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24.01.2022 Come Sunday and enjoy a great time of worship. A letter from Christ through the apostle John to the Pergamum Church has come Revelation 2:12-17 It Challenges our beliefs and practices as followers of Christ. What do you as a follower of Christ believe and are you practicing those beliefs? Some of the believers in the Pergamum Church were beginning to tolerate false teaching and sexual sin. Though these believers held to faith even when it might cost them their lives for ex...ample .Antipas, my faithful witness, who was killed among you, they were becoming too tolerant of false doctrine and immoral sexual sin and as such were in danger of the Lord declaring war on that Church. Continued unrepentant sin should never be tolerated in the body of Christ. Wilful sin and false teaching in the church is like a cancer that, if left untreated, leads to death. In our world, the idea of ultimate truth something that’s true at all times, in all places, and has relevance for our lives - is pretty much extinct. To hold onto biblical truth about morality and false teaching can be very costly for those who speak out for these truths. However, if we have no absolutes, we sacrifice truth for our own ends, even if we claim to follow Jesus. Jesus alone is our anchor in a society of relativism, moral lapse and falsehood. His teaching clearly points out that there’s right and wrong, irrespective of how I feel. We are at war when it comes to worldly tolerance and biblical truth. In love we will say no to the worldly view of tolerance ..followers of Christ cannot call evil good and good evil, .Cannot believe that there is no all-encompassing truth that is the same for everyone for all times... Cannot agree with those who say All beliefs and religions are going to lead, in the end, to the same place and all worship the same god. Any belief who does not believe the absolute that Jesus is the only way is going to find its followers going to hell. Believers in Christ the church of Pergamum teaches us to hold onto Absolute Truth: In other words, We must believe that scripture, the Word of God is true for all people, at all times and in all places God didn’t exactly mince words in the Bible. His word is clear when the Church begins to tolerate false teaching and sexual immorality. . Therefore repent. If not, I will come to you soon and war against them with the sword of my mouth. Come Sunday to find out more. See more
24.01.2022 Holiness is not an option, its commanded! To be obedient to God is to aim for holiness and to know the Holy Spirit will guide us to achieve this joyous goal. Th...ough we struggle in the flesh the Holy Spirit is working in and through us to be what God wants us to be. We are dead to sin and alive in Christ. All are welcome to come and celebrate this great news with us on Sunday, 9:30 at Lcc. See you there. See more
23.01.2022 Come join us on Sunday for worship. A writer said Perseverance means more than endurance more than simply holding on until the end. A saint's life is in the hands of God like a bow and arrow in the hands of an archer. God is aiming at something the saint cannot see, but our Lord continues to stretch and strain, and every now and again the saint says--'I cannot stand anymore.' God does not heed, He goes on stretching till His purpose is in sight, then He lets fly. Trust ...yourself in God's hands. Maintain your intimate relationship to Jesus Christ through the perseverance of faith. Many time we are tempted to think .Lord I cannot always see Your purpose, but I know you will never lead me astray. Help me to stand steadfast in my faith no matter what happens. Such was the plan God had for the Church in Smyrna. The church experienced significant persecution in a wealthy city that had little time for Christians. Jesus says I know you are a severely persecuted church. I know your poverty-yet you are rich!. I know and hear the slander. Yet to this Church Christ gave commendation and called for faithfulness for He is close to those who suffer for His name’s sake. A willingness to suffer for Christ proves the genuineness of our love for Him. Come Sunday for as we look at the second church in the Revelation 2 and marvel over the perplexing subject of why God allows His own to Suffer. Suffering is somewhat mysterious. We may know some of the theological reasons for suffering from Scripture, yet when it strikes, there is still a certain mystery. Why now? What is God doing? We will see that Suffering is designed to build our trust in the Almighty. More on Sunday See more
17.01.2022 Welcome to Church. The church of Philadelphia mentioned in revelation 3 reminds us what's required for an open door...Revelation 3: 7-8... 7 And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write, ‘These things says He who is holy, He who is true, He who has the key of David, He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens: 8 I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for you have a little strength, have kept My word, and h...ave not denied My name. The whole subject of the sovereign Lord Jesus Christ who has all authority to open or shut doors is such a necessary and important theme for us to grasp as followers of Christ. A door is a passage from one place to another. Scriptures reveal that open doors are associated with preaching the gospel of Christ and opportunites for ministry. So, the term refers to the ability of the church or individual to preach the gospel that Jesus Himself has opened. The term open door is not just limited to openings to preach the gospel message to the world. There are other Scriptures that identify additional aspects of the open door: An open door can represent a change or transition in one’s lifeoften the symbol of a new beginning. It can apply to determining Gods will for a life. Choosing the right doors to walk through is a life-long component of our journey on this earth. Oftentimes closed doors serve as a redirection for a greater purpose in life. God will close doors to bring us to the doors He intends to open for our benefit and the benefit of others. Trust God to open doors for you to share the Gospel and fulfill the purpose He has for your life See more
16.01.2022 Come join us this Sunday..We are going to read a letter written to the Church of Ephesus in Revelation 2:1-7. You could almost start the letter the following way.Dear Loveless ChurchPeople talk about their "honeymoon love." Does that imply that the greatest love (or even greatest emotional love) for your wife/husband will occur during the first few months of their marriage and then its downhill from there? Shouldn't it be exactly the opposite? The honeymoon love is only th...e beginning, and throughout the years of exploring each other, crying and laughing together and communicating that our love for each other should grow ...will grow! Should not the greatest love for each other be at the end of the marriage till.. death do us part... not the beginning! Likewise, a person gets saved through having a personal relationship with the person of Jesus Christ and is overfilled with joy in realising that their sins are forgiven and their relationship with God has been reconciled. We call that their "honeymoon period." Here we go again; when the honeymoon ends will they begin to lose that zeal and passion? No! I hope not! Our love for Jesus should grow with time as we: commune with Him through the Word and prayer, realize He can be trusted, appreciate His love and faithfulness, grow in Christlikeness, and understand more about His attributes and nature. See the point? The Ephesus Church was great at the religion part and horrible at the love part. So, what about us? What about our church? Have we lost our first love? Do we love Jesus as we once did, and do we love people he has instructed us to love? First love doesn't care what others think about our enthusiasm. First love does not worry that we will be thought to be fanatics. First love just loves. First love cares only about one thing. Now, Revelation 2 :1-7 is a pretty challenging passage of Scripture, but I am so glad it doesn't end here because here, we're going to find out what you do if you've fallen out of love with the Lord, if you feel like your life is cold where it used to be warm. What do you do? It's really simple. There's a formula in the text, and . Come Sunday to find out more See more
15.01.2022 Can a true follower of Christ live peacefully with everyone? Surely not because we belong to a different kingdom. In Revelation we find the Sardis church, a perfect model of inoffensive Christianity. Come and find out more this Sunday, 9:30am at Lcc.
13.01.2022 Come join us for Worship this Sunday. We will look at the Church of Thyatira in Revelation 2: 18-29. This Church had a negative influencer in its midst (a Jezebel). We will be challenged to examine what kind of influence do we really have in the Church. Negative influencers... are usually people who have a Selfish Agenda, Undermine Authority, Cause Despair, Usurp Leadership, are Bullies, Deceptive and manipulative, Arrogant, legalistic, with Dysfunctional families However, ...Jesus calls for godly Influencers in His Church... A godly influencer is one who moves others into God’s agenda. A godly influencer knows that before someone can influence others toward godliness, they must be under God’s influenceseeking God’s direction, obeying His impulses, and being where they’re supposed to be so God can use them. If a person of Influence is moving toward God, they know someone is probably following them. A few questions to explore. As an Influencer is your role of authority God ordained? Do you fear God and are you willing to submit to others out of reference for Christ? Are you displaying traits of humility? Are you trustworthy? Do you encourage people to pursue a closer walk with God? Are you a real example to others In word your words should build, not tear downIn choice of lifestyle. In compassion. In attitude. In faith. In purity? If you are striving towards these things you will be a godly influencer in the ChurchTitus 2:7... Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity. See more
13.01.2022 A short little video with a powerful message. Enjoy! :)
10.01.2022 The Bible, An inspired writing that is for all ages, all cultures and for all of time. Completely inerrant and infallible. Agree or disagree? Lcc hosts Missionary Ben Good this week and we'll hear what the Lord has laid on his heart.... All are welcome for our 9:30 start. See more
10.01.2022 Come share with us on Sunday as we look at the book of Revelation and the topic The One who Conquers. The point of the first chapter of Revelation especially verses 12-20, was to focus our attention upon Jesus Christ the one who conquers and in Revelation 2-3, prepare the Church for what He wants to do with the it in that capacity. He is the central figure of the book, as He is the central figure of all history. No life can ever be lived realistically without reference to Christians are called to live as seeing Him who is invisible. Everyday this ought to affect us. Here is the One who goes with us to work tomorrow. This is the One who rides beside us as we drive our car. This is the One who watches as we sleep. This is the One who selects the circumstances of our life. He is ready to impart, at any time we need it, courage, peace, forgiveness, wisdom, and help. So, John fulfils the purpose that he was given: to elevate and focus our attention upon the figure of our exalted Jesus Christ that we might know Him, who He is, and understand what His role will be within the church. Our Lord set His church in the midst of the world. It is His instrument to control and determine human history. Jesus calls the church "the light of the world" (Matthew 5:14), and "the salt of the earth," (Matthew 5:13). The Apostle Paul calls it "the pillar and ground of the truth," (1 Timothy 3:15 KJV). That is the mystery and mission of the church. It is expected to exert tremendous influence in the world's affairs. But in many ways the Church has lost its way. Five out of the seven Churches mentioned in Revelation 2-3 had. Each of these letters in Rev 2-3 consist of a searching appraisal, both good and bad, which our Lord makes of the condition of that church; and also an appeal for repentance on the part of those who had fallen away and plea for a return to faith, with a spiritual promise to those who hold fast. We will see our Lord correcting things within the church, encouraging and teaching it how to live influentially in the day in which it is called to live. If the Lord wrote a letter to our Church what do you think He would say? More on the glorified Saviour who has intimate knowledge of us all, patrolling, inspecting and supervising His church, on Sunday. See more
08.01.2022 Great multicultural meal together...In Christ we are one Family...
08.01.2022 Who has the greatest impact? We have seen over this pandemic season how much impact one individual can have. An individual has not only impacted their own life ...but potentially thousands of others as well. They have had the power to shut down a store or put a halt to a sporting event. Throughout history there has only been one individual that has had an everlasting impact on ALL those who came before him along with every single other person that are to come. Jesus Christ, stands alone, the only saviour, the only one to conquer of the grave, Humanities only hope. John 3:30 "He must increase, but i must decrease". See more
07.01.2022 Hi All, Above is Peters last video message because church is starting again YAY! Please enjoy the video and dont forget our first service is tonight from 4:30 - 6, with a light supper.... Look forward to seeing everyone there. Blessings P.s. please bring a plate of food to share for supper See more
06.01.2022 JESUS CHRIST.... Is he worthy? HE IS! HE IS! HE IS!... Of all blessing and honour and glory. Enjoy this uplifting video (Apologies for the vid ads) See more
03.01.2022 We are back to Church so please come and join us in Worship. We are going to start an exciting series from the book of Revelation entitled Jesus Christ The One who Conquers. As we approach the book maybe some of you can start to feel afraid of it. How many of you have not read Revelation, because it just seems spooky? Or how many of you have read it, or you started reading it, and it just freaked you out? You’re sleeping with a helmet on, one eye open, and the lights on. You’ thinking That is a scary book. The beast, the false prophet, the antichrist, blood flowing. It can be daunting.... yet God gave us the book of Revelation not to frighten us but to motivate and encourage us. It’s a book that can fill you with hope, faith and an eager expectation of the Lord’s return. This book is the revelation of Jesus Christ, not in the sense that Matthew, Mark, Luke and even John revealed Him in the Gospels. Rather than the humiliated Christ, we have in Revelation an unveiling for us of the grand and glorified Jesus Christ... Jesus Christ The One who Conquers. Sometimes when we think of Jesus, we may view Him as humble, poor, and a marginalized Galilean peasant. That was His incarnation. Now He’s in His moment of exaltation. He’s not in humility. He’s in glory! He’s not suffering. He’s reigning. He’s not hearing, Crucify him. He is hearing, Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty. All the events of this book centre around visions and symbols of the resurrected, exalted, Christ, who alone has authority to judge the earth, eventually to remake the earth, and then literally rule over the earth in righteousness. On the pages of the book of Revelation, we discover ONE who has conquered all; ONE who has disarmed the dark powers of this world; sin, suffering, and ultimately death itself. Let’s get this fresh vision of our exalted Lord. Jesus Christ is the conqueror and all believers share in His great victory... The potential problem with the church in John's day, and even perhaps today, is that we have lost sight of the Glorified Lord...As our world seems to be spinning out of control remember the words of Jesus Himself in Rev 22:12-14 12 And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work. 13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.14 Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may enter through the gates into the city. More on Sunday..
02.01.2022 We are called to BE HOLY. We are called to GO. We are called to FEAR NOT, for I am with you says the Lord. Be encouraged followers of Christ, the Holy Spirit goes with you. Your message saves souls.... Who has God laid upon your heart to share with? See more
01.01.2022 Today’s link: Hi All, Please enjoy our latest video from Pastor Peter. Blessings.
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