Magick Solutions in Kellyville, New South Wales | Astrologist & psychic
Magick Solutions
Locality: Kellyville, New South Wales
Phone: +61 2 8883 2784
Address: 21 Cattai Creek Drive 2155 Kellyville, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 Looking forward to our first Angelic workshop for 2015 on Saturday... if you think you would like to come along to a Magick Solutions workshop, then pop onto our website and register your interest... always a great day filled with fun, learning and healing :)
25.01.2022 Lets continue developing your inner ear and inner sight... Step 5 So this step is a bit similar to Step 4, but with a few major differences... Come back to your present situation and have a quick look at the problem you are facing. Look at it for a few seconds - 20 to 30 seconds, no more...Continue reading
25.01.2022 A message for you today from Joe-Antoine.... You are in control of your destiny. The fate and destiny concept doesnt work. For a person to accept that fate and destiny exist, that person has to accept that they cannot change anything. That means that prayers wont work, that means that doing something different to change and improve your life wont work, for example, studying or doing extra work to get better income or changing location wont change a thing. You can see it easy for me / us to disprove the fate and destiny theory. What about Karma? Karma is possibly why you were born a girl / boy and were born into your family and its demographic and not experiencing life in another part of the world in a different way. Astrology and Numerology are great to show you the floor plan of this lifes karma yet you can well and truly change that for you are the master of your own destiny. A good psychic can tell you what you are creating, whether its good or not so good for you and how to change your destiny if thats what you want to do.... Joe-Antoine does this using Angelic Science. See more
24.01.2022 To our valued clients, We would like to give you an update on Magick Solutions regarding the unfolding situation with COVID-19....we are still well and truly working and taking care of the needs of all our lovely clients We have been seeing our clients by Skype, FaceTime or telephone chats for the last three weeks or so and everyone is enjoying their sessions with Joe-Antoine... this is so reassuring for all concerned.... The appointments go ahead as per normal, so if you have a booking in the coming weeks or months please know that we have full intention of keeping all the sessions as planned... we wont let you down. When we contact you as usual to confirm your appointment, Jayne will let you know how to set up for your Skype appointment or arrange FaceTime or a telephone session. For new bookings call the office on 0288832784, email or message Jayne who is here to make sure that all your needs during this current situation are met. Our priority is community service and to keep you safe. Joe-Antoine and Jayne
23.01.2022 Everybody knows that Joe-Antoine has a strong connection to Angels and Angelic rituals to bring incredible things into our lives. He has done rituals for many of his clients with great success. So below I have included a ritual to attract love into your life. Of course, when Joe does the rituals, the effect is multiplied many times over.... You will need: Parchment paper 4 candles... red, blue, yellow, white anointing oil blend of ginger and basil essential oils (1 drop each oil) Sandalwood incense stick heatproof dish bowl of water Draw the symbol on the parchment paper (see below) It looks like V and C overlapped Put it aside to use later Prepare your space with a white cloth, flowers and a figurine or picture of an Angel and a drawing of a chalice (see below) It will bring Angelic vibrations to the ritual. Light the incense stick. First, make a square of protection to bring you total protection from the Light and the Angels. Draw a square in the air around you with the incense stick, starting in the east, while turning in a clock-wise direction. Say..."this square is bound with power all around" Then, (optional) "Between the threshold of the worlds I stand with protection at hand, Around and through me always flows its magickal powers." Now, begin the Angelic Ritual... * Light the yellow candle first, saying "The suns rays, help shine love on my path." * Light the red candle, saying "Fire my Passions, allow love to enter my world." * Light the blue candle, saying "Entwine my heart with another." * Light the white candle, saying "May the Angels grant me love, blessed it be." Next, take the paper with the drawn symbol on it, sprinkle with oils, passing the paper through the smoke of the incense. imagine and visualise your luck is changing in regards to love. Inhale the scents of ginger and basil. Burn the paper with the drawn symbol on it in the heatproof dish. Mix the ashes in the water. With your finger, stir the water in an anti-clockwise direction 3 times. Pour the water onto the ground which releases the energy. Now, close the square of protection by drawing a square in the air with the incense stick while turning in an anti-clockwise direction. Give thanks to the Angels.
23.01.2022 Send the whole world light. Imagine holding the earth in the palm of your hands, surrounding it with brilliant, golden light. Visualise the light infusing the entire planet and every being upon it with peace, love and goodness. Bring your loved ones into the golden light, infusing them with well-being... When you work with Joe-Antoine, be it through workshops or private lessons... you can learn meditations and practices to send healing light out from your body
21.01.2022 Most of our clients know that Joe-Antoine also offers sessions by Skype, FaceTime or telephone. It has always been so, however given the current health climate, what a wonderful way to feel safe and confident knowing that you have access to Joe-Antoine and his wonderful psychic gifts and Angelic healing.
21.01.2022 Joe-Antoine says Believe in Angels. If you believe, you will feel their presence often. Ask them for guidance, comfort, and love.... They are honoured to be of service, but you must ask first. Ask, ask, ask... and then ask some more. Through his workshops, or in private teaching sessions, Joe can teach you how to contact Angels, how to communicate with Angels, how to feel Angelic presence in your life...
19.01.2022 We would like to share this photo with you that Joe-Antoine took recently... Lake Rotorua, New Zealand... a beautiful full moon and its reflection... a truly wondrous place Do you see something else? In the right hand lower part of the photo you can see a blue orb, its very clear. Blue Orbs are Angelic and indicate the presence of powerful Archangels and Spirit Guides.... Blue Orbs are also very protective and could also indicate a Guardian Angel. Blessed... See more
18.01.2022 Today I am continuing your learning of the "Seven Steps to Intuitive Whispers". Step Number 4 I think you will find this step a rather pleasant little exercise.... Let your mind wander a bit....back to a pleasant experience you once had... use your imagination. Explore the pathways of memories until you come across a pleasant past experience. Hold that memory and relive the experience in your mind. How did you feel when you were going through the experience? Was there excitement blended with joy, hope and all good things? Choose a pleasant experience... dont choose an unpleasant or difficult memory to revisit. Everyone has had a number of pleasant experiences. Focus on and re-experience one of you most pleasant adventures. The first time you fell in love... a time you were awarded first prize for something you did... a trip that turned out to your best holiday ever... the time you and a loved one enjoyed a beautiful sunset together... Whatever it was, bring that memory into your mind again. You have the power of choice so remember any experience you choose to remember. So why do we want to remember and use our imagination to re-experience a beautiful memory? Because of a very important, psychological reason... your sub-conscious mind cannot tell the difference between something happening right now, and something that is vividly imagined. Your subconscious doesnt deal with past and future - it only deals with now... the present. When you remember and imagine yourself in a pleasant past experience, the subconscious mind - that part of you that helps you to get what you want - starts working to bring situations to you that will duplicate or reproduce the joy of your past experience. This may seem to be a bit mystical... but dont let that thinking get in the way of the process. Just go on to the next part... let go of the memory and repeat the breathing exercise I gave you in Step 2. Thats right... let go of the pleasant remembering and take some deep breaths... hold and breathe out. The next stage I will teach you will be in Step 5. Joe-Antoine
16.01.2022 A message for you today from Joe... Most people have been contacted by Angels and received messages from Angels. They talk to you through whispers and sometimes through dreams. Their messages are ALWAYS loving and positive... you may be concerned about your finances "present or future" and may dream persistently of MUSHROOMS (mushrooms always multiply) = abundance. This could be a message of loving Angelic light to lighten your worries as they (the Angels), know that your finances will improve and that you are going to be alright. "So, please listen to your dreams." They are messages from you to you and about you, they are also a wonderful way for Angels to talk to you.
13.01.2022 What do you know about your Guardian Angel? We all have our own Guardian Angels who never leave us. Our Guardian Angel begins our journey with us when we first incarnate. This continues through all of our incarnations.... growing and changing with us as we evolve and share our destiny and journey together. A Guardian Angels job is to channel as much Angelic light towards us as possible to inspire us in the ways of goodness and the Light, and support us against negativity.... Our Guardian Angel brings us comfort when we are in need and help us through our life. Most people find that their first contact with the Angelic realm is through their Guardian Angel.This first experience of an Angelic presence is often felt in moments of acute spiritual or physical danger, in times of grief, despair or illness or of joy and inspiration. Our Guardian Angel is never able to override our free will or help us if we choose to ignore the help they are offering. Free will is a sacred gift which allows us in each moment to choose whether or not we align our consciousness with goodness or the lack there of. What do you know about your Guiding Angel? We all have a Guiding Angel who also works with us as well as our Guardian Angel. Your guiding Angel will change as you change, grow and evolve spiritually or need to learn different kinds of spiritual lessons. Some people have more than one guiding Angel working with them. Joe-Antoine particularly loves channeling Angels and helping people to connect with them, communicate with them and help people receive what they want from the Angelic Realm, through practising the art of Angelic Science, better known as Angelic Magick.
11.01.2022 We are so looking forward to our workshop tomorrow for our Advanced students. Among many subjects.... How to work out your Karma, and more importantly how to change it if it doesnt suit?...
11.01.2022 Recently, following an enquiry and a request for help, we visited a house not far from us to perform a house cleansing. I went as an assistant to help Joe-Antoine. When we entered the house Joe-Antoine picked up on not one energy but three different ghost energies and two poltergeists. He was able to communicate with the energies and found out that one of the ghosts had in fact burnt down a house on that very site many years before and in doing so had committed suicide and ta...ken the life of another person in the house. Due to their religious beliefs and fear of being judged they were afraid to go to the light. If you had been there it was very interesting to hear Joe talking with a ghost that I could not see! Using various strategies Joe was able to cleanse the negativity and tell the ghosts to take the hand of an angel, to not be afraid and to go towards the light. On leaving the property we could feel a very different energy in the house. Do you have strange things that occur in your house? Do lights turn on and off by themselves? Drawers or cupboards open on their own? Do belongings seem to move around on their own? Do you have a feeling that someone or something is present? Do energies in your home make a nuisance of themselves? Some of our clients come and learn from Joe how to remove the negativity and energies themselves. Other people, as in this case, ask Joe to bring his experience and strength in dealing with such situations and prefer to have him do the job for them. If you may be interested in learning how to cleanse your home of unwanted negative energies and/or ghosts or you may like Joe to come and do the job for you... feel free to send a message.
10.01.2022 The Power of Healing... Joe-Antoine likes to teach his students, in workshops or private sessions how to heal themselves and others through meditation ... "Imagine that you are standing under a waterfall of bright, brilliant light, cascading around you...... Inhale the light into your body, notice the dance of rainbows within the sparkling light... Let it flow through the top of your head... down through your shoulders and back... into each and every muscle and cell of your body... Thank the light for relaxing, healing, rejuvenating your entire body and being"
10.01.2022 Joe-Antoine has a message today for you from the Angels... You may not always be aware of the blessings and gifts that life brings you every day. These could be as simple as an experience that opens up your heart, a person who is particularly helpful or simply the sheer beauty of nature. When you start to recognise and acknowledge these wonders, the universe will send more of them your way. Today... pay attention to as many gifts as you can.... A ray of sunshine, a rainbow, a kind gesture from a friend or a stranger who helps you in the supermarket.. they are all equally important. Once you start to recognise and acknowledge these gifts and precious moments, you will find that you will receive them continuously. Be thankful and appreciative of the generosity of the universe... See more
10.01.2022 We are already one month in to 2019... why not have a psychic reading with Joe-Antoine and see what the year ahead holds for you... ask him to do a tarot spread for you What is in these cards? The Rider... Brings news, brings some changes, announces new things... The Moon Love and romance, intuition and psychic abilities, imagination and creativity... Heart Happiness, love, relationship... We are available Tuesday - Saturday, Call Jayne to make a booking, 0288832784
06.01.2022 Joe-Antoine reminds us that the Angels hear us... If you need help, ask If you are afraid, ask for protection... If you are sick, ask for healing... If you are weak, ask for strength...... I recently performed a magickal ritual calling on Beloved Archangels Raphael, Michael, Gabriel and Uriel to assist in healing the serious illness of a loved one... the ritual was done once a day over 28 days... About half way through, around two weeks in, I asked out loud, " Beloved Archangels, show me that this ritual is working, that the healing is taking place, please give me a sign." Shortly afterwards, maybe 30 minutes or so, I saw through the window, a huge cockatoo feather tumble from the sky... it floated downwards gently and landed in a pot plant... I often see feathers as communication from the Angels. What greater confirmation could I have received? My request was heard, the Angels answered, they sent me a sign and... the healing was successful. Always remember to give thanks
06.01.2022 Today a message from Joe-Antoine... Visualise what you would like to create in your life, what you would like more of in your life. Be specific... What you focus on grows and grows.... Imagine that you are experiencing that wonderful thing in your life right now. Feel the wondrous feelings of having it... Follow your joy, take action on the most exciting thing you can do at this moment. As Joe likes to say... "You cannot afford the luxury of a negative thought What you focus on you create" So come on, start visualising and focusing on creating the wonderful life that you want and deserve.
06.01.2022 Do you know what this is? It is called a Crystal Pendulum... This one happens to be mine and is made out of Rose Quartz. At our Magick Solutions workshop on this Sunday 20th we will be working with the pendulum and increasing our psychic ability. So much learning and healing will take place, really looking forward to an awesome day and sharing it with all the registered participants.
04.01.2022 Workshop today!!! Looking forward to sharing the day with a wonderful group... on our menu for the day, crystals, Angelic candle magick, psychometry to name a few..... interested? Pop on to our website and register your interest for the next one
01.01.2022 Let's continue developing your inner ear and inner sight... Step 5 So this step is a bit similar to Step 4, but with a few major differences... Come back to your present situation and have a quick look at the problem you are facing. Look at it for a few seconds - 20 to 30 seconds, no more...Continue reading
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