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21.01.2022 "Whenever there is a decline in righteousness, and a rise in unrighteousness prevails, then do I manifest myself, O Bhaarata." Bhagavad Gita Verse 7, Chapter 4
19.01.2022 "THE SATANIC WAR TO DESTROY DHARMA" We are under attack as a human race by Satanic Forces which are bent on destroying Dharma or Righteousness, this is an attempt to take the Creation from the Creator ushering in Demonic Rule. It is of utmost importance to take the beautiful gift offered by Her Holiness Shri Mataji, it is free and it awakens Kundalini within us ! By Her Grace you move to a higher state of awareness rising into new levels of consciousness. When Shri Krishna... was on Earth the Mahabharata took place to save Dharma, it was fought between the evil Kauravas and the righteous Pandavas, millions died and Dharma was saved. Today the same, but much more extensive War is taking place with the enemies of Dharma trying to destroy Chastity and Innocence, it is happening at all levels, attacking both adults and children, we are all under attack. Shri Mataji came to save us by awakening our Kundalini, She as the Mother Goddess who travelled globally triggering hundreds of thousands of Kundalini's in many Nations. These awakened Souls are called Yogis or Yoginis. It is their good fortune to have the ability to awaken Kundalini in Seekers of a counteraction to the Satanic attempt to demonise the human race. One needs to realise the Self through Self Realisatrion or Kundalini Awakening, then we become alert to the fact we live in perilous times. The very integrity of human life is in danger as the flooding of Adharma spills into human consciousness. The USA is the Land of Shri Krishna and it is the battlefield where the attack is focused, it is becoming disrupted by demonic forces which have been secretly weakening Dharma over the years. William Blake warned that the Media will corrupt the minds of the masses, so now we live in that happening where humanity accepts the News as valid, despite the falsehood being delivered daily. It is Judgement Day and we who were given "free will" make choices that direct our future destination, be it Hell or Heaven. Time is short however Self Realisation is still FREE and available. Thank's to the visitation by The Holy Spirit in Person we can ask and receive the Cool Wind of The Holy Ghost. Simply put your open hands to one of the Photographs of Shri Mataji and ask Her " Shri Mataji please give me my Self Realisation " The cool breeze upon our hands or out of the top of the Head indicates that Kundalini has risen up through the Central Channel. It is confirmation of the happening taking place ! That puts the recipient into a higher state of consciousness and one then uses maintenance of the Chakras to increase the flow of Kundalini. Many many have received this blessing and have become generators of cool vibrations, please join us to defeat the Dark Side. The New Age is ahead and is called Satya Yuga, it is inevitable and will come soon, be onboard for the Age of Aquarius. Jai Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Ki Jai
15.01.2022 Shri Jnaneshwar was a great contributor to the understanding of Kundalini and He wrote the first incredible description of the passage of Kundalini after She is awakened in the individual. The Jnaneshwari helps us comprehend the beloved Bhagavad Gita which is a treasure house of the words spoken by Shri Krishna to Arjuna before the battle that took place to save Dharma. Jnaneshwar was born near Pune in 1271 and wrote extensively before taking sanjivani samadhi at the age of 2...Continue reading
09.01.2022 Beware the 6 enemies of man. Lust or desire (Sanskrit: ) Kama Anger (Sanskrit: ) Krodha Greed (Sanskrit: ) Lobha... Delusion (Sanskrit: ) Moha Arrogance (Sanskrit: ) Mada ego or pride Jealousy (Sanskrit: ) Matsarya envy or jealousy Beware the seven social media enemies !! Clever - ha ha!!
03.01.2022 The Rider on the White Horse: Kalki Avatara of Mind (the One Collective Being) "The tenth and last Incarnation of Adi Vishnu will be created on the Primordial Brain (Sahasrara) and will be known as Shri Kalki. This will be a Collective Being created through Sahaja Yoga during the Kaliyuga by the Incarnation of Adi Shakti as the Great Illusion (Mahamaya). She will take a human birth with all Her powers to promote the entry of humanity into the Golden Age or Age of Aquarius (Sa...tya Yuga). This is the Age in which the Kingdom of God is to be established on earth. Through Her compassionate action within this world, the Collective Being is already beginning to emerge today, formed by all the realized souls who collectively are merging themselves into God's consciousness. The power of Kalki is known as Mahamaya because She is a great illusion. She is absolutely humane, but expresses the three integrated powers of Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati. She exhibits Her powers to the masses by giving mass Self-realization, by which seekers enter the realm of collective consciousness. This can be said to be the most significant event in the history of spiritual evolution because, in it, the whole creation, under the guidance of Divine Love, begins to return to its source which is Divine Love. The awakening of Kalki began the day this Incarnation of Adi Shakti took human form. Individuals poured onto the earth as souls in search of reality: people who were affluent started abandoning materialism; many gave up all old ideas of luxury and comfort, and took to a simpler lifestyle. Those who get their Self-realization in this Age will be the white-robed horsemen who will enter the Kingdom of God as promised in scriptures of many faiths. The rest will be destroyed. Thus a new world of living collective consciousness will be born.