Lynne Conway in Gabbadah | Astrologist & psychic
Lynne Conway
Locality: Gabbadah
Phone: +61 432 902 852
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25.01.2022 I have 5 water bottles available. Crystal points are 425ml and come in Obsidian x 1 and Clear Quartz x2. Crystal tumbles are 475ml and come in Clear Quartz and Amethyst. $75 each. Genuine crystals and not imported manufactured crystals. Can drop off between Perth city and Moore River this afternoon.
25.01.2022 This weeks affirmation :
24.01.2022 Cold and flu season is upon us, Im down with a fever as I type. Some wellness advice from the FARMacist :
21.01.2022 This morning woke up to an orbed Weaver at the back door whilst going out to fill the pool, and a huntsman spider on the AC vent outside my bedroom door. If that wasnt enough, there was an adult frog in my laundry room! It however, hopped off before I could get a pic. Too many animals in such a short time, so here is the message: This is an opportunity to access your deepest wisdom and assimilate it so that it becomes a part of your daily living. Rather than staying stuck i...n this apparent impasse, open your mind to the infinite number of possibilities that are before you and make a choice. Dont limit yourself to the mundane world, but instead be willing to explore other dimensions and realities. Its time to write creatively without limits allowing yourself to be inspired by nature. This is a time to eliminate as much toxicity in your life as possible, so n your body and relationships. Do a physical cleanse to detoxify your body. Do an emotional cleanse by letting yourself really feel your emotions and cry as much as you need to clear release any emotional toxicity. Your entering a time if plenty and abundance. This is the start of a slow and steady transformational process for you, a movement from an old life to a new! WOW. - I accept all of that. So it be. So it is done. Namasté
21.01.2022 I have a message from spirit today. If this is for you or someone you know - please pass it on. This person liked being round the pool. They know someone close to them who was dealing with cancer too. The message was : Suicide was not a sign of my weakness, its was a sign I was strong for too long and I didnt know how to deal with it any more. I couldnt find a way to deal with what was happening and thought the only way was to remove myself from the troubles/worry and... ease the situation. I realise now that wasnt the case and I am sorry for all the hurt and unanswered questions you now have. That wasnt my intention. I love you babe and will continue to do so until we meet again. Know that I will always be looking after you and our children. For ever in your heart. Please share if you know who this message is for. Sorry, no names were given.
21.01.2022 Very interesting
20.01.2022 I’m 100% on this one. Embracing my life and every wonderful moment of it. It’s taken me 49.5 years to get like this, but I’m glad I’ve reached it! Are you living and loving every moment of your life? If not, then book in for a session with me! Visit my website for more info.
20.01.2022 Sometimes you just need to be #grateful for the #simplethings like this #beautifull #sunset as I left work last night. Makes my #heartsing to know that simple beauty can be the most powerful thing to help #heal and brighten your mood. #colourtherapy at its best as #nature intended. #namasté
20.01.2022 "In our world, as the earth moves around the sun, there's nothing but shadow for a good part of the time. The mystery of life on earth cannot exist without the shadow element. You cannot have the sea without storms, the earth without quakes, the wind without tornados. On earth, when the light rises, the darkness comes with it. Where there is light, there is shadow . . . unless it's midday. But it can't always be midday. And sometimessometimes darkness is okay too. Don't ove...rlook the riches contained in the darkness. Life's very temporary, so don't let time just pass. Let the moments fill youthe ones you judge to be good as well as bad." ~ Billy Fingers
20.01.2022 An old healer said to the soul: Its not your back that hurts, but the burden. Its not the eyes that pain, but the injustice.... Its not the head that hurts, but your thoughts. Its not the throat thats in pain, but what you dont say or say with anger. Its not your stomach that hurts, but everything you cant digest. Its not the liver that hurts, but the mind. Its not your heart, that pain, but love. And it is the love itself, which is the most powerful and effective medicine. By Ada Luz Marquez (image: Unknown)
19.01.2022 Ladies. Do you carry crystals in your bra? If so, which ones?
17.01.2022 When someone says to you ‘The sky’s the limit’ you may think to may nod to yourself and agree. However, is this a self limiting affirmation? There is so much ...more beyond the sky and clouds. There is a whole Universe out there for you to tap into the amazing potential it has to offer! So why limit yourself when you know that you are capable of so much more? Go out. BE AMAZING. Reach for the stars and all that is beyond. After all....... YOU DESERVE IT!
16.01.2022 My other job has some amazing sights #question - do you #stop for #aircraft or stop to admire #naturesbeauty in this #magnificent #rainbow #lifeisgood #alwayschasingrainbows #ramplife #perthairport #groundservices #qantas #qantaslink #networkaviation
15.01.2022 Im 100% on this one. Embracing my life and every wonderful moment of it. Its taken me 49.5 years to get like this, but Im glad Ive reached it! Are you living and loving every moment of your life? If not, then book in for a session with me! Visit my website for more info.
15.01.2022 When the Universe comes knocking, do you answer? Tell me below the signs that you've been getting and ignoring!
15.01.2022 Male in Spirit. Do you recognise him? If you do, I have a message. This gentleman passed in his 60s. Sorry about the drawing, not one of my best
15.01.2022 When people tell you that the sky is the limit. Ignore them. There is so much more out there. Challenge yourself. See how far your can go! #highestpotential #universehasyourback #skysthelimit #skysnotthelimit
14.01.2022 Buck Boon on the 18th July. Do you feel the energy rising? How is it affecting you? Let me know below.
14.01.2022 Are you open to all the snippets of information the Universe sends your way? If so, tell me below what your message for today was. Heres mine : Frog for abundance and a lack and white feather to say spirit is around me and reminding me to create more balance in my life (black and white, yin and yang). These were shown to me tonight as I was watering some plants. I look forward to hearing about your messages today.
13.01.2022 I once asked a very successful woman to share her secret with me. She smiled and said to me.. "I started succeeding when I started leaving small fights for small fighters. ... I stopped fighting those who gossiped about me... I stopped fighting with my in laws... I stopped fighting for attention... I stopped fighting to meet public expectation of me... I stopped fighting for my rights with stupid people.. I left such fights for those who have nothing else to fight... And I started fighting for my vision, my dreams, my ideas and my destiny. The day I gave up on small fights is the day I started becoming successful." Some fights are not worth your time. Choose what you fight for wisely. Thank you to a friends Auntie for this, so true
13.01.2022 Helloooooo. It’s been a while, and for that I apologise. I’m just about to update my website. If you’ve had a reading or healing from me, please can you message me with a few short words I can use as a testimonial. Thanking you so much in advance. Lynne
13.01.2022 When this ends-AND IT WILL Every home will be snapped up. Every football match will sell out. Every restaurant will have a two hour wait. Every kid will be GLAD to be in school.... Everyone will love their job. The $ will sky rocket. Pubs will be rammed. Gigs will be plentiful. Well kiss, embrace & shake hands. That will be an excellent day Hang in there everyone
13.01.2022 Feedback from a reading I did during the week. In July Ill be offering specials. Also looking to tour rural WA with my workshops and taking healing bookings. If you have a facility I could easily accommodate 12 people for a workshop, please get in touch.
13.01.2022 Dow you want to create abundance in your life? Join me for my 28 day challenge. You’ll be glad you did!
12.01.2022 Dow you want to create abundance in your life? Join me for my 28 day challenge. Youll be glad you did!
12.01.2022 REIKI ~ FORENSIC HEALING ~ CHAKRA BALANCE Next available appointments is Friday 7th August. Book now to secure your session.
12.01.2022 Ah. How true is this? If you would like to receive a quick message from spirit, leave a comment below and I’ll get back to you over the next few days. Stay happy. ... Know you are loved. Blessings are everywhere. Trust in yourself. Namasté
11.01.2022 5 days into my HTS@H - this happened : Just been bitten by one of these suckers PLUS side - according to Stephen D Farmer, PhD, I have to see my projects through to completion. Trust that Ill succeed in accomplishing my dreams. Be patient with myself and those around me and with any work projects. Feel better now THEN in Pic 2 I re-arranged my treatment room / library only to find this is the time (Pic 3) that I started smudging after completing a new crystal grid o...n my desk (Pic 4). Look out Universe - Im standing in my power See more
10.01.2022 Website is now updated. #blog posts and #podcasts with #feee #meditation available. Let me know your thoughts. #psychic #medium #ghostwhisperer #reikihealing #reikimaster #forensichealing #booknow #facetime #skype #paypalaccepted
09.01.2022 Sometimes when life gets tough, we forget to smile, laugh and breathe. Take a minute just to breathe. Pull your energy back into your heart and smile. Remember that old saying an arrow first has to be pulled back before it can move forward? Well, just remember that things will get better. ... So, just to make you smile, a bit of light humour below. Stay amazing
09.01.2022 "In our world, as the earth moves around the sun, theres nothing but shadow for a good part of the time. The mystery of life on earth cannot exist without the shadow element. You cannot have the sea without storms, the earth without quakes, the wind without tornados. On earth, when the light rises, the darkness comes with it. Where there is light, there is shadow . . . unless its midday. But it cant always be midday. And sometimessometimes darkness is okay too. Dont ove...rlook the riches contained in the darkness. Lifes very temporary, so dont let time just pass. Let the moments fill youthe ones you judge to be good as well as bad." ~ Billy Fingers
09.01.2022 When the Universe comes knocking, do you answer? Tell me below the signs that youve been getting and ignoring!
08.01.2022 Helloooooo. Its been a while, and for that I apologise. Im just about to update my website. If youve had a reading or healing from me, please can you message me with a few short words I can use as a testimonial. Thanking you so much in advance. Lynne
07.01.2022 3:55am. Breath work Meditation Exercises Journaling ... Set up for a good day. How did your day start? #meditation #breathwork #journaling #mirningroutine #exercise
06.01.2022 So, 3 lucky people received a Psychic Reading from me tonight. On the cusp of spontaneity- Im openining up 4 appointments this weekend for either Reiki, Forensic Healing or Psychic Readings from a photo. Message me now to secure your appointment. Next available sessions are weeks away!
06.01.2022 #TipTuesday I am re-sharing my POWERHOUSE Abundance cure for our Feng Shui tip of the week to get all of us ready to welcome the most PROSPEROUS Chinese New Yea...r ever!! ;) We are creating a symbolic Mountain of Wealth at your front door with this cure: Spray 8 river rocks or large stones GOLD, stack them up at the right side of your front door (when looking at your house from the outside). Visualize your own Pot O'Gold and infinite abundance coming your way!! **If you've been around here for a while & have already done this powerful #fengshui cure, this is your friendly reminder to clean your rocks & re-spray them gold to invite a fresh wave of WEALTH to your doorstep! PS--8 is the vibration of I usually say a money affirmation as I stack each of the 8 rocks, which amplifies the power of the cure: 'LIFE PROSPERS ME IN EXCITING & UNEXPECTED WAYS' 'MONEY LOVES ME & IS ALWAYS FLOWING MY WAY' "I JOYFULLY ACCEPT THE TIDAL WAVE OF ABUNDANCE & BLESSINGS THAT ARE FLOWING INTO MY LIFE NOW!' PSS--this cure works FAST! I get feedback daily from clients & members of the Feng Shui Family telling me how they got unexpected bonuses, surprise windfalls, pay raises at work, won trips, made record commissions, found $100 on the sidewalk, etc. GIVE it a try!!! ;)) xo Tanya
06.01.2022 Please untie the knots that are in my mind heart & life. Remove the have nots can nots & do nots that are in my mind Erase the will nots, may nots, might nots, that find home in my heart Release me from could nots, would nots, & should nots that obstruct my life Most of all I ask that you remove from my mind, my heart & my life... all of the 'am nots' that I have allowed to hold me back Especially "I am not good enough" See more
06.01.2022 My latest blog! It's been a while. Enjoy and please leave your feedback.
05.01.2022 Next available booking for your healing session is Friday 28th August. In your 60 minute healing session, you will receive Reiki & Angelic healing. Chakra balance and aura cleanse. Messages from spirit and Guides. I have one appointment left for a Forensic Healing session too. This is an amazing healing modality that looks at your life from this point backwards to get to the root cause of your issues. Forensic Healing sessions are also available over Zoom .... Check out my website for further details, and call or message to book your appointment. Be quick, these last minute openings book up VERY quickly.
04.01.2022 My latest blog! Its been a while. Enjoy and please leave your feedback.
04.01.2022 If you were to listen to a meditation tailored to your needs, what would be the topic?
03.01.2022 The Year of the Rat starts soon. Have you planned your crystal grid to bring prosperity, abundance and growth for the year? Im going to my wholesaler tomorrow to collect some jade and emerald to make grids for the year. This is one I made for the Year of the Pig, ending in a few days. Would you like a grid made up or crystals to make your own grid? Let me know by 9am tomorrow please.
02.01.2022 Now offering Indian Head Massage. Beautiful pampering session. Look out next week for gift voucher ideas for a treat for your loved ones. Also, dates for 2021 workshops will be released mid December! These will sell out quickly.
02.01.2022 An old healer said to the soul: It's not your back that hurts, but the burden. It's not the eyes that pain, but the injustice.... It's not the head that hurts, but your thoughts. It's not the throat that's in pain, but what you don't say or say with anger. It's not your stomach that hurts, but everything you can't digest. It's not the liver that hurts, but the mind. It's not your heart, that pain, but love. And it is the love itself, which is the most powerful and effective medicine. By Ada Luz Marquez (image: Unknown)
02.01.2022 Dont listen to those who sayStay Strong. Be strong if you want, however crying is also a sign of strength. Showing your true feelings is a sign of strength. Just waking up today and breathing is a sign of strength. Do what you need to do.... Dont listen to what others think you need to do. And remember - Im always here. Ill listen. Ill wipe your snot (well - get you a tissue at least!) Ill scream from the highest tower with you. Just be you and do what makes you get through today. Much love and blessings to you. Namasté
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