Love Want Need | Blogger
Love Want Need
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22.01.2022 Both our children get their enthusiasm for food from me, evidently. (Swipe for Taylor, Feb 2019) @ Adelaide, South Australia
20.01.2022 My top 9 for 2020. Interestingly enough, 2020 was the year I saw more of my family in QLD than any other year. It was also the year I became Mrs Chandler, the year Brodie turned 1 and made us hold our breath 9739 times with each head bump and ballsy climb, and the year Taylor found her fear of bugs and love for ballet/the beach/Christmas and Face-Timing loved ones. It was a weird year, but it was still a super special one. I hope 2021 will be another amazing year of making memories with my favourite people in the world
20.01.2022 How are you 3 weeks away from being 1?! Still my baby @ Glenelg, South Australia
19.01.2022 One minute they're tiny little beings, trying to navigate life outside the womb and the next, they're taking their first steps all on their own. I swear everything goes faster the second time around #10monthsofyou
18.01.2022 She's always got his back
17.01.2022 He never liked taking a selfie until our daughter was born #daddydaughter #twoofmythree #wrappedaroundherfingers @justinchands
16.01.2022 Little man of my heart
15.01.2022 Yesterday was a pretty rough day. Between Brodie keeping me up all night and having to function off minimum sleep, him crying all day long no matter what I tried to do to help and trying to still keep up with the everyday routine of being a stay at home mummy of two, I had one of those 'how am I going to do this' moments that all of us Mummy's know too well. After Brodie had finally settled for bed at 6.30 last night, Taylor decided to sit with her Dad and I, gently grab both... of our faces, kiss us and tell us 'I love you guys so much'. These are the moments that get us through (they're also the moments that make us think we should keep breeding... am I right!? ). If I've learnt anything through motherhood, it's that lowering your expectations of yourself can do wonders. Your babes don't care if they have baked beans on toast for dinner or if the floors don't get mopped another day. They care about you, mumma. You should too. . Thank you for being the sweetest, kindest and most loving little girl we could have ever asked for Taylor Grace. And for not judging me for the state of me or our home right now. You're such an incredible little woman and I'm so bloody proud. See more
15.01.2022 My little (challenging, stubborn, ridiculously sweet and cheeky) spunk
15.01.2022 Our day started at 2am. Brodie had a feed then decided he couldn't go back to sleep without me. I persisted until 4am before I finally gave in and jumped into our spare bed with him. Without me, in his cot, he cried. With me, holding him and patting him gently, he slept. So we co-slept for the first time (but not the last, I imagine). I know it's not encouraged or recommended, I know it's potentially going to start a bad habit and bla bla but to be frank, I don't care about those opinions. Some nights our babies need us more than others. Some nights we just have to do what works. Right now I just want to be what he needs me to be; a big, warm, snuggly never-ending cuddle. #CurseYouTeething #MyLittleHoney
14.01.2022 When you're feelin' yourself at 8am.... "Mummy take a photo?" The exact level of confidence I hope our babe carries for her entire life
14.01.2022 Happy 3rd birthday to the sweetest, kindest, most caring little girl we could have ever wished for. You are such a little ray of sunshine in all of our lives and you make me very proud. I hope today you felt as special, wonderful and loved as you are. I love you endlessly my little ballerina
11.01.2022 NEW BLOG POST. I know, I know. It's been a minute since I last posted. As you can imagine, and relate to, I've been busy with my honeys. Today, for the first time in a while, I got both of them to nap together (HUGE win!!). So I sat down and typed away, sharing my experience with two babies under two. Link in bio. Grab a wine (I would say cuppa, but let's be real, we all know which of the two self-isolation with small babies has us reaching for ), and have a read. I hope all... of you and your families are happy, healthy and staying positive in this weird and uncertain time . . . . . #adelaideblogger #adelaidemummyblogger #instablog #instamum #lovewantneedblog #mummyblogger #mummyblog #adelaideblogger #love #mumlife #twobabiesundertwo #blog See more
10.01.2022 Brodie Jack Today you are ONE. My beautiful, cheeky, wonderful, clever little boy. I am SO lucky to be your mumma. You give us lots of giggles and couldn't be more perfect if you tried. Here are some fun facts about you at the ripe age of ONE:... You frown like your mumma (Grandad says you're just inquisitive like your mumma was as a baby), and you have your Dad's smile. You love a good groove, particularly to the Wiggles. You are obsessed with your big sister, and walk around like a lost puppy when she's not home. You hate being restrained. The car seat sucks and the high chair sucks. You love to climb. And give your mum heart attacks too it seems. You LOVE bath time. BEST TIME EVER. You pull a very funny face when you're concentrating, frustrated or when you're trying to decide whether you hurt yourself with that last fall. It's like a scrunched up 'I'm disgusted in you' kind of face. You strongly dislike sleep at night time. You started walking at 9.5 months, but because the world was in isolation for so long, you never learnt how to walk in shoes... we are working on this at present. You are everything I could have ever dreamed of. I love you always. Here's to many more laughs, falls, cuddles, kisses and laps around the sun
09.01.2022 HAPPY HENS TO MEEE So grateful for all the beautiful people in my life who helped me celebrate yesterday. Big thank you to my bridesmaids for spoiling the F out of me with the stunning set up, bottomless cocktails and entertainment Now we just have to make it through this week and I'll be a married woman #BIGLOVE
08.01.2022 We are leaving the house for the first time in weeks today and it's for the sole purpose of getting the family's flu shots Wish us luck
07.01.2022 Very busy over here at Chandler Headquarters... #futurebossbabe
07.01.2022 A COVID WEDDING FAIRY TALE. Want to know how we planned a wedding and went through with it during Covid? Read my latest blog now (link in bio) xx
07.01.2022 So glad you got to be here for this Happy snaps from Grandad's visit for Brodie's 1st birthday. So many memories made. Until next time @ Adelaide, South Australia
06.01.2022 Heart is so full (even though both of my babies are literally pushing me away to get to the swings )
05.01.2022 You have no idea about the shit storm going on around us in the world right now.... Just happy as Larry because Mum gave you Vegemite sandwich. Thanks for reminding me to appreciate even the small things in life, darling boy @ Adelaide, South Australia
04.01.2022 Secretly hoping someone has a dress up party one day so I can dress you as Pebbles... (swipe) #myreallifedoll #whatabeauty @ Glenelg, South Australia
04.01.2022 It feels like it was just 5 minutes ago you were placed on my chest for the first time. Now look at you. Our perfect little boy
03.01.2022 The best family shot we got Thank you to the small group of people who came to celebrate our girl today. A special thanks to @when_bella_bakes for the insane ballerina cake for our little red head ballerina Taylor's reaction to each gift she opened today made it clear that you all know her very well xx @justinchands
03.01.2022 so proud of you honeybunch
02.01.2022 MR & MRS CHANDLER (I like saying that) It poured down with rain, there were multiple last minute changes and strict covid restrictions in place, but my husband and I couldn't have asked for a more perfect day. We are so grateful for all the beautiful people in our lives who celebrated with us and / or wished us well from a distance. Thank you all, you're amazing and we are so grateful. With all our love, The Chandlers (I like saying that too ) Xxx
01.01.2022 How to make Taylor's morning: give her a sheet of stickers
01.01.2022 Baby boy's First Easter #cannotdeal #sobloodyCUTE #spotthetooth @ Adelaide, South Australia