Maldon Pétanque Club | Community organisation
Maldon Pétanque Club
Phone: +61 409 020 768
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23.01.2022 Thought this might be useful?
23.01.2022 The new terrain is finished. Altogether we now have 12 pistes and can run a fully fledged tournament, coaching clinics etc. We might take a breather for the moment though! Many thanks to Father Wahid for approving it and the Maldon Community Bank for largely funding it.
22.01.2022 Twenty enthusiastic but cold, sanitised and socially-distanced, players assembled on Sunday for the first games back from "lockdown". We welcomed our new member Phil Hopley, a player with considerable experience which he promptly displayed by winning two of his three games. The new piste is settling down and playing quite well and with some further grooming should be a great asset to the club. We had to limit the number of players to 20, so a few missed out, but we hope that... the next games on June 28th will be open to all players without restriction. Keep an eye on this F/B page for developments. Winners for the day were: 1st. Chris 3 wins +13 points. 2nd. Geoff 2 wins +21. 3rd. Andrew 2 wins +15 One team scored 6 points for an end and a consequent "Fayre Fanny" for the (un-named) opposition! See more
22.01.2022 A vastly inferior game of course, but some similarities.
22.01.2022 Sadly the clink of boules and the cries of joy and frustration were not heard on the Maldon Club Piste at St Bridget’s this afternoon. Following the sensible guidance of the PFA, all play at the Club has been suspended until this virus is under control and it’s deemed safe for social gatherings and play to resume. Keep in mind that while social isolation is recommended for all Australians for the good of everyone, Petanque is a sport that can be played on almost all surfaces and your driveway or backyard can be a place to practice so that when this emergency is over and we can start playing with the Club again our skills will have improved. That North West trophy will be ours for the taking! Stay safe everyone.
21.01.2022 No games tomorrow unfortunately. The forecast for Bendigo on Sunday is 35 degrees so in accordance with our hot weather policy, we will not be playing. Please remember this coming Wednesday the 26th of Feb at 2:00pm is the official opening of the pistes and tables etc., with the Men’s Shed, the Maldon Community Bank representative, Shire councillor and Father Wahid coming. We need boots on the ground. Bring your boules.... We’re providing afternoon tea so contributions gratefully accepted. Regards, George.
19.01.2022 An update for anyone wanting to visit John Burchell in Castlemaine. You must have proof/certification that you've had a recent flu shot. He'd love to see you!
16.01.2022 We're looking at resuming in a couple of weeks. We all need to get this under our belts.
15.01.2022 URGENT. In view of the rapid changes to sporting and social events the corona virus is causing, we are not going ahead with our scheduled games at Moonambel on Sunday. Instead, we will be playing at Maldon and applying the social distancing recommendations of no shaking hands, regular hand sanitising and 1.5 metre distancing as well as picking up our own boules and skipping the afternoon tea. If you're in contact with members who don't get this Facebook feed, please let them know of the change. Allez!
14.01.2022 A grey day turned into bright sunlight for Sunday's play. 17 players - a couple couldn't make it at the last minute - enjoyed the freedom of choosing to play on the old or the new piste. Winners on the day were: 3rd: Geoff. 2 wins + 20 points. 2nd. Terry. 3 wins +19 points, just pipped by his better half June who scored 3 wins + 20 points. Don't forget our AGM is on August 9th after the games.
13.01.2022 A report from The Times: Brawl at the boules leaves a dent in Olympic ambitions THE TIMES 6:38PM SEPTEMBER 1, 2020... Efforts to turn boules into an Olympic sport have hit trouble after a brawl among Belgian and French players at the annual world petanque championship in Marseilles. Ambulance crews treated the wounded after a three-man local team assaulted the Belgian trio that had just trounced them 13-1 at the Mondial La Marseillaise, which is being contested by 2100 teams. According to the Belgians and witnesses, the Marseilles players falsely claimed that they had won when they reported the result to the scoring desk. Alcohol may have affected their judgment, it was alleged. When the Belgians discovered the alleged cheating the Marseilles men were said to have turned on them, with supporters of both sides joining in the melee. See more
13.01.2022 A smash and grab raid was carried out on Sunday by masked raiders from the South and the West. Terry (Blackheart) Hunter from the Gisborne club and Gerry (Bushwacker) Marthe from the Smythesdale club joined us for a gloriously sunny day's play and took out first and second places respectively. Viv was delighted with third place and the coveted chocolates. All the Covid protocols were in place. A few members reluctantly decided to miss the day because of the positive Covid... case in Maldon last week. We can only hope that it's the first and last. Posts have been installed on the new pistes to attach scoreboards to as we continue to improve our playing area. The club's AGM will be held after the next games on August 9th. It'll be a brief outdoor meeting so if any member wants to raise something for discussion, let George know in plenty of time. See more
13.01.2022 A large posse of pétanquers competed fiercely for the quirkiest mask prize on Sunday. Kevin wasn’t in the race at all but Beverley, June,Terry and Len all sported cutting edge designs. In a tight finish it was Terry’s birds just outpointing a tie for second between Beverley’s florals and June’s mutt. A number of players have vowed to lift their mask game for next time. Oh, and we played pétanque as well. The toss was keenly watched as the winners got to choose which te...rrain they preferred. The new pistes have bedded down and are playing really well, but some players still prefer the old terrain (which used to be tennis courts). The rain held off and at the end of the day the scores were: 4th. June, 2 wins +11 points. 3rd. Terry, 3 wins +19. 2nd. Phil, 3 wins +24, just beaten to the post by Gerry with 3 wins +25 points. We were finally able to hold our AGM before the games. The committee remains the same except for one change. Anne Kelsall has stepped down and Beverley Forsyth has joined as Vice President. Many thanks to Anne for her hard work over a number of years, including filling the President’s role and a big welcome to Beverley. Next games on October 18th. We’re on Summer time now so please be there well before the 2:00 start.
09.01.2022 We'll be holding social games again this Sunday (Sep 27) and we can now have up to 36 players. The usual Covid-19 rules apply - masks, distancing, one coche handler per team, etc. So rock up at, say, 1:45 and get some boules under your belt. For the following Sunday, we'll get back to competition games. We'll hold our (delayed) AGM before the games so if there's anything you'd like on the agenda, let George know.... Allez!
09.01.2022 PFA are asking all members to participate in this survey. Please do, it can only be for the good of the game
08.01.2022 We're back this Sunday! 1:00 for a 1:30 start. Phone George to register for play as we're limited to 20.
06.01.2022 Eight diehards formed four teams and played three Round Robin games on a lovely Spring Sunday . Skills were very even and no team won 3 games. Results: First. Gerry & Andrew 2 wins, +16 points. Second. Beverley & Chris 2 wins, -2 points Third. June & Terry 1 win, -6 points.... Fourth. Viv & Phil 1 win, -8 points. We hope to return to full competition next Sunday, but rain is forecast!
06.01.2022 Congratulations to our Maldon Club stars Barry Droney and Chris Przygoda on their great results in the Pyrenees Doubles Tournament held at Avoca last weekend. Barry and his partner Neil Scott came in at 7th place in the field of 33 entrants in the qualifying rounds and played off in the Open Complementaire on Sunday while Chris and partner Geoffrey Turner ranked No 1 in the Final Ranking Social. Inspirational!! We look forward to Chris and Barry leading our teams in the upcoming North West Challenge next month providing the COVID19 doesn’t postpone the event.
04.01.2022 It was a glorious sunny day on Sunday, and we made full use of the benches, tables and sun umbrellas. Players were spoiled for choice with the new pistes available to play on. The winner of the toss chose where to play which caused some grumbling amongst a few long-time players who eyed the new pistes suspiciously. A clear winner on the day was Matt with 3 wins +24 points. The only other 3 game winner was Chris with +15 points, then George 2+12 and Steve 2+10. Our next games are at Moonambel on 22 March, starting at 1:30 sharp. Jill Shaw from WHRPC and Beverley Forsyth have put forward a possible date of May 23rd for our clubs to play each other on Maldon's new pistes. Let's make it happen, inter-club competitions are gold!
04.01.2022 Max & Billie Wright joined us for Sunday's games, together with their "pétanque pooch", a seasoned pétanque observer. Anne and Graham also came over from Avoca for the games. Results for the day: 1st Anne K 3 wins +27 points. 2nd: Geoff 3 + 23 3rd: Chris 3 + 13 and fourth was Max Wright with 2 wins +18 points.... Our break-up will be on 13th December and will be a BYO everything BBQ/picnic starting at around 3:00 with novelty games devised by George. The club's BBQ will be fired up. See more
03.01.2022 A beautiful sunny day brought out the sun umbrellas for the first time in months. We had three visitors - Tim & Carolyn from the Port Fairy club and Allan from the Castlemaine club - join us for the games. Matt Loake was the only 3 game winner, followed by Gerry Marthe in 2nd place and Susan Forster (instantly back in form after missing a few weeks) 3rd. The WHRPC is holding a Mixed Triples comp on Nov 22nd. and we will have at least one and possibly two teams competing. Thank you to everyone who parked on the south and west sides of the church so that the roots of the very old box trees on the north side stayed undisturbed.
02.01.2022 Last Wednesday the club hosted an afternoon tea preceded by games for four "forces for good" that have contributed to the major upgrade of our playing area. Father Wahid, Maldon's parish priest who allows us to play in the St. Brigid's Church grounds, blessed the new pistes and then participated enthusiastically in a game. Mount Alexander Shire's deputy mayor, Max Lessor attended, in a splendidly coloured hat, to acknowledge our gratitude for the tables, benches and sun umbre...llas that the Shire funded. A good representation from the Maldon Men's Shed admired their handiwork installed at the pistes. The Men's Shed built the tables and benches with the Shire funding, and built them to last several centuries! We couldn't have completed the new pistes without a large cash injection in the form of a sponsorship from the Maldon Community Bank, an organisation that is so vital in maintaining and improving many social and sporting bodies in the district. Thank you Karly Smith and everyone at the Bank. See more
01.01.2022 We play tomorrow so please be aware of this positive Covid case in Maldon. George is sending an email to everyone to alert us as well. Viv and I are happy to play, maybe masked, and of the people I've spoken to, George and Geoff will be there too. Barry is not coming. We'll continue with the strict distancing and coche and boule handling protocols that we have in place. It's up to you, folks.
01.01.2022 Sanitised and distanced, 20 players enjoyed the bright sun on Suncay. All 12 pistes were in top condition, thanks to some hard work by our artisan piste-keeper, Chris Przygoda. Barry and Susan installed the new Bendigo Bank sign on the Warnock Street side of the new pistes which were generously sponsored by Maldon's Community Bank. Matt relayed that long-time member John Burchell is in hospital in Castlemaine - Ellery Ward - and would love a visit from anyone to shoot the br...eeze about pétanque. The committee is considering applying to run a tournament, possibly next year. More on this later. It would help our cause if we had a qualified umpire in the club. Any volunteers? Results of the day: Kevin was on fire with 3 wins and +13 points, but was shaded by Barry's 3 wins and an amazing +29 points. Chris was third with 2 wins +14 points. See more
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