Love takayna/Tarkine | Community
Love takayna/Tarkine
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24.01.2022 This is what the government is supporting in takayna/Lake Malbena - ecotourism greenwash
23.01.2022 Safe for now. Environmental groups and tourism operators from Maydena have made the cable logging of this magical forest a public issue. As of today Coupe TN034G has a reprieve. The logging plan still exists but these trees and ferns and mosses can breathe easier for a while. Thank you all who rang, emailed, shared.
21.01.2022 BBF, Extinction Rebellion and The Wilderness Society are calling all people who care for our forests to join the virtual rally online tomorrow. Tasmania and the rest of the world needs forests to stay intact for climate, wildlife, environment and society. RSVP here to join this online action NOTE times for other states that this event is on: 10:00am in WA 11:30am in NT and SA 12 noon in NSW, ACT, TAS, QLD and VIC
21.01.2022 The Styx needs us - cable logging due to commence in the next few weeks. The road will be closed to the public. Call the Premier. He is also Minister for Climate Change and the Treasurer. Sustainable Timbers Tasmania is a wholly owned Government Business Enterprise.! Hobart Office Level 9, 15 Murray Street HOBART, TAS 7000 Phone: (03) 6165 7650 ... Electorate Office Ground Floor, Public Building 53 St John Street LAUNCESTON, TAS 7250 Phone: (03) 6777 1007 We need as many eyeballs on this as possible because the more people see it, the more unacceptable will logging rainforest be - so that it finally ends. The world has never needed its intact forests more than now. It's a great day out to Maydena and a wonderful walk in the woods - but for all the wrong reasons. Drive through Maydena, At the Styx/Florentine road junction turn right and go under Gordon Rover Road. Follow south on Styx Road. After 4.1km just after the gravel quarry turn steep left onto a spur road up to the forest logging coupe's location. The junction to coupe TN34G is opposite Mueller Road. Link to approximate location of logging coupe:
18.01.2022 This Huon pine must have been bruised by many floods over the millennium or so that it has stood here, braced by granite boulders at Tarkine. Nic Fitzgerald
17.01.2022 Another whopper photographed over the weekend - Lower Que forest. - I'm calling this one the Asintmah tree - which is the native American goddess for Earth and nature!
16.01.2022 We must protect our forests. VICA BAYLEY today in The Mercury . Talking Point: Premier, drop the obsession with logging VICA BAYLEY: Premier makes no mention of plans to clear rainforest protected by John Howard and Paul Lennon KUDOS to Bob Brown Foundation staff and volunteers for flying the flag for takayna/Tarkine and drawing out new premier Peter Gutwein to engage in the debate over logging old-growth and rainforests of global importance (Greens must lay off the loggers...Continue reading
13.01.2022 Please share widely. Send a friend ( or three). #sitddown in solidarity with fire affected communities and First Nations people. Rainforests are burning!
12.01.2022 This is why sharing our images is so important. To show people our wild places. Olegas Truchanas and Peter Dombrovskis are perhaps Australia's greatest wilderness photographers. Their work became synonymous with campaigns to protect Tasmania's natural heritage. Their philosophy was simple and remarkably effective - if people can see the beauty of Australia's wild places then they might be moved to save them.
11.01.2022 A 'sad' song for our times. Time to rebel and say #ActNow
11.01.2022 Enjoy and share as widely as you can
10.01.2022 Today huge parts of takayna became open to logging as part of Minister Barnett's so-called 'wood bank'. Tell Peter Gutwein to halt all logging in the Reserves that we paid $420 million for in 2013. Watch the short video of this Tasmanian travesty today. Then share it widely. Thank you
10.01.2022 Thought all the Styx rainforest was protected? Nup. Please head down to the Styx to witness another beautiful stand of classic Styx rainforest that is due to be logged any day. It looks like a fairytale forest out of Lord of the Rings - thick moss, huge ferns and delicate rainforest trees, from stands of sassafras to huge eucalypts. These are all due to be clearfelled, using cable logging, out of existence. An entire hillside is due to be scraped free of life. And for what? A... commercial pittance - subsidised with your taxes - but at huge ecological cost. We need as many eyeballs on this as possible because the more people see it, the more unacceptable will logging rainforest be - so that it finally ends. The world has never needed its intact forests more than now. It's a great day out to Maydena and a wonderful walk in the woods - but for all the wrong reasons. Drive through Maydena, At the Styx/Florentine road junction turn right and go under Gordon Rover Road. Follow south on Styx Road. After 4.1km just after the gravel quarry turn steep left onto a spur road up to the forest logging coupe's location. The junction to coupe TN34G is opposite Mueller Road. Link to approximate location of logging coupe:
09.01.2022 Let’s celebrate and honour together the 30 year anniversary of the Beautiful Douglas Apsley National Park. Love the East Coast! For wilderness and with love Lizx
07.01.2022 These are the forests the Bunnings said it doesn't want wood from. D'you reckon they're wrong or right??
07.01.2022 This page Admin was lucky enough to go takayna for a few days and camp at Sumac. I'm no photographer but these give you some idea. If you can please visit them. Email your local House of Assembly representative. This forest must not become veneer and woodchip.
06.01.2022 Come and say Hi to us at the show and sign our Petition
04.01.2022 Time to phone/email your local member - again. No more logging in wet forests - simple. They want us to be the breadbasket of Australia - where are all the pollinating bees going to forage on the off season time.? No leatherwood - no bees.
04.01.2022 The Forest Practices Plan for this coupe makes no mention of these giant trees, highlighting STTs failure to protect Tasmania’s environments and biological systems. This shows just how important the work forestry watch is doing in finding and attempting to protect amazing Tasmanian forests.
03.01.2022 Let's hope this helps
03.01.2022 Video of the Cradle Coast Authority Giant Freshwater Crayfish project
02.01.2022 Threatened Species Day. Launceston Wilderness Society highlight the plight of some of our Threatened Species to the community. These people gave voice to the th...e voiceless. Love these wonderful folk. Lizxx With the current extinction crisis and catastrophic climate change it’s time to tell our federal liberal politicians we Need Nature Laws that Work not the proposed EPBC legislation that facilitates inappropriate development and extinction!! See more
02.01.2022 Big news. Bunnings says "no thanks" to timber sourced from contentious Tasmanian forest reserves the Government wants to hand over to the logging industry. Tasmania's so-called 'Future Potential Production Forests' were originally informally protected as Future Reserve Land through the Tasmanian Forest Agreement. "The Gutwein Liberal Government has said that 'where industry can demonstrate a need for the wood' the Government will consider logging these forests. Markets are already rejecting this wood, which indicates a lack of need to destroy these high environmental value forests," said Tom Allen for the Wilderness Society Tasmania. "Regrettably, the Liberals' policy puts a cloud over Tasmania's entire wood and fibre industry, by considering re-commencing logging in forests that ought to remain protected."
01.01.2022 The Extinction Rebellion Northern Tasmania Red Rebel Brigade have emerged from the forests of takayna / Tarkine to highlight the imminently threatened status of... these magnificent temperate rainforests, with ancient trees and entire co-dependent ecosystems. The forests are scheduled for roading and logging in the near future, with the vigil camp busted and tree sitters arrested, but the blockade continues... Red Rebels across the world continue to bear silent witness to the destruction (and planned destruction) of Mother Nature, mourning the death of millions of beings, plant and animal, entire landscapes, rivers, oceans, logged, burnt bare, sucked dry, trashed and raped by mankind’s greed and insatiable desire for unchecked growth. The Red Rebels are watching. Photo: Kelly Slater
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