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Mackay Chiropractic in Mackay, Queensland | Medical and health

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Mackay Chiropractic

Locality: Mackay, Queensland

Phone: +61 7 4951 4688

Address: 9 Palmer Street 4740 Mackay, QLD, Australia


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24.01.2022 Permanent part time chiropractic assistant. 20 hours/ week. Must meet the QLD Youth Boost requirements: * must be a permanent resident of Australia and their principal place of residency is in Queensland * was unemployed for at least four weeks directly prior to commencing employment with the eligible employer * is not a current full-time student... * was not a full-time student within four weeks immediately prior to commencing with the eligible employer. * Must be over the age of 15 years and below the age of 25 years on the date they commenced employment with the eligible employer (but can turn 25 during the period of their employment). Position includes reception duties, patient interaction, and light cleaning. All training provided. No experience needed, but please have a desire to provide excellent customer service. Email resume to: [email protected]

23.01.2022 Hard work is not always something you can see, its not always physical effort. . It’s kind of a stereotype that we consider only physical efforts as hard work? . but what about the mental efforts we put, all the planning, the imagination, the innovation ideas, are they not hard work?... . Drop your thoughts below. . . . . . #chiropractor #chiropractic #chiro #chirolifestyle #mackaychiro #queenslandchiro #australianchiro #mackayliving #mackaypride #mackay #queensland #australia #lowerbackpainrelief #neckpainrelief #hippainrelief #physio #stressrelief #stressmanagement #muscletension #adjustments #concreteworkers #spinehealth #spinecare #spinemobility #health #healthychoices #liveeverydaylikeitsyourlast See more

22.01.2022 Basic explanation with serious implications. See a professional.

22.01.2022 There is nothing quite like nerve pain. It can feel like an intense burning sensation behind the leg. It can send electric signals down the neck and into the arms. Or, it can just be a constant nagging pain that just never goes away. Pressure on a nerve can also cause numbness and tingling in the limbs, a loss of strength, or feelings of fatigue. In many cases, nerve pain originates from damage in the spinal column - most often from injured discs, but sometimes also... involving changes to the bone itself. The Hill DT Spinal Decompression table is a non - surgical solution that can assist in the recovery of these types of spinal column injuries. Learn all about Spinal Decompression right here:

21.01.2022 Patient Centred Care Have you heard this phrase? I have. ... Actually, I have a lot lately, but maybe that's because I'm in the health care field. I'll tell you this though, I never used to hear it. Patient centred care is a health care model that ensures patients (let's call them PEOPLE) are always in complete control when it comes to making their health care decisions. As doctors, we have to recognise that there is often fear and anxiety that people feel when they are given information from persons of authority and, in that time of vulnerability, the doctor must ALLAY those fears with compassionate, evidence based advice that informs and supports a person in their recovery One of the most important benchmarks that we try to achieve at Mackay Chiro is taking into the account the NEEDS and WANTS of the people we serve and giving them authentic advice that we believe will serve their best interests. Our goal is people centred care. Always.

20.01.2022 Thank you so much for your kind review. It’s incredibly rewarding when patients recognise our effort to deliver a first class chiropractic experience. . It’s a pleasure being apart of your journey to improve your health. . .... . . . . #health #healthy #adjustment #healthylifestyle #yoga #chiropractor #spine #rehab #massagetherapy #therapy #backpain #posture #massage #getadjusted #neckpain #physiotherapy #mobility #fitness #doctor #healing #love #chiro #acupuncture #chiropracticcare #physicaltherapy #nutrition #chiropractic #crossfit #pain #wellness See more

20.01.2022 [Corona virus update] It's not our intention to feed the panic that we have all been witness to in Mackay, but Covid-19 has us all navigating uncharted territory as we await a vaccine. Toward that end, we ask that all patients of the clinic use a "common-sense" approach when booking. If you are experiencing flu like symptoms such as coughing, runny nose, sore throat, or fever please re-schedule your appointments. If you have returned from an overseas holiday, please wait 14 ...days after your arrival in Australia before booking. We have placed hand sanitiser at the reception desk. Please use it. We are also wiping down the adjustment tables after every patient. I have always washed and/or sanitised my hands after every adjustment. That practice will continue. Even if you are not worried about catching this virus and think all of this is an overreaction, please remember stopping or slowing the spread is about protecting the most vulnerable in the community. It takes everyone working together to effectively flatten the curve of a contagion like this. On a personal note, if things do go badly here like in the USA and around the world and you need help, my number is 0423735556. It does not need to be about your health or chiropractic. It can be about anything. I'll see if I can assist in some way. Let's all be extra kind to each other. -- Jonathan

17.01.2022 It's a weird thing being a chiropractor sometimes. Not the patient care part -- that's the good stuff. If you think that YOU like the feeling of having an adjustment, you should see it from MY side. It's an absolute joy to feel someone's spine shift in your hands and know that this person, who has placed all their trust in you, will now get to start moving, feeling, and even thinking better. I love that. The weird part is the difficult cases. The people that come in with se...verely damaged discs, arthritis, degeneration, or worse. Some have the expectation that I can just "put it back in" and everything will magically be better. "Come on, Doc, they say, all my last chiropractor needed was one visit to fix my back." Oh yeah, when was that? "20 years ago." Look, I get it. We are in an age of instant gratification. I'm guilty of it myself more than I would like to admit, but it's important to remember that most often when you seek out a chiropractor it is because there is an injury to some kind of tissue in the body and injuries of every sort need time to heal. You wouldn't tell the doctor to remove a cast from your broken leg after one week! I tell this to everyone -- I'm not a healer. I don't have a magic wand or crystals or colourful potions. I would actually run in the other direction if someone told me they are a healer. No, I'm not a healer, but what I am really good at, is putting your body in the best possible state to heal itself. I can say that with all the confidence in the world because I have been guiding people from pain and dysfunction to health and activity for 15 years now. I have safely performed over 130,000 adjustments. Take a moment to think about that number. Have you done anything that many times? That's why I cringe when people - usually people with some other agenda - claim that chiro is not safe. If you've been thinking about seeing a chiro and you live in Mackay, you are very lucky. You could almost throw a dart at the phone book and land on an incredible chiro. We are very blessed here. But, since this is my Facebook page, I'm going to go ahead and invite you to see me (that's me in the photo if you haven't already guessed). I can't promise to fix everything that's currently giving you trouble, but I can promise you'll get excellent service everywhere from the front desk right up to and including your treatments. You'll also get my promise to do everything within my power to help you. You can book in for a first visit at the website: or ring the office on 4951 4688. You can also download the Mindbody app and make your appointments on there. That's the one I recommend, by the way - it will make your future bookings easier to schedule. Thanks for reading.

17.01.2022 Chiropractic care has an excellent safety record in Australia. . The Chiropractors’ Association of Australia (CAA) is disturbed by media reports which question the safety and efficacy of chiropractic care. . Both in Australia and around the world chiropractic care is a low risk modality of health care. There have been few if any serious adverse events reported in medical literature in the past twenty years despite utilisation rates for chiropractors increasing significantly i...n this time. In Australia there are more than 12 million visits to chiropractors each year. Over 1 million of these (approximately 8.6 per cent of visits annually) are paediatric visits. . What are the facts about chiropractic safety and efficacy? . 1. The safety record of chiropractic care in Australia is exemplary. . 2. Chiropractic care has a very high expressed satisfaction rate with patients. . 3. There is a significant existing evidence base and active research base in Australia and internationally that validates chiropractic care. . 4. Chiropractors are university educated, nationally regulated healthcare professionals who care for and about their patients. . Reference: Report by the CAA - Chiropractors Australian Association 2016. . . . . . #sportschiropractic #gadget #physiotherapy #love #patented #sharktank #health #deadlift #innovation #gadgets #technology #getadjusted #wellness #chiropractor #invention #spine #invent #chiropracticcare #engineering #entrepreneur #benchday #entrepreneurship #chiro #physicaltherapy #fitness #inventions #backpain #idea #tech #massage See more

17.01.2022 [We Are Growing] We’d like to formally welcome Dr. Lachlan Camilleri to Mackay Chiropractic. We are very excited to have this Mackay local join our team! Lachlan is an excellent practitioner with a broad knowledge of musculoskeletal injury repair. He is skilled in various chiropractic techniques and soft tissue work. ... This is personally very important to me as it will allow us to serve our patients with more open hours. He officially will start seeing new patients from 27/4/20. Say hello to him when you see him around the clinic. Bookings can be made right here: Jonathan

17.01.2022 #repost @cquniversity . We are proud to announce Mackay Chiropractic Intern, Henry Jackson, has secured a full-time position with the Education Commission of the Federation Internationale de Chiropratique du Sport- or the International Federation of Sports Chiropractic (FICS). . This is following a prestigious 2020 scholarship with FICS, which was awarded to only 5 students worldwide. Henry is also CQUni’s representative for Sports Chiropractic Australia (SCA).... Congratulations to Henry Jackson, we look forward to hearing more about his achievements! . Great work Henry! . . . . . #lowbackpain #physicaltherapy #neckpain #headache #chirocare #sciatica #getadjusted #mobility #physio #chiropracticlifestyle #hippain #posture #chiro #lifeofachiro #painrelief #rehab #subluxation #backpain #chiropracticworks #pain #chiropracticeducation #stressrelief #shoulderpain #spine #herniateddisc #muscletension #chiropracticadjustments #adjustment #chiropracticcare See more

15.01.2022 I wanted to make a fun chiro video. Let me know in the comments if you dig it! Hit the book now button if you want to come in. Video: Corey Waldron Kinxton Caw

11.01.2022 The horns are just the tip of the iceberg. Deformed discs, degenerative joint disease, nerve pain, numbness and tingling, muscle fatigue and reversed curvatures are all typical outcomes of chronic poor posture. All of it can lead to decreased quality of life, pain and dysfunction. Chiropractic is dedicated to spinal joint health. Book now:...

10.01.2022 Memberships are dumb for a lot of reasons and people HATE contracts, so why do I do it? This is kind of long read, but hang with me, I have a really good point and I'm probably going to be way too honest about my business. I'm at my capacity. Basically, I'm seeing as many patients per week as I can comfortably manage without killing my own spine or allowing my quality of care to suffer. To that end, you'll soon be seeing a new face around here looking after most of the new ...patients to the clinic. I'll continue to adjust and care for all of the existing rehab and wellness patients, so don't worry about getting to know a new chiro - I'm not going anywhere. So, why offer a discounted membership program if you're already seeing your capacity? Why get ~20% less per service? Most business consultants tell you to RAISE prices when you hit your max not lower them, so what gives? 2 reasons. One for me one for you. First, it's pretty awesome having all of the member's deposits come in on the 5th of every month. If you're already a member, thank you for your trust and thank you for committing to our clinic. As a business, nothing is more critical than predictable cash flow. It allows us to set a budget. It allows us to make improvements around the place (hopefully you've noticed), and it gives us a certain satisfaction when people like us enough to sign on. Thank YOU Second, and this one is all about patient care and patient health. I don't have statistics to prove this, but I can tell you from experience, our wellness patients - the ones coming at least once/ month - just don't suffer the big blow out injuries that our other patients do. They suffer from less back pain. They don't get headaches as often - if at all, and they generally enjoy a more active lifestyle. Of course, one adjustment every month does not make them bullet proof, but it does allow them to enjoy a better quality of life. Why not just re-book monthly without all the membership stuff then? Here's me: Rehab is finished. You're feeling better. Come monthly to stay on top of it. Here's you: Absolutely. Here's me: Great, see you next month. Here's you 6 months later: A billion different things came up and now my back hurts. It's ok. I get it. Life is busy for everyone and we generally don't think about our spine health until we lose it. That's the benefit of the membership. A monthly discounted debit serves as your reminder to book in if you aren't already. It also helps us keep track of you and your progress. You'll definitely get a call if you have an unused credit. To me, that is worth ~20% less per treatment. That's what I think anyway and I hope you do to. Also, there is NO CONTRACT. We don't believe in that sort of thing around here. We only want people who want to be here! Thanks for reading. Book here:

09.01.2022 Creating space so we have more room to move . Quote: Dr Lachlan Camilleri .... . . . . #mackay #sunshinestate #mackayliving #mackayliving #queensland #queenslander #australia #mackaychiro #mackaychiropractic #queenslandchiro #chiropractoradjustment #chirolifestyle #chiropractic #adjustments #neckpainrelief #backpainrelief #hippainrelief #consitency #healthylifestyle #health #physicalhealth #mentalhealth #emotionalhealth #spiritualhealth #spinehealth #spinecare #spinefit #ageisjustanumber #whyishealthimportanttoyou See more

09.01.2022 I made this video to help people understand how sometimes it's just everyday living that creates and sustains back problems. Lucky there's CHIRO to help!

09.01.2022 Love the enthusiasm, Rob!

08.01.2022 I don't usually write about the politically driven nonsense about chiropractic safety, but after all the hoopla over that video of the child getting manipulated and the subsequent inquiry, I feel it's important that the results are made public. Number of children seriously injured by a chiropractor: Exactly 0. Just like I told everyone who asked, because something looks scary, it doesn't mean it's dangerous. If that were true, no one would trust an 80,000 kg tube of metal t...o fly them from Mackay to Brissy. But, just like planes, the incidence of serious injury is statistically non-existent and completely safe no matter how much the media would like to create hysteria. The fact is, with the number of chiropractic adjustments performed on children (and adults) every single day, if there were any danger, then the hospital ERs would be filled with victims. They simply are not. Please don't fear a chiropractic adjustment for yourself or family. It is one of the safest forms of healthcare available. I wonder when the inquiry on over the counter pain medication will begin --- 2000 and never.

07.01.2022 Article: Canberra Spine Centre . How can Chiropractic Care Help? . 4. Healing & Recovery... . Misalignments of the spine can hamper the healing process. . Much of the pain felt after an injury comes from the body trying to protect itself through muscle guarding and inflammation. . These intelligent responses are part of the body’s protective mechanisms. . They are designed, in the short-term, to prevent re-injury. . Sometimes these mechanisms persist, and when they do, they prevent your return to normal activity that is associated with healing. . Chiropractic care, by helping to restore normal function, can help speed up the recovery process. . . . . . #health #healthy #adjustment #healthylifestyle #yoga #chiropractor #spine #rehab #massagetherapy #therapy #backpain #posture #massage #getadjusted #neckpain #physiotherapy #mobility #fitness #doctor #healing #love #chiro #acupuncture #chiropracticcare #physicaltherapy #nutrition #chiropractic #crossfit #pain #wellness See more

06.01.2022 It's Spinal Health Week in Australia! Book in right now for your initial consultation of only $59! for online bookings or ring the clinic 49514688 :-)

05.01.2022 Media celeb, Rob Kidd, making time for his spine this morning! Rob's been pumping out the Ks every weekend during his marathon training. #chiro #recoverysessions #mackaypride #getit #spinetime

05.01.2022 Seeing someone smile is infectious! . Smiling has well-documented social benefits. A genuine smile can make you seem more likable, attractive, intelligent and even trustworthy. But did you know that smiling more oftenregardless of your moodcan improve your health and help you live longer? Discover seven of the surprising health benefits of smiling. . 1. Improved Mood... . Smiling can boost your mood when you’re feeling blue, and may be beneficial for people struggling with anxiety and depression. A 2010 study found that making yourself smile when you’re feeling down helps improve your mood and increases positive thoughts. So, if you’re having a bad day, try smiling anywayit may lead to a genuine smile and lift your spirits. . 2. Lower Blood Pressure . Smiling and laughing more appear to help lower your blood pressure, which is good news for your heart health. A 2009 review explains that laughter causes an initial increase in heart rate, followed by a period of muscle relaxation and a decrease in heart rate and blood pressure, which helps reduce your risk of developing heart disease. . 3. Stress Relief . Did you know that smiling more often, whether you’re feeling happy or not, helps your body deal with stressful situations more effectively? A 2015 study published in Psychological Science found that smiling can result in a lower heart rate during stressful tasks. Stress generally causes increases in heart rate and blood pressure. So, maintaining a smile when stressed provides you with both psychological and physical health benefits. . Great article written by: United . . . . . . #happiness #bepositive #moveforward #positivethoughts #happy #instagood #mindsetmatters #dailyquote #epictetus #philosophy #discipline #psychology #inspirational #positivethinking #mind #motivation #optimistic #love #strengthquotes #notetoself #beyou #positivity #nature #positive #quotes #positivevibes #stoicism #life #beoptimistic #possibilities See more

04.01.2022 Our patients love booking in using the Mindbody App! Once you are set up, it's incredibly easy to book in! 1. DOWNLOAD the app through the link below. 2. Sign up with Facebook or with your email address 3. ALLOW for location services... 4. Click on WELLNESS 5. Favourite Mackay Chiropractic Now, you are all set to book in with just a few taps of the button! Perfect for new clients AND our regular wellness clients

04.01.2022 We will remember them. Lest we forget. #remembranceday #australia #queensland #mackay #poppies #red #11thhour11thday11thmonth #leastweforget #honourthefallen #mackaychiro

03.01.2022 Just thinking out loud here... What if there was a kind of doctor, not a real doctor mind you, but a KIND of doctor who specialised in recognising abnormal movement patterns, posture deficiencies, and spinal alignment issues BEFORE the presence of painful symptoms? And what if this "kind of doctor" spent five, sometimes SEVEN, years learning a very specific technique to correct these problems so that these deficiencies, patterns, and issues didn't lead to more painful and so...metimes debilitating dysfunctions and injuries? And what if this proactive approach also had a history of research that supported the theory that this "kind of doctor" and this kind of treatment also showed positive improvement in other important areas of a person's well being? And what if all of this was even true for children? And what if private health companies supported this kind of treatment by providing for it within the scope of their insurance plans? And what if this "kind of doctor" had a safety record superior to ALL other health professions? I suppose one could still wait for their health to worsen before seeing this "kind of doctor," or wait until the symptoms intensify, or wait for a full blown injury to seek help, but what sort of person would want that? Like I said, just thinking out loud. Book here:

03.01.2022 Paige and Jill supporting National Feather Day

02.01.2022 Need a great gym in your life?

02.01.2022 Open for business tomorrow Open for business tomorrow

02.01.2022 Kind of worth it though, right?

01.01.2022 The year of 2020 has been an eventful year with many challenges and opportunities. . In many ways our world has been hugely impacted by COVID-19. It hasn’t been easy on our communities, our families and also local businesses. . Adversity has played a vital role in our growth and how we continue to push through tough times.... . What challenges or goals did you set yourself to achieve by the end of 2020? . What changes have you made to continue to grow? . . . . . #selfwaraness #changeyourmindset #growthmindset #selfjourney #motivation #inspiration #success #fit #selfvalue #selfmotivation #mindset #selfacceptance #selfgrowth #selflove #growth #love #meditation #selfdevelopment #selfdiscovery #mindsetmatters #selfcare #leadership #goals #mindfulness #quotes #personaldevelopment #coaching #personalgrowth #selfhelp #mentalhealth See more

01.01.2022 Dr. J doing maintenance on his lower back. Decompression uses gentle stretching to alleviate pressure on swollen joints and injured discs. Makes you feel taller too. Read about the amazing Hill DT here:

01.01.2022 How can Chiropractors help with Headaches? . Chiropractors can assess, diagnose, and manage headaches. Current evidence suggests that chiropractic care, including manual therapy, can be effective in treating cervicogenic and tension headaches. . Studies have also shown that chiropractic care can help decrease the intensity and frequency of migraines. The treatment options may include:... . -Manual therapy -Soft tissue therapy -Modalities including electrical stimulation, acupuncture, and ultrasound -Rehabilitation -Lifestyle changes and education -Referral and co-management . It’s important to take headaches seriously. Consider consulting a chiropractor if you often have headaches, if you frequently take a pain reliever for your headaches, if your headache pattern changes, or if your headaches are getting worse. . Seek prompt attention if your headache is sudden and severe. . Reference . . . . . #mackaypride #adjustment #trainsmart #mackay #cardiovascular #mackayliving #chiropracticadjustment #queenslandchiro #painfree #naturalhealing #mackaychiro #glowsticks #accident #neckpainrelief #neckpain #knutsford #backpainrelief #painrelief #physicaltherapist #bodywork #cbdvape #reflexology #naturalhealth #healthylifestyle See more

01.01.2022 Article: Canberra Spine Centre. . How can Chiropractic Care help? . 3. Pain Reduction... . Research has shown that chiropractic care can have a significant impact on pain, even in healthy young adults. . Reducing pain associated with injuries allows athletes to return to more normal movement patterns. . This, in turn, leads to faster and more complete recovery, with less chance of the relapses associated with poor movement patterns. . . . . . #sportschiropractic #gadget #physiotherapy #love #patented #sharktank #health #deadlift #innovation #gadgets #technology #getadjusted #wellness #chiropractor #invention #spine #invent #chiropracticcare #engineering #entrepreneur #benchday #entrepreneurship #chiro #physicaltherapy #fitness #inventions #backpain #idea #tech #massage See more

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