Magical Results in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Business service
Magical Results
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 400 263 684
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25.01.2022 Where do you want to be a year from now? 5 years from now? The choice is yours. ... This is not a practice run. This is it. Just after I was diagnosed with cancer, I was sitting at my desk at work, and I asked myself is this it? Is this what I saved my life for? And I thought about what I’d really like to do. And magically opportunities appeared. And I made a decision to ride the leap of faith. WOW My life has changed so much!!! So.....where do you want to be a year from now, if there were no limits for you??? Private message me and let’s get talking
25.01.2022 Gratitude is a beautiful way to start your day What are you grateful for today?
24.01.2022 No matter what your past, your future is dependent on what you do today: People often wait for their golden opportunity or until it’s their turn to be successful. However, those opportunities aren’t handed out. They are created by individuals who are passionate about and determined to improve the quality of their life and reach their goals. Don’t follow the crowd and wait for your turn. Let’s make it happen together. Today.... Contact me now on 0400 263 684. If you don’t make a change, nothing will change: . . . . . . . #successcoach #mindset #personaldevelopment #bobproctor #proctorgallagherconsultant #proctorgallagherinstitute #selfdevelopment #inspiring #gettingoutofdebt #positivethinking #lawofattraction #innerstrength #quantumleaps #powerfulmindset #weightloss #personalgrowth
22.01.2022 I am so excited to host the upcoming ‘SUCCESS ACCELERATOR MASTERCLASS - Start Living Life on a New Level in 2021‘ on December 2nd at 7:00 pm AEST. It will be streamed live on zoom so be sure to register for free here, to secure your place:
22.01.2022 Hmmm.... this is an interesting question? Are you letting everything that is happening around you control your thoughts, and how you feel? Or are you consciously aware of your thinking and creating the life you love?... Awareness of your thinking is the first step. Most people don't like what they say to themselves, and would never say it to another person. Changing it is simple when you know how. It's learning how to create a new habit. You can change anything if you really want to. How would you like your life to be? Would you like to feel better, find more time, feel more confident, or make change in your life? If you can tell me what you want, I can show you how to get it but you must really want it. Click on the link and lets talk about what it is you want:
21.01.2022 Make the decision to have a great day. It’s up to you. It’s all in how you think, and your thoughts are really all you have control of. You can’t control the weather, or time, or other people, or....... Only YOU ... If it was your last day, would you be happy doing what you are about to do? Make a decision to Enjoy your day
20.01.2022 Thinking Into Results is presented in video format with MP3 audio downloads of each video lesson, accompanied with an in depth, thought provoking, action oriented workbook: This extraordinary program is presented in twelve logical, simple, and practical lessons to ensure that the methods and success mindset become a part of your thinking, actions, and results, and translate into an exceptional return on investment for you and your organisation. If you tell me what you want, I can show you how to get it but you must really want it. Contact me on 0400 263 684 or visit my website to learn more: . . . . . . . #successcoach #mindset #personaldevelopment #bobproctor #proctorgallagherconsultant #proctorgallagherinstitute #selfdevelopment #inspiring #gettingoutofdebt #positivethinking #lawofattraction #innerstrength #quantumleaps #powerfulmindset #weightloss #personalgrowth See more
19.01.2022 What are you thinking? No really ...what are you thinking? - Interestingly enough, most people don’t think. You see, mental activity does not constitute thinking. This is an important distinction to make.... As you start to look into what it is you’re thinking and how you’re thinking you will undoubtedly find that you're thinking is very much in harmony with your results. Always. And this is great news! As you change your thinking you can change your results. You’re in charge. If you can tell me what you want, I can show you how to get it but you must really want it. Contact me on 0400 263 684 or visit my website to learn more: #successcoach #mindset #personaldevelopment #bobproctor #proctorgallagherconsultant #proctorgallagherinstitute #selfdevelopment #inspiring #gettingoutofdebt #positivethinking #lawofattraction #innerstrength #quantumleaps #powerfulmindset #weightloss #personalgrowth
19.01.2022 Oooh... this is powerful!!
19.01.2022 Thoughts become things. Think about what you think about. You can take control of your thoughts and create your life. ... You can or you can’t. Either way you are right. Start to write a list of how you would like your life to be. Reread it. And add to it everyday. Then start to live it. This is where happiness begins
18.01.2022 Happiness is an inside job
17.01.2022 Most of us already know what to do to succeed, we just don’t take the actions to follow through: I help you bridge the knowing/doing gap and step out of your comfort zone to where growth and better results occur. If you can tell me what you want, I can show you how to get it but you must really want it. Contact me on 0400 263 684 or visit my website to learn more: . . . . . . . #successcoach #mindset #personaldevelopment #bobproctor #proctorgallagherconsultant #proctorgallagherinstitute #selfdevelopment #inspiring #gettingoutofdebt #positivethinking #lawofattraction #innerstrength #quantumleaps #powerfulmindset #weightloss #personalgrowth See more
17.01.2022 Create a goal. A big goal Having something to aim for that inspires you from within It’s amazing how we find the energy to do what we love ... Finding it hard to work out your goal and need some inspiration? Message Sue @ and let’s talk about your goals
13.01.2022 Lesson Two: Knowing Doing Gap: Business Principle: Return on Investment Benefits: This lesson teaches you how to change your behavior and close the gap between what you know and what you actually do.... If you can tell me what you want, I can show you how to get it but you must really want it. Contact me on 0400 263 684 or visit my website to learn more: . . . . . . . #successcoach #mindset #personaldevelopment #bobproctor #proctorgallagherconsultant #proctorgallagherinstitute #selfdevelopment #inspiring #gettingoutofdebt #positivethinking #lawofattraction #innerstrength #quantumleaps #powerfulmindset #weightloss #personalgrowth
12.01.2022 What are you thinking? No really what are you thinking? - Interestingly enough, most people don’t think. You see, mental activity does not constitute thinking. This is an important distinction to make.... If you can tell me what you want, I can show you how to get it but you must really want it. Contact me on 0400 263 684 or visit my website to learn more: . . . . . . . #successcoach #mindset #personaldevelopment #bobproctor #proctorgallagherconsultant #proctorgallagherinstitute #selfdevelopment #inspiring #gettingoutofdebt #positivethinking #lawofattraction #innerstrength #quantumleaps #powerfulmindset #weightloss #personalgrowth
12.01.2022 There is so much magic in all of us! Most people only use 10% of their potential. Imagine tapping into the other 90% ... When you learn how to do that, it’s magical
11.01.2022 Nurture your inner, emotional Heart with loving thoughts and kindness, to yourself. Nurture your physical Heart with nutritious, healthy heart food, for your life. What you think, and do to your body, reveals itself in the physical.... Healthy Thoughts = Healthy Mind Healthy Food = Healthy Body
11.01.2022 Imagination is your greatest gift. The power is in not allowing your circumstances or situation to control your thinking, but to imagine your goal and keep the vision strong and clear. This is where the power is. ... See it in your mind, hold it in your heart, you can hold it in your hands. Your thoughts become things.
11.01.2022 You are in either coming from a place of fear or faith. Are you looking at things going wrong or things going right? What would you prefer?... It’s your choice. What you focus on expands
07.01.2022 The Magic Word: Business Principle: The attitude and mindset of high-producing teams Benefits: This lesson gives a very complete definition of attitude and explains how to change it. The result is having your thoughts, beliefs, and actions aligned so that you are more productive and efficient.... If you can tell me what you want, I can show you how to get it but you must really want it. Contact me on 0400 263 684 or visit my website to learn more: . . . . . . . #successcoach #mindset #personaldevelopment #bobproctor #proctorgallagherconsultant #proctorgallagherinstitute #selfdevelopment #inspiring #gettingoutofdebt #positivethinking #lawofattraction #innerstrength #quantumleaps #powerfulmindset #weightloss #personalgrowth
07.01.2022 Imagine a stream of white light flowing to and through you. Picture the white light filling your body and surrounding you, protecting you, as though you are in a beautiful bubble of white magic light. You can go to this place in your mind anytime you want. ... You control your thoughts. Whenever you’re not feeling in a good place, turn your thoughts to this vision. Your energy will change. Good things happen when you are feeling good. It took me a long time to learn this and it works. Learning how to control your thoughts is magic in itself. If you feel you need to make changes in your life and want to feel better but not sure how private message me and let’s talk. It’s easier than you think
04.01.2022 I choose EASY!!! What do you choose??? Would you like it to be easy?... We have been programmed to think life is hard. The Truth is, it is neither hard nor easy, it is what we. THINK it is. The Law of Relativity decrees: * Nothing is good or bad, big or small, hard or easy... until you relate it to something. * Compare your big to something bigger and it becomes small, your hard to harder and it becomes easy. * A 10km walk to one person may seem really hard, but to someone looking to climb Mt Everest, it's a walk in the park. Why does it have to be hard? What if it was easy? When I left my job (Just Over Broke) 18mths ago, with less than one weeks wage to my name, my 'hard' had become 'easy'. When I was diagnosed with Cancer a couple of years before, it was a big shock. But healing myself and getting healthy, which now seems the easy bit, going back to work, doing the same old same old, over and over, was harder. "Is this what I had saved my life for, to continue doing the same old same old?" Exit, stage left! I am now loving my life, driving the car of my dreams, playing golf (who'd ever thought), spending time with my family and friends, helping my mum and being there for her in her later years, all the things I want to do. And loving the work I do. I just worked out how I could do it, not how I couldn't. The Mind is the greatest power in all creation! When you learn how to control your own mind, and change your thinking, your whole world will change. Most people have learnt to live in excuses, of why they can't do what they want, rather than looking for the solutions, of how they can do it. Either you can or you can't - and either way it is your thinking that makes it so. Most people think if they change their behaviour that their results will change, but this usually brings temporary improvements, and causes frustration - I know, I did it many, many times. The thing is, You need to change the programming, your habitual way of thinking, for permanent results to occur. It can be done. It's simple. It takes persistence, and repetition, to have the life you dream of. Set a goal sooo big, that causes you to stretch and grow, and everything else will seem easy. The only two questions you need to ask yourself are: * Am I willing? And am I able? * What goal are you putting off doing, because you think it's too hard? What do think is stopping you? Let's talk. If you can tell me what you want, I can show you how to get it but you must really want it. Contact me on 0400 263 684 or visit my website to learn more:
04.01.2022 Sometimes life can throw things (events, circumstances, people) at you - to take you off your path, or to put you back on it But it can also help you re-think, re-evaluate and re-energise It may not appear like that in the beginning, but if you 'get it' - the message, it can be enlightening, and you can move on ... So maybe if you are feeling stuck, and frustrated like I was, then I am here to help you I have re-energised, and I am back, to share with you somethings I have learnt I have been busy studying and preparing And I want to share this with you, so it may help you too I did not save my life to just exist. I saved my life to create an amazing life, and to help as many of you create amazing lives too It is possible! I want to help as many people as I can, who are feeling like I was - stuck, anxious, down, depressed, exhausted fighting an uphill battle all the time , making myself sick To start enjoying their life, be happy (really happy), healthy, calm, relaxed, with everything being easy, and live the life they love If this is you, stay with me because I want to help you. I will be doing a series of lives to help you upgrade your life And please, invite your friends to this group too. I want to help as many people as possible create the life they love And help you all create Magical Results
03.01.2022 There is so much to gain by opening your mind to new thoughts and ideas. Our purpose here is to grow and become the best version of ourselves. A few years ago, after I was told I had Cancer, I realised I had been wasting my days, going through the motions, getting up, going to work, cooking dinner, cleaning up, going to bed, to wake up and do it all over again.... Was this it? Is this how it was going to be until the end? I knew there was more. More in me and more to do. So much more. To have better relationships for starters. And then I started writing my lit of everything I wanted to do. You know, most people only use 10% of their potential. Just imagine if you could tap into the other 90% of YOUR potential. WOW!! What would you do? If you can tell me what you want, I can show you how to get it but you must really want it. Contact me on 0400 263 684 or visit my website
01.01.2022 You are far more powerful than you think you are. You have unlimited possibilities inside of you. Most people are only using 10% of their potential! ... Imagine tapping into the other 90%. WOW Change is inevitable. It is the constant. What would you like to change, or do, if you had no fear? What might be stopping you? Click on the link and lets talk about what it is you want:
01.01.2022 Your thoughts are very powerful, and create your world. The power is in your hands! How would you like the world to be? How would you like YOUR world to be?... Give this some thought Write it down in as much detail as possible. Then read it, reread it and reread it. The problem can be that we focus on what we don't want more than what we do want. Switch your thinking to what you do want, and you will create more of that! Simple The trick is to stay in charge of YOUR thoughts If you can tell me what you want, I can show you how to get it but you must really want it. Click on the link and lets talk about what it is you want:
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