Main Beach Association | Community
Main Beach Association
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24.01.2022 Found!
24.01.2022 Great photography!
23.01.2022 Watershed moment, but that is no shed. It's a monstrosity.
23.01.2022 From the GC Bulletin last week.
17.01.2022 Survey from Griffith uni about Gold Coast 600 Hey guys! I just wanted to post a link regarding a study I’m currently involved with at Griffith University. Obviously due to COVID-19, the Gold Coast 600 next month has unfortunately been cancelled, and so Griffith University students are collecting data to help the QLD Government uncover some of the host community’s perceptions regarding the event. All with the aim of equipping event organisers with the ability to come back b...igger and stronger in 2021. Essentially we’re hoping for some Surfers Paradise residents to provide us with a really accurate data sample regarding the economic and social impacts felt re. Gold Coast 600 Supercars weekend. There’s just over ten questions and will only take 2-3 mins of your time! Your help is greatly appreciated! Have a great weekend Andrew Phillips
17.01.2022 Helicopter Feedback from the Bulletin.
15.01.2022 Has the City Plan been thrown out with the trash? Whilst the protection it offered the community against inappropriate development continued to be progressively... eroded, at least we still had a Plan, yet Council appears to be disregarding it in favour of developers’ interests. We invite you to join Community Alliance in our mission to ensure that a better balance is achieved in our City Plan. The first of our town hall meetings is being held online October 8 at 7pm. This one-hour webinar with Q & A will provide information on these issues and the actions you can take to improve the future of your city. We hope you will join us. Please register by following this link: Learn more by visiting our website: Please SHARE this post. #ACE
12.01.2022 COVID-19 PUBLIC HEALTH ALERT: More locations have been added to a health alert link to confirmed cases in Queensland. Gold Coast University Hospital’s Fever Cli...nic, Southport is now on the list, a person later testing positive attended the clinic between 7-7:20pm on Wednesday 26th August View the full list of locations here >> If you visited this location at this time or soon thereafter, please monitor your health carefully. If you start to show any symptoms at all, please call your GP or 13 25 84 and organise a test immediately.
10.01.2022 Have your say Main Beach! Gold Coast Waterways Authority want to know what you think about The Spit design and identity concepts before community consultation c...loses next Friday, 4th September Tell them what you like / dislike about each of these design concepts. From there, they will incorporate your feedback into the final concept so The Spit has an identity we can all be proud of. You’ll see the design used for signage, street furniture, public arts and social media etc To check out the concepts and provide your feedback click here >> << Or email GCWA [email protected]
09.01.2022 Below is an email from Gold Coast Waterways Authority (GCWA) We’re excited to be bringing the community’s vision for The Spit to life, with implementation of th...e Master Plan now in full swing! Construction is underway Work has begun on the Moondarewa Spit foreshore improvements and the Seaway Promenade. Both projects will be finished in time for the Christmas holidays. Key features include the addition of shelters and viewing spots for watching the sunrise at the end of the Seaway Promenade and the sunset over the water from Moondarewa Spit, which we’re sure will become must-see destinations. There's a great 3D Fly-Through of the final design concepts on our website here. Placemaking & identity strategy The team has been working with the Department of State Development, the City of Gold Coast and the Queensland Government Architect’s office on two placemaking concepts for The Spit. Burleigh Heads based design agency, Relative Creative, has been selected to develop the designs which are currently open for consultation. Building on the standards established through The Spit Public Realm Guidelines, the final placemaking identity will be threaded through the precincts as projects roll out, giving The Spit its own unique brand. In the future you’ll see this incorporated on things such as signage, social media posts and even street furniture. We’re turning it over to you, the Gold Coast community, to tell us what you think about them. From there, we’ll incorporate your feedback into the final concept so The Spit has an identity we can all be proud of. Once the consultation period closes on 4 September your feedback will be used by the team leading the design process, to inform the look and feel of the final design concepts. Let us know what you think here. The Spit Shared Pathway, Seaworld Drive Construction is nearing completion for the final stages of the Seaworld Drive Shared Pathway project. The 1.5 kilometre pathway provides a continuous pedestrian and cycling link from Doug Jennings Park to the beginning of Sea World Resort. The project is being undertaken by the Department of State Development, Tourism and Innovation and has seen the installation of striking sandstone boulders and landscaping of 125 trees, 715 shrubs as well as feature plants. Once established, they will create a green corridor along the pathway. Village Centre South site release The Spit Master Plan identified a number of undeveloped state-owned land parcels to be released to the market for commercial development. The first of these, a 9842m2 site in the Village Centre South precinct adjacent to Mariner’s Cove Marina, has undergone a two-stage competitive bid process, led by the Department of State Development, Tourism and Innovation. Detailed proposals are currently being assessed. As always, please get in touch if you have any questions. Hal Morris Chief Executive Officer Gold Coast Waterways Authority [email protected]
09.01.2022 Your vote counts!
09.01.2022 Who is responsible for the mess that is the City Plan Amendment process? Community Alliance representatives viewed Council’s Planning and Environment Committee ...discussions on the delay on the City Plan Amendments package 2 and 3 and was left with the impression that no one was called to account for the mess that has been created with this package and that liveability and amenity of our city remains at risk. Despite Councillors saying they want to uphold the policy intent of the amendments, it appears that some sections of the package have to be modified in some way to be clearer and not trigger lots of court appeals. The quality of discussion did not fill the Community Alliance with confidence that Councillors knew what they were talking about. In the meantime will we continue to see approvals of developments that give developers excessive relaxations of City Plan conditions? It appears that about 30% of current approvals would still be approved under the amendments, the rest require either redesign or would be rejected. So what does that say about current approvals that they ignore community amenity? The proposed and vaguely expressed modifications of the package means further work by the planning officers and that once again the community will be required to examine the changes at public consultation in 2021. It is hoped that the consultation will be a big improvement on the hopeless pop-up shopping centre process that occurred last time. Council should have the expertise for quality public consultation and not require not-or-profit organisations like Community Alliance to provide expert information at public meetings. The delay in sending the package, as agreed by the community, to the State Government for approval was triggered by a letter by the Property Council of Australia claiming that the amendments that improved outcomes in relation to height, density, setbacks, landscaping and deep planting, car parking and community open space, would impact negatively on developers ‘feasibility’. Community Alliance translates this as profitability. Under past City Plans developers managed to make profits and provide decent levels of density, height, setbacks and landscaping, so what has changed? It isn’t Covid because by the time we ever get this package approved in at least 24 months Covid will be irrelevant. It was a large package with 34 amendments of which about 17 related to improvements in amenity and liveability. It went out for public consultation 3 times and there were a record number of submissions, largely the result of the informative public meetings held by the Community Alliance. Council must be held to account for this situation. #ACE
08.01.2022 30 /08/2020 Another load of waffle in support of Light Rail in Saturday’s GC Bulletin. Light Rail Integral to city future. Matthew Schneider from Urbis is agai...n promoting development at the cost of amenity and the liveability of those who live along the tram line. His claim is that the GC Highway is strangling the city’s connectivity and productivity. Prioritising it as a route for light rail rather than private cars is claimed to be one of the best things for the city. How Mr Schneider comes to this conclusion is questionable. Next he claims that making the GC Highway a boulevard will make the suburb a better place. The GC Highway will never be a boulevard for people to stroll along. It will have trams running at 7.5 minute intervals with traffic bumper to bumper, one lane of traffic running each way. Mr Schneider believes that his spin will gloss over the effect the tram will have on traffic through Palm Beach. To see the true detrimental effect of one lane each way, one has to go to Queen Street Southport between Nerang & Wardoo Street on bin collection day. Taking 8.5 metres out of the width of the GC highway will restrict it back to one lane each way making flows difficult and restricting traffic flow between the bottom of the GC and Burleigh. Apart from the M1 the only bridges are on the roads proposed for the tram line. Mr Schneider makes much of using the M1 for travel . There is no advantage to the southern end , by the widening of the M1 by a further two lanes and then restricting the GC Highway to one lane each way. The M1 widening does not improve traffic flow through Palm Beach , It is all about improving traffic flow on the M1 for border traffic He overlooks that there are at least 20,000 people living south of Burleigh along the proposed Light Rail Line, and there will be many more if he has his way. Many of those people have cars and the GC Highway is their only access, to their properties, and direct access to Burleigh. They don’t need to drive out to the M1 to go to Burleigh , and they certainly won’t be getting rid of their cars, to swap to light rail that doesn’t in most cases, take them to the places they want to go. A throwaway line, like we could maybe turf Cavill Mall shows his lack of knowledge of how and where grass will grow. Shadows and foot traffic would see it destroyed before it established roots. Frankly Surfers has been stuffed by the tram, high rise, & over development, which Mr Schneider wants to perpetuate right along the coastal strip, using the tram as his best method of achieving that goal. Urbis, and a select group of UDIA members were chosen by the mayor to be on his Technical Advisory Committee when he first became mayor . This was a committee that met in secret with no tabled agenda and no notes kept . The members of that group had a big part in forming the City Plan as it now stands . This same committee was supposedly disbanded before the last election. It is no longer listed in the councils committee list. Members of the group involved would seem to still claim entitlement , and continuously , with GC Bulletin reporter support , try to sabotage the intent of Amendments 2 & 3 of the new City Plan that has taken 3 years and several community consultations to arrive at. The Light Rail does not connect the city nodes, it only connects the beaches and disenfranchises the residents who have to travel along sections of the G C Highway The claim that you won’t see 10 story building on a cul-de-sac is technically incorrect. Magnoli a 12 storey , 173 apartment development with a number of attached villas is mainly accessed by Brooke Ave which runs off Nineteenth Ave , less than 100metres from the intersection with the GC Highway, which Mr Schneider wants to turn into a major thoroughfare. The development lobby is about over development on ever smaller blocks of land. Prime examples are a proposed 37 storey building on a 839 sq metre block at Main Beach and 26 storeys on another 899 square metre block at Main Beach, using the proximity of the tram which is hundreds of metres away, as the excuse for this over development of small sites. These sites aren’t on a light rail line. The development lobby with Mr Schneider of Urbis as it’s front , seems intent on turning anywhere along or near light rail, into a picket fence of concrete buildings, so close that many of the adjoining properties and residences will be in shadow for at least one half of every day . Quote, page 36 GC Bulletin. We have done ourselves a disservice in some respects by not confronting head on the realities of the light rail The community have faced the reality of light rail head on, The tram is about rampant development , but the development lobby seem have the ear of Council and Government , who appear to value the dollar more than they do the people who voted them into office. See more
07.01.2022 Interesting question
07.01.2022 Let's hope developers destroying the character of Main Beach are taking note of this trend.
02.01.2022 Across the Gold Coast development is being approved by Council that that bears no resemblance to the requirements of the City Plan and any hope of things seem to have disappeared when Council, in response to pressure by developer lobby groups, decided to pause the implementation of the community’s hard-fought amenity improvements contained in City Plan Amendments 2 & 3. Is what the developers want of greater importance to our Council than what the community wants? Community Alliance is saying it is time for change. We feel sure that you are not comfortable to stand by and witness your residential amenity being stolen before your eyes. We invite you to join us in our mission to ensure that a better balance is achieved in our City Plan. The first of our town hall meetings is being held online October 8 at 7pm. This one-hour webinar with Q & A, will provide information on these issues and the actions you can take to improve the future of your City. We hope you will join us. Please register by following this link: Learn more by visiting our website: #ACE
01.01.2022 01/09/2020 In Yesterdays GC Bulletin on line there was an article , rehashed in today’s, about there being a need for a car park for each bedroom in all dev...elopments, and about there being 609,000 vehicles not including trailers , bikes caravans, etc . for the 625,000 plus, residents that call the Gold Coast home. That was real news . Mr Vorsters comments did not meet the one car or less per unit being pushed by developers along the Light Rail line And it did not prove that the Light Rail had done anything to remove cars from the city. What the article did say was that people who caught Light Rail still owned a car and that their car or cars were left at home in the garage, or in many cases on the street. Hermann Vorster is one Gold Councillor who has finally seen the light at last. The community have been crying out about the cars that are often parked in their street, denying them the right to have friends and relatives visit. Mr Vorster was of the 5:30 pm Nine News 31/08/2020 last night saying that developments should have one car space per bedroom. He went on to say that there were often unrelated people renting properties who each had a car and there was insufficient on property parking. Now that statement will obviously cause a major stir for council and developers. Imagine the cost to unit developers if they had to provide one car space per bedroom. Buildings would be smaller, the setbacks would be greater , they would not be able to use the 50% allowance, put 26 & 37 storey buildings on small lots. Build multi storey high rise on house blocks. The 37 storey was submitted by Urbis. MCU2020354 Developers would have to amalgamate blocks to give them the space that would be required. We would have to go back to the previous Main Beach Style developments. The city residents would again have room to breathe. It would throw the present City Plan into total disarray. At present, developers are developing lots from as small as 250 sq metres, 10 metre frontage . Other lots are 12 metres wide, 360 & 400 sq metres, the garage door must be 6 metres back, but the front entry / rooms of the house can be as close as 4.5 metres to the street . This is being allowed in streets, where, with a car parked either side a garbage truck or fire appliance can’t fit between them. If cars are parked half on or across the foot path, council can fine them. There are many inconsistencies, in what council are foisting on the residents of the city. All the larger lots in the city are being cut up into 400 sq. metre lots. There is an application in today’s GC Bulletin for two lots at Paradise Point to be cut into three. These would be the old 600 sq metre plus, lots that used to be the minimum requirement, now being redeveloped for three houses perhaps with 4 bedrooms each. Application Reference: Zone Planning ROL/2020/65 There could be as many as 15 cars attached to the development . Mum dad and three grown up kids in each house, then friends visit , or the girl friend, or boy friend stay over , or there are visitors, more cars. The same scenario applies, with medium density , and high rise. What about the holiday house, Air B & B, or the high rise, when multiple families rent units, and also have visitors. Matt Schneider in the last GC Advocate post 30/08/2020 said he is not afraid to debate development. In today’s Letter s to the Editor John Hicks of ACE Community Alliance has offered to have that meaningful debate about Light Rail. To date developers & council have been hiding behind rules and regulations that council have introduced in favour of development , They also use the fact that most objectors cannot afford to take the council to court, to ride rough shod over community values. Council have shown no interest in addressing the overcrowding of suburbs and the moral and social issues, that come as a result. It is a case of Don’t ask the question that you don’t want to know the answer to. See more
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