Catherine's Raw & Real Yoga Classes Workshops Retreats in Mackay, Queensland | Sport & recreation
Catherine's Raw & Real Yoga Classes Workshops Retreats
Locality: Mackay, Queensland
Phone: +61 407 258 671
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25.01.2022 So heres this weeks community reading Cards left- opportunity, choices, destiny and karma are playing out. Dont get lost in wishing look for opportunit...ies. Cards middle- big kick up the butto sit still and meditate. Protect your assets. Cards right- stay hopeful but open minded. Dont take sides! Remember the term Divide and conquer !!!! Top cards- big hit to the economy save your money! Cards bottom- massive message to take the middle path. Karma and destiny are very much at work. Overview- well this week Im reminded of all the warnings we got in the 80s and 90s about the big waves coming . Im reminded how our rational minds assumed it was about a earthquake . We took action and moved to higher ground . So here we all are riding waves that are killing hundreds of thousands . Not quite how we all expected . I couldnt think of a better time for the masses to study Buddhist philosophy right now See more
25.01.2022 What is the goal of yoga? Watch this video to get the essence of the 5000 year old knowledge, in less than a minute. #internationalyogaday
24.01.2022 Greetings friends please join me in welcoming Mars into Aries!! Here's you horoscopes! Mars spends the rest of 2020 in Aries - he turns retrograde @ 28 degrees ...on 10th September - he stations at 15 deg November 14th - then full speed ahead through to the end of the year & into Jan 2021. Aries This is a big deal for Rams as in your own sign he is EXTRA powerful in his drive to initiate and pioneer new frontiers. He urges you toward your bravest nature until early 2021. Courage and confidence are your best assets, with a caution to look before you leap, stay practical and invite co-operative support...and avoid conflict! Taurus Mars is now in your 12th House, thus behind the scenes for the rest of 2020 offering a period of retreat so you can gestate fresh dreams for your 2021 future. This is the zone of your life that inspires your spiritual and psychological growth through study and reflection in these areas. Gemini Mars in Aries suits Twin people perfectly as he will now stimulate heaps of social connections via your 11th house of 'community, groups & society' to widen your horizons and bring you into contact with stimulating people & ideas...your favorite territory. Just remember to be pro-active in your contacts rather than reactive. Cancer As Mars is now in your 10th house of career youll feel an escalation in your drive and ambition to achieve in worldly areas, and indeed you can do some major pioneering in the second half of 2020. Just be aware that Mars in Aries likes to do his own thing as an independent agent as isnt very patient with authority or control from others, so the big warning here is to avoid conflict and tread lightly so you dont arouse opposition from others. Leo Mars in Aries is a fab force for Leos as his fire drive for fresh action is now heading through your 9th house of 'higher learning writing & teaching'. So this brings an exciting phase to expand your horizons both locally and internationally. The caution here is to avoid preaching or judging others views. We all have the right to free speech! Virgo So how do our earthy Virgos make the most of Mars in Aries for the next 6 months when he is lying low in your 8th house of 'shared resources'? By investing your energy in lots of research and investigation of subjects close to your heart, as you also take action to re-organize your financial world. Also great for release old models that no longer serve you both physically and emotionally. Libra Mars in Aries will be front and center in your 7th house relationship zone for the second half of the year, and will stimulateto say the leastyour need to free up old stale relating patternsand partners for that matter! At best he offers action for PR & marketing of your goals and projects as he brings confidence and enthusiasm to drive you forward into fresh territory. Scorpio Mars in Aries directs your focus and drive into your 6th house of 'daily work service and health' for the rest of the year so excellent timing to initiate new territory in these areas. Mars is an independent drive and asks you to be pro-active in your own right rather than waiting for others to implement fresh solutions, models and systems. Sagittarius As you are the third fire sign you will love Mars in Aries as he brings a splendid fresh force to your 5th house of 'creativity, motivation and leadership'! As we are in urgent need of wise teachings and teachers you will spend the rest of 2020 expanding our world in these areas as a positive force for co-operative re-invention. Capricorn This Mars period is especially important as hes in your 4th House of home and family' so its all about foundations. At best Mars brings energy & activity so you can get heaps accomplished on the home front or you may be on the move into a new home completely. But as Mars likes to do things his way you may be challenged to manage family members who resist your agenda, or they may have theirs and you arent too pleased about it. Aquarius Mars in Aries brings a much needed fresh impulse to your 3rd house of 'communication & networking' so this is an excellent synergy for the 'seed planters' of the Zodiac...yes you! Never has it been more vital for us to embrace the co-operative community essence of Aquarius, and for sharing your progressive inventive ideas! Pisces Fish people now have the next 6 months to revitalize and activate your 2nd house of 'resources, money & values' and as Mars in Aries requires being a self starter rather than your more natural passive self then 'fortune favors the brave' right now. This is also about building & developing the resources you need to grow your life into 2021. Enjoy the ride!! Love to you all Maggie
23.01.2022 Do you know where yoga is meant to lead you to? What's the point of it all?
23.01.2022 I’m trying to upload the class so sorry it’s taking all night
23.01.2022 This weeks community reading I went for osho today. I felt we needed a deeper view Cards left - I asked where are we now! so how are you being courageous?... What are we fighting? Cards right- I asked where are we going! Great results;as I know only too well healing is painful and conflicting. Just look at all of us healing. All conflict is a true sign of growth Top cards- have courage to be conscious in all your actions. Bottom cards- are you allowing the situation to heal you or are you fighting it? Overview- last week I came to some peaceful conclusions. One was id rather get covid hugging a friend than passing by a stranger the other was I would rather pass on than watch the world continue like this . Its going to get worse and the children, grandchildren and great grandchildren deserve better! I have spent years teaching people to surrender to just accept and go with it. Not to swim against the tides and here we all are doing just that. Whats the universe up to? We are all going to need to look at the big picture and act according. Lets not get lost in sorrow or anger lets just love and serve See more
22.01.2022 I use this app for my yoga nidra
20.01.2022 This weeks class.
20.01.2022 So tonight Yin Yoga to free your dragon
19.01.2022 This weeks mantra to support your practice
19.01.2022 So after driving all the way up the mountain to record I’ve learned something . Don’t take Martin with me on yoga missions. I’ve dragged my mat into every experience we’ve had for the past 15 years. His distaste and horror of its presence hasn’t wavered but; neither has my desire to use it. Now a video is involved it’s all too much for him. It blows my mind how intimidating it is to a grown man.... Mission accomplished at home on returning. Stubbornness Determination persistence See more
18.01.2022 Classes this week Tuesday 6:30 pm Saturday 8am At Summer House 2 Casey Avenue Mackay. $15 for one hour of awesomeness Book in please text 0407258671
18.01.2022 Lol attempt number two
18.01.2022 While we wait for the world to change it is a great time to do some inner child healing work. This week’s healing is draw a picture for you age 3. So imagine you are drawing a picture to relate to your inner 3 year old self.While we wait for the world to change it is a great time to do some inner child healing work. This week’s healing is draw a picture for you age 3. So imagine you are drawing a picture to relate to your inner 3 year old self.
18.01.2022 Here’s this week’s class
17.01.2022 Last Tuesday night classes for 2020. 11/8 18/8 25/8 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm at Summer House Casey Avenue Mackay ... Text 0407258671 to book in . See more
17.01.2022 Good morning beautiful students I have decided to move our closure forward two weeks Last class for 2020 is August 25! The anxiety Im feeling with the worrying about one of us bringing the virus to the centre is getting to me. Big time I know this is upsetting to some ... Theres plenty of yoga classes in Mackay if you wish to continue weekly classes or attend more often supporting your yoga journey I have to trust my gut instinct Thank you xoxoxo See more
17.01.2022 Silent Yin classes this week Tuesday night 6:30 Saturday morning 8am The Summer House Casey Avenue Mackay Sosilence upon arrival, set up your space and sit in silence.... Bring your own props blanket and pillows and blocks if you have them Text 0407258671 to book in See more
15.01.2022 Yin chill class tonight
14.01.2022 Well tomorrow tonight is going to feel very strange. I hope youre all still practicing . Im going to make the most of the next three months and grow . Taking time to appreciate this opportunity to learn more about yoga and how to inspire others to make yoga a lifestyle choice
14.01.2022 Tonight Im raising your Kundalini 6:30pm at the Summer House Casey Avenue Mackay
14.01.2022 I have appointments available this week for readings Over the phone or here in my office Text 0407258671 to book in
13.01.2022 Class this week is for improvement in digestion and calming anxiety. Will post later today
13.01.2022 Well ladies now we have tested the childproof gateits good to know theres a button hidden away that opens it So our very last class will be on Tuesday night 6:30 at the Summer House. Yin and healing Free class to thank you all for being so awesome
13.01.2022 Class is on tomorrow night 6:30 at Summer House Casey Avenue Mackay. Please do not attend class if youre unwell or have any cold or flu symptoms. Remember we are in a space used for children with health conditions and their careers
12.01.2022 A class to help with fluid retention
12.01.2022 Started following this amazing young man earlier this year
11.01.2022 This course is delivered as 4 x 1-hour recorded online classes which you can keep and watch at any time in the convenience and comfort of your own home. This co...urse is specifically for those who are new to yoga or havent done yoga for some time and would like to understand and reconnect to the healing principles of yoga. Course includes: * Learn the fundamental poses (asana) and how to access them to suit your specific physical needs. * How to use props to help you access the poses successfully and safely. * Explore how to breathe effectively during yoga and how connecting to the breath can be used to soothe the nervous system in daily life too, as well as it provides unbridled energy! * Be reminded of the skill of relaxation and meditation to help find peace of mind. * A general understanding of yogic philosophy will be shared. Course can be purchased here:
11.01.2022 I want to explain why weekly community classes are finishing this week. Now theres a big difference between yoga teachers and real yogis. The best way to understand is the 8 limbs of yoga. The first rule is ahimsa please read the photo. I cant in all respect to my students continue exposing them to health risk. So this week is our last community class until this pandemic is over. Over the next few months Ill explore my on line options for 2021. But until then Ill be practicing and growing. Last class Tuesday 6:30 pm at the Summer House Casey Avenue Mackay.
11.01.2022 So today we resume classes Hope to see you xoxoxo 6:30pm the Summer House Casey Avenue Mackay
11.01.2022 Tomorrow morning we start at 8am and finish at 9am. Casey Avenue Mackay Summer House
10.01.2022 Here’s hoping
09.01.2022 After a few weeks being half assed about my routine I’m back to my daily practice. Learning to leave behind expectations of how it should be and enjoying what is. 5 Sun salutations 5 Moon salutations Mantra repeated Gayatri and Om mani pudme hum Silence 30 min
09.01.2022 Good morning my beautiful friends Im closing community classes on 15 September 2020. That will be my last community class for the year. Reason? Firstly Ive been on this crazy ride for 14 years and need a break to get back to my core love of yoga. Ive had so much going on in my life and never taken the time to fully process it all. Now Im also very sure we would be in lockdown again before that date. Its a wild ride this virus . We havent seen the last of i...t. I hope to return some time in 2021 with workshops and retreats In the meantime we have 9 Tuesday night classes to enjoy together . Thanks to everyone whos attended my space over the years its been a pleasure working with you See more
08.01.2022 Nice slow flow tonight after warming up . 6:30 pm at the Summer House Casey Avenue Mackay Text me on 0407258672 to book in
08.01.2022 Class is on tonight
08.01.2022 Hi everyone this weekend I’m taking time to create some workshops. YOGA OFF YOUR MAT. 3 two hour workshops Morning a easy standing set, a breathwalk and setting intention for the day.... Midday a way to reconnect with yourself during your lunchtime break. Breath work and mindfulness. End of the day a practice to switch of the world and get back to you. Breathwalk and standing set. After each workshop I would love for you to join me at a local cafe/restaurant and have a meal together and enjoy the community spirit together. Cost of workshop will be $20 (patrons $5) food extra. I’m looking for beautiful places outdoors for us to meet up and enjoy learning together .
06.01.2022 Class is on tomorrow night See you 6:30 pm at the Summer House Casey Avenue Mackay xxx
06.01.2022 Will post a class for being grounded some time in the next day or two. Xxxx
06.01.2022 This weeks mudra to support your practice
04.01.2022 So class will be a few days late this week. I’m unable to record with so much noise going on here with renovations going on either side of us. So I’m off up the mountain tomorrow to find some peace to work in. Back Thursday morning so I’ll post the class then xxxxx
04.01.2022 So who actually wants a Saturday morning class? Im keen . 8am-9am ?
04.01.2022 So next Saturday 8am-9am class will be our last Saturday class. Please be aware after next week no more Saturday morning class
03.01.2022 I have appointments available Thursday, Friday and Saturday for readings In person here or over the phone Text 0407258671 to book in
02.01.2022 Class tonight at 6:30-7:30 at the Summer House Casey Avenue Mackay $15 for one hour of awesome yoga text 0407258671 to book in
02.01.2022 Please remember to bring a blanket and pillow/cushion this week xxx
02.01.2022 So tomorrow Ill post our class. When you watch it have your music set up, mat ready and water to drink. Remember to silence the phone and create a beautiful space for you to honour yourself.
01.01.2022 So Ive got my heart and head around this. Its taken a little time and lots of meditation to feel at ease. Our world has changed and so must we So Im going to share a class and lesson on yoga every Monday This will be available to everyone on this page. My biggest peeve as a teacher was not being able to inspire you to practice at home in between classwell here we are dealing with it. Im also offering patronage . Where for a small weekly fee you can enjoy fi...rst priority to attend future workshops and retreats. Tuition discounts at workshops and retreats. (Does not apply to accomodation or food). And a spiritual growth reading every three months (45 min) can be in person or over the phone . Great value only available if youre actually practicing yoga. If youre interested please TEXT me on 0407258671 and Ill be in touch If not just enjoy the classes. Be mindful of the precautions and enjoy the journey See more
01.01.2022 Nice Hatha flow tonight
01.01.2022 So next week Ill start sharing a class on here for you to practice at homeSo next week Ill start sharing a class on here for you to practice at home
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