Mainly Music Dickson | Community group
Mainly Music Dickson
Phone: +61 2 6248 8705
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30.01.2022 Let's try again for the playground in Forde! Hopefully the weather is on our side this week!! This will be our LAST WEEK of Mainly Music (in it's alternate form) for this year. Come and join us for a last hurrah! Where: Heritage Park playground, Francis Forde Blvd, Forde Time: 10am-11.30am Wednesday 15/12/2021... What: Informal play and catch up What should I bring: Please bring whatever your child needs, including a hat & sunscreen, your own morning tea and water. What if I can’t find you? Call me or send me a text at 0402 054 425 and we’ll help you find the group! All welcome! See more
25.01.2022 We are busily preparing for term 4 at Mainly Music Dickson. In order to allow our Mainly Music families to have enough space to dance around and enjoy the session, we are moving to a termly sign up from next term. Due to the popularity of the sessions, we have already reached capacity. If you would like to go on a waiting list, so you can be contacted if and when a space becomes available, please send us a message.
25.01.2022 Do you want to come and make a gingerbread house with us? This year Dickson Baptist Church are running a separate event for mainly music families: Saturday 5th December, 10am - 12pm at Dickson Baptist Church $28/kit, includes gingerbread, icing, mixed lollies, baseboard, wrapping & ribbon; Choose from original gingerbread, gluten-free or chocolate... "Take-away" kits also available Please RSVP to Azelia (or send us a message on FB) by 18th November (next week!!) - We'd love to have you along!
25.01.2022 Mainly Music is back for the new term TODAY. Join us with your little one; 9:45am at Dickson Baptist Church. I’m really looking forward to seeing everyone.
22.01.2022 We are looking forward to Music starting up again tomorrow, 9:45am. We will be moving through to the bigger room to give plenty of space for everyone to join in our music session.
21.01.2022 Need an extra dose of Mainly Music in your day? This one's only available until Friday, so you'll need to be quick!
21.01.2022 Great to see everyone today. I hope your little ones all enjoy the little Easter gift. Just a reminder that we have two weeks break now, however Dickson Baptist Church has two special Easter Services. 1. On Good Friday (19th April) we are having a Service of Shadows at 7:30pm. This is a great chance for the grown ups to have some time to reflect on Easter. 2. On Easter Sunday (21st April) at 9:30am, we have a Celebration Service and free community BBQ. We look forward to celebrating Easter with you and your family.
21.01.2022 A quick reminder. Mainly Music will be open this morning as a free playgroup. Please BYO morning tea and come and have a play and a chat. The music sessions will start again on Wednesday 6th Feb.
21.01.2022 Want to support a local restaurant, and one of our Mainly Music families? Get on down to Polo Restaurant, for some tasty pierogi (handmade Polish style dumplings), which you can cook up at home!
20.01.2022 It’s a Mainly Music Day! Come and join us at 9:45am at Dickson Baptist Church.
19.01.2022 Hi everyone! We are taking a break over the school holidays, and using this time to prepare our sessions for next term - get excited, they're going to be great!! In the meantime, here's the Easter mini-session that have put together for you to do with your kids. Enjoy!...
18.01.2022 Tomorrow, we are going to meet up at the Crace playground 10am-11.30am for an informal play. Crace is great for riding bikes and scooters as well as play equipment for all ages, so bring along your gear if you want to make use of that (and I have on good authority that there is a coffee shop nearby!) All welcome. Bring your own morning tea, and warm clothes! See you there!
18.01.2022 We are really looking forward to our Family Friendly Christmas Carols on Sunday. We would love to see all our Mainly Music families coming and joining in the fun.
17.01.2022 We had a lovely time at the Christmas Carol Service on Sunday. Thank you so much to all our Mainly Music families who joined us. We will be having a special Christmas Mainly Music this week, please come along and enjoy some more Christmas music together.
17.01.2022 Join us this morning for the last Mainly Music before we have two weeks break for Easter. We’ve had a great term and are looking forward to Term 2 starting on Wednesday 1st May.
16.01.2022 Hello lovely families! Come and join us on Wednesday for our last session before the winter holiday. We have a special treat this week as we have someone coming along to do a puppet show for us during morning tea. I'm super excited! Hope to see you all there.
16.01.2022 We’ve had a lovely start to this term, catching up with friends and making new ones. Looking forward to seeing everyone again on Wednesday at 9:45am.
15.01.2022 Hi everyone! Just touching base with you all in this crazy time, to connect, and let you know the current plan. Mainly Music is still in operation for now, until we receive advice otherwise. For the time being, we are putting the following things in place:... If you or your child are sick, please do not come to Mainly Music. Please use the sanitiser available when you enter the building. Please make sure that your contact details are up to date at the welcome desk tomorrow, especially your email address. In the event that someone is diagnosed with Coronavirus we will contact everyone via email so that necessary steps can be taken. We are also asking visitors to leave their contact details so that we can get in touch if required. Morning tea will be served from the kitchen with utensils. Parents, please serve your children rather than allowing them to serve themselves. Please be diligent in matters of hygiene, hand washing, etc. Thanks for your help in keeping our community safe!
15.01.2022 We're looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow! Just a reminder that if you drive to Mainly Music, please park at Dickson Pool (free) or at Dickson Shops (paid). We are reserving the Dickson Baptist parking for the builders. Thanks for being patient!!
14.01.2022 We're back! We can't wait to see you all tomorrow for our first session of the year! If you haven't signed up yet for the term, we'd still love to see you tomorrow - there are a few spaces left, and we can sign you up in person tomorrow. Bring your dancing feet and your singing voices!
14.01.2022 Getting excited... less than a week until Mainly Music Dickson is back... Wednesday 6th Feb - 9:45am Is your little one ready to get back to routine and seeing friends? I know mine is!
14.01.2022 This Wednesday, we will be having lots of practice counting at our online session. There's still places available if you want to join in - just shoot us a message, and we'll send you the registration form! We'd love to see you there!
13.01.2022 Thanks to everyone who came out yesterday for a play at the playground, we had a great time!! As promised, here's the link for a mini music session, in lieu of doing Mainly Music online yesterday: Can you find two shakers - maybe you put something in small plastic containers - and something that will become 'long ears' for your head - for today's crazy session!...
13.01.2022 Play Date at John Knight Memorial Park TOMORROW (17th April), 10am Although we are on a break for school holidays, we are having an informal get together at John Knight Memorial Park in Belconnen. Feel free to join us at the Snakes and Ladders part, from 10am. Please BYO morning tea. If you need help spotting us, look out for Azelia's blue Mainly Music t-shirt. If for any reason we need to cancel, we will post an update here.... See you tomorrow!
12.01.2022 Just a reminder that next week is the last Mainly Music for the term. Here are the details of the next few weeks. Have a great Christmas everyone.
12.01.2022 Hi everyone! We're looking forward to singing and dancing with you all tomorrow! Just a quick reminder to park over at the pool (free) or shops (paid) until all the building work has finished. See you tomorrow!
12.01.2022 *UPDATE: No playground today due to rain* This Wednesday we’ll be meeting up at the Heritage Park playground in Forde, weather permitting! Come and join us! Where: Heritage Park playground, Francis Forde Blvd, Forde Time: 10am-11.30am Wednesday 8/12/2021... What: Informal play and catch up What should I bring: Please bring whatever your child needs, including a hat, your own morning tea and water. What if I can’t find you? Call me or send me a text at 0402 054 425 and we’ll help you find the group! All welcome! NB: There's rain forecast for Wednesday - We'll update this post if we need to reconsider due to weather. See more
12.01.2022 Excited for term 4? Mainly Music Dickson starts up again tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow if you are booked in for term 4. If not, if you’d like to go on our waiting list, please just let us know. Jo
12.01.2022 Parking Update! Due to the bathroom renovations happening at Dickson Baptist Church, the parking lot is currently reserved for the builders. Please do not park there, or on the grass beside it. Instead, there is free parking available at Dickson Pool (across the road), or paid parking at the Dickson Shops ... Mainly Music is STILL ON!! Thanks for your understanding
11.01.2022 Yay, after 4 wet Wednesdays in a row, today looks to be dry. Come along to Mainly Music for our last normal session for the year. Next week we are having a special Christmas Mainly Music.
11.01.2022 Term 1 kicks off on Wednesday, 5th Feb! Join us for music time with your kids, and a catch up and chat for the adults over morning tea whilst the kids play. Registrations for Term 1 2020 are open!! Contact Azelia: 0402 054 425, or send us a message here on FB.
11.01.2022 Hi Everyone! Tomorrow, we are meeting up at the Franklin Recreational Park for an informal play at 10am. All welcome. Bring your own morning tea, and warm clothes! See you there!
10.01.2022 Would you like to be a part of Mainly Music in Term 2? Let us know below, and we'll send you a registration form!
10.01.2022 Mainly Music starts back this Wednesday! We are kicking off with Animal Day - bring along your favourite stuffed toy animal, or even your pet if you have one! There will be an opportunity for you to introduce your animal to us all. Keep an eye on your inbox for the new Zoom link for this term. If you haven't yet signed up for this term, it's not too late - send us a message, and we'll get the registration form to you.
10.01.2022 Missing your regular activities over the summer? Wanting somewhere to catch up with your friends while the kids play? Mainly Music Dickson will be open on Wednesday from 9:45am for a play. There will be NO MUSIC SESSION, just toys, coffee and a chance to have a catch up. BYO morning tea and enjoy a relaxed play.
09.01.2022 Welcome to Term 3! For the first couple of weeks, we will be meeting in playgrounds, while we get set up to meet back in person for Music sessions! This week, we are meeting at the BLUE PLAY AREA at John Knight Memorial Park in Belconnen. Where: John Knight Memorial Park, Townsend Place, off Aikman Drive, Belconnen - meet at the blue play area. ... Time: 10-11.30am Wednesday 22/07/2020 What: Informal play and catch up What should I bring: Please bring whatever your child needs, including warm clothes, your own morning tea and water. Please note, there is water at this park, so maybe bring a change of clothes for your child! What if I can’t find you? Call me or send me a text at 0402 054 425 and we’ll help you find the group!
09.01.2022 Tomorrow is our LAST week of meeting in playgrounds! Last stop on the whirlwind tour of Canberra playgrounds, Yerrabi Ponds! Where: Yerrabi Ponds District Park, Wunderlich St, Gungahlin. Time: 10am Wednesday 29/07/2020... What: Informal play and catch up What should I bring: Please bring whatever your child needs, including warm clothes, your own morning tea and water. What if I can’t find you? Call me or send me a text at 0402 054 425 and we’ll help you find the group! Don't forget to register for Term 3 Mainly Music in-person!!
08.01.2022 Have you heard the news? We'll be starting back in-person from Wednesday 12th August!! Hooray! But spots are limited - you'll need to register. Follow the steps below! Step 1: We’ve made registering quick and easy (and non-contact!) just click here: Step 2: Wait for confirmation from one of our team. The number of spots are strictly limited, so we will let you know if we have placed you on the waiting list. Step 3: Week by week, confirm your attendance and pay via Event Brite (we will send you this link once you register).
06.01.2022 Those of you who joined Dickson Baptist Church for the carol service on Sunday will know that the Church has been collecting things for Christmas gift hampers for Karinya House. The children of DBC did a great job wrapping and packing the hampers. The hampers along with the money people donated at Sunday's carol service have been delivered to Karinya house. Thank you to everyone who contributed.
06.01.2022 Still thinking about coming along to make a gingerbread house? Let us know by THIS WEDNESDAY!! Details in the previous post
04.01.2022 We have made the difficult decision to suspend our Mainly Music sessions for the remainder of this term, in an effort to keep our community healthy. These are uncertain times, and we are likely to find ourselves at home more often, entertaining and caring for small people - if we ever have need for community and connection, it is now. We have created a private Facebook group for Mainly Music Dickson, so that we can continue to keep in touch with you all, and help each other out. Please do join this group, so we can support one another.
03.01.2022 Don't forget there is NO mainly music tomorrow or next week! Enjoy your winter break and we look forward to seeing you again on 24th July for the start of term 3
27.12.2021 We'd love to have you join us for our Carols Service on 12th December - it's outside on the lawn, and it's always such a fun evening! Details below
11.12.2021 This Wednesday we’ll be meeting up at the Yerrabi Ponds playground! Come and join us! Where: Yerrabi Ponds District Park, Wunderlich St, Gungahlin. Time: 10am-11.30am Wednesday 1/12/2021 What: Informal play and catch up... What should I bring: Please bring whatever your child needs, including a hat, your own morning tea and water. There's a mini-skate park here too, so bring along a scooter or bike and helmet if you'd like! What if I can’t find you? This week, keep an eye out for Tina, Lauren and Emily B. All welcome! NB: There's rain forecast for the afternoon. We'll update this post if we need to reconsider due to weather.
07.12.2021 ** No playground meet-up tomorrow due to sick kids** We will be on again next week though!
05.12.2021 Do you want to come and make a gingerbread house with us? Saturday 11th December, 10am - 12pm at Dickson Baptist Church $30/kit, includes gingerbread, icing, mixed lollies, baseboard, wrapping & ribbon;... Choose from original gingerbread, gluten-free or chocolate "Take-away" kits also available Orders close THIS FRIDAY!! Please RSVP to Azelia (or send us a message on FB) by 19th November - We'd love to have you along - Everybody welcome!
21.11.2021 Let's try again - the weather is looking better for tomorrow! Come and join us for a play at the Glebe Park Playground this week! Where: Glebe Park Playground, next to the Canberra Centre... Time: 10-11.30am Wednesday 17/11/2021 What: Informal play and catch up What should I bring: Please bring whatever your child needs, including sunscreen, a hat, your own morning tea and water (there is water play at this playground, so you may want to bring a change of clothes). What if I can’t find you? Call me or send me a text at 0402 054 425 and we’ll help you find the group! Everyone welcome!
11.11.2021 -- UPDATE: DUE TO RAIN WE WILL NOT BE MEETING THIS MORNING -- Come and join us for a play at the Glebe Park Playground this week! Where: Glebe Park Playground, next to the Canberra Centre... Time: 10-11.30am Wednesday 10/11/2021 What: Informal play and catch up What should I bring: Please bring whatever your child needs, including sunscreen, a hat, your own morning tea and water. What if I can’t find you? Call me or send me a text at 0402 054 425 and we’ll help you find the group! Everyone welcome!
31.10.2021 Over the next couple of weeks, we will be meeting up for an informal catch up in playgrounds on Wednesday mornings, whilst we wait to be able to welcome everyone back indoors to Mainly Music. This week, we are meeting at the BLUE PLAY AREA at John Knight Memorial Park in Belconnen. Where: John Knight Memorial Park, Townsend Place, off Aikman Drive, Belconnen - meet at the blue play area. ... Time: 10-11.30am Wednesday 03/11/2021 What: Informal play and catch up What should I bring: Please bring whatever your child needs, including sunscreen, a hat, your own morning tea and water. Please note, there is water at this park, so maybe bring a change of clothes for your child! What if I can’t find you? Call me or send me a text at 0402 054 425 and we’ll help you find the group! Everyone welcome!
19.10.2021 Are you ready to dance and sing with us? We're kicking off our Online Sessions tomorrow! Not signed up yet? There's still time! Here's the format: Pre-recorded 15-20min session (drops into our closed FB group Wednesday mornings) Zoom catch-up at 10.30am Wednesdays - some show and tell time for kids, and chat time for adults!... Register with the link below: We can't wait to see you all tomorrow!
08.10.2021 Happy Fathers Day to all the Mainly Music dads, grandads and father-figures - We are thankful for you, and today we get to honour the important job you are doing helping to raise these beautiful kids! Have a great day celebrating with your families
18.09.2021 Want to know more about Jesus, from the comfort of your own home? Join us online in September for 3-2-1!
02.09.2021 We're sad that we're not hanging out with you all this morning. But if you need some Mainly Music cheer to brighten your day, here's a video session you can do with your kids at home! You just need to grab a plate to use as a steering wheel. Enjoy!
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