Anderson Family Lawyers | Lawyer & law firm
Anderson Family Lawyers
Phone: +61 3 5536 9111
Address: Melbourne 3000
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25.01.2022 R U OK?Day 2020 might be coming to an end but the conversations shouldnt stop. Any day youre concerned someones struggling, trust your gut and ask, are you ...OK? Because a conversation could change a life. If you or a loved one need immediate support contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 for a confidential chat any time of day or night. You can find other support services at These services are for everyone - whether you need a listening ear or are concerned about someone else.
25.01.2022 This, is the beginning of loving yourself. Welcome home ... You cant look after anyone else if you dont look after yourself. Self care is essential! #selfcare #welcomehome #new beginning #familylaw #separation #movingforward #resolution #divorce
24.01.2022 Thank you to the women before us (and the men who supported them) who worked to give women the right to vote, to stand in parliament, to get an education. In 2020 the gender pay gap continues, gender focused violence continues, discrimination in the workplace and in the home continues. Throughout the world not all girls are given the opportunity to be educate, child brides are allowed and sex trafficking continues. However, knowledge is power. Let us follow in the footsteps of those women(and men) before us to ensure that the future for our girls and boys is brighter no matter where they may be. Together we are stronger @andersonfamilylawyers #internationalwomensday #togetherwearestronger #knowledgeispower #ourfuture #movingforward #familylawyers #familylaw #familylawyersmelbourne #familylawyersyarraville #familylawyersaltonanorth
23.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day to all the dads out there. #fathersday #fathers #dadlife
23.01.2022 We are still operating during the current lockdown so, if you need to speak with us, please just get in touch. Visit: #lockdownmelbourne #familylaw #familylawyermelbourne #legaladvice
23.01.2022 When you are in a dark place, you sometimes tend to think that youve been buried. Perhaps youve been planted. Bloom.... #newbeginning #bloom #familylawyer
22.01.2022 Wishing you all a happy Easter full of love and laughter at home @andersonfamilylawyers #happyeaster #easterathome #kindnesslightandlove #familylaw #separationcanbecivil #movingforward #easter #childrensorders #timewithchildren #coparenting
21.01.2022 You might think that self-care is a bunch of hullabaloo, but theres a reason experts are promoting it. According to psychologist Raphailia Michael, MA, self-care is the key to a well-balanced life, and is shown to increase mood, decrease stress, and improve relationships. Interested in finding out more? See our full blog on self-care tips on the website. ... Visit: #selfcare #familylaw #relationships
19.01.2022 You might think that because of travel restrictions, and being told to stay home, you cant continue normal care arrangements for your children during COVID. Not so! The Family Court is working hard with government authorities to ensure that care arrangements for children can go largely unaffected during this time. If youd usually do a one week on, one week off arrangement, or have regular visits in place, you should keep these arrangements going during COVID, for both fo...rmal and informal arrangements. Have more questions on your childs care arrangements during COVID? Check out our full blog on this topic on our website. Visit: #covid19 #familycourt #carearrangements
19.01.2022 Live your own life. I choose to stay positive!! @andersonfamilylawyers #yourlife #yourchoice #familylawmelbourne #familylawyersmelbourne #movingforward #stayingpositive #youvegotthis #ivegotthis
19.01.2022 Okay, so weve all seen the Instagram stories featuring indulgent bubble baths, exotic getaways and luxury facials, complete with the hashtag #selfcare. While were certainly not saying these dont count as self-care (who doesnt love a good facial?!), theres definitely other aspects involved when looking after yourself. If youre looking to improve your self-care, ensure youre making a conscious effort to improve all aspects of your health and wellbeing ... physical, emotional, social and spiritual. While a bubble-bath might be self-care one day, a hard workout or a stricter bed-time routine might be what it takes the next day. If youre looking for some self-care tips, check out our latest blog for our self-care 101. Visit: #wellbeing #familylaw #familylawyer
17.01.2022 Womens Legal Service Victoria has written a useful article for women considering accessing their super early in the current COVID-19 climate. See attached for more... #familylaw #super #covid19andsuperannuation #superannuation #separation #propertysettlement
15.01.2022 Mothers Day has been a bit different this year, but one things stays the same...we live our mums! We hope all the mums, step mums, adoptive mums, foster mums, nannas, great nannas, those standing in as mums, dads taking in the role of both parents, have all had a relaxing day! @andersonfamilylawyers #happymothersday #happymothersday2020 #family #familyfirst
15.01.2022 Very happy to share the news that emergency regulations were made today which will allow electronic signing and remote witnessing of important documents like wills, Powers of Attorney, mortgages and deeds... #remotewitnessing #electronicsigning #wills #executingwills #willsinvictoria
13.01.2022 Great words Self Defence Hub
12.01.2022 Have your usual supervised visits with children been affected due to COVID? Have border restrictions meant you cant see your children? Have you, your child, or another guardian of your child tested positive for COVID-19?... Is there an increased risk of family violence due to COVID restrictions? If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you may be eligible to apply for the National COVID-19 List for the Family Courts. Check out our full blog on the List for more information. Visit: #covid19 #restrictions #familylaw
11.01.2022 Please share. Even in Stage 4 restrictions you are allowed to leave your home if you or your children are at risk of harm from family violence. For help or sup...port, call our 24/7 phone line on 1800 015 188. Were here for you any time of the day or night. If you cant call, or prefer not to, you can connect with us through live web chat on weekdays between 9am - 9pm at If you or someone you care about is experiencing family violence and speaks limited or no English, we can arrange to speak to you with the help of a telephone interpreter. Find out more at
11.01.2022 Did you know that emergency regulations were made today which will allow electronic signing and remote witnessing of important documents like wills, Powers of Attorney, mortgages and deeds? @andersonfamilylawyers #remotewitnessing #electronicsigning #familylawmelbourne #familylawyersmelbourne #familylaw
10.01.2022 What is the COVID-19 List in the Family Law Court? The National COVID-19 List has been created by The Family Court of Australia and the Federal Circuit Court of Australia in order to deal with urgent family law disputes related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The idea is that urgent matters can be dealt with electronically at a national level, rather than waiting for your matter to appear before your local Registry. According to the Hon Will Alstergren, Chief Justice of the Famil...y Court of Australia and Chief Judge of the Federal Circuit Court of Australia, Applications that are eligible to be dealt with through the COVID-19 List, especially those involving issues of risk and family violence, will receive immediate attention and will be triaged by a dedicated Registrar who will assess the needs of the case and allocate it to be heard by a judge within 72 hours of being assessed. Interested in finding out more? See our full blog on this issue on the website. Visit: #familylaw #covid19 #courtlist
08.01.2022 This week is National Child Protection week. See below for details about putting children first webinars...
08.01.2022 Breaking news... the Easter Bunny will still make deliveries!! Just as we too are still working - business as usual - but.... all conferences via phone
07.01.2022 The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new. #energy #change #familylawyer
07.01.2022 You dont need to deal with anyones negativity. Stay positive! Their moneys, their circus, not yours @andersonfamilylawyers #staypositive #notyourmonkeysnotyourcircus #moveforward #familylawyersmelbourne #familylawmelbourne #separation #divorce #children #parenting #propertysettlement
07.01.2022 Do you find yourself constantly at a loss with how to get your kids to listen to you? Sometimes its less about what you say, and more about how you say it. #children #family ... James Baldwin
06.01.2022 We recently placed an ad in an online newspaper. Just in case you didnt see it, here it is. We offer a range of services tailored to your needs so dont hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions. ... #familylaw #propertyresolution #familydisputes
06.01.2022 Last week Lucy Padula chatted with the bald and bespectacled broker himself...John Ng from Money Jar Concept via Zoom. It was a very different experience to having an in person chat! We recommend that anyone separating receiving independent financial advice as well as speaking to a borrower to work out their borrowing capacity when negotiating a property settlement. John is a finance broker extraordinaire. He is also the man behind Humans of SKY. You can contact him by c...licking the link... #familylawyers #separation #separaitonandmoney #familylawyersmelbourne #divorce #propertysettlement #familylawandbrokers
05.01.2022 You may find during COVID that usual change over points for your childs care arrangements are unavailable during the pandemic. This could be due to school closures, because sporting matches are cancelled, or that restaurants are closed to the public. If youre not able to meet for drop offs and pick ups where you normally would, talk to your childs other caregivers about best solutions. If you cant come to an agreement, or you are unable to discuss options with the other parties, get in touch to organise dispute resolution services and well discuss your options.
05.01.2022 Today is International Dog Day Did you know that our beloved four legged family members are treated as property in family law members? ... #internationaldogday #familylaw
03.01.2022 Here is a helpful table setting out Metro Melbournes road map to re-opening since todays announcement by Premier Dan Andrews
03.01.2022 Yummmmm!! The Bakers son - Hoppers Crossing and Manor Lakes
01.01.2022 So often we strive for perfection, beating ourselves up when we dont reach it. The beautiful thing about life is that we arent always perfect but we can learn from our mistakes. Dont be afraid to try something new and fail. If you learn from your mistakes, its not a failure its simply a moment to grow. ... Albert Einstein Quotes #mistakes #learn #lifeexperience
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