O.K. that old patterns of avoidance have reemerged. I admit and acknowledge them. Imwork on changing them. Life is like a spiral, theres always things to revisit, that awareness just gets deeper and that brain power gets stronger. So, Im reminding myself that presence is more important than perfection! Im aware and Im making steps to move forward, such as making this post. I also need professional help with how to manage marketing! That is certainly not my skill and Ive had an internal battle with the notion of marketing, how do you get your message out there, knowing you want to help others without simply selling yourself and being pushy. I find it difficult. So, like when my car needs to be fixed, or I need I.T. assistance I see a professional whos specifically trained to help with those things. Thank you @richfitfamousonline she is the bomb!!!! One thing is for sure, I have the self awareness and know how of how to move myself forward from here and Im so grateful for that strength. Its that strength I want to use to help others find out whats holding them back and help them to move forward. Connect with me now via this link or click link in bio xx #freedom #findaprofessional #itsoktochangeyourplans #noneedtobesorry #balance #onlinestudy @ N.B. Love Light Hope Freedom

15.01.2022 This is way to common...learn how to begin to stop comparing yourself to others xx

13.01.2022 This is why I've been so quiet on social media, between study and work my time is limited. A great job and great experience for bothbschiols and trainees!

13.01.2022 Dont ignore your gut instincts xx

12.01.2022 Exciting things are happening..... Watch this space

12.01.2022 Logos....they are a visual representation of your brand. People can quickly identify with it and you and Ive certainly put a lot of thought into mine. Im a very considered person and everything in my logo represents something important to me. The colours, the words, the symbols...they ALL mean something. I havent just suddenly come up with a novel idea but rather this is a collation of my learnings over my lifetime. Over time Ill share what each element means, why its important and how it forms part of my coaching. Much love, Nicole #holisticlifecoach #branding #meanings #lovelighthopefreedom #enoughalready #takenote

12.01.2022 So important and why I'm studying to become one. We regularly service our cars etc and speaking with a psych to help us mentally is the same.... Something everyone could do regularly to stay running efficiently

10.01.2022 What do you think? I completely believe that majority of our ailments are related to feelings and emotions.

10.01.2022 Love what you do Client ready Tea brewing Thanks to @addictedtodots Jess Blievers for the amazing tray. It adds such a beautiful pop of colour to the space Remember sessions dont have to take place face to face. Theres plenty of options. Contact me now

10.01.2022 Are you living a life that you love? Do you feel like you are really present for your kids? Do you want to make changes for the benefit of your family and importantly yourself? Sometimes beginning with ourselves is the hardest thing to do but often one of the most important steps when creating change. Ive been busy on my new page, Freedom Kids Australia creating content for kids and their parents which links beautifully to the work I started here at Love, Light, Hope, Fr...eedom. As part of our services at Freedom Kids we have come to recognise that helping children also means supporting their parents. That is why I have been busy working away to create another branch of the Freedom Kids family to include Freedom Parents Aus. As part of this we are launching our first signature, fully online program, to help parents create some change in their lives so that they can be the best version of themselves for their kids! Before starting this business I spent time being a life coach. I want to utilise these skills to also help parents to reflect and make positive change. I know how challenging it can be to make shifts in our lives. With this program, well carry out a step-by-step spring cleaning of your life so you can live the joyful, passionate life you deserve to be living. Renew YOU, Love Your Life! is a balanced, well-crafted program that guides you through a 3 step process over a course of 90 days. In 3 months, youll get to the heart of whats holding you back so you can reset your habits and refresh your life. Leave the blahs behind and connect with your joyful, energized self. Month 1: Take Stock; Discover what makes your heart sing! Month 2: Declutter: Give your life a spring clean! Month 3: Design; Embrace your awesome, purpose-driven life with fresh energy and a positive outlook! Ive seen enormous growth in people who have committed to the steps in this program. Dont waste any more time putting off your hearts desires. If you want clarity and guidance as you step into your wholeness, lets work together. If youre ready to transform the blahs into A-has! lets talk! Fully online so you can complete in the comfort of your own home at your own pace. To register your interest please head to our website, Or check out our school on Teachable, Much Love, Nicole xo

08.01.2022 #holisticlifecoach #staypositiveandloveyourlife #knowyourstrength #developstrategies #connecttoyourinnerwisdom #inverloch

08.01.2022 This is why Ive been so quiet on social media, between study and work my time is limited. A great job and great experience for bothbschiols and trainees!

08.01.2022 How many of you are connected to and look after your soul? How many of you are scared to look within and connect to it? Its so important to connect with it and nourish it xx

07.01.2022 Wow! So excited to be shortlisted for this competition. Feeling so grateful. Now to complete the next part....explaining why I deserve to win!!!! #winnerwinnerchickendinner #businesssschoolformums #lovelighthopefreedom #mywhy #ideserveit #gratitude #businessgoals #

05.01.2022 Fascinating. I love this stuff.

04.01.2022 Do you say any affirmations to start your day? I have a few about my body, my sense of self and abundance. I always practise gratitude also. In saying that unless you do your inner work affirmations and gratitude alone will not suffice. You must connect to your soul and undo a lot of what you have learnt and connect to the real you. Link in bio to chat with me about how you can do this xx. #Repost @proctorgallagher with @get_repost Repeat this affirmation with feeling and in the present tense! Say it out loud because there is extreme power in the spoken word. #BobProctor #Affirmation #Healthy #Focus #Calm #Love

04.01.2022 Love yourself. Love your life. Love the people you share it with. Love is infinite. Theres no capacity to our ability to love. Loving ourselves however, can often be the hardest. Over time many of us develop an untrue view of yourselves for various reasons. Understanding this is our first step to changing it. Look within and deep down to figure out what you really believe about yourself. From there you can begin to challenge those beliefs and subsequently change them. This creates new pathways in the brain Then repeat, repeat, repeat, until those new thoughts create stronger connections in your brain and replace your old habits of self loathing. #loveyourselffirst #lovelighthopefreedom #lookwithin #repeateepeatrepeat #challengeandreplace #holisticlifecoach

03.01.2022 Hope = to cherish a desire with anticipation. What desires do you cherish with anticipation? Do you have any? Are you scared to have any because your fearful of failure or being disappointed? You can have what you hope for! The thing holding you back will be you. What limitations have been created in your life that prevent you from really cherishing your hopes? I spent much time in my life feeling miserable about why I was attracting such negativity and selfishness into my li...fe. One day it hit me that I was the common denominator and if I truly wanted the things I hoped for, Id have to make changes and I did. Forever grateful to my counsellor for teaching and helping me to change what did not serve me. Now I just want to help others. Get in contact via link in bio xx #holisticlifecoach #hopes #cherish #cherishwithanticipation #counselling #forevergrateful See more

03.01.2022 A lovely story about therapy and vulnerability. I had been trying to succeed at love the same way Id found success as a student and a lawyer, through sheer ef...fort and perfectionism. At work, vulnerability led to failure, but in love, vulnerability is the only way forward. I got that, but its one thing to understand and another to do. See more

02.01.2022 How much time do you spend worrying about things out of your control? #worrying #thingsoutofyourcontrol #holisticlifecoaching #lovelighthopefreedom #takecontrolofyourlife

02.01.2022 Do you ever wonder why the same things keep happening to you? Why you keep attracting the same type of people into your life? Think to yourself fml?!?! I did, in particular when it came to relationships. I constantly attracted the wrong type of man. Id tell myself, like many others, They just dont know what theyre missing, they dont deserve me, Im too nice etc. One day, after being broken up with via text(I was 35 for crying out loud, Im too old for that shit), I had ...just had enough! The thought of going on another date made me want to vomit. I just couldnt keep putting myself out there and being hurt. It dawned on me that I needed to look at myself and stop thinking why was this happening but rather what was this trying to teach me? Fast forward two+ years, after working with an amazing psychologist I discovered, amongst many things, what I truly believed deep down, I really didnt believe I deserved any better. Ive completely turned that around and want to help others do the same. Say hey and we can organise a free half an hr chat! #holisticlifecoach #spiral #takecontrol #responsibility #nomorevictim #selflove #beliefs See more

01.01.2022 I do love to study and Ive just signed up to do my Mental Health First Aid. Check it out. Its a great way to develop your understanding alongside being able to provide some help. It only takes a few hours of your time to complete and for any first year medical and health students its free!

01.01.2022 So important and why Im studying to become one. We regularly service our cars etc and speaking with a psych to help us mentally is the same.... Something everyone could do regularly to stay running efficiently

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