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Macarthur Gymnastic Studio in Smeaton Grange | Gym/Physical fitness centre

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Macarthur Gymnastic Studio

Locality: Smeaton Grange

Address: Unit 17 11-19 Waler Cres 2567 Smeaton Grange, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 Hi Guys We are on the look out for SWS school comp leotards sizes 14, small or medium as ours wont be ready in time. If you know anyone who is willing to sell or lend( it will be well looked after) please have them get in touch. Many thanks

24.01.2022 Good results from the Level 3 State Trial 1 1 Gold 7 Silver 6 Bronze Some competing for the very first time at this Level, we are proud of you all.

24.01.2022 A limited number of places have become available in our afternoon fun gym classes and our Little Gym Wednesday morning 10.30 class. Send a message for more info.

23.01.2022 Amazing results and effort at State Trial 1 Well done to our level 4 girls So very proud! Results ... See more

22.01.2022 Hi gym families, Unfortunately we have to cancel this afternoons classes due to the extreme heat. The health and safety of our gymnasts and staff come first. We would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused and make up lessons will be on offer on Friday 20th in the afternoon sessions and Saturday the 21st in the morning session. MGS Team.

20.01.2022 Voting closes today! Don’t forget to vote for us! Thank you Gym family for your unwavering support.... It’s been a rough week! I received a call to tell us we have been chosen as finalists in the Camden Local Business Awards for 2020 and that our community cast lots of votes for us. We need you to vote again for us as finalists. You can use the QR code to take you to the voting. Our whole MGS team thanks you all very much.

19.01.2022 Miss Cate received this in the mail today. She has been nominated for the Outstanding Youth Award! She was surprised and humbled and curious as to who nominated her. Congratulations Miss Cate we are proud of you!!

19.01.2022 Happy Dance!!!!!! Head spinning!! Heart racing???? Excited or What?!?!?!?!?... MGS is back............. We will be reopening from Monday 15th for all groups. We are working to accomodate all of our loyal gymnasts into their classes. There will be some changes to classes, times and coaches-please bare with us as we reboot MGS within the guidelines we have been given We will post more information as soon as we can.

19.01.2022 We are grateful for your service, thank you.

18.01.2022 We are still open this afternoon. See you there!

18.01.2022 Ok ...MGS Gymstars 10 push ups for each Easter egg you ate last weekend!! Post a pic or video on the closed group pageOk ...MGS Gymstars 10 push ups for each Easter egg you ate last weekend!! Post a pic or video on the closed group page

18.01.2022 School Holiday Time Sorry guys this session is booked out!

17.01.2022 Good morning MGS gym family. We hope you all have had a good holiday and that with all the restrictions your sanity is still intact..... As you all know Term 2 is about to start and at this stage there is still no face to face training.... Every single day of isolation is a day closer to being allowed to reopen. We miss our gymnasts and their families. We miss their personalities, their humour and their company. Thank you to all of our gymnasts who have followed the training plans the coaches have uploaded for you, these plans are for you to keep up your fitness and strength because you never know when the doors to the studio will be allowed to open again and we can hit the mats flipping. Please continue to follow the skill sets, if you need help-ask, if you need easier sets-ask, your coaches are more than willing and waiting to help you. We welcome photos and videos of you practicing, please only add them to the members only closed group, you can request to join and remember to always be safe and only do skills that you know you can do, we dont want you to get injured! Hope to see you soon MGS Team

17.01.2022 Thank you Around The Clock Pest Control for looking after us! For all types of pest control, call Glenn CreecyThank you Around The Clock Pest Control for looking after us! For all types of pest control, call Glenn Creecy

17.01.2022 A reminder..... If you havent already voted for us in the local business awards, please do so, the awards close on 18/6 A huge thank you to everyone who has, we appreciate your support Hi MGS fam! ... Macarthur Gymnastic Studio has been nominated for the Camden Local Business Awards. This is our first ever nomination for anything and It would mean so much if you could find the time to vote for our little club. The link is attached bellow. Thank you for your support - The MGS Team!

16.01.2022 Happy International Women’s Day MGS Mums, Grans, Aunts Sisters, Cousins and especially to our future awesome women!

15.01.2022 WELL DONE! to our beautiful level 5s at Metro Trial today. Fantastic effort, results and sportsmanship. You made MGS proud and looked spectacular in our new Leos

15.01.2022 Well done SWS Lvl 4/5 team 3rd overall. Also Great Ambassadors of MGS

15.01.2022 Voting for the Camden Local Business Awards closes today. If you havent voted please do so. To the wonderful MGS community who continually support us, we sincerely thank you for taking the time to vote.... MGS Team

14.01.2022 Gym family weve just had a call to say we are Finalists in the Camden Local Business Awards Thank you xxxGym family weve just had a call to say we are Finalists in the Camden Local Business Awards Thank you xxx


13.01.2022 Tonights MGS Basic Acro class was so much fun, the gymnasts cant wait for next weeks class! Limited spots availableTonights MGS Basic Acro class was so much fun, the gymnasts cant wait for next weeks class! Limited spots available

13.01.2022 MGS is a COVID Safe Business We have COVID Safe Plan. MGS uses Contactless COVID Tracing via our QR log in.

10.01.2022 To all of our mums, nannas and grans we wish you all a very happy Mother’s Day. We look forward to seeing you at gymnastics drop off really soon. xxx MGS team

10.01.2022 Dear Parents and carers As per the Prime Ministers announcement tonight we are obligated to cancel all gymnastics classes as of today Cate, myself and the coaches are devastated.... Please know we have loved teaching and mentoring your children. We hope we can survive this and return and get back to running our awesome club with our supportive families and their amazing gymnasts. We will keep you updated as more details are available Thank you for your understanding, support and trusting us with your children over the last 5 years. Tracey Cate Sam Mack Olivia Michelle Shannon Viv Bailey Mia Em and Nicole

10.01.2022 MGS is a COVID Safe Business We a have COVID Safe Plan. MGS uses Contactless COVID Tracing via our QR log in.

09.01.2022 Wishing Bryannon good luck at Level 5 State today. We are very proud of your achievements and for representing MGS!

08.01.2022 Thanks coach Olivia for your great organisation! The gymnasts, visiting, first timers and current had a great time at the holiday fun day.......Bring on next Wednesday!!

08.01.2022 New gym movie allert!! Something to do whilst in isolation.

07.01.2022 Dear Gym parents We have decided to not run classes this afternoon due to the poor air quality, we know you will understand our decision. Make up day will be Saturday morning.... We apologise for any inconvenience, please pass this message on to anyone who may not be on fb Tracey

07.01.2022 Congratulations to our WAG & MAG gymnasts who competed at the CSSA today. All did amazing and we are so proud! Joel results: P-Bars 1st ... Floor 1st Vault 1st High bar 1st Pommel 4th Rings 3rd Overall: 1st and State Champion Ellie results: Bars 1st Beam 4th Floor 5th Vault 2nd Overall 3rd

05.01.2022 Awesome results from Sydney South West trials yesterday! Everyone of these girls has qualified to be apart of a team to represent our region at the State Championships in Newcastle later this year. Congratulations girls

05.01.2022 If you or the gymnasts need to talk to someone please use this link to get support

04.01.2022 Happy International Womens Day MGS Mums, Grans, Aunts Sisters, Cousins and especially to our future awesome women!

03.01.2022 Registrations are now open for Term 1 REGISTRATION Link: First step to joining us online is creating your profile and registration this is all done online using the above link. The registration should be filled out in the student name and wont take up to much time. Gym families with more then 1 gymnasts will need to create a profile for each student. When selecting your registration type if you unsure what to choose please contact us and we will walk you through it. Please note registration fees are due at the time of registration and can only be paid via PayPal, credit card or using an active kids voucher. Only one voucher can be applied at the time of registrations all future active kids voucher can be applied manually and credited towards class fees (this includes creative vouchers). Please have your active kids voucher number before starting your registration. Once youve registered you will receive an email with your log in details for your MGS online account. In your account you can manage invoice, classes and receive message and notifications etc. BOOKING CLASSES To book your classes you will need to select the classes tab on the top of the home page, on this page you will be able to filter classes by different categories. When you have selected your class you will need to book all sessions and confirm. From there you will be taken to a invoice screen this means everything went well and your set for the term. CLASS PAYMENTS If you like to pay your fees on a weekly basis we will need to arrange a payment plan as the system is set to take full term fees on booking. Weekly payments are completely fine however we do ask that all fees are settled prior to the end of each term. If you are paying your class fee's upfront (awesome) please note these fees will be due by week 2 of the term. Payment plans can be set on a weekly or fortnightly basis and will allow a breakdown of all fees to be evenly distributed throughout the term, at this stage we do not have the option of direct debit and do hope our MGS families will maintain their payment plans and have all fee's paid on time. If you would like to make a payment plan, all you need to do is book your class booking and contact us with the preferred day and frequency you would like to pay your fee's from there it's up to you to make those payments, the system will be kind enough to send friendly reminds if it can see a payment is late or missed. If you are unsure or have further questions please feel free to contact me or Tracey directly. For general support regarding registrations or class bookings join the support chat: We are super excited to see you all in just a few weeks time!

02.01.2022 The class this Wednesday 17/5 is FULL Thank you to everyone who has booked in!

02.01.2022 Happy Birthday to MGS Did you know that we have been open 5 years this week? Thank you to our awesome team for making us an outstanding safe place for gymnasts of all ages and ability.Happy Birthday to MGS Did you know that we have been open 5 years this week? Thank you to our awesome team for making us an outstanding safe place for gymnasts of all ages and ability.

02.01.2022 Challenge Time How long can you hold a handstand for ? Check out Miss Liv ... *Comment or tag us in your best results*

02.01.2022 Little Gym at MGS........

02.01.2022 To all of our mums, nannas and grans we wish you all a very happy Mothers Day. We look forward to seeing you at gymnastics drop off really soon. xxx MGS team

02.01.2022 2020 Timetable *classes may be added as coaching staff are confirmed ** Basic Acro Thursday 6:30-7:30 $15/class**

01.01.2022 Voting closes today! Dont forget to vote for us! Thank you Gym family for your unwavering support.... Its been a rough week! I received a call to tell us we have been chosen as finalists in the Camden Local Business Awards for 2020 and that our community cast lots of votes for us. We need you to vote again for us as finalists. You can use the QR code to take you to the voting. Our whole MGS team thanks you all very much.

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