Madison Sloan Lawyers in Park Orchards, Victoria | Local service
Madison Sloan Lawyers
Locality: Park Orchards, Victoria
Phone: 9879 0734
Address: 3, 1-15 Hopetoun Street 3114 Park Orchards, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 I am single so do I need a Will? The simple answer is yes. If you own property (even if the bank owns a huge chunk of it) you should have a Will.... If you have superannuation you should have a Will. If you have children you should definitely have a Will. If you would like to receive our information sheet on what things to consider when putting your Will in place get in touch and we will forward you a copy to help you on your way.
24.01.2022 Have you given much thought to your legacy? It is one of the last things you can do for your loved ones to show them how much you care and also to give them peace of mind in stressful times if something were to happen to you. We work closely with clients in putting in place their Estate Plan so that they decide who would make decisions for them if they were no longer able to, together with who would receive their legacy if they were no longer here. ... So, what is your legacy?
24.01.2022 Some people think you only need to put a Will and Power of Attorney in place when you get old. The reality is we don’t know when something could happen to us, whether that be a motor vehicle accident, stroke or terminal illness. That’s why it’s important to put these documents in place now so all is in order. ... Then you can go back to living your wonderful life with the peace of mind knowing that if something happens to you that your affairs are in order.
23.01.2022 Are you looking to sell your property now that open for inspections are now permitted. Now is the perfect time to arrange the preparation of your Section 32 so that all is ready to go when your property is listed. For more information get in touch!
22.01.2022 We have a number of clients preparing to list their property with the imminent relaxation of current restrictions. One question they ask is how long it takes to prepare the Section 32 Vendor Statement. The short answer is it depends how long it takes for the relevant certificates relating to council and water information, land tax, planning and vic road proposals to be ready. Our tip is that if you know you will definitely be putting your property on the market let us know as soon as possible so that we can have your Section 32 Vendor Statement ready and in your agent’s hot little hands in time for your first open for inspection.
22.01.2022 I love home grown flowers and my lovely mum has always had gorgeous roses in her garden. I had to share these beauties from her garden, they are my favourite rose. Happy Wednesday!
21.01.2022 We have had Property contracts tickling in for review with the relaxation of real estate restrictions which is exciting. It is fantastic to see buyers looking for their dream home and it’s great to see first home buyers looking to get into the property market too. When reviewing contracts we like to view online the properties our clients are hoping to purchase to check that they match the details in the contract. ... Sometimes if we are lucky we even pick up some interior designing tips. Another silver lining of our job.
21.01.2022 Our 2020 Christmas Tree is up! A big thank you to Lily, Elly and Charlie for being amazing little Elves and decorating our tree. We certainly could not have done it without you and your colour coordination.
20.01.2022 Today it was announced real estate auctions can now recommence with up to ten people which is positive news for those looking to sell their property. If you are looking to put your property on the market and need a fantastic conveyancing team to assist you with the process from the preparation of your Section 32 right through to a smooth settlement of your property, get in touch, we would love to help!
19.01.2022 This week the Victorian government announced stamp duty savings of fifty percent for newly built homes valued up to one million dollars and twenty five percent for established homes valued up to one million dollars. These stamp duty concessions will apply until 30 June 2020. It’s great news for those looking to purchase a home.
19.01.2022 If you have recently lost of a loved one and don’t know where to start, we are here to help. The Probate process does not need to be tedious and overwhelming. We can understand why it may feel that way, particularly when there are so many unknowns and so many unfamiliar concepts. ... We are here to guide you through the process, to remove the stress and administrative burden. We are in your corner every step of the way. We also have a dedicated website that is packed with useful information and resources to assist you.
19.01.2022 Life is full of constant changes. One moment you could be cruising along nicely and the next moment you could be incapacitated whether by motor vehicle accident, stroke or other health related issue. Have you made provision for who cares for you and looks after your financial, legal and medical affairs in the event that you become incapacitated? ... We have a POWERS PACKAGE encompassing an Enduring Power of Attorney, Appointment of Medical Treatment Decision Maker and Advance Care Directive. These documents allow you to put in place who will care for you and manage your affairs in the event that you become incapacitated. Like to know more? Contact Peta on 9879 0734 for a copy of our Power of Attorney booklet.
18.01.2022 One of the things we always aim to do is to listen to our clients and what they want. For many clients putting in place their Estate Plan a sentiment that kept arising was that they wanted some way to leave behind wishes to their children’s guardian which clearly expresses how they would like their young children raised in the event that they were no longer here. So with this is mind we created a Guardian’s Wishes booklet. A beautifully presented document for you to documen...t those important wishes in respect to your children. To learn more about this and other products or to obtain your own copy head to our products page on our website
18.01.2022 We have a number of clients who are making the tree or sea change to rural properties in Victoria. As this can include new terminology like water licences and farming zones we are well equipped to answer our clients queries in respect to purchasing a rural property. If you are making a lifestyle change and have some queries regarding unfamiliar concepts in the Section 32 of the property you are interested in we would be happy to answer any queries you have.
17.01.2022 What will your LEGACY be? How would you like to be celebrated and remembered and what would you like your most profound lasting impression to be? These are questions we ask you in our estate planning sessions as it is important to know what matters to tyou, what you value and the legacy you wish to leave behind. ... That way we can help you in the best manner possible when assisting you to put your Estate Plan in place. Your Estate Plan includes your Will which covers important matters such as who will be your executor and your children’s guardian, if minor children are involved,, and who you wish to leave your legacy to. We check to make sure your Binding Death Nomination in respect to your superannuation is all in place. It also includes your Power of Attorney documents which stipulate your wishes in respect to your financial, legal, guardianship and medical matters if you can no longer make decisions for yourself. You may also wish to put in place a Memorandum of Wishes of other wishes that are important to you and the legacy you are leaving behind. So, what will your legacy be? To put your important wishes in place contact us for an appointment today.
16.01.2022 How blessed are we to experience such gorgeous weather this weekend. We hope you are all enjoying your weekend in the sun!
16.01.2022 Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers and father figures in our lives, we hope you all have a wonderful day. To those whose father’s are no longer here remember the wonderful times you spent together, the memories created, the words of wisdom they passed on and the love they gave xx
15.01.2022 Are you the executor of a Will of someone who has recently passed away? Uncertain of where to start or what to do? We can assist you in navigating the Probate and deceased estate process. ... Contact us to discuss how we can assist you.
15.01.2022 Did you know that marriage revokes a Will unless the Will was prepared in contemplation of your marriage. If you have married subsequent to putting your Will in place and it was not done in contemplation of your marriage then you do not have a valid Will in place. What a scary thought! ... If you are planning to marry soon putting a Will in place may be one of the things you want to add to your list. Alternatively, if you have married subsequent to putting your Will in place it would be ideal to update it to ensure that you have a current, valid Will in place.
14.01.2022 Our Peace of Mind boxes are packed and ready to send to our lovely clients. We may have included some gorgeous little surprises in them too.
13.01.2022 Are you looking to sell your property now that property inspections are permitted. Now is the perfect time to arrange the preparation of your Section 32 so that all is ready to go when your property is listed. For more information about our conveyancing services and how we can assist you get in touch!
13.01.2022 A reminder that today is the last day to get your entries in for our Father’s Day Competition. Good Luck!
12.01.2022 Are you a first home buyer looking to take the first steps of purchasing your own home? We get that it can be an exciting time for you but also daunting too as you head on a unfamiliar journey with terminology and concepts that may be foreign to you. That’s where we are here to help. We have guided many first home owners on this journey by assisting them with their conveyancing, holding their hand on the journey, answering all their questions and concerns and sharing their ...excitement on settlement day. If you are a first home owner who would like us on your journey to assist you in purchasing your first home get in touch, we’d love to help!
12.01.2022 What will your legacy be? How would you like to be celebrated and remembered and what would you like your most profound lasting impression to be? These are questions we ask our clients in our estate planning sessions as it is important to know what matters to them, what they value and the legacy they wish to leave behind. ... That way we can help them in the best manner possible when assisting them to put their Estate Plan in place. An Estate Plan includes their Will which covers important issues such as who will be the executor and guardian, if minor children are involved and who they wish to leave their legacy to and in what manner. It also includes their Power of Attorney documents which stipulate their wishes in respect to their financial, legal, guardianship and medical matters if they can no longer make decisions for themselves. The final document is a Memorandum of Wishes which allows clients to document important wishes for the legacy they are leaving behind. So, what will your legacy be?
12.01.2022 Talking about death and what happens to your assets and your business when you are no longer here is not a favourite topic for many people. Neither is discussing the prospect that you may not see your children grow up and who would care for your children if something unexpected happens to you. Clients often delay putting their Wills and other estate planning documents in place as it’s often in the too hard basket. ... The reality is one day we are all not going to be here. When clients attend at our office to sign off on their Wills they do so with relief on their faces. They are glad that they actually had the important conversations and that their estate planning documents are finally in place giving them peace of mind. So what legacy are you going to leave behind? Put your Will and Estate Plan in place today and you too will be relieved to know your loved ones are taken care of. Once it is in place you can get back to the fun things like planning your summer holiday!
11.01.2022 Such a lovely suprise to receive these gorgeous flowers from a beautiful client today. Thank you Christiane it was an absolute delight assisting you. x
11.01.2022 The loss of a loved one brings with it a time of emotion and uncertainty. It’s one of the reasons why an executor should have open lines of communication with all beneficiaries of a Will. In some cases it may be a good idea for the executor to have a round table discussion with all beneficiaries to advise them together what the probate process is. ... It would also assist for the executor to provide a time line of when you expect certain events to take place, for example, obtaining the Grant of Probate, sale of any property and distribution of the estate to the beneficiaries.
11.01.2022 Thank you to the beautiful Clarissa aka The Happy Family Lawyer, Emma and the club for this delightful surprise to help us get through iso. You have brought a big smile to our faces, are way too kind and your support is so greatly appreciated. Look forward to the day when we can join you all in Queensland for a catch up xx
10.01.2022 The perfect spot to spend a sunny Saturday.... Dreaming of heading back to the Mornington Peninsula one day very soon. Happy Saturday, we hope you are enjoying the sunshine
10.01.2022 If you and your spouse were in an accident and ended up in ICU who would care for your young children? Who would ensure they went to school, their welfare was looked after and that they felt secure? Who would look after the day to day finances to ensure your children were provided for. ... If you and your spouse didn’t survive the accident and passed away who would permanently care for your children? If your children’s future is important to you ensure that you have a Power of Attorney and Will in place which makes provision for the care and welfare of your children in the event that the unexpected happens to you. If you don’t have these documents in place give us a call on 9879 0734 to chat regarding how we can help you put these documents in place. Once these documents are in place you will have peace of mind knowing that these important decisions will be made by the right people if you were no longer here and that your children will be looked after
09.01.2022 The role of an executor is a crucial one to consider when putting your estate plan in place. In appointing someone as the executor of your Will you are giving them the keys to all that you own and control. That’s big. ... You therefore need to appoint someone that you trust implicitly to undertake this role. You need to appoint your most trusted ally. If you would like a copy of our Top Ten Mistakes people make when appointing an executor information sheet to assist you in appointing the right person for this role please let us know.
08.01.2022 Purchasing a lifestyle property or beach house can be exciting. However there are a few things to consider prior to purchasing such property. You may be liable to pay land tax if the property is not your principal place of residence. This is a tax that is payable yearly. Also, if you plan to rent the property out on Airbnb check with your insurance company first as some insurance companies do not cover for Airbnb rentals. ... As always, it’s also important to obtain financial and accounting advice in respect to the purchase of your lifestyle property or beach house particularly to know what the tax implications are.
08.01.2022 The property market has certainly gained momentum over the past few weeks. We have had a fury of contract reviews cross out desks with purchasers looking to buy and we have prepared multiple S32’s for Vendors looking to sell. The best part, not only do we get to share our clients excitement when they buy or sell, but we get to check out their fab houses online too and some of them are now very high up on our house goal lists.
08.01.2022 Have you been in your house forever? Have you raised your children there and maybe even some grandchildren? Is it now time to move on but you are not sure where to start or what documents are required for the sale of your home? ... We help clients navigate the conveyancing process and make it as smooth and stress free as possible. So if you are in the move and want a passionate team that can assist you along the way get in touch.
07.01.2022 When Covid-19 came into our lives earlier this year and our world started turning upside down with so much uncertainty about what the months ahead held in store for us one thing was increasingly paramount to me. The world might stop, work might dry up but whatever happened I did not want 2020 to be a wasted year, I had to look for the silver linings and make the most of opportunities. So I decided to write a book. ... The thing is, work didn’t dry up, it’s been a crazy, busy year for us, but a commitment is a commitment so many early morning, late evenings and weekends were spent at the keyboard typing chapter after chapter which transpired into my pretty little manuscript pictured here. My covid-19 project - Legacy, taking care of the most important people in your life, is now in the very capable hands of my publishing company as they go through the editing process and we work on the fun things like cover design. Which would be fun if only choosing a cover was not so hard! A big thank you to those special family members and friends who have shared the journey with me so far, for patiently listening to me share my vision, my joys, my frustrations and everything in between, your support and encouragement means the world to me. Stay tuned for more updates soon.
07.01.2022 There’s something special about home grown flowers to brighten one’s desk on a Monday morning. Thanks to my lovely mum for these pretty flowers
07.01.2022 Going through a separation or divorce is a difficult time, we totally understand. During this time it’s important to update your Will and Power of Attorney documents as let’s face it, you probably don’t want your ex partner making financial, legal and medical decisions on your behalf if you became incapacitated or receiving a share of your estate if you die. Updating these documents once you have separated from your partner will give you control over your affairs and peace of mind knowing that if anything happens to you your estate planning is in place.
07.01.2022 It is so lovely to see pictures of all the happy school children who were allowed to return to school today after months of home schooling. How amazing for them to spend the day with their buddies again. To all the mums, dads, grandparents and caregivers who have been home schooling these children we take our hats off to you!
06.01.2022 We are excited to announce our new product range that are complementary to you leaving your legacy. My Story is ideal as a gift or for yourself. So often so many wonderful legacies and stories disappear because they have not been documented. This beautifully presented document allows you to tell your story and leave behind a beautiful legacy for many generations to come. Our Favourite Memories allows family and friends to write their favourite memory of someone who has rece...ntly passed away and provides a gorgeous keepsake for their family to cherish. To My Children is a beautiful gift to leave behind for your children. It is a lasting legacy of your important memories of your children and your wishes and hopes for their future. A little part of you that your children may always have to hold onto. For more information on these and other products head to the products page on our website,
05.01.2022 Park Orchards Local Businesses Christmas Hamper Giveaway It’s been one very interesting year and the local businesses in Park Orchards have come together to bring some Christmas cheer and amazing prizes for one lucky person this Christmas! ONE LUCKY WINNER WILL RECEIVE: ... - 1 x $100 Gift Voucher, 2 x products that are complimentary to leaving a Legacy, The Ministry of Chocolate, Tea Tonic Teabags and Lions Club Christmas Cake from Madison Sloan Lawyers - 1 x $50 Treatment Gift Voucher, Fisiocrem, Herbal Teas, and Soap Opera soap from Wellness on Hopetoun - 3 x 30 minute personal training sessions valued at $135 Fitness Energy - 2 x 1litre bottles of moisturizing products from Park Orchards Pharmacy Chemsave - 1 x $30 Meal Voucher from Blue Dog Café - 1 x 6 Boxed Cupcakes from Miss Sprinkles - 1 x $50 Gift Voucher and hair products from Gossip Lane Hair Design - 1 x Keep Cup, Bento Snack Box and Pukka lemongrass and ginger tea from Park Orchards Health & Wellbeing Centre - 2 x Christmas Ornaments and a pair of Pop+Pop handmade earrings from Enhance by Design - 1 packet of homemade marshmallows and a box of delicious rocky road from Binga & Mooch Total Prize Value over $700! HOW TO ENTER: Here's the deal. You'll need to: 1) Like this post 2) Like this page and the Facebook or Instagram page of all the businesses involved (click on their links in the prizes above to head to their pages) 3) Nominate someone who deserves some sparkle in their life and and tell us why they should be our lucky winner *For extra good karma, to be a great friend, and to support our local businesses during this crazy time feel free to tag your friends and family Entries close Monday 21st December, 2020, at 10am AEST. Winner will be chosen on Monday 21st December, 2020. The Christmas Hamper can be picked up from Madison Sloan Lawyers. TERMS & CONDITIONS This giveaway is not sponsored or endorsed by Facebook or Instagram. Giveaway prize gifted by Madison Sloan Lawyers and the business mentioned above. No purchase necessary to enter. Entries close on Monday 21st December, 2020, at 10am AEST. The best comment will be chosen by the team at Madison Sloan Lawyers on Monday 21st December, 2020. Winner will be notified in comments below, and has until Tuesday 22nd December @ 2pm AEST to collect their prize. If winner does not make contact, and is unable to be contacted by this time Madison Sloan Lawyers may pass the prize to the next in line. Prize not transferable or exchangeable and cannot be taken as cash. The owners and staff of these businesses would like to thank everyone for your ongoing support and wish you all a wonderful festive season. Best of luck!
05.01.2022 Don’t forget your fur babies! Have you made provision in your Will for your pets? It’s a good idea to make provision in your Will for their care and welfare in the event that you were no longer here. ... Who would look after them, how would they pay their pet bills and maintenance? Make sure they are all covered so they can be looked after and taken good care of.
05.01.2022 Our Probate Concierge service is a full suite service in which we take care of all Probate matters on your behalf. We liaise with the bank, share portfolio managers, real estate agents and other related parties. We obtain the Grant of Probate with the Courts, assist with the sale or transfer of assets and provide guidance with the administration of the deceased estate. ... Our aim is to take the stress away from you and make the process as easy and simple as possible for you. Like to know more? Contact us on 9879 0734 for a friendly chat on how we can help you.
04.01.2022 Last Friday one of our lovely first home buyers settled on her first property, Yesterday she sent these gorgeous flowers to Louise to thank her for all her help. Congratulations Ash and we hope you enjoy building your brand new home!
04.01.2022 Have you found your dream home? It is always a good idea to have the Contract of Sale reviewed by a lawyer before you sign on the dotted line. When reviewing contracts we check for things like overlays, easements and covenants to make sure the property is suitable for your needs. ... This allows you to make an informed decision on whether this is the best property for you. If you would like a contract reviewed prior to putting your offer in get in touch!
03.01.2022 One comment we often hear from clients in our client meeting is we hadn’t thought of that. When clients come to us to put their Wills in place we make sure we comprehensively cover all aspects of their lives and wishes to ensure that we produce the best Will possible for them in accordance with their needs and wishes. We also feel it’s our role to educate and inform them of all relevant issues so that they can make an informed decision on what they would like to put in p...lace. As a law firm that specialises predominantly in Wills and Estate Planning it is our point of difference over those who put in place their own Will using a cheap Will kit or by going to a generalist law firm to put their Wills in place.
02.01.2022 The perfect place for a relaxing Sunday soak.
02.01.2022 In the event that you become incapacitated and could no longer make decisions for yourself who would manage your business? Who would legally be entitled to make business decisions on your behalf and control your finances to pay staff and expenses as well as manage the revenue of your business? The person who has the legal capacity to undertake this role in the event that you become incapacitated is the person who you appoint as your attorney in your Enduring Power of Attor...ney document. By appointing your attorney you are giving them permission to make decisions on your business and other financial and legal matters in the event that you can no longer make decisions for yourself. If you do not have Power of Attorney documents in place and become incapacitated then someone would have to make application to VCAT to be appointed your Administrator and Guardian and the person appointed may not have been the person you would have chosen to look after your business if you had of appointed an attorney whilst you did have capacity. If you want to take care of your future and want to choose who looks after you and manages your business if you are no longer able to it would be prudent to put your Power of Attorney documents in place today.
02.01.2022 Did you know that September is Dementia awareness month. It’s a timely reminder to check in with your parents and other relatives to make sure that they have their Wills and Power of Attorney in place and up to date. Dementia does not discriminate and younger people can get this disease too , so it’s a timely reminder to make sure you too have your Wills and Power of Attorney documents in place giving you and your family peace of mind
01.01.2022 Having a Will in place provides peace of mind to you and your family that your affairs are in order. If you don’t have a Will in place or if you need to update your Will contact us on 9879 0734 to see how we can assist you in putting this in place so you too can have peace of mind.
01.01.2022 If you have young children you will often consider them to be your most precious asset. Have you made provision for their care if you were no longer here. By putting a Will in place it will allow you to make provision for the care, welfare and maintenance of your children to ensure they are looked after by the people who you would like to look after them in the manner you would like them looked after if you were no longer here. ... Most importantly, it gives you peace of mind knowing all is in place.
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