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Maine Man | Home improvement

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Maine Man

Phone: +61 497 686 063


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to load big map

25.01.2022 Nice couple of days replacing rotten out posts on a deck in Maldon and extending with adjoining checked in beams for the owner to grow some plants over.

23.01.2022 Just a little update that Maine Man has had to charge a little more than our old rate from now on. Reason is our team has expanded and have Andy on board for most jobs with me and his skill set and ability has come leaps and bounds. With Andy I am now 2 and a half times faster than use to be,, so end of the day the final coat isn't that much different. Also we are running 2 trailers loaded with tools that we have invested all your appreciated hard earned coin into instead of ...going on a surf trip to Bali. No you won't find me down the pub blowing it, not buying a new truck either and just investing in this little business that is going really well and we are stoked to do what we do. These tools have made us a lot faster than we use to be as well and can now take on a lot of the bigger jobs that I once wasn't able too on my own. For all our old regulars who have given us a stack load of your coin and got us to where we are at we will always sharpen the pencil for you a bit and Andy is taking on a lot of those little quick jobs to keep it real for all of us. Still though hard to beat our price for the work we do. Still forever grateful for every job done that's got us here. Cheers See more

20.01.2022 Hey big merry xmas to everyone. Big thanx for the work and support. Bless you all. My last little creation is this baby before knocking off for xmas. Nice to have been able to get creative with mediums I love to combine, steel and wood and the skills of welding, carpentry, some up cycling and urban fencing.... Plus good to work from home for a bit and build some art. Steel frame main and entry gate, 2 packed in black zinc with gal mini orb and spotted gum paneling. Made itself up as it happened with a guideline but no real plan. Adds the extra creative kick that way. Stoked. Proud. See more

19.01.2022 Great week this week working with Andy cladding a ceiling of a studio. Bit of improvisation on this one. Firstly we inverted and attached steel top hats to the existing ones to give us an easy way to put in our batons and also allowed for more room for insulation so it could be packed out to atleast 175mm. We then used 12mm sheets of A grade ply which gave us perfect joins on our sheets and then got creative covering the steel beam and we are all pretty stoked with the final ...finish and the final missing piece was the Centre inlay of a bit of cypress I found and ripped to slot in and make a feature. What is a problem can always be made a feature. Back next week to do the next adjoining room the same. See more

19.01.2022 Stage one of a decent little spa deck going in using cypress posts.

18.01.2022 Stage 2 of spa deck complete with all bearers checked into posts for support with stumps at every 1200 and joists every 350 and double 190x45 bearers through the centre to take the weight of the spa. Came in 2mm out of square but will call that 2mm difference on the post diameter. Really enjoyed working on this on my own with some cracking days of weather, great view, kelpies and some good tunes Whole thing completed in about four days total.

16.01.2022 People often ask me if I do plaster,,,,,, noooo I'm a Carpenter not a plasterer and here's my answer to plaster. Loving this. This is a previous job where we put up a ceiling on a shed and now put in a large storage cupboard with a bathroom area and extra storage area above that. Looking pretty sweet and back tomorrow to put a window in the bathroom and will follow up with completion of bathroom once plumbers have done their bit next week. Even knocked up our own doors, jambs... and a funky latch. Gap free joins and lots of love. Pride. Recognition to Andy who has been putting in the hours and yards to learn my sometimes unorthodox ways of carpentry but all about giving it the love. Done some lovely work bruz. Make it to last, make it strong, make it reusable and be able to stand back and look at it for longer than most will and be proud. See more

13.01.2022 I love this combination of timbers. Opposites but go well together for these kind of external little numbers and arbors and such in the garden as they go well with a bit of green and a blue sky. Top head rail was originally gate post that was to small to hold weight of the gate and was grey and dry so pulled it out replaced it with a cypress post and sanded back original post to bring out its character and turned it into the head rail to support gate post and a stunning but heavy gate. Bit of oil and a quick, simple, standout little fix job.

13.01.2022 Just hand picked these beauty's out for their character to make a little freestanding arbor (about 1200x1200) that will have some nice hardwood in it I have reclaimed along with a reclaimed timber deck. Once done I'll oil it up, post some pics and put it up for sale and deliver to whom ever gets in first.

12.01.2022 Ok here's an idea trendsetters. Calling this TOP Tradies Tradies Over Plastic. There's many myriads to this story but in a nutshell. So I been in the construction game for a while and learnt a lot myself and off many others but most influential on experience worked for many years with a nailbag builder. ... A bloody hardworking super skilled legend of a man who could and did everything from the ground up. Basically meaning he was hands on builder and I was the only one who was on the tools with him and old school we did everything in a build. Now as much as it was freaking awesome to learn and do every bit ourselves I was pretty blown out by the wastage in a new build. Just the packaging is a few skip loads,,, so not old school I know. Anyway point is I am grateful for the skills I learnt but was pretty torn at the time with what I was doing as was more inspired by builds like what Mike Reynolds was doing (Earth-ships) and if you don't know him then check out the film 'Garbage Warriors' I think I had this on replay in my home for years when I lived in NQ,,, his designs fascinated me but his concept more so. Anyway point of this whole blah blah and what rattles my chain is what if here in Castlemaone we had a page (directory) of Tradies that tried their best to minimize their carbon footprint on the work they do. Very difficult to be perfect but atleast being environmentally conscious about what we are doing. This is one of many reasons why I run solo. Anyway my idea is TOP Tradies fb page. A directory to environmental conscious Tradies of any type. Willing to make a creation myself if you think it's a good idea or have any other ideas to names etc, rah rah. TOP Tradies is just a concept. Also I'm good on tools but a bit yer a bit technologically disadvantaged,,,, so shout out if your keen to get something like this up and going. I love what so many Tradies are doing around here. I love we have Fred and his Tiny Homes and many others and Annie and Matt at the Salvage Yard. I'm not competitive,,, just in admiration of so many conscious Tradies around here and even more so,,,,,,, conscious clients. Thank you. Get in touch. About looking after our backyard together. See more

12.01.2022 Few after and before shots of a neat little fence and gate with a couple of screens in this lovely garden using some old corri the client had laying around.

12.01.2022 This afternoon was chatting with clients and friends about homes and briefly mentioned our old bus and got me thinking and reflecting. Loved this old girl and this was our personal project and our home for a few years. If your into bus conversions then I created this beauty on a shoe string budget with a stack load of upcycling. Even taking Cherie's prized furniture into the shed and pulling it apart and giving it a new life. This beast was solar powered with hot water shower..., toilet and all the comforts of a home squeezed into a small space that travelled. Dream lived, blessed. Thinking of a bus conversion then give me a hoy. Cheers See more

12.01.2022 Final coat down this morning and looks awesome. Clients chose a great colour in the concrete paint to bring it all together. We loved this job and now onto our next one building a pergola in town.

11.01.2022 Sunday crazy idea workshop day. Bit of a quick knock up this morning making a kitchen knife for my sons birthday next weekend out of an old saw blade and a off cut of timber. Few hours and all up cycling so far. Still in early stages and will come up a treat with a bit of love.

06.01.2022 Quick little cypress post and rail fence job for the end of the week to get this place all legit and new top border around wicking beds that were collapsing to strengthen them up and prolong their life.

06.01.2022 Nice little pergola stage one complete

05.01.2022 Warming up for 2020. Know I'm a little on the back foot after an injury last year and humbly admitted a bit of struggle I found myself in in my own mindset end of last year. Ré évaluation and time out has given me new perspective to what this is all really about for me. As you can see I'm certainly not new age with spreadsheets and all and actually like my time at the end of the day with pen and paper, plans, notes, more plans and notes and quotes and numbers and plans and re...plans, invoices and so on. I like the feel of pencil to paper rather than tapping a keyboard. But Respect to those solo operators who answer calls, run about, do the quotes, the books, the order, the management and at the same time wear a nail bag with a level and a drill in either hands and a pencil in your mouth with a post between your legs. Not this kinda post. For some strange reason I really love all the above. Usually sweating like a pig or freezing cold and sometimes blessed in the corpuscual seasons of those perfect days. Also on another note most know I teamed up with Andy last year but have decided to go out on my own again this year and run solo and with no disrespect to Andy in any way but just because for some strange reason I like doing my own thing with a bit of help here and there. That's just me and learning to be true to myself and what I love but love me mate Andy and he'll always be on my share work/overflow list and highly recommend him always along with a few others within the scope of works that suits them, you,,, and that keeps you and them happy. Here's to a new year. Keeping it real, keeping it honest. Give a thought to solo tradies who do free quotes and give some heart and soul to a job. Actually not always such a good business model but it's cool when we love what we do. Why I love Castlemaine. Heaps on both sides of the spectrum. Appréciation. Feel it every day here. Love my work See more

05.01.2022 Awesome little community event/gathering happening in Castlemaine 23rd of Feb for those of you on the West Side. If your around Gingel Street, Farnsworth that kinda area then have a look into this event. Way forward. Will try again and share link soon Look it up though and you will find it on fb... Cheers. See more

02.01.2022 Check out the size of that fireplace to the scaff. The epic ness of this becoming home is something else and this is just a small taste of. The grandeur I know is to come is pretty mind blowing. Pretty stoked to be a little part of it. We just put up battens and lining boards on the ceiling of this room.... Came up real nice and took the time to scribe boards in around the chimney. Praise the workmanship of the craftsman who built that mega beauty. Anyway a few before and after shots of what we have been up too. Dream away and be inspired. See more

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