Luminous Dentistry in Long Jetty, New South Wales, Australia | Dentist & dental surgery
Luminous Dentistry
Locality: Long Jetty, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 2 4334 1383
Address: 1/441 The Entrance Road 2261 Long Jetty, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 This device might not look like much, and in theory it probably isn’t. But this little pocket rocket when incorporated into an individualised program can work some serious miracles. And even then, it’s not so much a miracle to those professionals who understand the mechanics of such an appliance. As when you fully understand the orofacial musculature you see how they can play a major role in developing straight teeth. Crooked teeth is largely considered a developmental norm t...hese days for any child. In the clinic, many parents will say to me oh yep I already know they’ll all have to have braces. It’s crazy how as a society and culture working backwards from crooked teeth to straight teeth has become an accepted milestone and process. But what if I told you that the teeth are crooked not because there are too many teeth, and not because the teeth are too big? What if I told you that in most cases teeth are crooked because the foundations, being the jaws, are too small and so the teeth have no choice but to become crooked and bunch up? In many cases teeth are so severely crooked that some teeth have become block out or ‘impacted’ and are unikely to erupt unless intervention. At Lumi, we love to focus on helping children achieve straight teeth, by ensuring their jaws and ultimately craniofacial structure and airways are developed to their full potential. The appliance pictured is just one tool from our toolbox that we may utilize to achieve this. If you have concerns that your child may be developing or already have crooked teeth then a Myofunctional consult may be a great first point of call. Reach out if you’d like to know if their are like minded functional dental professionals in your area and we will do our best to refer you. Alternatively we conduct Zoom consults worldwide if this would be of benefit. Got a question? Just ask!
24.01.2022 ONE DAY SMILE MAKEOVER Beautiful case from last week. Our patient chose to create a fresh new youthful look by having one of our same day smile makeovers. We have the best 3D scanner and printer technology which allows us to create a digital model of your teeth, and create the perfect new smile for you on the spot!... Milling time takes only 6-10 mins for us to print each individual new tooth. Which means your new smile can be ready in less than a couple of hours. So what does this mean? Gone are the days where you had to have an impression, temporaries placed and then come back 2-3 weeks later to have it all completed. One of our standout materials we use is a hybrid ceramic, lithium disilicate fused porcelain. This material is incredibly strong and beautifully opalescent to achieve a lovely natural look. So I know what you’re wondering, does this mean it’s a more costly way to do it? The answer is NO! Because we produce this all within our walls we can be flexible with our pricing. Each case needs to be discussed fully and is at the discretion of our clinicians. 8 unit veneers, EMAX BL3 Vita optiglaze. Book in for your free smile makeover consult. Got any questions? Drop me a line below!
23.01.2022 Considering removing your amalgam fillings? Myself and my clinic get asked multiple times a day for patients that are interstate or international often during our Zoom consults ‘how do I know I’m picking the RIGHT dentist to remove my amalgam fillings?’ At our clinic, we follow strict protocols when it comes to amalgam removal, and we have further developed & implemented what we believe are necessary steps from a functional dental perspective.... So I’ll expand on my checklist so that you can be sure you are close to finding and achieving a great result, and provider! We always recommend to have your mercury levels tested prior to your treatment so that you can have a baseline to analyze, and to see what amount of mercury was released into your system after removal. If you do have elevated levels prior, I strongly suggest you seek the care of a provider that will assist you with a detoxification protocol and remove those toxins stat! Ensure your dental provider keeps the filling cool at all times! There are discussions that the high heat from the drill may cause the filling to release higher amounts of mercury and other metals like copper. Personally, I wouldn’t like to risk it. Remove the amalgam through chunking technique - this minimizes the amount of mercury vapor produced. Use a barrier or rubber dam method to prevent swallowing. Use a high level air filtration system/vac to catch the excess aerosol mercury & saliva so they are not invested or breathed. This is extremely important as it protects you, and the dental practice staff. Alternate nasal oxygen supply - this is especially important as you do not want to be breathing the air of the room during the treatment. This is also why it’s important to have a high vac / air filtration in the room to assist with detoxifying the room before it is ‘opened’ at the conclusion of the procedure. I hope you find this useful, and as always if you have concerns or question drop me a line below! Yours in health, Cass x
21.01.2022 Microbiome refers to the collection of microbes and their genes that form a complete ecosystem within our bodies. It might surprise you to know that achieving oral health is actually centered around your oral microbiome. When we consider dental disease and decay, this occurs due to our microbiome being in a state of dysbiosis (imbalance).... The mouth is an extension of the gut, so it’s important that we consider this when we are trying to prevent and treat many of the common issues we see in the mouth. Even though the oral microbiome is connected to the gut microbiome it is quite unique. The first and foremost function is to protect you from viruses and bacteria in the environment. The second function of the oral microbiome is the first stage of digestion. One of the first questions I ask my patients when performing an oral health assessment is do they have any gut issues. It’s a vital piece of information to know when considering treatment of disease or inflammation, this must be done by treating the gut at the same time. The aim with all of my patients first and foremost is to achieve oral microbiome homeostasis. Whereby the bacteria in the mouth, whether good or bad, are existing in balance and harmony with one another. In the beginning of my career, I could not understand why some patients responded so well to treatment, and some didn’t. I would carry out the same meticulous procedures on all of them, and yet many hardly showed signs of improvement. Today, when I see this, I know that we need to address the underlying gut dysbiosis in order to achieve a full state of health in the mouth. Any of my tooth decay or gum treatment programs include a full systemic approach, with the use of referral to appropriate naturopaths, nutritionists, dietitians etc so that I can ensure the best possible result for my patient. And ensure that it will last. Also, see my previous post on natural dietary probiotics. Adding natural fermented foods into your diet can aid in keeping your gut and oral microbiome in a harmonious balance. Know someone that would love to read this? Tag them below. Knowledge is power after all! Got a question? Just ask! Happy Thursday x
17.01.2022 Ever heard of the term MTHFR? Well I’ll try and keep it real simple for you folks, so I can bring to light the importance of understanding this important little gene which is in charge of a very complex process! And why you might consider this not just for your general health but dental health too. Every human carries the gene MTHFR, it can either be normal, or carry a defect. This is referred to as the mutation.... The MTHFR gene is responsible for the process of converting folic acid (or folate) that we receive with foods into methylfolate, the form that our body can use. If the MTHFR gene mutation is present, this conversion is affected, and results in the body having a highly reduced ability to convert folic acid into a usable form and can lead to accumulation of the amino acid homocysteine which is toxic to the body. Folate or Vit B9, occurs naturally in foods, green leafy vegetables, organ meats etc. Folic acid is the synthetic derivative of folate and comes in the form of a food additive or supplement. Folic acid is the main ingredient in the VERY common prenatal supplement Elevit. When seeing pregnant patients, I always conduct a thorough exam and history to ensure that optimal oral health is achieved. As we know pregnancy really affects our gums and teeth, so this is CRUCIAL for our pregnant or planning patients. It is estimated that approx 30-40% of the population may suffer from the MTHFR gene mutation, & this is scary when you consider how many women may be supplementing with folic acid. I couldn’t tell you the amount of times my patients report feeling nauseas after taking a folic acid supplement such as Elevit, & report many other awful side effects. But the important point for me as an oral health practitioner and orofacial myologist, is the new link that the MTHFR gene mutation has to midline deficiencies such as tongue tie & lip ties, cleft palates, cleft lips and submucosal clefts. New research suggests that the high number of ankyloglossia cases may be linked to the folic acid supplementation, as when the MTHFR gene mutation is present, is can interfere with the midline processes & may in fact be causing the ties. I guess for me the issue is easy. Whether you have the MTHFR mutation or not, it would make sense to supplement with folate instead of folic acid, so you can simply avoid the issue altogether! If you’re curious whether you carry the MTHFR mutation, you can have a simple test to determine this. Got a question? Feel free to drop me a line!
17.01.2022 Can we heal tooth decay naturally? With all the oral health awareness, knowledge, tooth brushing with fluoridated toothpaste, mouth rinses etc, you would think tooth decay would be a thing of the past. However, nothing could be further from reality. In my clinic I see many families who are touched by tooth decay, and I hate to see the devastation it causes to both parents and children.... If you’ve followed me for a while you would have probably picked up by now that the mouth is an incredible teacher and diagnostic tool for the body. And every tip I talk about with diet, nutrients, oral habits & breathing will help the body move back into balance, and yes may help to reverse cavities in particular circumstances. The concept of reversing cavities isn’t a hocus pocus one. In dental school we are taught that it is possible to reverse decay when certain topical medicaments are placed directly on the cavity. However, I believe if we focus on the cause then we shouldn’t need to turn to these treatment-like approaches. I think we need to start thinking of tooth decay as both a deficiency & imbalance. It’s about understanding the true anatomy and biochemical processes that take place within a tooth. Let’s take a look at some factors. Depth of the lesion: Early or incipient decay is where it occurs in the outer layers of your tooth, enamel & dentine. Enamel is in constant mineral flux with your saliva. It exchanges calcium that is part of a systemic calcium flux occurring throughout the body. If you body is not managing calcium properly in other areas of your body, then you can bet it’s not happening in your teeth. In decay which has reached the inner layers of our tooth, things get a little trickier as this is where the dental pulp can become involved. But like I said, we are taught that in dental school of the ability of teeth to heal themselves. It’s called reparative dentin, the pulp can lay down to protect the pulp after the enamel and dentin have broken down. So can you heal lesions & what happens when you do? ACTIVE lesions: these look light brown in colour and is when it is still progressing. INACTIVE lesions: this is when reparative dentin has been laid down to SEAL off the lesion. These go darker, often black which is called arrested caries. Here’s some simple steps to follow: 1. Reduce all simple carbohydrates incl white flour 2. Boost your fat soluble vitamin intake like organ meats 3. Increase sunlight exposure I believe as a society we need to change the messaging on tooth decay to give people and parents hope that it’s not all doom & gloom. Have you or a family member experienced tooth decay?
13.01.2022 A common discussion I have with the parents of a child who has tooth decay is based around their diet. 8 times out of 10 I am told that their child eats healthily, doesn’t eat junk food and does not consume sugar. The problem is that parents aren’t fully understanding all the elements to the equation. And small snacks such as the one shown slip under the radar.... The packaging on this yoghurt pouch might appear bright, healthy & a great easy snack option at first glance. But in reality this tiny pouch has a few hidden things to be aware of. Healthy kids snacks are a minefield, with few really clear options out there. Dairy is one of those grey areas. For those that tolerate it, it’s packed with nutrients and probiotic bacteria that help to maintain l healthy teeth and gums. This example has a fair bit of added sugar. Natural dairy should have about 6g per serving which counts as lactose found naturally in dairy. This one has approximately 13g which means it has around 8g of added sugar, that’s quite a bit for a small child and adds up quickly if you don’t look at the packages. It’s important to remember that sugar feeds inflammation and wreaks havoc throughout the entire body. It is quite often referred to as being a ‘sweet poison’ and I would quite literally be here all day if I was to list the cascade of negative events that happen throughout our body when sugar is introduced. Sugar has a direct impact on our microbiome, and when dysbiosis occurs this is when tooth decay can creep it’s way in. Secondly, from an Orofacial Myologist perspective, these ‘pouches’ also wreak havoc on the orofacial musculature of developing jaws and teeth. Due to the unnatural way children must suck the purée style food out of the pouch, inorganic and compensatory muscle patterns form and often we see over activity of the buccinator muscles. This can lead to narrow palates and improper swallow patterns. Not to mention that the purée style nature of this ‘food’ also has its hinderances. By not allowing the jaws to chew food properly, which will ultimately result in ‘puffy cheeks’, low tone musculature & crooked teeth, to name a few. Tag a parent who needs to read this!
13.01.2022 Ceramic: Crowns | Veneers | Bridges | Restorations in a single visit. YES PLEASE! With our digital CADCAM technology and Cerec milling unit we are able to take a digital scan of your teeth, create a digital model, design a perfect restoration for your tooth, and mill it all at the same time! Porcelain or ceramic fillings are fast becoming the go-to for many people wanting to update their amalgam fillings, in one of the most biocompatible ways.... At Lumi, we can carry out a Smile Makeover in just a single day, instead of the usual lengthy process of 2-3 weeks. Drop in one day and we’d be happy to show you how it all works and our milling unit in action. Got a question? Drop me a line below!
12.01.2022 A little throwback to when our front wall was timber! Who remembers this!?? That is also our old signage. I always loved it but wondered whether it was obvious enough. So when it came time to carry out maintenance I decided to paint it white to mix it up and of course that automatically meant new signage!... But I will always remember the original timber wall! Here it is in the beginning in all its glory. Unfortunately timber and the elements don’t mix long term Which is why I opted to paint it. But I still love the new wall just as much as the original in my opinion. I think the new big feature circle logo sign really makes it now. That was one of the best things about opening my own dental practice, the design process. So fun, I can’t wait to do it again! One day..
10.01.2022 Today I’m seeing more and more kids whose milk teeth aren’t falling out during childhood development. It’s a warning sign because it’s a good marker for a issue that is becoming more and more common today. Some are slow to become loose and take months to years to fall out, some will have the adult teeth erupting behind or in front, and some never fall out and trap the adult teeth underneath. During childhood development, the thyroid dictates the ‘rate’ of turnover. Hypothyroidism is associated with delayed dental eruption and milk teeth that don’t fall out. Besides delayed dental eruption, there are other signs: Mouth breathing Malformed enamel Salivary gland enlargement Inflamed red tongue A slow thyroid delays the growth of the jaws and increases rate of crooked teeth and delayed eruption of teeth. Thickening of the lips and macroglossia is due to increased accumulation of subcutaneous mucopolysaccharides i.e., glycosaminoglycans due to decrease in the degradation of these substances. The long-term effects of severe hypothyroidism on craniofacial growth and dental development have also included impaction of the mandibular second molars. Hyperthyroidism may have faster than normal dental eruption where kids teeth fall out faster than average Other signs of an over active thyroid may be: Increased dental decay Burning mouth syndrome Connective tissues like Sjrogen’s Syndrome In the case of kids with hypothyroidism, it’s important to obtain a diagnoses, because if milk teeth aren’t falling out, sometimes extraction can help ‘move’ dental development along. For example, if childhood canines don’t fall out in time, it can contribute to risk of adult canines becoming stuck in the bone and never erupting. The mouth shows us important clues for the rest of the body. Do you or a family member have a thyroid issue? Have they also suffered dental issues?
10.01.2022 It may not occur to you that the way in which you breathe is important. Does it reeeeally matter? YES IT DOES! Nasal Breathing:... 1. Increases oxygen uptake which is better dispersed to all the cells in your body 2. Allows the proper exchange of oxygen & carbon dioxide in the lungs, also creating an optimal Ph 3. Allows the CRUCIAL use of nitric oxide by your sinuses to fight off allergens and inflammation, hence why many mouth breathers always suffer from bad allergies, and the nitric oxide helps regulate blood pressure 4. Appropriately warms and cools the air to optimally enter the body the way it was meant to 5. Promotes correct tongue posture, helping to stimulate the growth and development of the jaws & palate Mouth Breathing: 1. Deprives the Brain, heart and other organs of oxygen 2. Can cause the orofacial muscles that assist in opening the airway to weaken 3. Can elevate blood pressure 4. Can exacerbate allergies, rhinitis & sleep apnea 5. Leads to depleted carbon dioxide levels, which in turn switches on our parasympathetic nervous system, otherwise known as ‘fight or flight’ 6. Is associated with a low tongue posture, which can cause crooked teeth and narrow airways 7. May lead to restlessness in sleep, night terrors, constant waking to go to the toilet and what many parents describe as ‘always waking with the bedding in a ball’ If you have concerns about how you or a loved one breathes, feel free to pop in. Myofunctional therapy can help to retrain your breathing, and we would certainly recommend an airway assessment.
05.01.2022 Did you know snoring of any kind isn’t normal? Even if allergies are at play, any kind of snoring should always be investigated. You might not think but snoring in children and infants is becoming increasingly prominent. I’m always amazed at how many parents tell me their 2 or 3 year old snores.... Nevertheless these warning signs shouldn’t be ignored and a full Airway screening should take place to ensure your child grows optimally and the snoring can be rectified. The palate in the mouth is actually the floor of the Airway , and snoring may often indicate a high, narrow palate. And of course, a narrow palate and dental arch can mean crowding. During crucial growth phases we are able to assist in the proper development of the palate (Airway) to ensure proper craniofacial development, and of course less crooked teeth! At Lumi, our philosophy is not just to achieve straight teeth, but rather ensure everything is grown to it’s full potential and the body is functioning harmoniously. Overall, the way in which we achieve straight teeth equates to total body health. In most of our cases, children no longer have to have such high dose asthma meds, if at all, they perform better at school, they no longer wake tired and irritable, their teeth grinding has stopped, their bed wetting has stopped, and overall children and parents are happier! If you have concerns about snoring for your baby, child or even yourself, our Airway focused clinicians would be a great first point of call. Needing someone closer to you? Contact us and we can point you in the right direction to an Airway focused practitioner in your local area. Alternatively we have time allocated for our interstate and international patients via Zoom consults if this would be suitable. Do you know a child or baby who snores? Tag a parent who could find this beneficial. Knowledge is power! Yours in health, Cass
03.01.2022 Children’s dentistry is a massive component of our healthcare model here at Luminous. Throughout my career, I had many burning questions about how to truly prevent tooth decay & braces in children. I didn’t stop until I had turned over all the stones to find the answers to the things I found which didn’t all add up.... Through my continued international education in the industry, I have created a dental healthcare model that is the first of its kind in Australia. With the help and expertise of my husband and principal dentist @drstevenlin, I am proud to say we are at the forefront of true preventive dental care for children. So much so that we are now working with a team of dental professionals in the US to replicate the functional dental model that we have created. It’s certainly exciting times in the industry and I am so proud of myself for pushing forward with my passions and annoying attitude of searching for the truth lol. We have many children all around Australia that trust our team with their dental health. Modern technology has allowed us to continue to offer care to these patients over Zoom appointments and I just think this is amazing to still allow access to this care and approach, despite their geographic location. Seeing all our child patients so happy and healthy really does bring so much joy to myself and my team. Don’t they say love what you do and never work a day in your life?! Happy Friday peeps
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