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Mahaloforwellness in Victor Harbor, South Australia | Yoga studio

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Locality: Victor Harbor, South Australia

Phone: +61 404 834 024

Address: Lot 440 Hindmarsh esplanade, Hayborough 5211 Victor Harbor, SA, Australia


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25.01.2022 Yoga tomorrow evening 6pm - 7pm @ Chiton Beach Cafe Bookings are essential (either sms 0404834024) or message on FB. Please follow covid safe regulations- if you are feeling unwell, notify ASAP re:cancelations. The Focus is on the 4th chakra- anahata - the heart chakra- a gentle heart opening sequence with elements of vinyasa flow

25.01.2022 Hope your evening is as chill as this little dude! the calm before the storm Namaste beautiful yogi friends

23.01.2022 I will be guiding a live, therefore, raw and real (gentle) 40 minute yoga class via Zoom for the awesome Southern Yogis - who have expressed they would like to still connect and practice together - it is our weekly time (shortened slightly) Please sign in at 5:50pm 1/4/20 (not an April fools!) the 10 minute waiting room will be a good opportunity to say hello to one another, to simply lay in savasana, passive breath awareness - class will commence at 6pm- anyone can join - It is nice to connect (albeit online) during uncertain times like this. So easy- create an account on Zoom - Click on the link below tomorrow at 5:50pm to join - set up your mat, incense, candle, laptop or phone - From my home to yours... with love... MAHALO xo

22.01.2022 See you on the mat Tuesday night 6pm - 7pm for a journey inwards- breathing space into the body and creating space in mind Chiton Rocks - Bookings Essential

21.01.2022 S O L A R P L E X U S thanks beautiful southern yogis for joining this evening - a class focused on unblocking the third chakra- which I am currently working on too! To feel more joy, happiness, confidence, health and happiness. R A D I A T E my fellow yogis, with this solar plexus affirmation I am confident in all that I do, I respect myself at all times and stand up for myself when necessary, I choose HEALTH, healing and happiness. I act in courage and strength and have infinite energy to live a wonderful life (shared in savasana this evening- an affirmation from a great ‘holistic living’ book I am reading- the yoga kitchen plan Kimberly Parsons) Much love and light and inner strength Next week- we focus on anahata- the Heart chakra #chakrayoga #mahaloforwellness #solarplexuschakra

20.01.2022 Apologies - class is canceled for tomorrow evening. Hope to see you next week xoxApologies - class is canceled for tomorrow evening. Hope to see you next week xox

20.01.2022 Southern Yogis... I have missed you! Good news, the club is in discussion and...fingers crossed looks like we may be back very soon On Tuesday evenings instead 6-7pm- with special COVID conditions- such as 10 people max, bookings required, 1.5 m spacing, good hygiene practices (always!) and showing respect for self and for others- if you’re feeling unwell- please stay away and rest up! Stay Tuned I am so excited to be teaching again and planning a beautiful Chakra 7 week course to re-balance and re-align ‘We are created as beings of energy. Mind, Body, Spirit all interconnect through energy. Specifically 7 energy centers called Chakras. These can be balanced, over active or under active. When we feel out of whack mentally, physically, emotionally one of these Chakras is unbalanced.’

19.01.2022 Y O G A is on Tuesday evening See you at 6-7pm Chiton Rocks creating space in our body and mind with and through the breath B O O K I N G S are essential (through FB or 0404834024) Please Follow Covid safe regulations. Mahalo

19.01.2022 Yoga is on tomorrow night 6pm-7pm Chiton Rocks SLSC - Focusing on unblocking the throat chakra- our communication channel- speak your truth Bookings are essential- a few spots left- please message 0404834024 or via FB. Please follow covid safe regulations and stay home if you are feeling unwell- See you then yogis

17.01.2022 Thanks to the beautiful yogis who joined in tonight’s class- adopting a beginners mindset, creating space in the mind to learn, grow, experience, release assumptions of how we think things will be and allowing ourselves to feel and to question, to allow what is, to be... I don’t know about you, but adopting a beginners mindset brings instant feelings of ease and space in the mind- to be curious like a child! I love that each week is different at our beautiful... shared location Chiton Rocks- and tonight, we stepped out of class to a beautiful full moon with a Halo did anyone else observe this and stop, curiously, in awe? If not- look out side now! As a new season begins- we focussed tonight on adopting a Beginner’s mind - a concept from Zen Buddhism called Shoshin: having an attitude of openness, eagerness, and lack of preconceptions when studying a subject, even when studying at an advanced level, just as a beginner in that subject would. As Shunryu Suzuki says in Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind: In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, in the expert’s mind there are few.

15.01.2022 Yoga Tuesday evening 6pm - maximum of 10- please book via Fb or 0404834024. We will be focusing on affirmations and asanas linked to unblocking energy around the crown chakra linked with higher consciousness, understanding and enlightenment- the ultimate state of being #oneness #thedivine #breathe Please Follow covid safe regulations - Mahalo

14.01.2022 Go inside and listen to your inner voice. Every question has an answer. Your soul is full of wisdom and knows the way. ~Yogi Bhajan Yoga Tuesday evening 6pm-7pm Chiton Rocks SLSC Please follow COVID safe regulations and book in via FB message or 0404834024 This week we will focus on asanas and affirmations related to the 6th energetic chakra- the Third Eye, Ajna- all about going within, connecting to our inner wisdom and intuition See you then southern yogis

14.01.2022 Hello fellow southern yogis, this yogi bear is practicing Ahimsa (non violence) and Satya (truthfulness) and taking a very much needed break for a week to disconnect to reconnect. Apologies for anyone wanting to book in this Tuesday the 7th- CLASS WILL BE BACK ON TUESDAY 14th July - peace, love and compassion xoxox

14.01.2022 Yoga tomorrow night 6pm-7pm Chiton Rocks SLSC. Please BOOK IN via Facebook/ phone message by 3:30pm TUESDAY. Max 10 per class- please follow the COVID safe regulations and stay home if you’re feeling unwell. Asanas and affirmations will be based on unblocking the third chakra- Solar Plexus- to feel the flow around feelings of JOY, confidence and courage Mahalo

11.01.2022 So pretty yoga is back on - thanks to the beautiful yogis who joined in last nights ANAHATA heart chakra class- next weeks will focus on the throat chakra- our communication channel. Please remember to book in to reserve your spot on the mat, as classes fill, capped at 10. Sms 0404 834 024 or message on Fb. Please follow covid safe regulations. See you next week

11.01.2022 Please practice from your own space tomorrow- class has been cancelled- back next week- with love and light xxxPlease practice from your own space tomorrow- class has been cancelled- back next week- with love and light xxx

10.01.2022 Class this TUESDAY 6pm-7pm will focus on asanas and affirmations related to the the Pelvic Chakra (Svadishthana) cultivating a sense of JOY, happiness and opening creativity channels within This chakra is held in our sacrum. It is our water center, home of the reproductive organs and our desires. When our consciousness moves freely through this area, we access our potential for self-healing. When this chakra remains asleep to our consciousness, we may be ruled by our attac...hments. Similar to the root chakra, asanas such as forward bends, hip-openers, deep lunges, and squats helps us bring our awareness to this center (Yoga Journal) Only two spots left - bookings are ESSENTIAL. Please contact 0404834024 or message here to book your spot. Please follow the COVID Safe guidelines (re: stay home if you are unwell, practice good hygiene and keep 1.5 m distance from others) MAHALO

09.01.2022 Hello Beautiful Southern Yogis, With happy hearts, we are glad to announce that WEEKLY YOGA CLASSES ARE BACK AS OF THIS TUESDAY 6 PM-7 PM Chiton Rocks SLSC $10 pp. Please follow the COVID safe regulations. Max 10 per class so bookings are ESSENTIAL (either message on here or 0404834024, before Tuesday 12 pm) Classes over the next seven weeks will be focused on re-balancing chakras starting from the root 'grounding' chakra - to invoke feelings of; safety, security and reduce feelings of fear. So important after the unsettling times we have all endured. I look forward to seeing you then and hearing from you soon to book in! MAHALO

08.01.2022 Nice to be back and see a almost full class 1.5 m spaced! As I heard, a few of us have been out of sync (covid) with our regular yoga routines / a gentle reminder to keep stretching between classes/ take a warm epsom bath and get some good sleep / if you have not been practicing there may be some muscle soreness DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) Practice with ahimsa- non violence to our physical bodies (and mentally) knowing your own bodies boundaries. Namaste Tonight’s focus was on grounding/ the base root chakra (affirming- I am grounded, I am safe and I am protected by the universe) I look forward to seeing you next week to focus on the sacral chakra please book in to reserve your spot for next Tuesday x

08.01.2022 Due to government COVID regulations- Classes halted until further notice- hope you all find a nice way to enjoy your day of find some JOY in the day Keep safe lovelies

07.01.2022 It was a HOT yoga class this evening with this stunning view, stillness and serenity - reminded me of Bali with some sandlewood incense and good vibes Namaste see you next week at the new time of 5pm xox

06.01.2022 How gorgeous! This little pup has always got a spot on the mat #yogainspo Thanks southern yogi’s for the beautiful energy shared in tonight’s class- please book in for next Tuesday- focus will be on asanas and affirmations linked to the solar plexus/ Manipura chakra. Maximum of 10 people (due to COVID safe regulations) Please stay away if you are unwell and please let me know via sms MAHALO X

03.01.2022 Grateful to share the gift of Yoga with a beautiful group of ladies and to this pretty spectacular view Chiton Rocks #stunning #breatheinabundance #exhalescarcity

02.01.2022 Beautiful energy shared and vibrations raised in last nights class- focusing on the throat chakra- Trust in the process- Speak you truth I love Tuesday evenings and the little community of yogis- Mahalo Do one thing today that makes your heart smile and and feel you are speaking your truth, living authentically- even if that means an affirmation to say so (I speak my truth openly and honestly, I live authentically) let it sink into the subconscious Next week will be focusing on the third eye chakra - intuition, wisdom, inner guidance- often referred to as our 6th sense Bookings essential - see you then love this happy post class snap shared by the beautiful, happy, bright soul Bec Peters Photography (taken by Emmy!) xo

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