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Mac MastersBeach & District Progress Association Inc. in Macmasters Beach | Community organisation

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Mac MastersBeach & District Progress Association Inc.

Locality: Macmasters Beach

Address: 22 Tudibaring Parade 2251 Macmasters Beach, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 We just heard we have until the 19th to work something out with Council..we don't need to vacate the Hall as yet!

23.01.2022 Drop a coin or two into the bucket and come and take a snapshot for pics and giggles. Kids and adult friendly.

22.01.2022 "A useful meeting with Council" The negotiating team, led by Barbara Wills, met with the Chief Executive Officer Rob Noble, the Acting Leader of Customer & Community Relationships and the Executive Manager Governance, in the company of State MP for Terrigal Adam Crouch. We emphasised our desire to reach agreement with Council and sign a licence, agreeable to both parties. Council emphasised it's need to have a standard agreement applying to all community properties like our... Hall, and needed to bring some halls into line with proper management for the community good - not an issue for our Hall. The unique nature of our Hall, most notably its lack of size and its location on a reserve, creates some difficulties with the proposed one-size-fits-all agreement. Half a dozen critical issues were explained to the Council officers and they have agreed to review them to see if they need to be changed or if their non-relevance to our Hall can be clarified in a side letter. They have extended the deadline a further week, and the team will continue to negotiate with the view to reaching better understanding of Council's intent and clarification of the critical issues.

22.01.2022 Hi everyone good news with consistent pressure from local vets Andrew Radcliffe and Tony Black and lots of letters from concerned dog owners (and non dog owners) the Council finally saw sense and the OLD rules are now back in force, so with that fantastic news the meeting for tomorrow has been cancelled! The right to walk your dog on a lead and in the designated off leash area is a privilege not a right and PLEASE abide by the rules.... The Council officer Mr Phil Cantillon advised this morning that the web site will be changed immediately and new signs will be erected in the coming weeks. Thank you to everyone who wrote/phone to Council obviously this all helped and a big thank you to Andrew Radcliffe and Tony Black.. The link to the Council Map is below.. as of this minute it is still showing the now defunct new rules.. hopefully it will be updated soon So please check up on the rules As ALWAYS no dogs on the main surfing beach the flagged areas or the pool. To access the beach from the Marine Parade steps you MUST have your dog on a lead and walk NORTH only Off leash is only allowed if you can control your dog. The area around the lake is still to be defined.. so please check up Lets all pull together and NOT break the rules. I would anticipate the Rangers keeping us on the list to visit check and after this..and do you know they have a micro chip reader to scan and avoid confrontations with dog owners, so expect a fine in the mail if you chose to disobey! Barbara Wills President MacMasters Beach & District Progress Ass [email protected]

21.01.2022 Hi Mac's friends! Hope you are all okay and staying warm..but guess what..we must get frosty soon..this "new" Central Coast Council is trying to shut down our b...eloved community Hall that has been part and parcel of our community since 1955..will keep you posted, as there may be a big protest coming up soon! See more

21.01.2022 Heaps coming up on 26th ! Keep an eye out...will post more soon!Heaps coming up on 26th ! Keep an eye out...will post more soon!

21.01.2022 Is speeding an issue on your street? We are lucky to live in a leafy, friendly community, where we are able to take life down a notch, to enjoy nature and the beach. Let's work together to make our small, winding hill roads safer.... Have a chat with your tradies, P plate holders, visitors, holiday tenants and each other to slow down. Here is a useful resource for you to communicate with NSW traffic authorities.

20.01.2022 It's almost Easter and you know what that means. Mac's Mega Day is on this Saturday 26th March from 10am till 2pm at the Progress Hall. A diverse range of local handmade goodies Hundreds of second hand books Great coffee Garage sale ... The RFS BBQ will be there to feed your bellies. All money raise will be going to the RFS. Come say hello and have a wonderful Easter weekend.

19.01.2022 A Survey from Central Coast Council:

19.01.2022 Good news... repairs to the hall should be commencing soon...

18.01.2022 Major development in Marine Pde not in community's interests A Development Application for 77 Marine Pde DA number 51209 has been lodged at Council, and the Association is asking for objections. The deadline for objections has been extended to COB 21 February. This development is the so-called "hole in the ground" next to Banavie Park (where the toilets and beach shower are) which was partially developed then abandoned as a work site, leaving an unsightly building site. Ev...Continue reading

18.01.2022 We have some very beautiful, friendly 4 legged residents. Do you have a favourite photo of your pooch taking a their daily walkies out and about the MacMasters Beach area? Post it here for us all enjoy!

17.01.2022 Congratulations to our new 3 Councillors in Gosford East Ward, Jane Smith Independent, also Rebecca Gale Collins - Liberal and local Kincumber man Jeff Sundstrom-Labor

17.01.2022 Yahooo!! Hope to see you all at the Hall :)

17.01.2022 It's on again. The Macmasters Beach Book Sale. So many books so little time! Opening 10 am - 2 pm today! Raffles and great reads and the RFS BBQ. ... All money raised goes to the Bouddi Wildlife Fund. Grab your bag, box or trolley and get your read on ! See more

17.01.2022 Stop feeding mince to magpies! Snake and bird re-locator Lana Field says feeding them raw mince can cause all sorts of health dramas "Mince is actually really... high in the wrong nutrients and when they eat it, it draws calcium from their bones.The other thing that happens is it can get stuck in the bottom of their beak, and it can actually rot a hole in their beak." Pass it on! : Daniel Sutton

16.01.2022 Have you got: Ideas for our community? Interest about what our community needs/ wants? Join us for a fun reflection & joint effort! ... Sunday March 8th at 2-5pm Community Consultation Progress Hall Refreshments served. All welcome. Please tell your neighbours xxx!!!

15.01.2022 This Easter Saturday the very much loved Mac Masters Progress Associations Book Sale & Garage Sale is on! Grab your traditional sausage sanga at the BBQ by our RFS crew and get your hands on a good read and maybe something for the home! Mac's Progress Hall (Tudibaring parade) 10am - 2pm. ... All money raised is going to Lismore to help the flood victims. Help us help others. Feel free to share the love and this post!

14.01.2022 Big Cuppa now at Training Room at the Surf Club 12 till 2 tomorrowBig Cuppa now at Training Room at the Surf Club 12 till 2 tomorrow

13.01.2022 Dear MacMasters Residents: Our Progress Association's AGM (Annual General Meeting) tomorrow (Monday) night. 7:30pm start time. Come early (7) to sign in. You must have been a paid member since November to vote.

13.01.2022 Marine Rescue HQ at Terrigal got smashed last weekend in the storm and thanks to Liam Paananen a local teenage member who has taken the initiative to hold a COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE. We ask you all to consider contributing and support this event.

12.01.2022 Local coverage. Please share

11.01.2022 This is from our MacMasters Beach RFS. They would really appreciate supplies if you would like to help. This is community! Thank you for supporting our Macs RFS... crew! They need to supply their own, so bottled water, nutritious snacks and freezable ice lollies are really appreciated. Drop off point 397 The Scenic Rd, under the red emu letterbox. See more

10.01.2022 Time for the next generation to learn about water quality! Please come and take an interest in our Lagoon!

09.01.2022 News just in! $2300! What a great result. Thanks to everyone in the community who came to support drought relief, snap up beautiful handcraft and enjoy the glorious weather we miraculously had today, despite forecasted rain. What was your favourite stall? Did you meet someone interesting? Did the band play a song you love? Do you have feedback? Find a book you've been searching for or didn't know existed?... We'd love to hear your comments and stories on today's Handcraft Market and Book Sale.

06.01.2022 URGENT MEETING SAT 23RD 3:30 PM PLEASE SHARE Meeting about Council’s eviction of our community from our Progress Hall Saturday 23 July 3.30pm at the Progress Hall... Cnr Tudibaring Pde and Three Points Ave Council has been embarking on a program of requiring community halls to be placed onto ‘commercial type’ licenses , with substantially increased ‘rental’ payments to council, without commensurate increase in Council services to and support for the Halls. Our Progress Hall was built by the community around 1954, on Council land, and has been operated by the Progress Association mostly for fundraising events such as the book sales, and for meeting place for other community groups such as Bushcare. Some small commercial use, like birthday parties, has assisted in offsetting operating costs, maintenance and insurance. Although community built, it is a Council asset. The Progress Association has considered the new ‘Licence' agreement and considers the terms are unacceptable and onerous. As a result, it has received an eviction notice and it is expected that Council will offer the licence, by way of tender entity to another group to operate the hall. This will remove the hall as a valuable public amenity and drive up costs to community groups who need a space for meeting etc. The famous Book Sales will cease and so community groups will no longer benefit from funds raised and distributed by the Progress Association. Come along to the meeting on Saturday 23 July to learn more about this matter and contribute to discussion on what the Progress Association should do.

05.01.2022 Are you coming along to see us this weekend ? We will be at Banavie Reserve, Marine Parade, MacMasters Beach from 9am till Midday to answer any questions you ma...y have. Bring your kids along as we will have our Fire Truck and a smoke house to educate on the get down low and go go go that will keep kids of all ages amused while you are getting some valuable information. As volunteers we are giving up our Saturday morning, so we would love you to give 20 mins of your time to come see us. #GetReadyWeekend #nswrfs

05.01.2022 Please remember the dog rules.. it is chaos down the beach with dogs in the prohibited areas and not fair to the general public.. these pictures are from the flagged area and the pool... and dog off leash in the on leash area.. Complaints have been made to Council as they should be so hopefully a ranger will attend..

05.01.2022 Easter Saturday Book Sale RFS BBQ Cake Stall Raffle 10 - 2 p.m... Progress Hall Proceeds going to 7 Summerside Food Pantry See more

04.01.2022 Merry Christmas, Chanukah and holidays to all!Merry Christmas, Chanukah and holidays to all!

03.01.2022 The sun is up and the Markets are ready to roll. All the good things!

03.01.2022 Wind Warnings for Monday 11 November Strong Wind Warning for the following areas: Sydney Closed Waters, Hunter Coast, Sydney Coast, Illawarra Coast and Batemans Coast

02.01.2022 Hi Community There is rising anger after the Council decided to change the 'dog policy' on Macs beach.. New signs have been erected! We now have no dogs on beaches between the carpark and the middle headland... 1 December is when the enforcement will start. Forcing dog owners to access the beach from Tudibaring Parade is unsafe and walking from all points in the beach to get there is ridiculous. We will be facilitating a Public Meeting on Saturday 19 November at Corribeg Res...erve Corner of Tudibaring Parade and Three Points Ave, MacMasters Beach at 10:30am.. Please come and be informed about 1. why this has happened 2. what the old rules where 3. what the new rules are (already changed and different to new signs 4. what you can do if you don't like the new rule by attending the meeting you will be showing the Council that this is NOT for us and from the feeling in the community so far, we need to revert back to the old rules for commonsense to reign! Hope you can attend! Regards Barbara Wills President

01.01.2022 Book Sale and BBQ Saturday 9th 10 -2 Progress Hall

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