Magic Hands Intuitive Massage Therapy in Port Melbourne, Victoria | Massage service
Magic Hands Intuitive Massage Therapy
Locality: Port Melbourne, Victoria
Phone: +61 413 703 684
Address: 23 Clifford Street 3207 Port Melbourne, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 "Overeating and emptiness." Overeating is something most people do in society today. Eating is the number one acceptable addiction and it has been carefully to tailored to keep people going back for more and more addictive foods. Overeating is all about filling a void an emptiness and to fulfill all the uncertainty the ego faces. True hunger is very far from what people perceive it to be. Besides emotional emptiness, people are dealing with a lack of quality breath, quality, sunshine, quality water and earth connectivity. Also their internal terrain is conducive for virus' and parasites to take up residency and they control your thought to their liking. All of this starts with a lack of presence that leads to a de-mineralised and deficient body. People mistake the hunger signals for food and then eat food which provides no nutrient quality. Whenever you feel the urge to rapidly consume or just to keep mindlessly eating, it is because you need to numb yourself from pain. The ego will be very clever to create a wonderful story to justify why its overeating and mask the truth, but the story is an illusion. Food creates of feeling of certainty in the body that it will survive no matter what uncertainty the ego is facing in the environment. This is why, it is natural to offer someone a "good" meal after a challenging day. One of the greatest commitment you can make is to not eat when feeling scarcity of any type. Not eating will expose the root causes of your emptiness. Allow the pain to come through which will dissolve through love and acceptance of both the ego and the arising pain. "Love is the eternal formula to fill all emptiness." With love and light Written by Sashen Chetty
24.01.2022 "Expecting someone never to change will slow down their evolution." You may have gotten used to putting a certain person in a particular role labeling them the "same", yet there is no such thing as "same" in the universe, just the illusion of it. They may have acted a similar way over and over again and they may be the most stubborn person there is. So now the ego has an entertaining story around this, one it enjoys telling in its head and to others. The truth is people are a...lways in the process of change, regardless of the tons of evidence in your head that speaks why someone is going to respond a similar way. You may recall incidences when a person doesn't and this may leave you looking surprised in disbelief. Give people a chance, let go of your history, totally let go of your story around them and see them only in the light of who they truly are beneath everything. This doesn't not mean losing awareness of the person's current state. You will naturally take the caution you need around them, yet you will never replay your entertaining victim story ever again. When you free someone in your mind, it is natural for "so called" miracles to occur. All that is happening is your presence is igniting the hidden truth within to come forth. Give to that person, all the support, understanding, acknowledgment, safety and security in all the ways that stillness speaks. You will quickly understand that you probably love the way there are, as you enjoy your sense of hating them. Then if you truly wish to know your world beyond this, you will shift the problematic resistance within you using love. Do not make anyone wrong, do not retell your entertainment or victim story, free people by seeing their process and their ultimate truth, and don't look so surprise by the results. With Love and Light Written by Sashen Chetty
24.01.2022 "From our loving earth mother." The earth mother is here to nurture us, all the physical love that we will ever receive on the earth plain will come through her. She will always be there to love us no matter what, we may reject her fruits and attempt to live outside of her nature and that will hurt us. But this will never hurt her, she is the embodiment of unconditional love, she is the ever giving light. The mother, has the most intense open heart, she has the brightest smil...e, is powerfully strongest yet gentle at the same time. Her love may manifest in many forms, she has the tools to create all life forms, without the mother there would be no objects and there would be no planar experience. If you ever want to know the truth about life and death, look to the earth mother. You will see that the body you inhibit WILL return to the land and you will question your stresses in life. You may seek to aline yourself back with the nurturing mother to take care of the body you have. All stress is a tightening fear of loss, ultimately the body view it as death. When you know you are bound to loss it all, simply day to day losses will fall aside. Use the earth mother to nurture yourself, the fresh air, fresh water, sunlight, grounding dirt, ripened raw foods, and all the people, animals, nature and the total environment that have come from her to smile upon you this day. "Divine spacious love will come from the father, yet the mother will always be giving you one object or another that will nurture you for that moment." With Love and Light Written by Sashen Chetty
23.01.2022 "Keeps your mind like a finely tuned instrument." The mind is wonderful tool that makes you human, further than that, humans have been gifted with the greatest capacity to have the greatest experiences. When the mind becomes dysfunctional, it start thinking it is better or worse than other things. It falls into duality and relativity in order to know itself. If you can keep your mind sharply here in the present, and use it on your command, it will be a great gift to you. Don'...t mistake the training of your mind as a dictatorship in which your mind is a slave. The mind will work for you when you give it so much love that it is happy you do whatever you request. The mind is like a guitar string, when tuned to exactly the right pitch it will sound wonderful. It is only when tuned finely, that you will feel that string, the perfect notes as you press it from the neck to the body. You will be able to acknowledge and use it in a way you never could before. Same goes with the mind, when it is finely tuned, you will be able to feel in depth the inner body and consequently your outer environment. You are simply beautiful, you are the most caring, compassion, loving person there is. You are the strongest, courageous, most gentle and most vulnerable person there is. These statements are understood from a mind that does not suffer from relativity and duality. A mind will not believe or understand this as long as it needs a comparative point. "Keep your mind finely tuned, simply by loving it, and you will know the true bliss of you." With Love and Light Written by Sashen Chetty
20.01.2022 "Love, joy, compassion, happiness, peace and enthusiasm are a by-product of going after the truth." All those things are wonderful feelings to have. Yet the truth has nothing to do with whether you will ever feel these things again. Moving towards the truth is only about stripping away the thoughts, words and actions of that which you recognize is not the true you. When you go after the truth, it is about moving in stillness, there are no needs, wants and desires (except the ...strong will to know thy self). When you start to move to this place, it offers no comfort to the ego, there is no promise of ever feeling those lighter emotions. I powerful statement to make is, "I don't care if I will ever feel happy again but I WILL know who I am." This will take your mind out of a future projection and you will finally become totally present with your pain because you are not hoping for anything else. Then as you move into and become "stillness", you will feel the light of your being, and seemingly miraculous feelings will come about. The truth is far beyond what anyone can conceive in the mind, far beyond any old emotions you wish to feel again. "A great depth awaits the one that mentally gives up everything and all hope of future events." With Love and Light Written by Sashen Chetty
20.01.2022 "Your body when treated as a temple is the gateway to the divine." There are many principles that govern the human organism for life as it was intended. The fire of life is your blood, this is what gives you every experience you may have with this body. This river always runs at its optimal temperature and thus gives life to your being, therefore always seeks to nourish it with life. Breathing the air that is alive and not filled with death is primary. Drink, bathe and purge ...the water that is alive that rushes through the earth and is not stagnant and chemical bound. Use the sunlight that gives life when you bathe the naked body in it. Eat the fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and milks that are ALIVE, that have been prepared, not heated, frozen or allowed to spoil. Partake in this way from the abundant heavenly mother and you will prepare the vessel you have chosen to know the highest vibrations of life and the world above. Eat as a commitment for life and you will never eat to capacity, eat for life and you will not need to mix so many ingredients to be satiated. Fast for as many days in direct proportion to the years that you have forgone the principles, purge your bowels everyday with the living water during this time and you will be healed from all disease. Never destroy the life blood of anything you consume, in the same way you would not destroy your blood. Prepare the foods to amplify their life blood and they will be like gold. A body in motion is living, move your body in the service of all during the hours of daylight and take heavenly rest at night, for you now will have life that no parasite control you. Do this and you will naturally be living thoughts, words, deeds and scarcity will leave your life. Then my child, you will be awake, this is not a commandment, this is an invitation to maximize life energy." P.S. If you would like clarification and further information please reply.
19.01.2022 "Nurture through stillness not through action." Most people are moving through life trying to do things to feel better, more fulfilled and ultimately to nurture themselves. Even their anger and hatred are an action that is a stepping stone (cry out) to want to experience other actions. Nurturing yourself through actions is always a limiting experience because there will never quite be enough, you will always start to feel empty again, and a yearning will arise and if denied t...hen anger will follow. Stillness is always with you, it will never leave you for this is who you are. When you decide to nurture through stillness, you will always feel a deep sense of love and fulfillment. One of the easiest ways to do this, is to be absolutely conscious of the inflow and outflow of the breath. Observe your breath with a deep knowing and conviction that this is ultimate nurturing. Bringing yourself back into your body will eventually dissolve the scarcity you feel and your whole body will let go and relax. Keep ever vigilant as the ego tries to rip you back into anxiety and worry. The simple observation of this will bring stillness into your body and your body will lose its needs and old happiness strategies will also come up to be processed and dissolved. Be clear about your actions and what you are trying to get out of them, if you are looking for levels of comfort, completion or peace, there will always be lack and you will be demonstrating scarcity. Do not mistake yourself, you will live a scare life one way or another when you don't start everything from stillness. "Use the powerful tool of stillness and you will have the experience of life working." With Love and Light Written by Sashen Chetty
16.01.2022 "Commit to excellence" Decide here and now that you are going to be all that you can be. Decide that you are going to start demonstration your unlimited potential which is your birth right. Decide that you are tired withholding your emotions and reserving your love. Decide that there is no other time to be this and change your state and actions. Decide that you are going to serve everyone and everything with a greater depth of love. Decide that you truly want to live, decide ...that you are only going to eat life and not death. You were meant to excel, you were meant to be free, you were mean to be full of energy and totally free from disease. This is your right, you deserve to feel happiness and peace, you deserve to experience that which you have forgotten. The world has convinced you that you are everything you're not, now it is time to awaken and start demonstrating your limitless abundant energy. If this makes you feel regret or uncomfortable, use it to move forward and act now, as most likely what you have been demonstrating hasn't lined up with who you really are. So use the pain, and change, change because you know you are more than this. "Always choose life over death in the ten thousand situations that come today, and what rewards will be monumental." With Love and Light Written by Sashen Chetty
10.01.2022 "When life feels overwhelming, give up on trying, predicting outcomes and return to presence." Whenever life feels like too much, and you are desperately trying to come up with a solution to something, it is useful to understand your motivate behind it all. Many think that solving these circumstances are the answers to happiness. Only relative happiness can be found in a favorable circumstance coming to pass, yet know whenever there is relative happiness, it always has pain attached to it. True peace and relaxation can only ever be found here and now. To be here, you must surrender your obsession of the future and all the things in it. You must be willing to drop your love for a particular thing and also that particular thing ever loving you. To be present, you have to decide that these future events will never be as important as witnessing all that is around you and inside of you. If you have your love and peace reserved for a future event, it will never be as fulfilling of bringing all your love to the present. This is the ongoing commitment that the master makes every moment. He knows there is only one moment to live and he also knows that channeling continual love through him is the most gratifying experience of knowing himself. "Return to simplicity, address the future but drop your obsession, feel the truth around you away from the ego." With Love and Light Written by Sashen Chetty
04.01.2022 "I am the awakened one." I am the one who truly sees. I see everything that others do not, I am completely aware. I see complete similarly and oneness with everything yet I am totally compassionate for where others are in their journey. I walk in the heaven's because I have realized that I am in heaven. Every person I meet is the love of my life, physical or not, because I hold no love in reserve for any part of me. The flower has blossomed in my heart and it cannot contain i...ts sweet aroma anymore. So naturally, the only thing I will do until I leave is serve all others and the greater whole. I have no problems, I have no resentments, yet I feel pain, I feel sorrow, I feel grief, but at no point do I lose my watchful equanimity. I am totally vulnerable and even become afraid, yet there is no tension at all in my body. Nothing holds me to this reality besides loving all that is a part of me. Even now I am not free as I feel the atomic tension in my body as I interact with others, as I experience these micro tensions, all will become free of them. I love without having to think, I live by divine action. My mind serves me to know how to move my body in this world and to recall any information that is vital to the challenge of the moment. My love always envelops others, yet when I speak, I use the words that the individual will awaken to. "The state of deep eternal bliss is already here for anyone to experience, it will make you feel more alive and human than ever." With Love and Light Written by Sashen Chetty
03.01.2022 "The final blinding light of knowing who you are." There is truly a rainbow over the hill, if you have enough dedication, enough passion, enough faith and a will of iron to go beyond all behaviors that keep you unaware, the rewards will be too much for you to comprehend. The love that will come to you will be so bright that the sun will seem like a candle. This is the perspective, this is the experience that your heart and soul has always wanted to know, feel and experience. ...After spending much of your life in unworthiness of such things yet diligently letting go of all those things you are not, one day, you will have created enough space, that the most divine people, person or events will take place. Suddenly you will see how divine planning plays out to bring you the grandest rewards for all your heartfelt effort. It will seem surreal, it will seem too good to be true, it will seem like a dream. Yet the truth is you were always dreaming and now you are waking up to how extraordinary life is. It is time to enjoy the flowering of all the seeds you have planted in a garden where you have pulled out countless weeds. Believe now there is an experience 1000 times more powerful than what you can picture and slowly strip away all your scarcity and uncertainty around it. "Going for the truth, inadvertently will bringing you the most blinding bliss that created the universe."
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