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25.01.2022 'HOW OFTEN MUST I FORGIVE?' There is much truth in the proverb, 'to err is human, to forgive divine." We all make mistakes. We all do or say things we later regret. And yet, when others wrong us, we can find it beyond our human strength to forgive. As we celebrate the mystery of Christ's love today, let us ask Jesus to heal our divisions and fill our hearts with the spirit of forgiveness. Forgiveness is a sign of true strength. It also liberates the soul. Forgiveness remove fear. That is why it is such a powerful weapon. Forgiveness free us from hate and resentment that imprison our mind and heart. When one forgives, one in no way changes the past, but one do change the future. "Father forgive them, they know not what they do." should be our prayer when others hurt us.
20.01.2022 A blessed season of Advent to you!
20.01.2022 Congratulations to the newly ordained Priests of the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney who were ordained to the Sacred Priesthood of Jesus Christ by Archbishop Ant...hony Fisher OP today here at St Mary's Cathedral: Fr Roberto Keryakos, Fr John Pham, Fr Noel Custodio and Fr Jonathan Vala. You can rewatch the Ordination via this link: God Bless you in your new Ministry! #priesthood #ordination #youareapriestforever #intheorderofmelchizedek #sydney #history #love #vocation #holyorders #sacrament #priest #christ #catholic #sydneycatholics #blessed
19.01.2022 Friends, this weekend we begin a brand new Liturgical Year with the 1st Sunday of Advent. Thus far, this year has caused us many trials that we did not see Trials that have caused much pain, sadness and distress. 2020 has been a year filled with darkness and at stages we did not believe we would see a light at the end of the tunnel. Yet despite the lifting of restrictions, few numbers in COVID-19 cases etc, there is still fear in our community both on a local and national scale. I guess you are wondering how does this relate to Advent? Advent is a time of preparation, a time to STOP and PREPARE for the greatest gift to us, Jesus. Therefore friends, let us use this time to bring ourselves out of the darkness of 2020 and see a light that is about to come. That light is the light that overcame the darkness of a stable 2,000 years ago. As we prepare for Christ's birth, let us now use this time to ask God to prepare our hearts, drive away fear and prepare a room for Jesus Christ. Maranatha, Come Lord Jesus! +Columba
17.01.2022 An incredible story of survival.
14.01.2022 PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. WE cannot spend all of our lives blaming others for what has happened to us. At a certain stage we must accept responsibility for our own lives and deeds. Sometimes we need to admit, 'I have done wrong. I am sorry. God help me to do right in future.' Change is always possible. If we have the desire , God will guide us in the right path. As we read in the Responsorial Psalm Lord, make me know your ways. Lord, teach me your paths. Make me walk in your t...ruth, and teach me: for you are God my saviour. Let us during the coming week pray the above to come to know God's will for us and come to know His ways. See more
14.01.2022 Today we mark a very special celebration for the Archdiocese of Sydney with the ordination of four new priests to serve our parishes: Deacons Jonathan Vala, Noe...l Custodio, John Pham and Roberto Keryakos. The ordination of these faith-filled young men is a gift for the people of God in Sydney and beyond. This gives us great hope, confidence, faith and gratitude to Our Lord Jesus Christ. Attendance at the 11am Ordination Mass is limited to invitation only because of COVID-19 restrictions. If you're unable to attend the Mass in person, I invite you to watch it online here:
11.01.2022 Mga ka-lingkod, later evening, we celebrate the eve of the 1st Sunday of Advent, thus, we start a new liturgical year. The first season in the liturgical year i...s the Advent Season, a season of preparation for the Birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ. During this season, we do not only anticipate the first coming of Christ in the manger but we also look forward to His second coming, the Day of Judgment. Let us know more about the symbolism and the apparent "names" of the four candles of Advent which we will light one by one every Sunday of Advent in anticipation of our joy for the Birth of Christ! "Tuwirin mga landas, mga alitan ay tapusin, sapagkat si Kristo'y darating!" Sources: [1] Franciscan Communications | [2] Mercy Home | #TheServantsChronicles #LiturgicalYear2021 #Advent #AdventWreath #AdventCandle
11.01.2022 My name is Simeon Anthony. I am a deacon in the Archdiocese of Melbourne. I am the second of four children with one older sister and two younger sisters. I was ...born and raised in Yangon, Myanmar (Burma). Most of my family live in my homeland. The question I am often asked is how did you come to realize you had a priestly vocation? It all started with the formative influences of my life. For example, my grandparents and parents transmitted a strong Catholic faith which now is anchored in my heart. Through a small community of family, we prayed the Rosary before our home altar. As a boy, I loved to lead the prayers, and sing Marian hymns as I joined in the Mass and prayer in my local church. These are the foundations of my faith. The second major influence was the life of parish priests and nuns who so generously served others. Through this I started to wonder if God was also calling me to care, love and serve His people. There was a particular moment that had a profound influence on my life. It was the day of my uncle’s ordination to the priesthood. On this day, I felt something which I cannot express in words. I was eleven years old and from that time, I prayed after every Sunday-Mass for God to reveal His will to me. Responding to His call and in order to discern more deeply my vocation, I entered the seminary in Myanmar. While I was studying philosophy there, I was invited to serve the Church in the Archdiocese of Melbourne. Divine providence is a mystery to me, but I simply followed the direction where I felt Christ was leading me. Aware of my strengths, weaknesses, talents, and limitations, while all the time, knowing the love of God has for me. I believe He is asking me to share this love with his people as his priest. I am particularly grateful for the welcome and acceptance I received from the people of the Archdiocese of Melbourne and the local Myanmar community. Please pray with me for all seminarians around the world so that we may be able to live up to the challenges of this world for the service of God’s people now and into the future. I hope the priestly ordination of this year may be an inspiration for others. Christ is all and in all (Colossians 3:11). Please pledge a prayer for Rev. Simeon Anthony at ORDINATION MASS: Saturday, 10:30AM 5 December 2020 St Patrick’s Cathedral
10.01.2022 Today marks one year since the NSW parliament passed one of its worst laws in modern times- the Abortion Law Reform Act 2019 allowing abortion on demand right u...p to birth in this state. I encourage you to support the Life Choice #notforgotten campaign today, by posting a photo using this hashtag, contacting your local MP to remind them what happened in parliament one year ago and by watching a special live announcement on the LifeChoice Australia Facebook page at 2pm today. Let us work together to put an end to the scourge of abortion in NSW by making it unnecessary, no matter what the law says. You’ll find more information about the campaign here:
08.01.2022 'MY WAYS ARE ABOVE YOUR WAYS.' Those who had laboured in the vineyard all day were angry when the owner paid the latecomers the same wage. Like the story of the prodigal son, this parable reminds us that the kingdom of heaven is not characterized by our limited concepts of justice but by a compassion that knows no limits. May we rejoice that we too are loved deeply by God. Jesus wants to open our hearts to the logic of the Father's love which is free and generous. It is about... allowing oneself to be astonished and fascinated by the "thoughts" and the "ways" of God which are not our thoughts and not our ways. Human thoughts are often marked by selfishness and personal advantage. The Lord uses mercy, he forgives broadly and He is filled with generosity and kindness which he pours forth on each of us. He opens for everyone the boundless territory of his love and his grace, which alone can give the human heart the fullness of joy. God excludes no one and wants each of us to achieve his or her fullness. This is the love of our God, of our God who is our Father. See more
07.01.2022 This month on APRE Thoughts we introduce Kellie Richardson, APRE of Star of the Sea School who talks to us about the importance of role models in our lives. Ev...eryone needs role models in their life and I have been blessed with some of the best. One of the greatest being my Grandmother. No matter what it was I needed my Grandma could help me, she had all the answers and always had time. She was a mother of 9 herself, had 21 grandchildren and now has 20 great grandchildren, so she was very well experienced. Grandma was a faith filled woman and greatly influenced my faith journey. She was the person who taught me to hold faith, no matter what came my way. This year was ten years since I last spoke to Grandma, but her message to me is still very strong and I still feel her guiding my decisions. September is the month that we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Name of Mary. Our school considers Mary a role model and we strive daily to be more like Jesus and Mary. We pride ourselves on letting our lights shine by being the best versions of ourselves. Taking time to reflect on images of Mary and passages from the Bible can help us to realise the many special qualities that can be found in Mary. She was a woman who was generous of Spirit, she was mindful and authentic. Mary lived her life with genuine humility and radiated a loving kindness in her interactions with others. Mary stood up for what she believed and recognised God’s hand in every event and everything around her. Mary’s heart was always open to new possibilities. Through The Annunciation we hear that Mary accepted that she was the Lord’s servant. I am the Lord’s servant, Mary answered. May your word to me be fulfilled. Then the angel left her. Luke 1:38 And from The Visitation we realise that Mary is blessed because she has heard and believed. And Mary said: My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, Luke 1:46 47 With age comes an appreciation of what we have been blessed with throughout our lives and I now know that Grandma was the perfect role model for me as she had many of the same qualities that Mary had. I pray that everyone has role models in their loves to help guide them in being the best version of themselves. Take care and choose kind Kellie Richardson
06.01.2022 WELCOME INTO THE KINGDOM PREPARED FOR YOU. Neither baptism nor the profession of faith in Christ guarantees our entry into Christ's kingdom. What is most important is the way we treat the least of Christ's brothers and sisters. What we do for them we do for Christ. By our care for them, we reveal that our profession of faith at Mass is more than just words.
05.01.2022 Every time we come to Mass let us look at Mother Mary beside the cross of Christ.
03.01.2022 Did you miss Fr Chris’ homily yesterday about finding joy in 2020? That’s ok - you can catch up by watching here - If y...ou want to know more why not join our Connect Series?!?! (It starts last week of October) Here’s how to join: 1) Register now on our parish website 2) We will send you all the information and a zoom link 3) Join the Thursday 8 pm online mid-week meeting and start the journey. Can’t join us Thursday’s on-line? You can form your own small group and we will give you the resources to run it yourself! For more info and to register visit our website
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