MacKillop Catholic College, Mount Peter in Mount Peter | School
MacKillop Catholic College, Mount Peter
Locality: Mount Peter
Phone: +61 7 4045 5262
Address: 1 MacKillop Rd, Cnr Mount Peter Road 4869 Mount Peter, QLD, Australia
Likes: 1085
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25.01.2022 Today our students and staff were welcomed at St Gerard Majella School, Woree. We had the opportunity to speak to Year 5 & 6 students about life at MacKillop. It was lovely for our students to catch up with past teachers and old friends. Thank you to SGM for hosting us! #StGerardMajella
24.01.2022 Our Prep to Year 4 students have done some remarkable work in Art this year. Have a look at this clip to find out what they have been up to in the Art room! Prepare to be impresssed...
24.01.2022 The Yr 3 students wanted to bring smiles to some local faces this Advent Season, so they made decorations with a Christmas message for the residents at Edmonton Gardens. Merry Christmas.
23.01.2022 The future of Art at MacKillop is looking very bright. Here is the work created by the 2021 Year 7 students who came to MCC for the Orientation Day a few weeks ago. It's quite remarkable! We can't wait to see what they produce next year...
23.01.2022 Reminder to all Year 7 & 8 students: Tomorrow is House Day! It will be a fun-filled day of team-building and bonding activities. Wear your house shirts (or PE shirt), hats and joggers. Bring some morning tea and a sausage sizzle lunch will be provided. If you want to purchase food from the "pop up tuckshop" bring some money $$ Don't forget your water bottle!
23.01.2022 Today we recognised the academic excellence of a number of our Year 7 students in the ICAS English and Mathematics Competitions and the QHTA Historical Writing Competition. These competitions acknowledge the efforts of our students at both a State and National level, placing them in the top echelons of these fields. Well done
22.01.2022 *********WARNING********** TRIGGER WARNING - SUICIDE LIVE STREAMING ON MAJOR SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS September 8th 2020 ... There is a live suicide streaming on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tik Tok today . The clip is extremely graphic and has yet to be moderated. Should this image appear in any of your feeds SCROLL past. Please advise all older students to do the same. We strongly recommend keeping your children offline today if possible, and heavily supervise all social media interactions until this content is removed. Check with your children to determine if they have viewed this clip. They are likely to be extremely distressed. We are also receiving reports that trolls are using videos of puppies and kitten to lure kids into seeing the video. It is also being inserted into videos of kittens on Tik Tok. Kind Regards, Michelle Reynolds Acting College Principal
22.01.2022 During Child Protection Week, we had a visit from Sergeant Raymond and his sidekick, Axel. Sergeant Raymond talked about his job and how he keeps the community safe. Axel showed off his amazing jumping and searching skills! The Year 2s thoroughly enjoyed the visit. A big thank you goes out to Sergeant Raymond for sharing his time and talent - and best friend - with us!
22.01.2022 Last term, MacKillop students participated in a state-wide online Languages Speech Competition. Over two thousand students participated in the event across Queensland. Students wrote their own speeches, talking about their favourite things, pets and friends etc. Competition results were released last week and overall, our students received two gold, six silver and two bronze certificates. Well done to the students who tried their personal bests!
22.01.2022 MCC presents the Year 6 Camp for 2020. Amidst the mud play, raft building challenges, canoeing, campfires and chilling out, friendships were forged and cemented and memories were formed that will last a lifetime. After the three days away our students came home tired but happy.
21.01.2022 The Year 5 students are learning about Japanese dishes this term. Their first assessment was to research a dish and create a poster, labelling the ingredients and writing sentences about how it tastes. Here are a couple of the posters - they look very impressive ... and delicious!!
20.01.2022 Earlier this year we announced a special prize which was to be drawn from all of those families who came to MacKillop for a tour or enrolment interview or who attended our Open Twilight "Stickybeak" Event. This week we were very excited to draw the prize from the many hundreds of entries. The lucky winner was Nate Roberts, who will be in Year 7 at MCC next year. The prize was accepted by Gemma, Nate's mum, who was thrilled to have won such a big prize. Gemma and Nate are looking forward to joining the MacKillop family next year. If you would like to join the MacKillop family too, there is still time. Online applications are still being accepted for the limited available places. Apply at
20.01.2022 MacKillop Catholic College was the scene of a mighty battle today, when the staff and students competed in a fiercely contested netball game. The game was organised by Miss Young as a practice for the students when they play in the upcoming Fowler Group Marlin Coast Netball Competition. Best of luck to the MacKillop team!
19.01.2022 MacKillop Catholic College is holding an Open Twilight Event Thursday 27th August. We want to assure all families that this will be a Covid-safe event during which all Queensland government regulations will be followed. Government protocols state that you should not attend if you: *have been overseas in the past 14 days *have had close contact with a confirmed case... *have any Covid-19 symptoms, including cough, fever, sore throat, fatigue or shortness of breath. Working together keeps everyone safe!
19.01.2022 Just letting everyone know that the Cairns Post "My First Year" gallery has gone live on the Cairns Post website and features Prep classes from the region - including our very own MacKillop Preppies. Our little ones are quite adorable, so if you would like a sneak peek (and if you have a subscription to the Cairns Post online content, here is the link. If you don't have a subscription, don't fret because you will be able to purchase a copy of the newspaper with the feature lift-out on September 16.
19.01.2022 Parents of our new Year 7 students are invited to attend an information evening next Wednesday, 3rd February. It will follow the Primary Parents in Partnership meetings to accommodate families with children in both primary and secondary.
19.01.2022 Check out this clip for some of the amazing work our Year 5, 6 & 7 students have been doing in Art this year. The pieces are inspiring and beautiful.
18.01.2022 What a beautiful celebration we had at MacKillop today. 2020 has been a long and challenging year, but it started and culminated with a sense of hope for the future - a priceless gift!
17.01.2022 MacKillop students from Prep through to Year 7 celebrated Science Week with a bang this year. They thoroughly enjoyed volcanic eruptions, Coca Cola fountains, solar ovens, amazing murals depicting undersea creatures, paper plane building, ice-cream making and much more... Importantly, students learnt about the Earth's oceans and how vital it is for us to protect them. Check out the fun that was had by all in the video. We can't wait for Science Week next year!
16.01.2022 Today MacKillop Catholic College fielded their first ever Rugby League team at the Jim Graham Cup at Callender Park in Innisfail. Check out the half time speech given by Paul Dwyer from the Broncos Development Team. Our team were awesome!
16.01.2022 WIN News Cairns covered our Stage 3 Opening yesterday. Check out their story here... :)
15.01.2022 The youngest members of the MacKillop family visited our beautiful story-telling corner today to hear some stories. The children from the Nursery room thoroughly enjoyed the undersea scene, and of course the books - it just goes to show that you are never too young to start reading!!
15.01.2022 Click on the video below for The 2020 Cairns Catholic Education Docemus and Spirit of Catholic Education Awards! Congratulations to all Award recipients! Address from Dr Lee-Anne Perry, Executive Director of Queensland Catholic Education Commission: Awards Night video link: Catholic Education Diocese of Cairns
15.01.2022 All are invited to join in viewing Catholic Education Diocese of Cairns' Awards night tomorrow at 5pm via live stream.
15.01.2022 Mary MacKillop's Feast Day was celebrated in style here at MCC this week. Father Karel presided over the mass. We were also very proud to acknowledge the gifts of students and staff in our Inaugural St Mary of the Cross awards.
15.01.2022 Congratulations to some of the youngest members of the MacKillop family who have graduated this week. Our Kindy class from the MacKillop Early Learning and Care Centre have been snapped proudly wearing gowns and mortarboard hats. Have a look at the clip which shows how much they have grown! (It's quite adorable!) Any families looking for a place for 2021 are advised that MacKillop ELC is currently taking bookings and there are limited spaces still available. Contact details:... p: 4252 5718 m: 0438 620 587 e: [email protected] See more
15.01.2022 It's been great to have our students back at school this week. 2021 is up and running!
14.01.2022 So long, farewell, until we meet again. MacKillop thanks you Mr Reed, for the service you have given to the college for the past six years; for your wisdom, insightful words and stories, your integrity, kindness and friendship. You have raised us up to be the best versions of ourselves.
14.01.2022 Come join us! Interviewing soon for Prep and Year 7 2021.
12.01.2022 MacKillop Catholic College was honoured to host current and prospective families last night at our annual Open Twilight event. MCC families came along to see their children's learning spaces and the work they have been doing this year. New families came for a sticky beak at all that MacKillop has to offer - and they weren't disappointed! Here are just a couple of the highlights of the evening. If you weren't able to come along, it isn't too late to contact MacKillop to organise a personal tour. You will still go into the draw to win the $500 Harvey Norman gift voucher. We are still accepting applications for Prep to Year 8 in 2021 and Prep to Year 9 in 2022.
11.01.2022 MacKillop Catholic College is opening the doors and showcasing all that we have to offer. Come along and have a sticky beak on August 27th at our Open Twilight Event from 4-7pm. We will have performances by our choir, band and dance troupe, science experiments, PE displays, robotics fun, story-telling, food technology activities and a FREE sausage sizzle - plus lots more!! EVERYONE WELCOME!
10.01.2022 Families needing uniforms for 2021 - please see below:
10.01.2022 MacKillop students had a ball at House Day on Friday - a fun-filled day of team-building activities. Check it out in the clip.
10.01.2022 MacKillop students have a fun day ahead this Friday...
10.01.2022 Our sunflowers are blooming! MacKillop is participating in the Cairns Show Society's annual Sunflower Project once more this year. The seeds were planted by the students a couple of months ago and just this week we have seen the first blooms - we can't wait to see a sea of yellow! Watch this space for updates...
10.01.2022 Today at MacKillop we welcomed our new Year 7 2021 students for a fun day of activities designed to introduce them to life in high school. Judging by the smiles in the video clip, the students are going to enjoy secondary school! It was a day of building, drawing, cooking, experimenting and forging of new friendships. What a great group of respectful, engaged kids, doing their personal best following the MacKillop Way already! If you are looking for a place in Year 7 for 2021, come and join the MacKillop family. A limited number of places are still available apply online at There are NO application fees!
10.01.2022 We witnessed an explosion of colour, exuberance and joy this afternoon at MacKillop's Colour Run 2020. Students from Prep through to Year 7 had a riotous time. It was difficult to decide if the children or the adults had more fun.... HUGE thanks go to our dedicated band of parent volunteers from the MacKillop P&F, who donated the colours, icy poles and a whole lot of their time and energy. The Colour Run was a big job to organise, but the happy faces showed that it was well worth all the effort.
10.01.2022 Today we asked each other RUOK? We came in yellow and cooked up a sausage sizzle feast, all in the name of mental health awareness and research. Thanks to our Year 7 students and staff who cooked, served, and supported today. You rock
09.01.2022 MacKillop's netball teams did us proud at the Marlin Coast Competition last week. They played with skill, enthusiasm and great sportsmanship. Well done to all the students who participated! Check out the action in the video clip.
08.01.2022 Year 2 students have been learning about push and pull forces and air resistance in Science recently. They used their understanding about these concepts and applied them to transform an egg carton into an airplane - no mean feat! Here is the result...
08.01.2022 Here's a quick teaser to give you a taste of what you can expect tomorrow at the MacKillop Open Twilight Event. Our Year 7 band has been practising hard for their first big public outing - and they are sounding fantastic! Most of our students had never picked up an instrument until this year. Their progress is quite amazing! Come along for a sticky beak on Thursday afternoon to see this and much more. You might even be the lucky person who wins the $500 Harvey Norman gift voucher.
07.01.2022 Our MacKillop netball teams had a great day today at the Fowler Group Marlin Coast Competition. Check out some of the action!
06.01.2022 Here is something to melt your heart completely. A couple of the youngest members of the MacKillop family are helping Mr Korom and Mr Pukeiti with the important task of topping up the sand pit - with high-vis vests and all! The children in MacKillop's Early Learning and Care Centre are very interested in the mower and all the jobs our amazing ground and maintenance staff do to keep the school looking beautiful. It looks like Mr Korom and Mr Pukeiti have some fans!
06.01.2022 We visited Our Lady Help of Christians School on Wednesday to chat to their Year 5 students about secondary life at MacKillop. Our students were very happy to meet up with old friends. Looking forward to seeing lots of OLHOC students at MacKillop for Year 7 in 2022! #OLHOCEarlville
06.01.2022 Reminder to all - next Thursday, 27th August we are opening our doors so that you can come and have a sticky beak. Discover all that MacKillop has to offer. PS: You might just be the lucky winner of the $500 Harvey Norman gift voucher!
05.01.2022 Calling all MacKillop Primary parents!! We want to start the year well and set up an amazing partnership between home and school. Come along and be a part of our "Primary Parents in Partnership" afternoon next Wednesday.
05.01.2022 Here are the lunchtime Music happy snaps.
04.01.2022 For those parents who need to purchase MacKillop uniforms, our shop will be open during the hours shown below. A reminder that school starts on Wednesday, 27th January. We are looking forward to welcoming students and parents back for 2021.
04.01.2022 It's almost here! Mrs M will be at the MacKillop Open Twilight with another of her legendary story-telling events. The stage has been set as an undersea extravaganza and we can't wait to see the action! Come and have a sticky-beak on Thursday 27th August from 4-7pm.
04.01.2022 Have a look at our first assembly since Term 1. We have really missed being able to get together as a whole primary school, so this was a lovely opportunity to show our MacKillop spirit.
03.01.2022 It was a momentous day at MacKillop with the official opening of our Stage 3 buildings. We were very graciously welcomed to country by Gudju Gudju and Very Rev Fr Neil Muir presided at the liturgy and the blessing of our new buildings. Hon Curtis Pitt MP did the honours by cutting the ribbon and helping to unveil the plaque with Fr Neil. Our guests enjoyed a delicious morning tea prepared by our wonderful tuckshop staff - thank you, it was great! The cake was then cut by Mr Reed, with the help of a couple of the littlest members of our school. They were very pleased to help eat it too! As well as helping to open our Stage 3 buildings, Mr Pitt announced the funding of our Stage 4 facilities - over $11.2 million !! We are very grateful for the ongoing support and confidence in our growing school.
03.01.2022 Reminder to all MacKillop students - Friday is a pupil-free day! Have a great weekend and see you on Monday.Reminder to all MacKillop students - Friday is a pupil-free day! Have a great weekend and see you on Monday.
02.01.2022 This week at MacKillop we acknowledged the excellence and effort of our Year 7 students at our first ever Academic Assembly. At this very special event students received awards for outstanding academic achievement, as well as for following the MacKillop Way by demonstrating Respect, Engagement and Personal Best. Congratulations to all the award winners - your families and teachers are very proud of you!
02.01.2022 We were treated to a special piano performance from Regina Thao (Year 6) at assembly recently! She has completed her AMEB Prep 2 Piano Exam and performed with such confidence on the day! It was great to see Regina play on the beautiful digital keyboard the MCC P&F so generously donated to us this year! Please enjoy her performance!
01.01.2022 Throughout 2020, the students at MacKillop have been working hard and practising in Music. Many students have passed recorder levels and have shown dedication each week to learning a new skill. Recently, Kristina Jabien-Stone (Year 6) passed Recorder Level 10 - the first in the school to ever do so. This took a lot of practise and hard work. Please enjoy the clips below of her playing some Level 10 songs. These pieces require Kristina to read the sheet music, play dotted rhythms, have finger agility, a clear tone, a steady sense of the beat, breath control and correct articulation.
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