Magical Phoenix Rose in Croydon, Victoria, Australia | Gift shop
Magical Phoenix Rose
Locality: Croydon, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 418 128 739
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25.01.2022 Hello beautiful souls, hope you are all doing well, or as well as you can. It's a gloomy and overcast Melbourne day today, and the last few days I've had to face some of my own demons. I usually try and connect with my shadow side on the dark of the moon which was Tuesday, but this time the energy and my feelings lingered longer than usual. For those who are not aware, our shadow side is the side of ourselves that we tend to hide from the world. I have been feeling angry and... frustrated lately and I continued to tell myself that it's coming from being locked down and controlled. Yes part of it might have had something to do with it but the more I have been thinking the more I am realising that this is a trigger. So today the whole mandatory mask situation in Melbourne was what broke the camels back and I felt my chest was tightening and couldn't breathe, could feel my heart was racing very fast, my chest felt further restricted and I started to feel hot and sweaty and my breathing became shallow and I felt as if I was going to pass out. Well a phone call later on to my GP, I was possibly having an anxiety attack. Today I realised that my anger, my feelings, my anxiety lately and what brought on today's feeling for me is sadness and grief. I couldn't be more grateful for what has been unfolding to show me what has been going on with me. What is my demons might have nothing to do with what and how others feel but it was a great reminder that my path is mine and I don't need to explain myself or my choice to anyone, also as easy or as hard mine or anyone's journey might be there will always be people who might not like it or agree with it, but I need to be grateful for all that I have and for my lessons and acknowledge my triggers and learn from them. I know that a lot of people are feeling angry, lost, frustrated, or sad. Look deeper and see the reason behind it, don't hide your feelings. You might not be everyone's cup of tea but the right people will love and appreciate you. Difference of opinion what makes us individuals, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. Make sure your self talks to yourself are positive because they will make your reality. Also be kind to yourself and others you don't know what they are dealing with and what emotions they are facing. Let's be more kind and less judgemental. Hope you all have a magical day. Blessed Be. See more
25.01.2022 Good morning beautiful souls, gloomy, cold and wet Monday morning here, but life tends to go on and the kidlets and I have had a busy morning. Thinking about a lot of people today who are struggling and don't know what to do, I might not know exactly how you feel but I want you to know that you not alone. Sending you all a lots of love and healing. Blessed Be.
24.01.2022 Hello beautiful souls, as Melbourne has gone into further lock down I have felt down and out of control emotionally and mentally. I have allowed the fear and pressure in without looking at my triggers. I have felt as soon as you state a different opinion to some people seem to have the need to attack and be disrespectful. Just imagine a world that everyone's opinion, views, needs and wants were the same, how boring the world Would Be. The last few months I have observed and h...ave been at the receiving end of some nasty comments, especially from so called spiritual people. I understand we are all at different levels of understanding and we are all different, but my opinion, view point and experience is mine and yours is yours. I have every right to express mine the same way as you have every right to express your without discrimination and disrespect. I have never felt the need to have an opinion on everything but have stated mine on something that I felt strong enough about, however I never have and never force my views and opinion on anyone and feel the need to do so. During these times which I don't like to use the language of "difficult times", because what we say becomes our reality, I feel it's the time for us to come together and help and lift each other up instead of feel the need to be right because I think my opinion is right and yours is wrong. It is time to help those in need, not push them further down by making them feel their opinion is wrong, everyone's opinion is valid and their as long as expressed respectfully and without feeling the need for disrespect for others. I had a short conversation with a friend and her suggestion was self care, I thought WTF? Really how when everyone is at home and especially with two little ones there is no personal space. Her suggestion was half an hour to an hour of personal time, time to do what you want in your own space. Today I did that, I told the kids they can go to their bedrooms and for an hour do something they like to do. So far, so great, kids have loved it and I am grateful for my half an hour of Peace and me time. I have always said that you can't give from an empty cup, so this is me trying some time to myself to fill my cup up so I can be more present and more in my heart space not my head space. Thinking of you all and sending lots of love and healing from my end to anyone who may need it. Please reach out if you need anything. Blessed Be. See more
22.01.2022 Hello beautiful souls, customer order delivered this afternoon to a beautiful young lady. It was just such a pleasure to create this Magical Fairy Garden for her. Looking forward to doing another one. Blessed Be.
22.01.2022 Beautiful handmade and crafted Amethyst Cluster Clay Pendent/Talisman This Magical Pendent measures at approximately 6.5 cm long, this beauty is $90 including postage Australia wide with tracking and signature on delivery. Amethyst is a meditative and calming stone which works in the emotional, spiritual, and physical planes to promote calm, balance, and peace. It is also used to eliminate impatience.... Amethyst is used as beneficial when dealing with legal problems and money issues, which can lead to prosperity and abundance, though it is not the best known prosperity stone. In the psychic and spiritual realms, amethyst is an excellent all-purpose stone that can increase spirituality and enhance intuition and psychic powers of all kinds. It does this by making a clear connection between the earth plane and other planes and worlds. Amethyst is also excellent for meditation and lucid dreaming. It is used to open one's channels to telepathy, past life regression, clairaudience, clairvoyance, and communication with angels. Amethyst also protects against psychic attacks, especially during spiritual work. Amethyst is not only a psychic protection stone, but is also used to protect one from thieves, and to protects travelers. Emotionally, amethyst is used in crystal healing to help heal personal losses and grief, bringing one gently past. Amethyst has a gently sedative energy that ca promote peacefulness, happiness, and contentment. It also is said to bring emotional stability and inner strength. This stability and strength not only helps one hold firm in one's life, but it can enhance flexibility and cooperation. To be flexible at need is a sure sign of strength. I ship worldwide, so please contact me to organise postage and shipping outside Australia. Payment to be made via PayPal or direct deposit within 3 days. Postage will be from Melbourne. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #MagicalPhoenixRose, #AmethystCrystal, #AmethystHealing, #MagicalTalisman, #MagicalTools, #AmethystPendent, #ClayPendent #MagicalCrystal All Magical items created by me, have been sourced naturally and with great respect for nature and mother earth. All my crystals have been purchased in Australia. Passion, love, magic, respect, and lots of Full Moon and positive energy has been used on every creation. I spend time and ensure that all the items created are unique and great care and love has been placed whilst making them.
17.01.2022 Hello beautiful souls, I wanted to take this opportunity to express my gratitude and sincere thanks to everyone of you who have been present and have allowed me to be part of your journey and have been for me through mine. I have been thinking the last two days what to write and what to say about last year and about 2021, well here is me on a plate. I wanted to express my gratitude to 2021 for a year like no other, wow what a year where I learnt about people's true colours. ...When I learnt who my true friends are and how humans can so quickly turn on each other because of their beliefs and diversity and differences in their beliefs. Thank you for teaching me that I am strong enough to walk alone when some people just happily follow. Thank you for showing me that when I have spoken out that has given people courage to stand up and speak up. Thank you for teaching me that because I am different and have been judged and treated badly, I will continue to be kind to those who haven't. Thank you for showing me that how much I did and still love simple things in life and how quickly those simple things in life can be taken away from us, so we need to appreciate and express gratitude for every little or big things that we have. Thank you for giving me courage to stand alone because there is so much strength in that, that is when like minded people who might have felt alone too have come forward to join. Thank you for giving me the strength to join others and be courageous enough to stand tall. Thank you for all the lessons that I learnt in 2020. Thank you for showing me that friends will accept you for who you are and continue to support you and be there for you when others choose not to because your opinion, your beliefs and how you choose to live your life is different to theirs. This was the saddest part for me to see people becoming so quick to judge and become the judge, the jury and executioner. Thank you for all the emotionally challenging days to make me strong. Thank you for showing me that people's true colours will eventually come out. Thank you for showing me that I am kind, I am loved and I can be and will always be true to who I am and will continue being me in 2021. Hope you all have a Blessed year and remember every day is a new page you can write your own. Be grateful, be happy, be true to who you really are and be present and in the moment, and most important of all look after you and be kind. Love you all and Blessed Be. See more
16.01.2022 Beautifully hand crafted Clear Quartz and Clay Ladybird Terrarium Pendent This beauty measures at approximately 3.8 cm long and 3cm wide and is enclosed with a beautiful red clay ladybird and moss in a metal frame and hard plastic terrarium shaped dome. $68 with free postage in Australia with signature on delivery, and tracking number from Melbourne. I made this unique terrarium pendent from the love of gardening and crystals... Clear Quartz, is an amplifies, stores, transmutes and transcends and retains energy. Cleanse and clears energy fields. It motivates, amplifies, and enhances intentions. Allows a deep sense of clarity in ones life.Quartz crystals are known as master healing crystals, crystals that can be used to heal any condition that they are needed for. Because of their unique power to take on the energy of any situation (much like their colour, white, contains all other colours), quartz crystals are one of the single most beneficial stones that you can introduce into your life for purposes of healing. Clear Quartz brings strength and clarity to the intellect, aiding concentration and memory retention, and filtering out distractions. Its hypnotic quality is conducive to sleep, helping one to understand the messages and lessons conveyed during the dream state. It is also a respected stone for death, included in many cultures in funeral rites and placed in tombs, urns. Clear Quartz acts as a deep soul cleanser, purifying and enhancing the body's internal structure and surrounding subtle bodies to connect the physical dimension with the mind. It focuses on inner negativity and stimulates positive thoughts and feelings in its place. With a better perception of the world, Quartz increases awareness and clarity in thinking, and provides enhanced energy, perseverance and patience, teaching one to live, laugh and love with all of humanity. I ship world wide, so please contact me for postage and details. Payment to be made via PayPal or direct deposit within 3 days. Postage will be from Melbourne. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #MagicalPhoenixRose #claywork, #Magicltools, #Healing, #AlterandShrinetools, #Spirituality, #Pagan, #Handmade, #Magicalcreation, #ClearQuartz, #ClearQuartzPendent All Magical items created by me, have been sourced naturally and with great respect for nature and mother earth. All my crystals have been purchased in Australia. Passion, love, magic, respect, and lots of Full Moon and positive energy has been used on every creation. I spend time and ensure that all the items created are unique and great care and love has been placed whilst making them
11.01.2022 Hello beautiful souls, I have been really busy trying to do some soul searching and with Yule and New Moon this weekend I am finding myself looking deeper and deeper into what I want to bring in and manifest into my life, my family and my business. I just completed a 21 day Abundance Meditation Challenge and I allowed myself to be raw and be challenged and face my fears and change my belief system to change my life. I don't believe abundance is only for money, I strongly beli...eve abundance is for different aspects of our lives and it is us and only us who stops ourselves from achieving our best and living the life that we want, deserve and the universe has planned for us. The only way up is to go within and seek what has been lost and bring it out and face our demons and do what we need to do. With New Moon and Yule upon us let's go within and seek what our hearts desires. Blessed Be. See more
10.01.2022 Good morning beautiful souls, it feels like it was only couple of weeks ago that the kids went back to school and yet again it's school holidays here. Emotionally it has been hard on the kids and hard on a lot of adults. We have been walking a lot with the dogs and enjoying our time outdoors. Our walks everyday, meditation a little creating and gardening has been my favourite things to do to try ( operative word being try) to recharge and fill up my cup. My little boy has bee...n talking a lot about emotional intelligence and filling your own bucket. As a woman and a mother filling my own cup is the last thing on my list of priorities which really should be my top priority as I can't give from an empty cup. It is my responsibility to ask for help, go for a walk and do what is right for me mentally, physically and emotionally. Hope you all be kind to yourselves and others. Blessed Be. See more
07.01.2022 Good morning beautiful souls, after such a long time, I am very excited to be back doing the expos again. Today and tomorrow I am all set up at the beautiful Portarlington Parks Hall, so come along for a magical day of love, crystals and healing. Blessed Be.
07.01.2022 Me: Hello Goddess Goddess: Hello... Me: I’m falling apart. Can you put me back together? Goddess: I'd rather not. Me: Why?... Goddess: Because you're not a puzzle. Me: What about all the pieces of my life that fall to the ground? Goddess: Leave them there for a while. They fell for a reason. Let them be there for a while and then decide if you need to take any of those pieces back. Me: You don't understand! I'm breaking! Goddess: No, you don't understand. You're transcending, evolving. What you feel are growing pains. You're getting rid of the things and people in your life that are holding you back. The pieces are not falling down. The pieces are being put in place. Relax. Take a deep breath and let those things you no longer need fall down. Stop clinging to pieces that are no longer for you. Let them fall. Let them go. Me: Once I start doing that, what will I have left? Goddess: Only the best pieces of yourself. Me: I'm afraid to change. Goddess: I keep telling you: YOU'RE NOT CHANGING! YOU'RE BECOMING! Me: Becoming, Who? Goddess: Becoming who I created you to be! A person of light, love, charity, hope, courage, joy, mercy, grace and compassion. I made you for so much more than those shallow pieces you decided to adorn yourself with and that you cling to with so much greed and fear. Let those things fall off you. I love you! Don't change! Become! Don't change! Become! Become who I want you to be, who I created. I'm gonna keep telling you this until you remember. Me: There goes another piece. Goddess: Yes. Let it be like this. Me: So... I'm not broken? Goddess: No, but you're breaking the darkness, like dawn. It's a new day. Become!! Become who you really are! -Author Unknown
03.01.2022 Hello beautiful souls, finally after months of one having an exposure, I am so excited to announce that I will be attending Portarlington expo this weekend. So looking forward to sharing space and being in this magical place. So please come along for a magical day or two. I will be there with my full range of items and more. Can't wait to see you all. Blessed Be.
03.01.2022 Good evening beautiful souls, another magical Winters day coming to an end and with Full Moon upon us let's come together and bring in love and magic to the world. This is the time for us to go deep and look at ourselves and allow the love and magic of Grandmother Moon to help us shine and go forth with our own magic and make our own ripple effects of love, prosperity, abundance, joy, happiness and health. Wishing you all a magical weekend and Full Moon Blessings. Blessed Be.
02.01.2022 Hello beautiful souls, with Full Moon, lunar eclipse and also planets in alignments, the energy of what is about to come will be extremely strong. This particular eclipse takes place in the goal-oriented and authoritative sign of Capricorn, and it marks the final eclipse in a series that took place in Cancer and Capricorn over the past two years. The Cancer in Capricorn eclipse cycle began in 2018, and as this is the final showing in the series, we're officially learning our ...Continue reading
02.01.2022 Hello beautiful souls, another cycle of life is upon us again. Wishing you all my friends and family in the southern hemisphere a magical and Blessed Winter Solstice and the shortest day/longest night of the year. Where for the next few months we have the opportunity to go within and do some soul searching. Also wishing everyone in the northern hemisphere a magical and Blessed Summer Solstice. Enjoy every moment and live life to the fullest. Love to you all and many Blessings. Blessed Be.
01.01.2022 Hello beautiful souls, I have just picked from my garden and made several generous size bundles of White Sage(male and female), Fever few, and Wormwood. Anyone in Melbourne wishing to pick up fresh ones to dry at home and use them later is more than welcome to organise pick up, other wise I'll be drying them up to be sold at my expos or can post within Victoria and NSW. Bundles are $20 each plus postage. All of these herbs are great for smudging, cleansing and clearing negative energy. They are great for starting 2021 and getting rid of negativity and what no longer serves you, your family and your home. Please message me if you have further enquiries. Blessed Be.
01.01.2022 Good morning beautiful souls, drizzly and cold Sunday morning here and as we are back into restrictive movement here in Melbourne I have come to the conclusion that my life and my families life is way too short to spent thinking about what is happening in the outside world. My husband and I have stopped watching the news the kids don't watch it at all, we have been busy gardening and walking and doing outdoor activities in the backyard or the front of our home. We are off on ...a bike ride few times next week when the rain clears up getting fresh air and sunshine. I've been smudging the house and leaving the doors and windows open for air to circulate and take away any negative or stagnant energy lingering away. Next week also I will start creating and bring in new energy of birthing and movement. Staying indoors is great but the long term affects are not that positive. We need to challenge our emotions and brains and stop limiting ourselves to what we can only see with our eyes and what we hear. This is the great time of evolution and transformation. With all the challenges that we have been through it is time to calm ourselves and allow this storm to pass. By allowing fear, anger, frustration and all the negative energy that maybe around us to consume us, the storm will continue to carry on in our lives even when this is gone because we are consumed by it. This is the time to look at your life and calm the mind and allow what is good and right for you to come to you and heal what is needed for a better life. Wishing you all a magical and Blessed weekend. Blessed Be. See more
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