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Make Smoking History WA | Businesses

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Make Smoking History WA


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23.01.2022 Mothers participating in the program were less likely to smoke and more likely to attend antenatal appointments. "Our babies were fatter, our mums were healthier, they were discharged home earlier so we've been able to make an immense difference."

22.01.2022 mentalhealth

22.01.2022 By sharing his quitting story, Graham inspired a woman at his local shop to kick the habit too. "I'm really grateful for her to acknowledge what I've done, and what she's doing too." If you're ready to quit, check out your options today:

15.01.2022 Looking for new ways to break the habit? Treet yourself to a walk in the park

15.01.2022 Quitting a lifelong habit can be daunting. Read up on some tips to help you on your way

14.01.2022 "Children, especially young children, are typically exposed to tobacco smoke involuntarily, with little choice, yet it clearly can affect their health"

14.01.2022 Had enough of the cost, the coughing and the health concerns? You CAN quit smoking. Find out how to get started:

13.01.2022 Stopping smoking is the only intervention that has been shown to improve the natural progression of COPD, but chronic breathlessness can continue to negatively impact your quality of life

11.01.2022 Do you know the symptoms to look for?

09.01.2022 Over 90% of City of Melbourne residents do not smoke. 83% of businesses & individuals supported Bourke St Mall going smoke-free last year. Now the City is looking to be smoke-free by 2025

08.01.2022 "A family is a very close thing. And what generally happens in the home, sort of feeds off onto how people live their lives." Graham talks about how smoking spreads through families and his wish to help his own relatives quit so they can be around much longer. If you're ready to quit, check out your options today:

08.01.2022 You can get started right here, right now

08.01.2022 And that's just one pack Imagine the cash you'd be rolling in after one year

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