Macedonian Community of Western Australia | Community
Macedonian Community of Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 9328 7852
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24.01.2022 Enrolments for 2021 Macedonian Language Classes Now Open Enrolment Form 2021.doc IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT FROM THE MACEDONIAN COMMUNITY LANGUAGE SCHOOL... The Macedonian Community Language School wishes to advise that enrolments for 2021 Macedonian language classes are now open. Macedonian language classes are available for school age children and adults. Classes for school age students will be held on Tuesday evening from 5.00 pm to 6.30 pm. Adult classes will be held at the Macedonian Community Centre, 51 Albert Street, North Perth on Tuesdays from 7.00pm to 8.30pm. The adult classes are proposed for Tuesday and Thursday nights however, John Ailakis, our teacher, has said that he is flexible and can arrange to have the lessons on other days of the week. This is to be decided at the first lesson to be held on Tuesday night. If interested people cannot make it to the Tuesday lesson, they can email the Language school at: [email protected] We look forward to seeing the old students and new students next year.
24.01.2022 If the situation in Macedonia was not so tragic, it would be a great subject for a farcical comedy that would be so funny, no one would ever believe that it is based on a true story of foreign intervention, local betrayal and a nation of lazy and stupid cowards not prepared to show any opposition to the treacherous, corrupt, criminal quisling regime. , , , , , .
23.01.2022 How long has it been since a Prime Minister, President or Minister from Macedonia has visited Australia, Canada or USA? Why are they so scared of coming?
22.01.2022 MCWA President's Lunch - Full house with great company, food and drink!
22.01.2022 Book your tables early folks for what will be a great evening
21.01.2022 The western themed chaianka guests. Can u spot the face?
19.01.2022 What a wonderful turnout to our holy Golema Bogorodica celebration both to the church service and our traditional luncheon. Thankyou from the MCWA committee to all who attended keeping our Macedonian traditions and culture alive. Thanks also to all our lovely ladies who donated delicious home baked goods which were auctioned off, the superb traditional dancing by our young dance group, the senior ladies choir and all the generous donations of food by Pero, Zarko and Kathy. It was a beautiful day for all.
19.01.2022 LADIES SECTION SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: We wish to let everyone know that due to circumstances beyond our control our chaianka planned for the 7th October will be postponed to the following Wednesday 14th October. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused by the change. Please let all your friends know. Now you have all heard or seen Judge Judy? Well our Ladies Section drama group will be presenting the Macedonian version in our next play on the 14th October entitled "The Courtroom of Judge Gyurga". We can promise you a wonderful day full of fun and laughter and dancing and of course a beautiful lunch. Dont forget to spread the word.
16.01.2022 Tomorrow's MCWA President's Long Table Lunch is promising to be the biggest ever with a sellout. Next time please get in early with your bookings to avoid disappointment.
15.01.2022 Once again a huge thankyou to our beautiful ladies Radica Garrett Kata Iannou Elitsa Veljanoski and Christine Tollis for the magnificent baked goodies they donated towards our Golema Bogorodica auction. Masterchief cooks have nothing on these ladies.
15.01.2022 Apasiev Tells It As It Is!
14.01.2022 Some more happy revellers st tge chaianka
14.01.2022 Ladies and Gentlemen we really look forward to seeing you all at our Hoedown Chaianka on the 2nd September. For catering purposes, could you please contact any one of our ladies section to book tables. As usual it will be fun filled day. Tell your friends and bring them along. All welcome.
12.01.2022 Hey there all you gals and guys. Come and join us on the 2nd September at our Macedonian Hall in North Perth for our western theme chaianka. You will enjoy a delicioius meal cooked especially for you by our great chef, dance to your favourite Macedonian ora, and watch our country and western show put on by the Ladies Section. So, dust off your jeans, boots and hats, dress up and come along for lots of fun and laughter. Please ring me or any of our committee ladies listed above for table bookings. Entry is $20 which includes a delicious lunch, tea, coffee and cake. Raffle tickets sold separately 5 for $2 with terrific prizes. Yee ha!! Kristine 0415152584
12.01.2022 Our Language School children at Sv. Bogorodica celebration
11.01.2022 The courtroom of Judge Gyurga presiding at the MCWA ladies section chaianka on the 14th October.
11.01.2022 Bishop Agatangel Calls for Mass Protest on Sunday 30 August
10.01.2022 Our "Western" theme Chaianka was a resounding success and we had a wonderful attendance. As you can tell from the videos and photos everyone enjoyed themselves so much dancing, singing and laughter and a delicious lunch. We thank our our special guest Pina from Bendigo Bank for attending. Also many thanks to - Frank Paolino from Bendigo Bank, Re Store Oxford St, Aria Dental Hay St Perth, Borello Cheese Co. and Oriana Baster for their generous sponsership gifts for our raffles. We look forward to presenting our next Chaianka on Wednesday 7th October. Hope to see you all there. Everyone welcome.
10.01.2022 Yesterday, our senior ladies dance Grupa Esen were invited to particpate in the 1st Multicultural Seniors Festival held at Umbrella Community Care. It was a beautiful day, with food, dancing and a visit by Cassie Rowe MLA in support. There were also many stallholders with great mini expo information booths. Our ladies group performed four special ora choregraphed by Vera Vlahos to an audience of fellow Macedonians, Polish, Indian and other ethnicities. We were treated to a lovely lunch which rounded off our day. Thankyou to Marika Krstevska and her team and all the lovely people at Umbrella. We had a great day.
10.01.2022 Dear Friends, you are cordially invited to the MCWA Presidents Long Table Lunch Friday 4th September 12.30pm for 1.00pm 3 Course Lunch $50 This is an exclusive event so be quick and please RSVP the... President Trayn Andonovski by SMS on 0407922712 or email [email protected] Please list your full name and those of the guests who will accompany you to ensure our settings and catering requirements are adequately met. NEVER NORTH, ALWAYS MACEDONIA!
07.01.2022 Ladies and gentlemen due to an overwhelming response to our December Christmas Chaianka we advise it is a SELLOUT! See you all there.
07.01.2022 The Courtroom of Judge Gyurga is about to hit town with a rich assortment of devious characters appearing before her. Come and join us on Wednesday the 14th October for a day of fun and laughs at our Chaianka. ALL WELCOME.
07.01.2022 Can anyone give us a contact of a t-shirt manufacturer who could make us some cycling shirts for the MRT (Macedonian Riding Team). We have got rid of our old ones because we had a small Ventilator flag on the front and a large Sonce of Kutlesh on the back. We don't want to have that disgusting Ventilator at all so we are looking for a new design which will only have the Sun of Kutlesh and possibly the ethnographic map of all of Macedonia.
06.01.2022 Our Ladies Section telephone numbers
03.01.2022 The MCWA would like to acknowledge and thank our most junior members, our clever little students in the Macedonian Language School for their performances throughout our special days and lately the Sv. Bogorodica celebration. They always delight us with lovely poems and songs and their enthusiasm is evident to all. Thankyou to all the parents for their ongoing support and we too as a community are very proud of all our students in their achievements in the language school. It is most important that we promote and encourage our school and language within our community and keep our culture alive. Please spread the word and we encourage any who wish to attend to do so. We have a few photos and videos of our delightful Language School performances under the direction of teachers Jovanka Jakovceska and Maja Bogdanoska.
03.01.2022 We held our first disco (MacoJnr) on 14th November, this was a sold out event. The feedback we received from our 230 guests was very positive. The parents caught up with their friends and the kids were enjoying themselves on the dance floor (like the good old days)
02.01.2022 ПРИСТАПУВАЕТО НА МАКЕДОНИА ВО ЕВРОПСКАТА УНИА НЕ МОЖЕ ДА БИДЕ ЗАЛОЖНИК НА БУГРСКОТО НЕГИРАЕ НА МАКЕДОНИА И МАКЕДОНЦИТЕ Во август 2017 година, Македониа и Бугариа го склучиа Договорот за приателство и добрососедство. Додека а изразуваме нашата принципиелна поддршка за добрососедски односи, унапредувае на односите и меународната соработка, не можеме истовремено да не а осудиме содржината на ово договор, ко и покра целата фина реторика, всушност е во спротивност ...Continue reading
01.01.2022 Language School students at Sv. Bogorodica celebration