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22.01.2022 What opportunities are you missing out on because you focus on what you have to "give up" to make the most of them?
21.01.2022 ARE you well-suited to Pet-sitting? Have you thought about the downsides & pitfalls of pet-sitting, and just some things you need to consider and ask about; and in planning your travel? Here's all the stuff that come to mind for me. PLEASE SHARE in case any of your friends are considering pet-sitting too!
21.01.2022 How a random 5km walk turns into 25km. My day yesterday.
18.01.2022 How much does it cost to live the life I do? Most people won't even consider travel in Europe in long-term or ongoing because of the "cost". Changing your life & leading and incredible life doesn't need to be expensive. In fact, I find it MUCH more cost effective than living a "regular life" in Australia. And while I have not been living much in the more expensive Northern European countries; nor am I living in some of the "cheaper" 3rd world countries. Sometimes you just have to take the risk and look more laterally, at ways you can live the life you want. Some weeks are really low-cost; others have higher costs associated. This is an example of a higher cost week.
15.01.2022 Sometimes we can feel "out of synch" with our life. If we are succeeding very well and feeling incredibly happy, sometimes we can feel like we aren't "at home" in our lives and are almost waiting for someone to tap us on the shoulder and say there has been a mistake and take it all away.......
15.01.2022 Getting some "ordinary" things done in Almunecar Spain
13.01.2022 Pet-Sitting... It's a big part of how I live a minimalist lifestyle with VERY little cost; but it's also of massive benefit to the Pet/Home owners. But what the heck will I do if Pet-Sits dry up?
13.01.2022 After an allnight bus trip from Spain, I arrived at Lisbon bus station 2hours early, at 4.30am!
12.01.2022 This is me, this is who I am... I took this photo a few days ago. "Coincidently" 2 years to day since I closed down my fitness centre Fit Connections, not realising it was really going to be a complete move away from it; and from the whole way Iived my life. And this photo makes me laugh so much because it epitomises my current life so much and HOW MUCH it has changed, and I have changed, from the times I ran my gym and the 30years prior. Here's just some... I woke around ...6.30am (instead of 4.30am) I meditated (instead of exercising) I did a gym session the afternoon before (instead of the morning) I have only been to gym/organised fitness a few times in the past year (instead of 6-10+ session per week) I go to bed closer to midnight It takes me an hour or two to get ready to leave the house (instead of 15 minutes) I laugh and sing all the time I truly enjoy all the beauty, people and animals around me.. because I have time too and notice I am so much more connected with everything I get lost constantly (despite still being highly organised) & I don't care (I'll do some videos about this soon) I constantly adapt & go with the flow I am not worried about "achieving" enough I don't have an income. While it sits in the back of my mind, in reality, I really don't care I don't do paid work (instead of a regular 50-70 hours per week) I don't spend my days paying bills and dealing with bureaucracy and service providers I am not planning my financial future/retirement I never have enough time to be bored, but I am rarely stressed I am calmer, about everything I talk less and slower (I still talk a lot and fast, compared to most!) I rarely have a plan, & when I do, it usually changes I love people more I love animals more I love the planet more I Simply Live. And this photo epitomises so much of this... this was me, at 10am-ish, trying to get myself out of the door to walk the dog and enjoy the beautiful day. Almost everything I own in the suitcase behind me, casually strewn on the floor. I threw my joggers on to head out. Happy, singing, having chatted with people... so much so.. that as I picked up the dog leash, I realised I'd forgotten to put my clothes on! It's great to be living a life so good you forget the basics. Living Simply so I can Simply Live.
12.01.2022 What if my pet-sits dry up? This is how my year is going so far.
11.01.2022 The 5 Things I HAPPILY left behind in my old life, the 5 Things I gained that I never want to lose & what experiences/events trigger the inevitable highs & lows of my current lifestyle... Another chat with Ritch & Pete
11.01.2022 When I arrived in Tavira, Portugal, I was tired from travelling, which is unusual for me. This short video explains why I get less tired than most "holiday-makers" - and it's not because of a health & fitness regime!
10.01.2022 Aaaargh! Why do we know that we are "unique", yet try to use one-size-fits all approaches to almost all life issues?
09.01.2022 Keeping a good level of fitness while travelling can be tricky. It's important to understand that all health and fitness should be INDIVIDUALLY TAILORED to you - one size does NOT fit all. But I am asked all the time how I stay fit and healthy, so here's some general things that I do.
06.01.2022 I LOVE this Sunshine Coast woman/nutritionist and her view on health and nutrition. I honestly wish I had seen details of her nutrition course instead of the one I did (also good, but I'd have prefered this). For anyone interested in studying nutrition, or any holistic view on health, check it out - August intake coming up soon! Sorry, should have shared earlier, but only just saw it.
05.01.2022 There are pros and cons to travelling (and/or living) to a plan, or moving more spontaneously. Which one is more stressful? This is what I think, how about you?
05.01.2022 A more controvercial one, but one of my most important. What do you think?
05.01.2022 EXTROVERTS CONNECT! (And introverts please read and support us) As an extrovert currently alone in an apartment in self-isolation in Portugal for the past 4 day...s, it's been, and is increasingly, an emotional rollercoaster. There are really funny memes saying that Introverts have been planning their whole lives for this. And it’s true. But by contrast, it is an extrovert’s worst nightmare. And while it’s easy to laugh that off, it’s actually not so funny and can have health effects for a whole lot of people. This is not a whingeing, downer, post just one presenting my perspective to consider; especially for those who are not yet in countries where this is happening yet; and to offer some real world suggestions to help us all be kinder to each other. Firstly, let me explain why. It is easy to think aaaah, it’s easy enough for extroverts to have a few days in a home alone, that is probably true. But it is not a few days, it is 2 weeks, maybe 4 weeks, maybe more. Who knows!. For my introvert friends, let me put this in a context you may understand close your eyes for a minute, pretend you are in a room with 100 of your most social, extroverted friends right now and you are with them side by side, EVERY moment, for the next 24 hours. How are you feeling? How are your stress and anxiety levels, how is your feeling of overwhelm? But it’s not JUST 24 hours.. it’s 24/7, for the next 2-4 weeks. You have no room to escape to, to give you any chance to escape the energy overload and to re-group. If you go the bathroom, your extrovert friends will follow you and talk to you through the wall !! Any fears and anxiety you may be feeling about life in general, the situation, Covid, and our futures on this planet in general, will be amplified in the stress of the situation. Fear and anxiety affects both physical and mental health, and trashes the immune system. So now flip this to the extrovert version for a solo person, being in an apartment, with no face-to-face human contact for that time. For extroverts, the same level of stress then kicks in. And the mind-games which apply in an environment of relative silence, non-movement, lacking human energy and interaction, are huge. Even for extroverts like me, used to living and traveling solo a lot, and enjoying my solitude as well as my social time; I am hit with the realisation that I don’t have a CHOICE. While I normally travel and live at home solo a lot, I still sit in coffee shops with the energy of others around me. If I feel a bit lonely, I can leave the house and mingle, even if I talk to no-one. I still walk through parks where others are nearby and I can smile and feel the energy nearby. But now, suddenly I am alone in an eerie silence, and there is almost no human movement or noise from outside. It has been WONDERFUL to have great friends who have video-called me, which is a GREAT help, please keep doing this. But, on a cellular level, it is not the same. I am not amongst the human energy and interaction I am used to. And for those extroverts who are not used to being alone at all, their tolerance level will be minimal and they can start to suffer very quickly. It is true that we can do our best to stay busy, and that is certainly a lovely distraction. But it is simply that. I love reading, crafts, fixing up my home, and a gazillion other solo things. And I am doing them. But it doesn’t replace the need for social human contact. And in fact, it somehow feels more hollow to me, and I am struggling to get much done at all. Just like the energy of the introvert gets zapped by all the people around them; my energy and motivation levels are draining quickly. And what about couples or families with a mix of introverts and extroverts? The introverts will feel stressed and in overwhelm by suddenly being locked up for a long period of time, with their other family members. Meanwhile the extroverts have been used to having a WHOLE WORLD of external social contact, which has now disappeared. Now their only human connection are the others in the home. Which is great and better than being alone, but still not as much as they are used to. And as they frantically chase around their introverted family members for company; those introverts are trying to hide in the bathroom and closets to give themselves some space!! Potentially making the extroverts feeling even more ignored and isolated in the process. SO, after all that doom and gloom, why am I writing this? To bring awareness and one perspective and to encourage better consideration of the needs of the others around you right now. Of course, many other extroverts may be feeling very different things, and I am taking a generalist approach. You may have, or feel, other perspectives, and please feel free to share in the comments. But please only share how you are feeling if you are currently IN the situation, or have in the past; because, honestly, it is a different feel to what you expect, even for me, who has lived much of my life relatively isolated and solo. Here are a few suggestions I can think of so far. For extroverts. - Be prepared for possible feelings of all of the above, and don’t judge yourself for the rollercoaster of emotions, when in reality we have nothing to complain about because we are not sick, have a roof and food over our heads. And for those with loved ones, who still have SOMEONE there and aren’t completely alone it is still different and a shock after a few days! - Connect with your friends (especially your extrovert ones) in any way you can. It’s not the same as face-to-face, but it’s better than nothing - If time connecting feels more important to you than doing all those little jobs you feel you would like to catch up doing around the house, do the connecting as a priority - Take extra care of your health. Your system is under stress. Feed it high nutrient food, exercise if you can, meditate, play fun happy music, dance, move. - Be kind to your introvert family members if you are confined with them; but also ask them for help. Avoid chasing them around the house and driving them insane with your need to connect. Maybe negotiate some time and space for both eg. Let them escape into the sunroom to read a book for an hour in complete peace, then they emerge and give you lots of hugs, play a fun interactive game or just sit and give you undivided chat attention for an hour. If you are lucky enough to have more than one person in the house, try to keep the extroverts with someone or each other, as much as possible, while the introverts take turns to take time-outs - MOVE in whatever way works for you dance, skip, train, trampoline, jiggle. Not all extroverts are into fitness or movement. But they are used to giving and receiving a lot of energy around them, from the presence of others. So it may well help to burn off the excess by movement. - talk to your extrovert friends to come up with creative ways to connect. Online connections AREN’T the same as the energy exchange face to face, but they are better than nothing. Video games where you can chat with other participants. Zoom, Skype, WhatsApp Messenger calls but try to include more than one person at a time, so it has a higher vibe Organise a street (or apartment balcony) party in your street but where you all stay in your front yards well away from the others and yell across to one another (or most creative charades wins?) ADD other suggestions in the comments if you have ideas. -Once you have organised some contact time, let your introvert loved ones know when, so that they can organise some quiet time to themselves to recover from you!! And don’t interrupt them while they have it. For Introverts: - Be aware and understanding of all the above, and emotionally prepare yourself for the added anxiety of those extroverts in your life - Phone your extrovert friends more than you normally would, they need you right now - If you are living in the house with one or more, protect your own stress levels by scheduling your own quiet time, so that you have the capacity to help the extroverts around you. Try to choose times when you know they have things planned with others, make sure they know you are hibernating, and revel in the glorious peacefulness of time to yourself. - Meditate - Don’t minimise the extroverts’ feelings of stress or anxiety or frustration or overwhelm And for both, be conscious and kind to each other. This is a weird situation for everyone. The more we can take a deep breath and be considerate and understanding of everyone’s possible heightened sensitivities right now, the better. Much love to everyone!
03.01.2022 Considering Pet-Sitting? I've been asked many questions. Here's some of my thoughts. Video 1 of 3. This one covers the reasons why I do it and why I love it. More videos to come on the pitfalls and considerations, as well as applying for pet-sits. Stay tuned!
02.01.2022 For anyone interested in pet-sitting, my thoughts on the clean up and departure side of things
01.01.2022 How much do you think it costs me to live this way, constantly travelling? C'mon, have a guess. Video coming soon!
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