Lake Pedder Anglers Club in Strathgordon | Fishing shop
Lake Pedder Anglers Club
Locality: Strathgordon
Address: Strathgordon 7138 Strathgordon, TAS, Australia
Likes: 754
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25.01.2022 The Australia Day Competition at Lake Pedder is going ahead. Commences midnight Thursday 21 st Jan - Tuesday 26th Jan There have been some changes made to comply with covid requirements. 1. Competitors are required to join the competition online or via post prior to 11th January. A registration desk will not be manned during the comp days.... EFT Payments only at the competition due to Covid regulations. Online payments can be made via PAYPAL [email protected] DIRECT DEPOSIT LAKE PEDDER ANGLERS CLUB BSB 067- 105 Acc 1055 MAIL ORDER LAKE PEDDER ANGLERS CLUB PO BOX 305 CLAREMONT TAS 7011 Entry will not be recorded as paid until entry forms and receipt for transaction have been received. For insurance, entry forms must be signed by all adults listed on form 2. Check out the competition booklet on club website for weigh in station and competition guidelines. If a large crowd is present, competitors will be requested to stay by their boats in the car park and wait to be called up to the weigh station. Entry forms, membership forms and Competition booklet can be found on our website
25.01.2022 Some of our Members got up to Pedder for a Fish on what turned out to be a very trying weekend. As always the team from Sum Ting Fishey were very happy to give us a report. They also did some exploring of Lake Gordon for us, so stay tuned for a report regarding our proposed back to Gordon weekend soon!
24.01.2022 Gday members A chance to grab a bit of fishing history, we have 47 Parbug fish cakes for sale. $12.50 each plus postage, will $5 of each sale going to the club ,big shout out to Jed Langford for his generous offer of help and for offering these unique lures to members. First in best dressed and please message us for payment details. Tight lines and kind regards.
24.01.2022 Interesting idea for those who don't have a boat and want to go trout fishing
24.01.2022 AUSTRALIA DAY COMPETITION 2021 Registration for Competiton is to be completed online or via post due on or before 11th January 2021. There will be limited time during the competition to join over the weekend. EFT Payments only at the competition due to Covid regulations.... Online payments can be made via PAYPAL [email protected] DIRECT DEPOSIT LAKE PEDDER ANGLERS CLUB BSB 067- 105 Acc 1055 MAIL ORDER LAKE PEDDER ANGLERS CLUB PO BOX 305 CLAREMONT TAS 7011 Entry will not be recorded as paid until entry forms and receipt for transaction have been received. For insurance, entry forms must be signed by all adults listed on form. All competitors please ensure you have read the revised competiton rules before arriving. Covid precautions will be in place and must be followed by all. For competition information book and entry forms Please go to our website
23.01.2022 Hello Anglers, Our Australia Day Comp and the first comp of our Club Championship is drawing near and if this weekends weather is anything to go by we all should be getting excited. But today we need to clarify a few things that seems to be causing confusion with memberships. ...Continue reading
23.01.2022 Today myself and Troy Stonehouse went to find a better access to Lake Gordon . We found a great boat ramp at the power station and think it will be the best option to fish Gordon. Due care and attention will be needed as the Lake is well down on last year and many hazzards are present, but in saying that I think it will be a exciting trip. Thank you Troy for getting the Ranger dirty and at this stage the Gordon fish is on. This will be a weather trip as if a N/NW is blowing ...hard launching boats might present a challenge Tight lines See more
21.01.2022 Lake Gordon Trip Update Hello members ,the weather is not looking good for a safe fishing trip so thinking maybe putting the boat in at Pedder,please keep a eye on the weather link below
21.01.2022 Please dig deep and help our new Vice Pres and his workmates raise a little cash in their cause to raise awareness for mental health issues in their industry. Please click the movember team link in his story and have a read. We have many corrective services members in our club and we too want to stop burying our mates. #movember2020
21.01.2022 We would like to thank the Wayatina sports and social club for involving us in their fantastic competition and allowing us to hold round two of our LPAC championship and the interclub challenge with both New Norfolk and Wayatina on their humble lake. The event was well attended by members with approximately 12 stand alone LPAC members and 10 duel LPAC/New Norfolk/Wayatina members in attendance. LPAC was very well represented in Individual performances with 3 of our members ta...king out 3 of the most prestigious trophies, congratulations Matt Hall, Chris tubb in Adults and Jordan Tubb in the Joniour category... But unfortunately in the interclub challenge New Norfolk gave us a bit of a fishing lesson this time around recording the Heaviest overall bag. #untilnexttime Our LPAC championship standings will be updated in the next few days and posted for all to see soon but for now grab you pencil and mark the Round 3 date of March 26 and the weekend following in your calendar for our Arthurs Lake challenge where we will again have a crack at beating the New Norfolk team. Tight lines
21.01.2022 Working for generations We hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed making it The brand means so much to Tasmanians and Tasmania means so much to our brand
20.01.2022 Great few days out with Steve Mart. Back to Gordon weekend but fishing Pedder. Great meal at Lake Pedder Lodge and lake at its best. Scott's Peak end producing some nice fish.
20.01.2022 I hope we get a few members to this
20.01.2022 Please check the revised dates for the Echo comp.
19.01.2022 We have secured at spot for a Bunnings Bbq on the 29th of May and are looking for members and friends to help out with a 2 hr shift,please let us know if you can help out. Kind regards Matthew Hill
19.01.2022 Here is the report we received from our boys who did some Lake Gordon exploration today: Today we entered Gordon via Boat ramp road. Given the name of the road we assumed that it would be well used and well maintained.... #Wrong The entrance to the road is quite overgrown and in desperate need of clearing and unfortunately this is a similar story for many parts of the Road. ... It is an easy drive in for a 4WD as long as you don’t mind the overgrowth rubbing against your vehicle. 2WD vehicles will also get in as long as they have plenty of clearance underneath (ute’s etc), but you’ll need to take a saw with you to clear some saplings that have fallen across the road. The road base itself is good, the only time it becomes boggy or slippery is when you are forced to leave the main track to avoid fallen debris. As for towing a boat in, we wouldn’t advise at the moment . A 14 ft Dingy or a boat without a cabin could get through with a little clean up work along the way but most of the boats we see in our club would be risking damage or simply wouldn’t make it. As for the boat ramp.... well the lake is that low that it’s hard to recognise it’s a ramp at all. But it’s fairly solid under the tyre and again a 4WD should launch without issue but we wouldn’t be so sure about a 2WD??? Navigation on the water looks difficult as it’s a maze of trees from the launch area onward, it may look better out there then it does from the shore line but it would certainly be had work until you learn your way. In the future we will be exploring Island road to see if it has better access and boat launching areas. In summary: unless Island road proves to be much better access than Boat Ramp road we would advise to rethink the upcoming Back to Gordon weekend as your everyday Anglers simply wont want to get in there.
18.01.2022 Trent William's with his first Pedder Brown, great looking fish buddy and well done
18.01.2022 There are many people not carrying the correct safety gear and if they are, in many cases the flares are out of date and fire extinguishers are not up to scratch. Please make sure your safety gear is in date and also easily accessible. You never know when you might need it.
16.01.2022 Great potential employment opportunity with one of our sponsors for a Pedder Angler who may be struggling for work or looking for a change in this difficult year, see the below post:
16.01.2022 Club Championship Leader Board Round 2 With round 2 being complete we have now updated the standings and the leader board is now posted for you all to view. You will note that we are now recording up to 10 fish in all categories so each member can compete with one another for the all-important bragging rights but the individual categories that each member competes in are highlighted as below:... Men’s Yellow Ladies Red Junior Blue As each member qualifies for their respective division’s championship the qualifying fish that currently count against the category’s championship will also be highlighted in the categories associated color. After the Wayatinah round we have had some big movers that need some mention- Junior member Jordan Tubb made his first trip and recorded a ripper of a first fish weighing in at 1070. Ladies Member Mandy Harrison extended her lead adding a fish at 960 to her tally knocking a baby off her tally. Men’s Members Jed Langford, Matt Hill, Chris Tubb, James Tessel and Laurie Harrison all made some big jumps on the leaders recording fish that increased their total bag weights. Member Matt Hall also deserves mention as he recorded his first fish in the LPAC championship. Matt has not qualified yet, but he did kick off his bag with a 1530 beauty that well and truly leads us all for heaviest fish caught for the year so far. For Round 3 of the championship, we will again be joining New Norfolk as they host the Arthurs Lake event from March 26th to the 28th. Fishing will start from 6PM on the 26th and the comp fee for this event is free . Yes free!! As more details unfold about this event, we will update you all with the finer points but until then mark these dates in your calendar. Until then, Tight Lines.
15.01.2022 KEEP TASMANIA’S HIGHLANDS UNIQUE Please share Great Letter from Malcolm Crosse (NTAG) in FlyLife’s 100th edition of its fabulous fly fishing magazine with sub...scribers all over the world!! Congratulations Rob, Libby and the FlyLife team on this, your 100th edition of a truly world class magazine which has given us all amazing armchair reading about our love and passion for fly fishing. The significant health and wellbeing benefits we gain through fishing in that special place is something to be treasured. In my case and hundreds of others, the sense of peace and ambience I enjoy is being threatened here in Tasmania by a company called Epuron, seeking to establish an industrial size wind farm on St Patricks Plains adjacent to Penstock Lagoon. The proposal to install 67 wind turbines, each some 240m high (the tallest in the southern hemisphere), is going to severely impact on the way anglers and visitors view and enjoy this heritage part of Tasmania aptly referred to as the Jewel in the Crown of the Central Highlands by David Scholes. Next year I turn eighty, and never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined myself as being part of an action group, however, my love and passion for fly fishing and the outdoors generally has forced me into taking a stand. Special places need special care. The Central Highlands is such a place, and the No Turbine Action Group is mounting a ‘David and Goliath’ challenge to Epuron, Central Highlands Council and the State Government to make them aware of our concerns. This area should be off limits to wind farm development particularly when other less invasive sites are available. In reality it’s not just about Penstock Lagoon, St Patricks Plains and Tasmania. It is about all of us likeminded people who value remote area fishing, making an effort to preserve those special places we have been able to enjoy in the past and hope other generations can enjoy into the future. Keep up the good work and I look forward to edition 200!
14.01.2022 We all know that person,please feel free to tag them
13.01.2022 #TBT Check out this classic Mercury Marine 1957 commercial featuring the legendary Mark 75, the world’s first six-cylinder outboard. It truly was a visionary en...gine for the time. Visit our history of firsts website to learn more about Mercury Marine’s legacy. >> #goboldly #mercurymarine #kiekhaefer See more
13.01.2022 For those members heading to Wayatinah this weekend for round 2 club championship, please drive carefully as I think we are going to get a bit of rain lol .
12.01.2022 Meet the whole Fat Jack Family What Colour would tie on first?
12.01.2022 Going camping this weekend? Do your campground research: Does it have a campfire? Are there toilets nearby? Can I access a boat ramp? Can I go fishing? You can ...find out everything you need to know about our sites here and don't forget campfire safety. Soak it. Stir it. Soak it again. See more
11.01.2022 Thank you to NNLAA for hosting the STLAA annual family day. Our members report having a wonderful time.
11.01.2022 Friends of ours lived in Strathgordon working on the Powerscheme. We visited in June 1976 and took these photos
09.01.2022 Round 3 of the LPAC club championship has been fished and what a trying weekend of fishing it was.... but catching fish wasn't the highest priority for most of us as we had a darn good time around various campsites and made the trip away a great one. Approx 12 LPAC Anglers made the trip up to Arthurs and again faced nearly every element the weather could toss at us. Wind and Rain storms on Friday night. Cold, wind, chop, late Sunshine and showers on Saturday. Sunshine, light... breeze to wind and extreme chop on Sunday morning.... Long story short, not many fish for most of us forcing us back to the campfires where we ate, drank and told many fisherman's tales. We must also add that this was a New Norfolk Anglers hosted event who we share many members with and one of our LPAC/New Norfolk combined members took out a nice prize in the comp. Well done Laurrie! (please see photo in comments). We Thank New Norfolk for inviting us along for the fish. 4 Lpac members increased their bag sizes on the LPAC leader board but ultimately L Mallison is still the man to beat! Round 4 could be an interesting trip as we have now squeezed ECHO into the championship with short notice on April 24th from 6PM. We apologize for this short notice but reports from ECHO state fishing that is too hot to miss out on prior to the season end. Sadly this will mean we have to postpone our Flathead Fun day that we had scheduled for the same weekend but we think the trip to Echo will be worth it as it may really spice up and put some heat into our club championship for those who attend.
08.01.2022 Right everyone this is our historic trout hatchery that has been totally destroyed ,where is the news,minister Guy Barnett where are you on this
07.01.2022 With our Back to Gordon weekend coming up on the 18th we are hoping some of you can help some fellow members out?? Please share some trade secrets about the rarely fished Lake Gordon! Is there any bays or areas that are unsafe boating?... Is it a snag fest? Does it fish similar to Pedder? Colour? Depth? etc. What areas should anglers focus on? See more
06.01.2022 The Committee would like to wish members and friends a safe and happy Christmas, be safe and tight lines President
05.01.2022 A big lot of Atlantic Salmon have escaped into the Houn River,get on these while you can Media reports out soon
05.01.2022 There will be no love lost between Presidents at this weekend's inter club championship at Wayatinah with New Norfolk Anglers Club
04.01.2022 Congratulations to the lovey Daughter of LPAC president Matt & Partner of LPAC member Ryan who had her first taste of Angling this weekend bagging this Pedder beauty. Well done Natt and thanks for your help with the clubs working bee #isthatanewmemberisee?... #getthegirlsomepapers2sign See more
03.01.2022 Yes had that feeling more than once
02.01.2022 Out of Date Flare Collection MAST will be collecting out of date flares at the following locations. Please ensure that flares are removed from their packets and that parachute flares are separated from hand held flares.
02.01.2022 WORKING BEE 2/3 January 2021 10 am at Strathgorden all members and friends welcome to help
02.01.2022 As usual the Sum Ting Fishey boys were keen to tell us about their latest adventure on this club organised weekend
01.01.2022 Have your say to improve the experience at our lakes, campsites, power stations and heritage sites. Take our survey and go into the draw to win a stay at Pedder Wilderness Lodge. Visit Be quick! Survey closes 08 October.
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