Ocean Air Yoga in Breakwater | Sport & recreation
Ocean Air Yoga
Locality: Breakwater
Phone: +61 413 142 613
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25.01.2022 NEW CLASS TIME ANNOUNCED! 7pm Tuesdays Intro / Slow Flow
25.01.2022 Masks mandatory from Monday! As you may have heard, masks are now mandatory for all Victorians from Monday. Please wear a mask to your class or unfortunately we wont be able to permit you to enter. Lets all stay safe and look cool together ... Image: redbubble.com #maskfrommonday #covidupdate #safety #lookinggood #wegotthis #oceanair_yoga
24.01.2022 Didnt receive the newsletter with the latest news, celebrations, savings and information?? Subscribe now: http://eepurl.com/goeUE5... #oceanair_yoga #monthlynewsletter #stayconnected #community #yoga #membershipdeals #importantinfo #aerialyogatribe
24.01.2022 Take off those trackies, slip off the Uggs and dust off your yoga pants, because were preparing to hang out with you again, Aerial Yoga style! In line with the easing of restrictions, we will be re-opening Ocean Air Yoga @ #themonastery in late June. Members, listen out for your phone call this week! Those on the mailing list will receive an email with all the details. To join the list, head to the website listed in our description and subscribe. ... Additional sanitisation measures, social distancing and Covid protocols will be initiated and strictly adhered to. We cant wait to practice our beloved Aerial Yoga with you all again soon. Weve really missed you, missed the practice, the mindfulness, the meditations, the laughs, the delightful way it builds our strength, flexibility, our sense of achievement and more! Oh how we love it! And we know you do too. Whos excited?!? #oceanair_yoga #reopening #vitality #yoga #funandfitness #geelongyogaclasses #geelongyoga #loveaerial
23.01.2022 Beautiful feedback we received last week from a new student Clare when I asked how her first class went... "Hiya Lexi - I absolutely loved it!! Ive literally been walking on air ever since and am confident this is the right path for me. Everyone has been curious as to what it was like and how I went; and my response to them as my doctor, osteo, other doc, partner and friends is, as Ill say to you now,... You have to try it!! It was magnificent and after all these years gave me a sense of trusting my body again. The instruction was so clear and attentive - not too much, not too little, but just right in pace and vigilance for those of us who were new or had issues to be aware of. Misty was so friendly, yet professional, and created a pleasant, welcoming spirit among the group while also being Covid safe. The equipment was impressive. I felt totally safe at all times and utterly at peace in such beautiful surrounds. So endeth Clare the Enthusiastic!!! In short - cant wait to fly again Lexi! " WOW!!! Thank you Clare for taking the time to send us your thoughts, it lifted us up and re-affirmed how much we love teaching Aerial Yoga xox #epicfeedback #gratitude #soulaffirming #aerialrestore #blissfultimes #geelongyogastudio #themonastery #oceanair_yoga Media Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/4mK2KVuYrDs Photo by Vinicius "amnx" Amano on Unsplash See more
23.01.2022 So much good stuff happening in the 'Ocean Air Yogis' Facebook Group! Join for free access to Aerial Sequences by the Ocean Air Yoga crew, discussions amongst members, inspiration, funny photos of people practicing at home with their kids, pics in upside-down onesies and for moral support through this time. All welcome! You don't have to be an Ocean Air Yoga member. Search on facebook for 'Ocean Air Yogis' and click 'Join'. Hope to see you in there xx... #oceanair_yoga #facebookgroup #freesequences #community #connection #wemissyou See more
22.01.2022 Our friends at Victorian Lamb Rescue are hosting an online Auction to raise money in order to provide ongoing care for their 200 resident animal friends. Ocean Air Yoga are donating an 'Intro to Aerial' Package which includes three Aerial Classes + two one-on-one Consultations valued at $75. Maybe you LOVE Aerial Yoga so much and want to purchase this as a gift for a friend? You could bid $20! $40! $60! Whatever!! All money goes to a great cause. LOADS AND LOADS of other incredible items up for auction toooooo! Check out their page for more information. Auction goes live THIS FRIDAY!!!
21.01.2022 HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to #oceanair_yoga student Clare who yesterday, reached the epic milestone of 100 classes at @oceanair_yoga!!! Clare was one of my first ever students, signing up at the launch party on 1st April 2019 and attending the first ever Intro class! In the early days when business was just starting, Clare and I even had some classes where it was just the two of us. Clare has also helped me out as a demo student at markets when my pregnant belly prevented me from... demonstrating the inversions. As you can see, Clare has become far more than a wonderful student & dedicated member. Like many of our close community, Clare is considered a friend and we just love having her in class! Congrats babe, youre such a legend and we feel very privelidged that youve chosen us as your community. We love you!! Lots of yogi love, Lexi & the team xox
21.01.2022 AND WE ARE NOW OPEN!!!! Welcome back to our wonderful members, to our lovely casuals and to our awesome newbies, we are beyond excited to see you! Thank you for your patience, loyalty and dedication. ... Lets get our Aerial ON!!! What are YOU most excited about? #open #oceanair_yoga #welcome #aerialyogatribe
18.01.2022 Now on maternity leave! I want to thank all the #oceanair_yoga students who have journeyed with me through this pregnancy. Giving your joy, hugs, laughter, excitement and advice! Its been such a blissful pregnancy and Ive felt very supported by all of you. I want to also thank my three amazing teachers, Fleur Freeland , Misty Moo and Meg Toth who now have the business in their capable hands. Theyre all incredible teachers; passionate, creative and caring. I can rest up &... focus on the bubs knowing the business is in the best hands. Ill still be having regular catch ups with OAY Manager, Fleur, and watching you all continue to build your health, fitness, mindfulness, immunity and vitality from afar. Huge virtual hugs to you all! Ill really miss you guys!! Stay safe during this time, wash those hands, keep smiling and hang upside-down as much as possible Much yogi love, Lexi xo #oceanair_yoga #community #connection #support #38weeks #maternityleave #yoga #aerialyogatribe #aerialyogaisawesome #illmissyouall
15.01.2022 When asked why theyve chosen to try Aerial Yoga, the main reason new students give is "it looks fun!" AND IT IS! Before I discovered Aerial Yoga, I was soooo bored with traditional exercise. I hated the gym and would always choose a wine & the couch over working out. Team-sports were a drag and running....well it made everything hurt.... It all changed when I tried Aerial Yoga. I INSTANTLY LOVED IT. It was interesting, different, fun, quirky, challenging, yet not in a sweat-your-guts-out kinda way. It was a beautiful stretch and it reminded me of how to connect with my spiritual side. I promptly signed up at @bodyflowyoga and started going five times a week! Six years on and now Ive opened my own studio to share this incredibly fun practice with others. Fun is one of the core values we hold at #oceanair_yoga and most classes also come with a good dose of laughter. Is it time for you to get off the couch and see if Aerial Yoga is for you? Media Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/-UUGr3txNuc Photo by Noah Silliman on Unsplash #funandfitness #geelongyogastudio #oceanair_yoga #aerialyogaisawesome #corevalue #getoffthecouch #innerchild #fun See more
15.01.2022 What were you doing this morning at 7am? Would you be feeling AMAZING now if you had been in the majestic heated haven @themonastery waking your body up with a beautiful Aerial Flow class? The answer is undoubtedly YES! ... Our NEW 7am Thursday class is a truly delightful way to start the day and set yourself up for an epic day of feeling nourished, gaining strength and being mindful. Make a commitment to yourself to try this class at least once, and see the difference it makes to your day. Image @Gettyimages #7amclass #earlyrisers #startfresh #heatedstudio #oceanair_yoga #thursdays #Aerialflow #strength #flexibility #funandfitness #mindfulness #yoga See more
13.01.2022 Were re-opening 22nd June!!!! Classes now available to book online. Classes restricted to 10 students max so get in quick :)
12.01.2022 LIVESTREAM CLASSES NOW AVAILABLE! Wednesdays 7pm. Book in via OAY website. What does your home set up look like?! Some people have their hammock set up in the garage, some in spare rooms, on balconies and mine is in the middle of our lounge room! Don't mind the VB In the words of Cypress Hill & Rage Against The Machine - Let's be rock superstars & take the power back. Re-start our aerial practice, iso-style until we can meet again face-to-face ... Music: Cypress Hill - Rock Superstar #loveaerial #oceanair_yoga #livestream #wednesday #7pm #booknow #rockit
12.01.2022 Beautiful Restore Class in progress. Upgraded sanitation protocols in place including hand wash and sanitation station, student spacing, single use hand towels in bathrooms and more. See latest email for full details. #nohugsfornow #oceanair_yoga #aerialrestore #health #mindfulness
12.01.2022 4 DAYS TO GO!!! Winter Schminter! We have new heaters!! We have invested in a decadent Infrared Heating System for many reasons including: Clean Heat... Reduces dust Unlike forced air heating systems, infrared radiant heating panels do not blow dust or allergens. No Emissions Infrared radiant heaters do not release any emissions, chemicals or pollutants. Soothe Aches Therapeutic relief Infrared heaters produce radiant heat waves like the sun ~ transferring warmth to the body, gently increasing circulation providing pain relief. Silent Operation No distractions or noisy blow heaters to pull our attention away from our serene Aerial Yoga Efficient No warm up time required saving massively on energy usage. LAST BUT NOT LEAST....they are super warm and we wanted to provide you with the best xo #infraredheating #toastystudio #winterbegone #healthandfitness #comeoutofthecold #cosyyoga #oceanair_yoga See more
11.01.2022 Im very excited to welcome a new member to our #oceanair_yoga tribe!! Most of you have already practiced aerial yoga with him when he was in utero! This is our son, Diego. Born earlier this week. All of us are doing very very well!! Were in our love bubble & hes sleeping and feeding like a champ. We are totally besotted and I cant wait to introduce him to you all once all the craziness subsides. He and I miss you all!! ... We hope youre all doing well and until we meet again, stay safe and well xox #babyyogihugs #ohthelove #aerialyogatribe #wemissyou
10.01.2022 HUGE CONGRATULATIONS TO ANNETTE KELLY for achieving the epic milestone of 100 Ocean Air Yoga Aerial Yoga classes! Annette started coming in May 2019, just one month after the studio opened and has been a member ever since, attending several times a week. She has always given her best, arrived with a smile and been a delightful energy to have in class. Annette encourages others, makes us all laugh with her honesty, has no filter and is an absolute gem. Annette said, "When I s...tarted at Ocean Air Yoga, I was really stepping out of my comfort zone in so many ways. I was worried whether I was going to fall, will the silk support me, am I strong enough!!! After a few classes you realise hey I can do this! Ocean Air Yoga has really made me enjoy exercising again and I look forward to coming to as many classes as I can each week." We love you Annette! See you in class
10.01.2022 3 DAYS TO GO!!! A huge thanks to Bruno, Diego & Sandro for making us some gorgeous wooden paper towel dispensers using recycled timber from our backyard! With four of these timber creations, one will be at the Sanitation Station at the entrance and one each in the Female, Male and Disabled (brand new) Toilets. ... #washthosehands #covidsafe #reopening #isowhat #recycle #reuse #creativepeople #whatateam #aerialyogatribe #aerialyogaisawesome #oceanair_yoga See more
09.01.2022 Temporary closure from Thursday. Classes still going ahead this Mon - Wed. Here at @oceanair_yoga we pride ourselves on being resilient, flexible and well practiced at flipping out of unusual situations, as @oceanair_yoga Student Elle demonstrates beautifully here! Therefore we acknowledge that having to close again is upsetting for all of us, but we are willing to do our part to slow the spread of Covid-19 and if this helps to keep people safe, then we are on board. ... We love the little community weve built of aerial yogis and think of you all as family. Our time spent together practicing aerial yoga is sacred to us and always so much fun. We are all going to miss this connection and the physical and mental release aerial yoga gives us. We got through this before and will get through it again. Rest assured we will be waiting for you on the other side once we can re-open! Members will receive an email tonight detailing the pause of their membership fees and any remaining days honoured on re-open. All packages purchased will have their expiry date extended and any pre-paid casual classes will be given a credit. If anyone is in financial difficulty and needs a refund, this is also an option so please dont hesitate to ask. Stay safe everyone. Video: thanks to Eagle Member Elle for this excellent demonstration of the transition of Back Hip Hang to High Goddess and a flip out! Love the cheeky smile at the end :) #oceanair_yoga #temporaryclosure #covidupdate #closingthursday #aerialyogatribe #geelongyogastudio
07.01.2022 SLOW MO SUNDAY TIME!!! Featuring awesome #oceanair_yoga student Clare! This nifty little sequence provides a chance to work on your balance, core strength and is a great shoulder deep tissue massage as well! Well be working on this in all Flow classes this week!... Lets get sideways!! #aerialyogaisawesome #funandfitness #health #happiness #geelongyogastudio #slowmosunday #corestrength #balance #massage #booknow
07.01.2022 Our doors are closed but our hearts are still open! One year ago today, Ocean Air Yoga was launched and although were temporarily closed during this time, we still wanted to celebrate this milestone. We wanted to particularly celebrate all of you wonderful people who have walked through the doors over the past year and especially our members! When you start a new business you have no idea how its going to go and its a risk; personally, financially and emotionally. I cou...ld never have predicted how much joy I have felt over the past year, sharing my love for Aerial Yoga with the Surf Coast. Seeing dedicated members come week after week, big smiles, lots of laughs and achieving fitness & mindfulness goals some never felt possible! I am forever grateful to you all for making this such an epic year and I cannot wait to see you all again in the silks when this is over. As we all go into self-isolation, please always feel free to reach out to us, were still here and would love for you to continue to share your news on our Facebook page, if anyone is practicing at home - post some pics! We truly miss you all, Much yogi love, Lexi, Misty, Fleur and Meg xoxox #onetoday #aerialyogatribe #birthday #wemissyou #geelongyogastudios
07.01.2022 Legendary #oceanair_yoga student Lisa has found a great rig which can be used for your at home Aerial Yoga practice for only $589, shipped from Brisbane in 7 days!!! One size, height 2235mm high and 2100mm wide, it will fit into standard ceiling height house of 2.4m. I dont have any affiliation with this company and cannot personally vouch for the product but Lisa said its great! Purchase from https://www.vulyplay.com/en-AU/swing-sets ... You customise the swing set to be a max small and take off any assesories Comment if youre thinking of buying one and may be interested in us starting online #oceanair_yoga classes!!!! #affordablerig #niceonelisa #homepractice #weallmissaerial
06.01.2022 Our doors are temporarily closed but our hearts are always open. Join our Facebook Group to stay in touch. https://www.facebook.com/groups/644334049755698
05.01.2022 6 DAYS TO GO!!! The countdown is on for us to re-open the studio and all preparations are in their final stages! Our beautiful space at #themonastery is 132m2 so even at maximum #oceanair_yoga capacity of 16, thats over 8 metres square per person! All silks are already spaced over 1.5 metres from one another - so social distancing is not a problem! ... From June 22nd restrictions only allow 10 students per group activity plus teachers but hopefully soon enough we can re-open at full capacity! We cant wait to see you all again :) xo #countdown #reopening #socialdistancing #geelongyogaclasses #aerialyogaisawesome #aerialyogatribe #funandfitness #isowhat #oceanair_yoga See more
05.01.2022 FINALLY THE NEWS WE WERE HOPING FOR!!! We will be re-opening on Monday 2nd November and are beside ourselves with excitement. Members & mailing list ppl will receive an email with all the details shortly. Oh what a feeling!!! Who's pumped?!
04.01.2022 NEW CLASS TIME ANNOUNCED! Yes were still open and have added another class to the timetable! 7pm Tuesdays is now a joint Intro/Slow Flow class - open for newbies as well as those wanting Slow Flow. Intro and Slow Flow are at the same level, difference being the Slow Flow sequence changes from week to week. However Tuesday night sequence will remain consistent, which I know some people prefer. ... With restrictions in Melbourne back in place, anxiety can be creeping back in. Now more than ever we need our practice to help us remain grounded and re-centre. Unless the local situation changes we will remain open for you. We are confident in our sanitation and social distancing strategies and hope to see you in class soon xo #newclass #intro #slowflow #yoga #centreyourself #gratitude
04.01.2022 If youre interested in staying connected, healthy and mindful through online #oceanair_yoga classes, please head to our latest newsletter to find out how! All memberships now on pause. https://mailchi.mp/c6/well-try-to-move-online-studio-closed We already miss you and cannot wait till we can be together again in person! Xo... #stayconnected #missyoualready #oceanair_yoga #aerialyoga #aerialyogatribe #aerialyogaisawesome #staysafe
04.01.2022 Small class sizes, new sanitation procedures in place! See you in class :) #muchlessthan100
03.01.2022 Our friends at CircArts are hosting a world renowned Cirque du Soleil handbalancer who was formerly an Internationally acclaimed sports acro athlete named Andrii Bondarenko! Its a great opportunity to improve your skills and learn from the best when we get exceptional people such as Andrii here in Geelong!! Check out his workshop details here! #circarts #handbalancing #upskilling #funandfitness #workshop #oceanair_yoga
02.01.2022 Meet the crew: Fleur Freeland Fleur has been working with Aerial Silks for years and incorporates this knowledge and expertise into her Aerial Yoga classes. She pays intricate attention to verbal cues, ensuring precision movements for best student outcomes and her classes flow with creativity and fun. Fleur also has a Diploma of Remedial Massage, has studied Reiki, Lomi Lomi and done 250hrs of Yoga Teacher Training.... Her cheeky humour, delightful personality and dedication to all things Aerial is second to none. Fleur - youre a champ! Thanks for being a stella part of the #oceanair_yoga crew! #greatteacher #aerialsilks #meetthecrew #funandfitness #experience #creativity #health #yoga #community
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