LUCI | Community organisation
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25.01.2022 Wherever you live, town or country, you can create native habitat in your garden for some of our smallest birds. Learn how to create structure and diversity in your garden to provide shelter and food for woodland species at ...
23.01.2022 LVRC's draft NRM Strategy is now available for public comment, closing date Sunday 1st December 2019. Download a copy of the draft at
23.01.2022 A wonderful walk along a basalt and sandstone escarpment yesterday for 15 people who got to see regionally significant (and rare) stands of Boronia splendida and Melaleuca formosa (photos by Martin Bennett). 23 bird species recorded.
23.01.2022 Time now to look around ...
23.01.2022 Semi-evergreen vine thicket 12.8.21 - ENDANGERED ECOSYSTEM, home to ENDANGERED flora and fauna. Only 13% of pre-clearing areas remain in Queensland. In the Lockyer, only two small patches protected - in Dwyers Scrub and Flagstone Creek conservation areas; in Toowoomba - only Redwood Park where "the eastern section contains approximately 90 hectares of endangered dry rainforest with several endangered plants and animals. A large Crows Ash, rising over the rainforest canopy." #RedwoodParkToowoomba SAVE OUR DRY RAIN FORESTS from extinction.
23.01.2022 Tussock of the most threatened ecosystems in Australia and the most under-represented ecosystems in Australia's conservation estate. Listed as critically endangered, less than 5% remains of the original natural grasslands on basalt and fine-textured alluvial plains in Southern Queensland. Bluegrass, kangaroo grass, spear grass, wallaby grass, plains grass, windmill grass, Mitchell grass and more along with a mixture of forbs provide habitat for native birds, mammals and reptiles. We can act to prevent this ecological community slipping towards local extinction...find out more about LUCI's native grasses project from [email protected]
22.01.2022 Two weeks left to get your entries into #LockyerintheWildNaturePhotographyCompetition2019 Help raise awareness of the Lockyer's biodiversity (small, large, exquisite) with your photos exhibited. Multiple cash prizes to be won. Find out more
21.01.2022 Photographs from last year's Lockyer in the Wild Nature Photography Competition...there is more diversity out there then you can poke a camera at...take to the bush and start snapping! Read more and get your entry form at...
21.01.2022 Our threatened native species need healthy habitats to survive and thrive - protect a patch on your property and enjoy these amazing visitors.
20.01.2022 Nature Photography Exhibition 2019
19.01.2022 Composition, skill, difficulty...this winning photo had it all. Congratulations Jill Robertson. Check out the amazing entries thanks to all photographers Lockyer in the Wild Nature Photography Competition 2019 OPEN Section
18.01.2022 Council now has an NRM STRATEGY - the next step is action. Have your say on what needs priority action and what is effective action to ensure "the region's natural assets are valued and protected". LUCI can take your views to the next planning meeting on 15th February.
18.01.2022 Special Wildlife Reserves - Queensland's newly created class of protected area available to landholders. National park level of protection - a first in Australia. Read more at #
17.01.2022 Come and see how local photographers have captured the beauty, diversity and uniqueness of some of the Lockyer Valley's amazing native flora, fauna and fungi...Friday 1st November 5:30pm at Stockyard Creek Community Hall. Presentation of prizes...stay on for the Hall community's monthly barbque. Lockyer in the Wild Photography Exhibition 2019
16.01.2022 The amazing world of native grasses providing food and cover ... LUCI members are always learning. 21 species identified in a space of around 1 hectare, thanks to Darren Fielder Red Leaf Environmental and LVRC's Martin Bennett and Chris Hoffman.
16.01.2022 want to be able to distinguish a Enteropogon from a Cymbopogon, an Aristida from Ancistrachne and a Eriochloa from a Bothriochloa and many more species? Then come along to LUCI's Native Grasses of the Lockyer workshop with Dr Darren Fielder (Redleaf Environmental) on Sunday 20th September. For more details visit LUCI's website or contact [email protected]
16.01.2022 The 2nd Exhibition of the Lockyer in the Wild Nature Photographs opens Wednesday 6th Nov at 2:30pm at Ma Ma Creek State School. Open between 9:00am-4:00pm until Wednesday 13th.
15.01.2022 Come along and enjoy the usual big hearty breakfast, catch up with friends, meet new people and hear environmental scientist Steve Cupitt ( talk about what technology can tell you about the biocondition of your property....26th May, 7:30am, Stockyard Creek Community Hall. Only $10/adult, $5/U18, LUCI Breakfast Invitation May 2019 RSVP essential [email protected]
15.01.2022 In June this year, Lockyer Valley Regional Council approved a $20,000 contribution to the development of a Toowoomba and Lockyer Valley Mountain Bike Trail Master Plan. If you missed the public meetings to have your say, then go to ... BE QUICK AS THE DEADLINE FOR COMMENTS IS TODAY!
15.01.2022 Be part of Birdlife Australia's backyard bird count 21-27 October - your week's record of what birds live around you helps build a picture of trends in local bird communities and the health of the environment. More details at
15.01.2022 While understorey vegetation provides shelter for native wildlife, a shelter belt for humans, food resources for a range of insects and birds, acts as a soil stabiliser and fertiliser, it also delights with its plant diversity and their many beautiful blossoms. These are some of the current smaller beauties.
14.01.2022 The Lockyer community event envisaged for National Threatened Species Day will have to wait until 2020...but things we can do now to protect the Lockyer's threatened species (a) preserve existing habitat (b) connect fragments of habitat (c) manage invasive weeds and pest animals (d) become informed about the species that share your property and (e) join a local conservation/landcare group!
14.01.2022 Ever wondered what some moths do by daylight? Ever thought about being a naturalist in your own backyard? Then Paul Grimshaw's delightful account of visitations by "Notchy", the Donovan's Day Moth will peak your interest on both counts.
14.01.2022 Enter your photos and help promote the native flora, fauna and fungi of the Lockyer... multiple cash prizes to be won. Entries close 14th October, Exhibition 1st November 5:30pm at Stockyard Creek Community Hall. Details at Lockyer in the Wild Photography Competition 2019 ENTRY FORM
13.01.2022 Looking forward to joining Friends of the Forest at Moore for their community event to mark National Threatened Species Day on Sunday 8th September at the Old Church Gallery, Moore. An engaging, interactive line-up - experienced wildlife carers and conservation volunteers talk about their work, community discussions, free tree/shrub giveaway sponsored by Somerset Council, raffle of hand-drawn linocut artwork by Sophie Sorella, music and food. See you there!
12.01.2022 Want to know how much remnant vegetation cover there is in your LGA for each regional ecosystem? You can find out at ... #
12.01.2022 A tough read but a must read...the WWF's Interim Report on the Australian Bushfires Wildlife Toll Australia's native animals need us to improve, restore and connect native habitats. BE PART OF THE SOLUTION...Join LUCI!
10.01.2022 LUCI, Ma Ma Creek School Project Club, Tanglewood Natives Nursery and UQ Wildlife Students Assoc are marking #NationalThreatenedSpeciesDay at the #MaMaCreekMarkets tomorrow 12th Sept. Children's drawing and mask making activities, guess the scat competition, species' information and native trees to be won. Come and say hello and, wind/rain/shine, support #lockyeruplandscatchmentsinc caring for wildlife.
08.01.2022 Shared from ABC app Ancient bunya trees are dying from a soil-borne disease... For thousands of years, Indigenous Australians met in the Bunya Mountains to feast on the rich nuts of the bunya tree, in what's believed to be the biggest meeting of Aboriginal groups in Australia. But something is killing the ancient trees and scientists and Indigenous rangers are worried. Read the full story
08.01.2022 A selection of photos from the 122 entries
08.01.2022 An interactive community event to mark National Threatened Species Day - hear stories on efforts to protect native flora and fauna in the region, share your ideas on what can be done at the local level, enjoy the music and song and more...Sunday 8th September, Old Church Gallery in Moore.
07.01.2022 Read about the launch of the largest multi-collaborative effort to restore Australia's important ecosystems. Powered by EverGreening Global Alliance, the $250million program focuses on restoration of degraded forests, farmlands and grazing lands to strengthen resilience in the face of droughts and bushfires.
07.01.2022 Beautiful nature hard at work.
05.01.2022 Everything you wanted to know about Senna species thanks to Martin Bennett's great little guide to Senna in the Moreton district
05.01.2022 LOCKYER IN THE WILD Nature Photography Competition is on again...a chance to share in $750 in cash prizes including LVRC Mayoral Overall Winner $150...promote the Lockyer Valley's amazing native flora, fauna and fungi. Find out
04.01.2022 How many native grass species can we identify in the Lockyer Valley....a lot it seems! Between a great workshop last Sunday with Dr Darren Fielder #redleafenvironmental where enthusiastic participants perused a number of native grass collections followed by a field site visit, at least fifty species were counted. The start to an very interesting six month project. Find out more [email protected]
03.01.2022 A moment worth a portrait .... your nature portrait could win you a cash prize in the #LockyerintheWildNaturePhotographyCompetition2019 Entries close 14th October, exhibition of photos 1st November. For more details and entry form #
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