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Lower Plenty Veterinary Clinic in Lower Plenty, Victoria, Australia | Veterinary surgeon

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Lower Plenty Veterinary Clinic

Locality: Lower Plenty, Victoria, Australia

Phone: +61 3 9439 0777

Address: 164 Main Road 3093 Lower Plenty, VIC, Australia


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25.01.2022 We had our first puppy school this week after covid-19 stage 4 restrictions were lifted. Our puppy school runs for 4 weeks every Wednesday from 6pm to 7pm. To register your interest for our next puppy school, January 6th 2021, please call us on 03 9439 0777. For more information visit #lowerplentyvetclinic #lowerplenty #melbourne #vet #veterinary #puppyschool #puppyschoolmelbourne #puppiesofinstagram #puppies #puppiesofinsta #puppiesofmelbourne #puppyschoolgraduate #puppyschoolgraduation # #

25.01.2022 Reminder that we will be closed tomorrow, Friday 23rd October, for the Grand Final Eve Public Holiday. We will reopen again on Saturday 24th October from 9am till 2pm. For more information about us or our services please visit #lowerplentyvet #lowerplenty #vet #veterinary #publicholiday #grandfinaleve #footyfever #melbournegrandfinal

25.01.2022 Happy Friday everyone from the hardworking LPVC team @giveakittyahome For more information about us or our services please call 03 9439 0777 or visit #lowerplentyvetclinic #lowerplentyvet #lowerplenty #vet #team #teamwork #vetnurse #recsue #rescuecats #rescuecatsofinstagram #rescuecatsofinsta #friday #fridayvibes #fridayfeels #happyfriday #

23.01.2022 Meet Tigger. He is currently recovering from MMP surgery (Modified Maquet Procedure)and is doing really well. This is 14 days post surgery. What amazing progress! For more information about us or our services please call 03 9439 0777 or visit #lowerplentyvet #vet #veterinarian #melbourne #mmp #cruciateligament #acl #aclrecovery #aclsurgery #acltear #aclinjury #aclindogs #cruciatesurgery #cruciatesurgeryindogs

21.01.2022 This is Teddy. He is currently recovering from MMP surgery (Modified Maquet Procedure)and is doing really well. This is 6 days post surgery. What amazing progress! For more information about us or our services please call 03 9439 0777 or visit #lowerplentyvet #vet #veterinarian #melbourne #mmp #cruciateligament #acl #aclrecovery #aclsurgery #acltear #aclinjury #aclindogs #cruciatesurgery #cruciatesurgeryindogs

20.01.2022 The first newsletter for 2021 is out! In this edition we discuss the following: Desexing your dog Puppy School Classes... New members of the LPVC team Some baby news Please visit #lowerplentyvet #lowerplenty #vet #veterinary #vetnurse #vetsofmelbourne #vetnursesofmelbourne #vetsofinstagram #vetnursesofinstagram #newsletter #edition4

15.01.2022 The gorgeous 11 week old Blue Heeler X, Sunset Passion, recovering from desexing surgery today @k9rescue.vic #lowerplentyvetclinic #lowerplentyvet #lowerplenty #vet #veterinarian #melbournevet #rescuedogsofinstagram #rescuedog #rescuepuppy #rescuepuppiesofinstagram #rescuepuppies #rescue # # #

15.01.2022 Good morning! We are having some issues with our phone lines at the moment. Please call us on the clinic mobile, on 0435 046 619. We will hope to have this problem fixed shortly!

15.01.2022 Gorgeous 10 week old ‘Nova’ in for her puppy vaccination today For more information about us and our services please call 03 9439 0777 or visit #lowerplentyvetclinic #lowerplenty #vet #veterinarian #puppycheck #puppyvaccines #germanshepherd #germanshepherdpuppies #puppiesofinstagram #puppiesofinsta #puppiesofmelbourne # #

15.01.2022 It’s a hot day today in Melbourne and across Australia . Please keeps your pets cool. Provide plenty of water for them and add ice to keep their water cooler for longer!Ideally keep them indoors but if not please make sure they have plenty of shade. And remember.....don’t leave your pets in your car even if it’s for a quick minute. It can take 6min or less for an animal to suffer heat exhaustion. For more information about us or our services please call 03 9439 0777 or visit #lowerplentyvet #lowerplenty #vet #veterinary #dogsofinstagram #dogs #puppiesofinstagram #puppies #catsofinstagram #cats #kittensofinstagram #summer #heat #heatwaves #keepspetssafe #hydration #shade

14.01.2022 Warning Cuteness Overload 8 month old English Setter ‘Sykes’ waiting patiently to see Dr Avinder For more information about us and our services please call 03 9439 0777 or visit #lowerplentyvetclinic #lowerplentyvet #lowerplenty #vet #vetclinic #veterinary #veterinaryclinic #melbournevet #melbournevets #englishsetter #englishsettersofinstagram #englishsetterpuppy #englishsetterpuppiesofinstagram #englishsetters #englishsetterlove #puppy #puppylove # # #

14.01.2022 Melbourne is finally heading back to some sort of normality! Starting from tomorrow Wednesday 28th October we will be allowing clients back into the clinic with their pets for their consultation You will need to call the clinic to advise us that you have arrived for your appointment To ensure the health of our staff and others please follow these strict protocols: Masks are to be worn at all times... Please sanitise your hands as soon as you enter the clinic. There is a strict 1 person per pet policy. If your pet is coming for a procedure we ask that you call the clinic when you arrive and the nurse will give you further instructions. Please make sure you have completed the admission form before your arrival. For all medication or food pick ups we ask that you call when you arrive. For all medication requests please ensure that you allow 7 days for any medication to be dispensed. We are still encouraging contactless payments. KEEPING YOUR DISTANCE Please remember the 1.5m social distancing rule at all times. Thank you to our amazing clients for being so patient and understanding during this time #covid19 #restrictionslifted #melbourne #socialdistancing #maskup #

14.01.2022 Rupert the gorgeous 10 week old Border Collie in for his 2nd puppy vaccination For more information about us or our services please call 03 9439 0777 or visit #lowerplentyvetclinic #lowerplentyvet #lowerplenty #vet #veterinary #puppies #puppiesofinstagram #puppiesofinsta #puppiesofmelbourne #puppyvaccines #vaccination #bordercollie #bordercolliesofinstagram #bordercolliepuppy #bordercolliesoftheworld

14.01.2022 It’s been a while but PATIENT OF THE WEEK GOES TO EDWARD! Poor Edward was found on the side of the road with a ruptured eye earlier this week. Luckily @heartandsoulrescue came to the rescue and we have been doing everything we can you save him! He has laboured breathing and is currently being monitored at Lort Smith Animal Hospital. Even though he is a stray, he is so affectionate and we know he’s a little fighter! He’s still not out of the wars yet but we are keeping our fingers crossed! Head to @heartandsoulrescue to donate and support precious cats like Edward

10.01.2022 Labour Day Public Holiday. Trading hours as follows: Saturday 6th March - 9am till 2pm Sunday 7th March - Closed Monday 8th March - Closed... We will re open Tuesday 9th March from 8am till 7pm Enjoy your long weekend For appointments please call 03 9439 0777 or visit #lowerplentyvetclinic #lowerplentyvet #vet #veterinary #veterinarysurgery #vetsofmelbourne #vetsofinstagram #vetnurse #vetnurses #vetnursesofinstagram #publicholiday #labourday #labourdayweekend #labourdaylongweekend #shortbreak #recharge #labourdaymelbourne See more

10.01.2022 Spring is in the air and it’s also a time that your pets may show signs of allergies. Some symptoms to look out for are: skin irritation hair loss red inflamed skin runny nose/watery eyes... If your pet is showing any of the above symptoms or have any other concerns please call us on 03 9439 0777 or visit #lowerplentyvet #lowerplenty #vet #veterinarian #veterinary #vetsofmelbourne #vetsofinstagram #spring #springtime # #petsofinstagram #petsofinsta #petsofmelbourne See more

08.01.2022 Monday has got us all exhausted! Back tomorrow from 8am For more information about us or our services call 9439 0777 or visit #lowerplentyvet #lowerplenty #vet #veterinarian #vetsofmelbourne #caring #treating #dogsofinstagram #puppiesofinstagram #dogsofinsta #puppiesofinsta #catsofinstagram #kittensofinstagram #catsofinsta #kittens #rabbits #rabbitsofinstagram #petsofinstagram #petstagram #pets #petsofmelbourne #petsofinsta

07.01.2022 WIN A PET CAMERA! With any Glyde purchase at our clinic you will go into the draw to win your very own pet camera Glyde joint supplement for dogs contains natural ingredients that promote joint health and normal cartilage development. They come in 60 chews, 120 chews and also 360g powder. Ask us about using Glyde supplements for you dog 03 9439 0777 @glyde.chews For more information about us or our services please call 03 9439 0777 or visit #lowerplentyvetclinic #lowerplentyvet #lowerplenty #veterinarian #vetclinic #dogs #dogsofinstagram #glyde #glydedog #glydemobilitychews #petsupplements #promotion

04.01.2022 PATIENT OF THE WEEK GOES TO.... JJ Poor little JJ was unfortunately attacked by another dog a few weeks ago. He came rushing in and we had to do an emergency surgery to stitch JJ back up. He hasn’t had the smoothest recovery and has been in every few days for wound clean ups but he is so brave! He is a very energetic puppy and just wants to play so this is our best picture! Show some love for our patient of the week and like this post! And always remember to keep your companions on lead for everyone’s safety! A happy puppy is a happy vet clinic

04.01.2022 Navi the 3 1/2 year old Japanese Spitz was in for MMP surgery (Modified Maquet Procedure) on her left hind leg. Navi is recovering from surgery and we look forward to seeing her progress over the next few weeks. For more information about our MMP procedure or any other services please call 03 9439 0777 or visit #lowerplentyvetclinic #lowerplentyvet #lowerplenty #vet #veterinary #vetsofinstagram #acl #acltears #aclinjury #aclindogs #cruciate #cruciateligament #cruciatesurgery #cruciateligamentrupture #cruciateligamentdog #cruciaterecovery #dogs #dogsofinstagram #dogsofinsta #dogsofmelbourne

03.01.2022 PATIENT OF THE WEEK GOES TO.... Angel! What an amazing journey this little guy has gone through. Angel came in for a leg injury and had to have surgery not once, not twice but THREE times. He has been such a brave boy and is on the road to recovery now. We will update you all when he’s back on his feet! We love you Angel!

03.01.2022 ‘Harvey’ was in today for his 2nd vaccination Isn’t he the most gorgeous Bernese Mountain Dog For more information about us or our services please call 03 9439 0777 or visit #lowerplentyvetclinic #lowerplentyvet #lowerplenty #bernesemountaindog #berneseofinstagram #bernesemountaindogs #puppy #bernese #bernesemountaindogpuppy #bernesemountaindogpuppies #bernesemountaindogpuppiesofinstagram #bernesemountaindogsofinstagram #vaccination #puppyvaccines #puppyvaccinations # #

02.01.2022 Tomorrow Tuesday 3rd November is Melbourne Cup Public holiday. We will be closed but will back on Wednesday 4th November from 8am. #lowerplentyvet #lowerplenty #vet #veterinarian #vetnurse #publicholiday #melbourne #melbournecup #theracethatstopsthenation

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