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Maleny State School in Maleny, Queensland | Government organisation

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Maleny State School

Locality: Maleny, Queensland

Phone: +61 7 5499 8333

Address: 16 Bunya Street 4552 Maleny, QLD, Australia


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25.01.2022 Welcome to Week 2! "Maleny State School Connected Learners and Creative Leaders, Welcome to Week 2 of learning from home. We miss you all and are incredibly proud of you adjusting to learning at home. Keep being safe, respectful, responsible and active learners. We will see you all soon." Take care. Stay safe everyone!

24.01.2022 Hazel comes up with her own motto for the garden. Mrs Walsh just had to share....

24.01.2022 Mother's Day Stall The LAST DAY for donations is today as the stall will run next week. The stall will be open Tuesday to Friday next week in the Hall from 8:15 to 8:45. Thank you for all the donations so far.

23.01.2022 Dear Parents / Guardians, Timetable Changes to our Cross Country Tomorrow Weather advice indicates that we are highly likely to receive rain/showers/storms between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm tomorrow, hence we are looking at a different time schedule of year level cross country events.... Our priority will be to complete our 10Yrs 12Yrs age groups to identify which students will qualify for the upcoming District Cross Country. To do this we will be attempting to complete all 10 Years to 12 Years events between 9:00am and 10:00am. Weather permitting we will then continue on from 10:00am with our Year 4 (9year olds only), Year 3, Year 2, Year 1 and Prep classes (in this order). We realise this makes it difficult for parents to estimate the exact times of their children’s events. Unfortunately we cannot control the weather or have the ability to easily postpone this event due to other events coming up, staffing availability and several timetable clashes. Sending children to school with a change of clothes and towel would be recommended. We ask all spectators to download the Check in Qld App and sign in using the QR Codes provided (two IPads will also be available to use at the desk in the shed). Fingers crossed and forever the optimist we hope to at least complete our 10 12 Yrs age groups first up at 9:00 sharp. Kind regards John Byrne Principal Maleny State School Check in QLD app -

23.01.2022 Last Chance Reminder! Tomorrow morning (Friday) is the last chance to duck in and get that last minute Mother's Day gift at Maleny State School's Mother's Day Stall. There are some great options still available. We hope that everyone has a wonderful Mother's Day this weekend.

22.01.2022 The Maleny Garden Club Members Find Treasure What a thrill to dig down below the lush soil in our garden beds to find so many sweet potatoes and the biggest radish ever. We needed two people to pull it out!!!

22.01.2022 Colour Fun Run Final Week to Collect Sponsors Our P&C target is $20 000 and so far we have raised $15 637. Thank you for supporting this P&C fundraising initiative.

22.01.2022 #MalenyStateSchool 2021 Prep Information Session Details of the upcoming Prep information session is in the flyer attached. Pass this information onto anyone you know looking at Prep in 2021 in the Hinterland area. The first year of formal schooling is very important. Register now for the upcoming session. We look forward to seeing you!

21.01.2022 Maleny State School Concert Band Resumes Tomorrow morning (Wednesday) at 7:50am. Lessons also resume tomorrow during the school day. Timetables have been emailed home to all parents/ caregivers. If you know of any other instrumental music students and are in contact with their parents, please make sure they know this as well.... Please contact Mr Hill at [email protected] if you have not received this timetable to make sure your correct email is added to the mailing list for instrumental music programs. Email is the main method of contact for Mr Hill so it is important we have your most up to date contact details.

21.01.2022 Year 6 Graduation dinner is underway!!!

21.01.2022 Chappy's Breakfast Club Don't forget, if coming into school early today, to head over to the Tuckshop for a free breakfast treat and lots of smiles!

21.01.2022 HUGE THANKYOU TO STAR DISCOUNT CHEMIST MALENY Last term we did a 10 week girls program called Shine, for every year 6 girl looking at the topics of Worth, Strength and Purpose. As a way to celebrate the finish of this program, the mother's, or other significant female role models, were invited to a "high tea" at the school. We ended the program by giving each girl an individually wrapped gift that was generously donated by Star Discount Chemist. The girls were extremely excited and blessed in receiving these beautiful gifts. Thank you so much! Chappy Becky

21.01.2022 Year 6 Beach Day at Kings is underway!!!!! What a fabulous way to end the year!!!

21.01.2022 First Responders Day Last week the first National "Thank First Responders Day" was held. To acknowledge all of the important work that they do some students had posters, pictures and signs on the front fence to show our appreciation. This was not just to say thanks for the recent events (bushfires, house fires, accidents, floods and Covid-19) but for the job that they do everyday. A huge THANK YOU from Maleny SS.

20.01.2022 Year 6s having a great time!

20.01.2022 December 8 Newsletter Dear Parents & Carers, Welcome to the latest edition of our Schoolzine eNewsletter!... Visit the link below to view your newsletter: Hope you all enjoy the school holidays.

20.01.2022 October 13th Newsletter Dear Parents and Carers, Welcome to the latest edition of our Schoolzine eNewsletter!... Visit the link below to view your newsletter: Regards, John Byrne Principal

19.01.2022 Year 4 & 6 Camp Payments due 1st week back With one term to go it is great to see some camps get off the ground before the end of the year. Just a reminder that camp payments are due first week back in Term 4. Year 6 Camp payment - Due Wednesday 7th October... Year 4 Camp payment - Due Friday 9th October Enjoy the last week of holidays. See you all next week.

19.01.2022 Welcome back to school this week! Dear Parents and Caregivers, Welcome back to school this Monday 25 May all year levels in full.... We cannot thank you enough for your efforts of teaching your children from home and your support for our staff over this time. Covid 19 has affected the role of every parent and staff member. We are focusing on the positives and looking forward to getting back to what we call the New Normal. Some process will be different as they need to be in line with government, health and education regulations and need to be put in place starting this Monday. We understand that not all of these processes will suit how every family perceives or believes what should be occurring at this time. I ask as your principal that you respect the processes that are in place and follow them. Your support to ensure the health and safety of all students, staff and our community are a priority ahead of our personal comforts at this time. I cannot emphasise enough how much your support is greatly appreciated by all our staff and myself. Full details have been emailed, Saturday afternoon, to all parents and caregivers. Please check this email with the subject line of 'New Guidelines for returning to Maleny SS'. On another note a number of parents utilised the USB mode for learning@home materials. Can these please be returned to the school office drop off box (as per previous weeks) at your earliest convenience. We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow. John Byrne - Principal Maleny State School

18.01.2022 2020 Lego Sumo Robotics Comp The 2020 Maleny State School RoboClub held our internal Lego Sumo robotics competition. Sadly, we were unable to attend the rescheduled RoboRave - Sunshine Coast competition so we had to hold ours internally yesterday. This video introduces our robot competitors (5 teams this year) and shows some of the battles through out our 2 rounds of competition. Some rounds were hotly contested. The video ends showcasing the 2020 runners up (only 1 point be...hind) and the final competition champions. Congratulations to all competitors. Mr Greig was especially proud of many of the teams for whom this was their first attempt at Lego robotics programming. GEMS Robotics at Maleny is a invitational program for years 5&6 students and runs all year long.

18.01.2022 The staff at Maleny have designed a fun and easy course you can do at home for PE. We hope you enjoy.

18.01.2022 This fortnight’s PBL focus is: I choose to Defuse. For our students it means: I control myself and keep my cool.

18.01.2022 Minecraft Learning Champions to the rescue! The Minecraft Education Edition Junior Builders Club kicked off late last term and is now in full swing this term. The aim of this Year 1 & 2 interest based club is to develop better understanding of computer literacy skills, team building, cooperation, online social and communication skills utilising Minecraft Education Edition. Getting to know how to use computers well is a big challenge for our younger students. Knowing your u...sername and password to log into a computer, school email address to log into Minecraft, let alone knowing how to drive a keyboard and mouse at the same time can be daunting for our younger students. That's all before you even learn how to use Minecraft as well! How do they do it? Minecraft Learning Champions to the rescue! We have a team of learning champions that help their fellow club members with all of the technical stuff (especially the year 1 students) whether it be signing into the computer, finding that tricky '@' symbol for their email address or how to build and find materials in their inventory. Our champions are easily seen with their Minecraft green capes. Mr Greig even has one. A big thank you to Mrs Greig for her special cape making skills. The champions love them. The champions have been excellent in helping club members learn the technical basics as well as modelling great online and in-world behaviours. Life-long skills that will come in very handy in years to come. The club is starting with individual building challenges, which will then change to collaborative team building challenges so the students learn how to communicate and work together as a team. Lot's of fun and creative building is to come. #minecrafteducationedition #MinecraftEdu Minecraft:

18.01.2022 Colour Fun Run TOMORROW! Our Colour Fun Run is on tomorrow (see approximate times below Note times may in practice commence 10 minutes either side of advertised times.) Students in each class will only be running for a total of 10 minutes so to avoid missing your children run please arrive early as the sign in process will take time especially if everyone arrives at the same time. ...Continue reading

16.01.2022 Maleny State School - Father's Day Stall 2020 8:15 to 8:45am Tuesday 1st September Thursday 3rd September Check out the flyer for more information.

16.01.2022 Maleny Kids Learning@Home Whilst we miss you all greatly, it's great to see all of the wonderful images people are sending in of Maleny State School students learning at home. It certainly look like many are making the most of it. Here are a few. Keep up the good work!

15.01.2022 What a way to end the term! As Term 2 comes to a close there has been lots going on. This week Year 5 students participated in an Online Virtual Incursion via our newly deployed Microsoft Teams service. In previous years this program was run face-to-face in the school.... Wednesday morning this week the 3 Year 5 classes had an online incursion in their own classrooms. Lynda from the Sunshine Coast Council explained to us the top 4 disasters that occur on the Sunshine Coast: Severe Storms, Heatwaves, Bushfires and Floods. We watched some videos and competed in some quizzes. At the end of the talk each student received a Goodie Bag with lots of safety information for our families and activities to do. Thank you to the Sunshine Coast Council for their time and generosity. The kids loved the virtual visit. Today many of the students (and staff) enjoyed the last day dressed in all manner of pyjamas. The prep classes especially took to the day, bringing along their favourite cuddle toy. It was a great way to finish of this long, busy and oh so unusual term. Have a great holiday everyone and we'll see you back in a couple of weeks for Term 3.

15.01.2022 Dear Parents/Guardians Our school community Fund raising efforts are progressing extremely well. Fun Run organisers have extended the time available for students to continue to collect sponsors until the Friday 9 Oct of the first week back in Term 4.... This is also the last day for students to order online prizes. Please send any cash collected into the office in the first week back so this can be counted and banked. Have a wonderful break and please accept my sincere appreciation on behalf of the school and P&C for your families fundraising efforts so far. Kind regards John Byrne Principal Maleny State School Https://

15.01.2022 Let’s celebrate our school cleaners this School Cleaners Day (Monday 15 June)! Show your appreciation for those who work tirelessly to ensure our schools are kept clean and safe. Thank you for all that you do. #clapforcleaners

14.01.2022 What a way to end the week! Our Book Week celebrations came to a close today with a whole school fancy dress day of a favourite book character. What sights there were to beheld! There was much giggling all day the day from staff, students and parents. Mr Greig will hopefully add some more to the school newsletter next week after he has had time to look through all of the pictures. Here are some highlights of the day. Many children took up the opportunity to take a drawing t...utorial with Rob Biddulph and one of his online #DrawWithRob drawing videos during the many lunch breaks this week. Mr Greig (or as he is now being called 'Mr Greigosaurus') has what looks like hundreds of character drawings in the competition he has to judge from. Winners from each year level will find out next week. They all had a blast! Thank you everyone for supporting the day. Have a great weekend and make the time to grab a great book and read! Or look up some of the Draw with an Illustrator videos online and do a drawing together.

14.01.2022 YEAR 4 NEEDS YOUR HELP The Year 4 students at Maleny are going to create a vertical garden by reusing plastic bottles. We need 160 , 1.25mls or 2 litre bottles so we can cover the whole fence in the garden. We would appreciate any donations of plastic bottles with the lid on. These bottles can be brought to Lou and Trish in the 4B classroom.

14.01.2022 A reminder about Learning@Home resources A quick reminder for those parents at Maleny State School who took the USB option for Learning@Home resources. Can parents please drop these in tomorrow or on Monday next week if they can. We need to not only clean the USB before we prep them before handing them out again, but we also need to digitally 'disinfect' them as well making sure there are no computer viruses being spread. This will take a little time to prep them before the Fortnight 2 (weeks 3 & 4) learning materials in place before they are ready for collection late next week. A USB box return is in the Office ready for easy drop and go. Stay safe. Take care everyone.

14.01.2022 Maleny State School is about to host one of the eSafety webinars at school. eSafety's guide to parental controls This Term 2 webinar will look at how parents and carers can set up devices and apps to help kids and young people stay safe online. ... It is designed for parents and carers of children aged 4-13. It will cover: *the benefits and limitations of parental controls *how to set up iOS and Android devices for safety *how to set up popular games and apps like YouTube and Roblox for safety *using family tech agreements and other parenting strategies to manage online risks *how eSafety can help when things go wrong. This webinar will include practical tips, demonstrations and advice. If you wanted to attend but the time did not suit, check out the other times (both during the day and in the evenings) when you can register yourselves and attend these informative sessions.

13.01.2022 Thank you to all of the parents who have already completed the online School Opinion Survey. Tomorrow is the deadline for anyone wanting to complete it. Click the link below. Thanks in advance from Mr Byrne.

13.01.2022 Dear Parents and Carers, Welcome to the latest edition of our Schoolzine eNewsletter! Visit the link below to view your newsletter:

11.01.2022 Maleny State School Father's Day stall is now closed. A big thank you to all of the community who supported the Father's Day stall at Maleny. There were some very excited children going around this week to secretly get a gift for the day. Just a reminder that the school is closed tomorrow due to a student free day. The Father's Day stall at school has also closed as its last day was today.... So if you still need to get a last minute gift consider local businesses. A Maleny Gift Card (see attached image) will help support one of our local community businesses, just like they have supported our school over the years.

11.01.2022 Something to Celebrate Here's the rocket being emptied by the school captains at the end of Week 6. It was a reward that was achieved by filling the rocket last term. The focus behaviour was mainly for lunch and playtimes where plastic balls were given to students who were having FUN to be FUN (Being Flexible, Understanding and Negotiating). There were over 600 balls in total that were placed in the rocket so the whole school was rewarded with a little extra freeplay. This wa...s well deserved as we had excellent behaviour data around this area. The Rocket will return in Term 3 with a new behaviour focus. PBL Team

11.01.2022 June 9 Newsletter Dear Parents/Carers Welcome to the latest edition of our Schoolzine eNewsletter!... Visit the link below to view your newsletter: Regards, John Byrne Principal

11.01.2022 Instrumental Music Program for 2021 Any year 3 and 4 students who are wishing to join the Instrumental Music Program next year need to have their ‘Instrument Preference’ form brought back to the school office by Friday the 6th of November. Please contact Mr Hill ([email protected]) for any questions or concerns.

10.01.2022 Staff getting their Book Week on! The Day the Crayons Quit!!!

10.01.2022 Mr Byrne needs your help! Please take 5 minutes to complete the survey below. This will greatly help me with our 4 year school review that is approaching. Parents and Caregivers are invited to participate in this year’s School Opinion Survey and have a say about schooling during the COVID-19 lockdown. You are also given the opportunity to provide feedback about our school more generally.... Participation in the survey is anonymous and you are encouraged to take this opportunity to have your say. The survey form has been designed so that it can easily be completed on a computer or smartphone. The online survey will be available until Friday, 17 July 2020, and should take less than five minutes to complete. To access the survey, please click on the link below or copy and paste it into your web browser: Parent survey Please contact the school if you have any questions about the survey. Thank You Very Much. Have a Great Holiday. J Kind regards John ---------------- John Byrne Principal Maleny State School

10.01.2022 Dear Maleny Families, Next week we will be excited to have everyone back at school, but we also have a few new PBL (Positive Behaviour for Learning) changes to be excited about too. The Prep and Year 1 students have seen some of these changes but there’s a few more for the rest of the school. Some of the changes are signs that are around the school and for the moment they are still hidden from Years 2-6 until the rest of the students return to school. One of the changes that ...we are trialling for the rest of this term is a change to the current reward clubs. This change allows students to continue collecting stamps on their tracking sheet but the tracking sheet now only has 10 steps instead of 30 and students will receive their rewards once they complete their tracking sheet. Students will be able to fill the tracking sheets as many times as they can in a term. The rewards will be a range of individual rewards decided on by the class. To kick off this new rewards tracking sheet we would like students to think of a name to reflect the efforts of students achieving 4 Be cards and working towards a reward. Early ideas from some staff were: Maleny Allstars, Terrific Ten, Top 10, The Beez Knees. See what you can come up with. Email your student’s teacher and they will forward it on to the PBL team. See the attachment for a little more information. Kind Regards PBL team

09.01.2022 Maleny Spirit Shines Bright A huge thank you to all parents and guardians who are doing a great job in supporting their students learning at home. I have seen some wonderful examples of students working from home and parents being very creative in providing a variety of learning experiences for their children. I also take this opportunity to thank all of our staff who have been simply amazing in adapting to different working conditions and managing a variety of different lear...ning methods and approaches. At times it has been challenging for students, parents and staff, so to lighten the mood and promote the Maleny Spirit, staff have created our very first film clip to bring a smile to all and possible a belly laugh. John Byrne - Principal Maleny State School

09.01.2022 Maleny State School Update 21-04-2020 Good evening everyone. We are just wanting to pass on an email broadcast send out this morning from Mr Byrne. We want to make sure as many Maleny school families have seen it. It has some important information and advice about this period of Learning from Home. We all want to make sure families are not putting too much pressure on themselves as they find their footing in this first week. ... However, we became aware during the day that some email systems have now also come under strain. Some emails are getting through to school successfully, some not. Some emails are getting out to parents from teachers, others aren't. Departmental staff are working with service partners to rectify the issue. We just want to you to all know we are not ignoring emails or are just slow to respond. Unfortunately, it's an issue that is outside our control. Be resilient and don't give up, we feel your frustration, we are here to support you. Please call or email (hopefully very soon) if you need any support or advice. Take care everyone. Stay safe!

09.01.2022 The Lost Property Bins NEED YOU! Whilst we are always very grateful for donations from family and community members the Lost Property bins are now getting full of left behind swimming gear (and other lost property). In particular, swimming goggles and towel piles are building up. Please make the opportunity to swing by and dig through the bins (in stairwell next to senior hand ball courts) if your child has not brought home some or all of the swimming gear from PE classes. the weather getting warmer they will come in handy over the school holidays that are fast approaching. Every effort is made to identify owners but in some cases there is simply no way to know who the owners of specific lost property is unless they are clearly named. At the end of the year if anything is left unclaimed ( i.e. non-school items like school shirts, hats, etc) it may end up being donated to local charities.

09.01.2022 War on Waste New signs for the garden Our garden area has some bright new homemade signs which have been designed by students in the garden club using recycled materials. Some of the students in Year 4 helped make an ‘I Spy’ sign to create a challenge for other students visiting the garden and they completed some research on native bees to inform others. Students were very proud of their hard work in creating our welcome sign!... New growth and using our compost We were thrilled to see how tall the sunflowers and snowpeas have grown and we can see the new broccoli forming in our plants. Mrs Mackay and Mrs Walsh emptied out two of the compost bins in the holidays and have added this to our garden beds ready to plant out next week. The year four students will be creating a vertical garden this term for their assessment in technology and design. Kind Regards Lou Walsh

08.01.2022 2020 Online Christmas Raffle Maleny State School P&C proudly presents our 2020 Online Christmas Raffle. In this amazing 'cluster' raffle there are 4 draws - each with a single prize! You can enter any or all of the 4 draws for a chance to win that prize. ... The total prize pool is now over $16 700! For full details and where to go to buy your tickets visit the link below.

08.01.2022 BE A LEARNER! This week’s PBL (Positive Behaviour for Learning) Focus is: I Can, I Will, I’ll Have a Go!

08.01.2022 Dear Parents and Carers, I take this opportunity to thank you sincerely for your support, resilience and understanding during these challenging times. You are doing an amazing job in supporting your students to be able to learn from home and supporting appreciative school staff by keeping students at home at this point. Please continue to contact our staff by email or phone to support you through the next three weeks of students learning from home (Years 2-10). Please find a ...letter attached with the latest update of information in relation to Year Prep and Year One students returning to school on Monday 11 May (Only 1 week of learning from home to go for Preppies and Year 1) and Year 2-10 who will be able to return to school from Monday 25 May, 2020, if low COVID-19 transmission rates continue. Confirmation of this step will be made by 15 May 2020. Take care, stay positive, everything will be ok. Kind regards John Byrne Principal Maleny State School NB The attached letter has been emailed to all parents and carers.

08.01.2022 Our latest newsletter is now live online...

07.01.2022 2020 Maleny State School - P & C Annual General Meeting Wednesday 20th May 2020 at 6:30pm Online Meeting Via SYKPE.... To join the AGM meeting via SKYPE please RSVP via email to The Secretary [email protected] by Monday 18th May indicating that you will be attending online, there are limited spaces so it is important that parents RSVP to this email. Parents that have returned this email by Monday 18th May will be sent an invitation link on the Wednesday 20th May. All members of the school community are invited to attend the AGM. Nominations for all executive positions for 2020 are open. The P & C exists to improve the experiences for all the students of Maleny State School as well as providing support for the present & encouraging a solid future for the school. Our principal uses the P & C meetings as the platform for providing whole school information and as the sounding board for some decision making processes. As a parent you can be involved with the P & C in many ways: Holding an executive position Being a committee member Helping with fund raising & catering Attending monthly meetings ALL CONTRIBUTIONS ARE IMPORTANT AND VALUED To become a member of the P & C Please fill out a membership form available attached & return to the office or by email to [email protected] Word document version for editing - PDF version for printing - To nominate for an executive position or position on a committee you will need someone to nominate you for the position and a seconder. Nomination forms and membership forms are available from the secretary, Kylie McAuliffe [email protected]. NOTE: It is a requirement that all positions are held by members. Kind regards John Byrne Principal Maleny State School

07.01.2022 LAST WEEKS TO GO!! How about some last-minute Christmas shopping? If you don’t know what to buy for someone, instead of a Scratchie, get them tickets in our Raffle and they have more chances of winning!! And whilst you’re there, why not treat yourself too! Help us raise much needed funds for new home reading and library books for our kids in Prep to Year 2 and extending our Kitchen Garden! Tickets starts at $5 - Drawn on 24/12/2020 N.B. You must live in QLD to be eli...gible to purchase a ticket.

06.01.2022 Today we celebrate Tuckshop Day! Tuckshop Day is held on the first Friday in November to recognise and give a special thank you to all tuckshop workers and volunteers across Queensland state schools. It also highlights the important role tuckshops play in school life. Thank you!

05.01.2022 6 WEEKS TO GO!! Don’t miss out on the opportunity to win over $16,700 worth of prizes in and around Maleny! Win and DISCOVER THE MAGIC OF MALENY with an indulgent day trip or short 'staycation' with up to $1,500 spending money in every Draw. Help us raise much needed funds for new home reading and library books for our kids in Prep to Year 2 and extending our Kitchen Garden! Tickets starts at $5 - Drawn on 24/12/2020 Rafflelink links are below for each of the 4 online raffles...- NB: You must live in QLD to be eligible to purchase a ticket. Many thanks!

05.01.2022 Maleny State School 2020 Transition to Prep Days Get off to a great start and begin your child’s school learning journey by enrolling for Prep at Maleny State School now for the 2021 school year. Children must turn 5 by 30 June in the year they start Prep. Maleny Prep Information Session... Parents and Carers are invited to attend the following evening information session: 5 pm Wednesday 4 November @ Maleny State School Venue to be advised due to numbers Please phone 54998333 to RSVP by Friday 30 October Transition to Prep Days We will be holding a series of Transition to Prep days to ease the children’s transition from home, kindy and daycare to Prep. Children are invited to attend any or all of these days with an adult. These transition mornings will provide you with an opportunity to visit the Prep classrooms and playground and meet the friendly staff. Please bring a hat and join us for our morning snack break. These days will be held on: Wednesday 11 November - 9.00am 10.00am Wednesday 18 November - 9.00am 10.00am Wednesday 25 November - 9.00am 10.00am For more information see the attached poster or call the school (number above).

04.01.2022 It took some time to process and check but here are the photos of the Maleny State School Colour Fun Run (Prep - Yr3 in this album). What an afternoon. A huge thank you to all of the organisers and community members who supported this school fundraiser making it a massive success! The kids had a blast! Check out the very colourful Mr Byrne!

04.01.2022 Everyone loves a bargain! Check out the flyer from the Uniform Shop for tomorrow.

04.01.2022 Casual Position at Maleny State School Please find attached the Expression of Interest for a casual at Maleny State School.

04.01.2022 Start the conversation about Coronavirus with your kids. Watch the Department of Education’s new video for tips on how to prevent the spread of COVID-19. There is also a handy e-book available for download at The video and eBook are aimed at the younger student but has information all students should know to keep safe. Please remember, we will get through this together!

04.01.2022 November 25 Newsletter Dear Parents and Carers, Welcome to the latest edition of our Schoolzine eNewsletter!... Visit the link below to view your newsletter: Regards, John Byrne Principal

03.01.2022 It's that time of year!!! To all parents/ guardians please make sure that all children's belongings (especially clothing/ hats/ bags) are clearly labelled with your child's name on it. With swimming, camps and summer coming on strong (hats to go out in the sun and play) we want to make sure that all children's belongings that have been misplaced and found by others can end up back quickly with the correct owners. It helps staff no end when we can quickly ascertain who the ow...ner of an item is. Our lost property bin is getting rather full at present, so if your child is missing some item of personal property get them to swing by the lost property bin (in stairwell of B Block next to senior handball courts). Don't forget Book Week next week in Week 5. The $4000 worth of books kindly donated from #DymocksChildrensCharities will finally be available for borrowing. We also have the Draw with and Illustrator competition as mentioned in the last newsletter (links to great online tutorials are listed there). The week culminates in the Free Dress Day - dress as a favourite book character. The week will be loads of fun.

03.01.2022 Maleny State School - Instrumental Music A quick message from Mr Hill regarding Instrumental Music. "Starting in Week 6 IM is starting again:... -Lessons on Tuesday and Wednesday -Before school band rehearsal on Wednesday morning starting at 7.50am. Nathan Hill Instrumental Music Teacher"

03.01.2022 Dear Parents We need you more than ever to join us at our historic SKYPE P&C AGM next Wednesday the 29 April at 6:30pm. All executive positions will be declared vacant. We are particularly looking for a new Secretary and Treasurer who and after many years of fantastic service to our school and community Kylie and Chelsea have indicated they will be retiring from their positions. You will need to email your RSVP to our secretary Kylie McAuliffe [email protected] by Monday ...the 27 April so we can get organised and send you a SKYPE invitation. Full details are on the documents attached. Please also complete a P&C 2020 membership form attached and return to our secretary Kylie McAuliffe [email protected] . Kind regards John Byrne Principal Maleny State School

02.01.2022 National Primary School Principal's Day 2020 - Friday 7th August Tomorrow is the day to celebrate our school leaders on national Principals Day. Our school is lucky enough to have two awesome, dedicated leaders, Mr Byrne and Mrs Heiniger, at the helm of this wonderful school. Take the time tomorrow of giving them an 'elbow bump' if you see them or to send them a message of thanks for a job well done for the amazing work they do. ... We are very lucky to have them! Have a great day both of you!

02.01.2022 What a year to graduate from Primary School. It will be one to remember. They have all changed so much over the years. It certainly caused a few giggles through the media presentations. Congratulations to all of our students. We all wish you the very best of luck in 2021.

01.01.2022 5 WEEKS TO GO!! With 4 Draws covering over $16,700 worth of prizes, gift cards and cash, how about entering our first online Raffle for your chance to win 1, 2, 3 or all 4 Draws! Help us raise much needed funds for new home reading and library books for our kids in Prep to Year 2 and extending our Kitchen Garden! Tickets starts at $5 - Drawn on 24/12/2020 NB You must live in QLD to be eligible to purchase a ticket. Many thanks!...

01.01.2022 To get you started on your Christmas holiday reading why not check out the latest Glasshouse Country and Maleny News. It has lots of information on holiday activities for your family to enjoy during the school break. In particular check out page 24 which is all about our school's Christmas Raffle, which will be drawn in a few short weeks. It's not too late to buy tickets. To get your fix of this week's paper ...... click here if you're using a MOBILE DEVICE - or click here if you're on a LAPTOP or DESKTOP - Thanks for your support! Have a safe and happy holiday season.

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