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Luna Sara Fertility Yoga in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Yoga studio

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Luna Sara Fertility Yoga

Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Phone: +61 424 149 197

Address: 63 High St 4000 Brisbane, QLD, Australia


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22.01.2022 The importance of JOY ! There's a lot of talk about sparking joy lately... from a hormone perspective, experiencing JOY not only reduces cortisol -that often talked about 'stress hormone' which upsets the delicate dance of our monthly cycles- but also increases DHEA - a less famous but much needed hormone which facilitates this hormone dance. Try this simple practice: in a quiet moment, sit with eyes closed and think of something in your life that brings you true joy and grat...itude. It might be a special place or person, a cherished pet or even eating some beautiful chocolate. As you think of this, really picture all the details and soak in the full experience of joy and gratitude for that thing. Just three minutes of feeling and experiencing joy can reduce cortisol and boost DHEA measurably! Making this part of your daily routine can also help you to identify the places, practices and people who bring you the most joy in life and the ones that you want to dedicate more time and energy to! #mariekondoyourlife . #sparkjoy #joy #reducestress #hormonehealth #fertilityacupuncture #fertilityyoga #yoga

21.01.2022 Mlsana Yogi squat A beautiful yoga pose for fertility which grounds, opens the deep muscles of the pelvis and groin area This pose is particularly helpful in the menstrual phase of our cycle, as the pelvis descends, it encourages the downward flow of energy for a healthy period ... @ecofityogi #malasana #yogisquat #garlandpose #fertilityyoga #yogaforfertility #ttc #brisbanefertility #yogabrisbane #womensyoga #honoryourcycles #healthyperiod #healthycycles #movementismedicine

21.01.2022 Through the highs and lows of the fertility journey, our yoga mat can feel like a sanctuary and our practice a sacred ritual. When we move with an intention, we are bringing the spirit of our intention to life, from thought to action. From emotion to expression. We are gathering energy around that intention . .... . #omshanti #manifest #fertiltyyoga #yogaforfertility #yoga #ttc #brisbaneyoga #brisbanefertility #bhakti #intention #yoga #thoughttoaction #brisbanefertilityyoga #sanctuary See more

19.01.2022 Patience.... the fertility journey can feel like a very long and slow one. Whether you are #ttc or healing period problems, it takes consistency and patience to restore our body's natural rhythms. Meditating on self compassion can be so healing and heartening on those difficult days. Place one hand over your heart, the other over your womb, take deep breaths into the belly and repeat the mantra "I am patient, I am gentle" Tip: the real magic happens when we incorporate this ...practice into our everyday #fertilityyoga #yogaforfertility #ttc #wombspace #connnect #womanhood #brisbanefertility #yogabrisbane #womensyoga #honoryourcycles #healthycycles #movementismedicine #youcantrushyourhealing #patience #compassion #meditate #breathe #womensyoga #makespaceforhealing

17.01.2022 "In the beginning was a cell, a fusion of sperm and egg, yang into yin. Individually they were nothing, but combined they could conquer the world. This was you, your cell... maybe, deep inside you, it still exists? - Dr Daniel Keown, The Spark in the Machine. . . @leiamoonwomen... . #embryology #yinyang #thebegining #ttc #fertilityyoga #yoga #fertility #conception #thesparkinthemachine #newlife #cellularenergy See more

14.01.2022 lunation . [loo-ney-shuh n] . noun: the period of time from one new moon to the next; a lunar month.... . . . Beautifil artwork by @stellamariabaer . #lunation #fertility #honoryourcycle #waxwane #fertilityyoga #fertilityacupuncture See more

12.01.2022 We have a logo! A beautiful representation of our name LunaSara. Luna - The moon, symbolic of the sacred cycles of fertility Sara - Short for Saraswati the beautiful hindu goddess of wisdom, learning, nature and creative power who is often depicted riding a white swan

06.01.2022 Goji berries (Gou Qi Zi) have been a traditional Chinese nutritive tonic long before they were hailed as a superfood in the west. Traditionally considered a "blood building" food (they even look a bit like red blood cells!) they are used for improving eyesight, anti-aging and fertilty. Goji berries are rich carotene, vitamin A1, B1, B2, C, calcium, iron and other necessary nutrients. Soak them to plump them up and add them to sweet or savory dishes, or toss them over salads ...and into your trail mix for a tasty tangy addition to you diet . . . #gojiberries #tcm #fertility #superfood #antiaging #saladtopper #tonic #acupuncture #chinesemedicine #foodasmedicine #tangy See more

04.01.2022 Do you monitor your cycle? Throughout the course of our cycle, our energy levels and needs will flux and change. From day 1 to ovulation, we are in our more expansive, dynamic and outgoing phase. From ovulation through to menstruation, we are naturally more introspective and may find our energy levels dip. ... Being in tune with these changes allows you to adapt your yoga practice to support your body and fertility in the best way possible Beautiful artwork by @_kallenmikel #fertilityyoga #yogaforfertility #ttc #wombspace #connnect #womanhood #brisbanefertility #yogabrisbane #womensyoga #honoryourcycles #healthycycles #movementismedicine

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