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Mama Chia Wellness


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25.01.2022 Mandalas are so special: sacred geometric images that represent wholeness, connection, life. These are for my teenagers to work through tomorrow after their class. We will be creating a human mandala in our class, should be lots of fun. If we look at every atom as as a mandala, mandalas exist everywhere: fruit, flowers, snowflakes, even our body!

24.01.2022 This book reinforced so many beautiful things for me. Among many, it illuminated the importance of shining my own unique light, of being of service and to live my life authentically without attachment to the outcome. Most importantly, it instilled in me the courage to remember that my soul holds the answers, I just have to create the silence to receive.

24.01.2022 Its been a beautiful week of teaching and supporting fresh, young adults as they navigate their way through exams and the pressures of teenage life. What a beautiful thing to gift your child with, to connect them to yoga, meditation and mindful living so they can learn valuable resources to help them lead happier, healthier and calmer lives. My private classes are fun, interactive, non-competitive and inspiring for our younger generation as they enter into adulthood. Plus they are held in this beautiful peace of heaven...

22.01.2022 With a toddler round my ankles, little time and clients to see im super thankful for these super quick, easy snacks to make that can double as breakfast bites, afternoon treats or something sweet to finish the day with. Talis calls these apricot almond poo balls, and he made these ones. Refined sugar, gluten and dairy free but most importantly full of flavor.

21.01.2022 The pace and momentum of modern society draws on our insecurities to be better, wiser, funnier, faster, smarter, richer, more popular than what we are. Press pause, create space and know that you are perfect just as you are. Accessing your true nature through mindfulness practice can be the biggest gift to your life. It gives you permission to get off the hampster wheel of doing more and resets you to just be. To be in the present moment and to lose the insecurities that live in the past or are yet to happen in the future. Have a fabulous day!

21.01.2022 I was gifted this a few days ago from my mum and it got me thinking of how much our happiness can be passed on, how it connects us to others and ourselves. The beautiful thing is that we have the opportunity to be happy despite our external environment, it comes from the inside out. Choose to sit still, look within and no matter how dark it may seem, there is a light waiting. Love to you all.

20.01.2022 There is no perfect path. If your life looks differently to the one you hold in your head thats perfectly ok. Trust that its exactly where your meant to be, trust in the flow of the now and watch the long held beliefs, expectations, heaviness, regret and anger dissipate. For a long time, I held the belief that I had fallen short because I didnt continue my career in aid and development work but through meditation and witnessing my thoughts and beliefs, I now am content knowing that serving others can be accomplished in so many ways, not just the one way I so rigidly held in my head. What beliefs are you holding onto that are holding you back from living life with grace, happiness and contentment?

20.01.2022 Just some of the cool things you can do in community and family yoga classes.

20.01.2022 Carving out some space to pause, reset and be still. Stillness is something we rarely gift ourselves in this achieving, over productive world. Stillness allows us to witness our thoughts, nourish our soul and restore. Have you got a special place to be still?

18.01.2022 Happy Children can transform the world, which is why Im absolutely delighted to be running more teenage yoga and relaxation classes after the school holidays. The next class will be for 8-weeks and will be held at Boutique Yoga in Gerringong, dates to be announced.

17.01.2022 Mama Chia Wellness is all about creating mindful connections so we can lead happy, healthy lives with our families. Its about finding the extraordinary in the ordinary and being ok with where we are at, flaws and imperfections included. So in honor of continuing my service of serving women and families I just finished the most incredible kids and family yoga training! World Im ready to share it, to create beautiful, mindful connections.

17.01.2022 My refuge. No striving. No doing. Just my authentic self and the mat. My idea of bliss. Before I found yoga and meditation I strived so much for this inner contentment, I searched for it, only to find it was always inside of me. Now I know how to get out of the way and shine the light, and love teaching it others. #bestgiftinlife

16.01.2022 These may not look great but they smell beautiful! Odd socks+rice+lavender=handmade eye masks for my teenagers yoga class today. Last week they said the guided visualization was the best part! So Im taking that they are craving stillness! Theres so much pressure at school to perform, succeed and do. Heres to creating some down time for the beautiful girls and boys in the class to just BE!

16.01.2022 Mindfulness in many ways seems a fluffy, weak concept but it is anything but this. Understanding and fully integrating mindfulness into your daily life has the ability to change the entire discourse of your life. Its essentially a change in attitude and this change of seeing the world can be your road map towards the true meaning of our lives - to be happy from the inside out. Wishing everyone love and the strength to seek happiness from sources that are sustainable and unconditional today.

16.01.2022 Anxiety can be a truly overwhelming and silent condition for children to navigate through, here are some beautiful, practical ways to support our next generation. Perfect to print out and remember when needed.

16.01.2022 You are ENOUGH right NOW!

15.01.2022 Teach by doing... I like that concept. Sometimes harder in reality, I get that. Here are some simple strategies for our kids to build emotional resilience and reduce unwanted stress. Hope you enjoy it. X

15.01.2022 Its with absolute gratitude that I completed the only Australian trauma awareness yoga training over the weekend. It was highly informative, eye opening, and transformational in many ways. It has deepened my knowledge of the mind-body connection, an area I specialize in and I feel honored to serve others as they begin their yoga and wellness journey and start the process of feeling into their body, perhaps for the first time in many years. Trauma aware yoga is extremely different to many traditional types of yoga: it promotes making choices, is sensitive to spatial orientation, promotes rhythm creation and is extremely sensitive to the needs of those practicing. I trust that the people I need to serve will find my light.

15.01.2022 With the popularity and modernisation of mindfulness its often confused for a nice, relaxing way to calm down. Something to do when your not busy. However, its roots are steeped in history and its overarching outcome, if skilfully practiced builds emotional resilience and allows for sustainable compassion and loving kindness to ourselves and others despite our external environment. Effective practice time is actually when your most busy. This article is brilliant.

14.01.2022 Super excited about teaching Teens Yoga in Gerringong at the end of the month. Lots of music, movement, mindfulness, acro yoga and of course loads of fun! Thanks for all the requests regarding other kids classesthey are coming!

14.01.2022 It's easy as a mama to look after the rest the family and forget about yourself! Today I gifted myself time to make a nutrient rich salad, including fermented veggies, ate it in the sun and loved every bit of it. How do you nourish yourself from the inside out mamas?

14.01.2022 Finding everyday connections is a beautiful way to experience mindfulness in the busy, modern world. When we feel more connected we often feel less alone and more loved. A favourite ritual we do in our family to connect is to feed our chickens the leftovers from our meals, in which they eat and produce beautiful eggs for us to enjoy. The circle of connection is beautiful. Id love to here the different ways you connect with the earth, other people or yourself!

12.01.2022 All set for my 4-week yoga training for teenagers in Gerringong! Theres going to be lots of laughter, flexibillity work and connection practices with likeminded kids. So thankful that Ive carved out a career that enables me to choose my hours and look after my children, such a beautiful balance.

12.01.2022 Bonding with my oldest son Talis in the sunshine over the weekend. The conversation revolved around Star Wars Yoga, why sunshine is so good for us and of course bums and farts - what else would you expect from a beautiful, soulful four year old. Taking time to just BE rather DO is so important in our fast-paced, achieving society.


11.01.2022 Two of my favourite people in the world, bonding together by a hug.

10.01.2022 My most treasured possessions are things that nurture my body, mind and soul and allow me to be authentic. This is on my top ten things Im grateful to have and look after.

10.01.2022 Nourished Child = Happy Mama. Im passionate about teaching our children the importance of nourishing their bodies with beautiful whole foods! As Talis puts it, "im eating all the colors of the rainbow mama, and it tastes yum! "


08.01.2022 There are so many ways to connect with children during the school holidays, I love it! Talis started his own kindness board where he takes time to pause and reflect on one act of kindness he did for someone or someone did for him each day. His first note was from nana "she bought me a football." A great way to encourage kids or adults to bring loving kindness into our lives.

08.01.2022 Its world gratitude day today, and boy do I have ALOT to be grateful for. My imperfect perfect body, the ebb and flow of my breath, my creative mind, my abundant loving heart, my three precious boys, my beautiful family and in laws, countless amazing cousins, being able to enjoy the wisdom of nature everyday, having the opportunity to practice yoga and of course to my spiritual practice which illuminates my entire being everyday. I was gifted these extraordinary ceramic mala beads for my meditation practice by my lovely sister in-law last night, just because. So grateful! No matter what your going through whether it be a be a high or low there is always a tiny pocket for gratitude- life itself can be celebrated.

06.01.2022 Grateful that this is my daily yoga and meditation space. Find a space that is special for you and just be. Expect nothing but be present with your breath, and see your fears, judgements, hurt, confusion drift away.

06.01.2022 As school holidays are in full motion, it has been my greatest teacher to be in the moment, to surrender to the constant messy house, consistent meals to make, non stop ringing of mum I need you and the essential nature of unconditional giving, even if the ego doesnt agree. What a blessing to be the carer of two beautiful souls even when they drive me nutz. It has reminded me not to try and change things but move with them willingly, letting all the bumps be my greatest lessons.

04.01.2022 We had a beautiful weekend nourishing our soil, turning compost and hangin in nature waiting for the arrival of Spring! We have so much respect for our natural environment, it gives us so much without wanting little in return.

04.01.2022 Ill be attending a Trauma Sensitive Yoga Workshop this weekend. I know this is going to be so important for the work that I do. I love how the universe has supported me so intimately as I travel this transformational mind-body connection journey with you all. When we access our authentic selves through yoga, we can shine our inner light and live with purpose and passion. Sending love and light to you.

03.01.2022 Happy Children can transform the world, which is why I'm absolutely delighted to be running more teenage yoga and relaxation classes after the school holidays. The next class will be for 8-weeks and will be held at Boutique Yoga in Gerringong, dates to be announced.

03.01.2022 Honored to be able to learn and share alongside some amazing leaders next week at the Yoga Therapy for Mental Health Training. When taught correctly, yoga can support people experiencing mental challenges, restore and calm the nervous system and assist in rebuilding emotional resilience. So grateful to do the work I do.

03.01.2022 Through my work as a yoga + meditation teacher and health coach I am very fortunate to support women and young adults on their personal wellness journeys; on reconnecting with themselves and empowering them to live mindfully in a way that supports them as a unique individual. My work allows me to illustrate the extraordinary benefits of simply BEING rather than DOING; of drawing attention to stillness, and realising our unlimited potential when we bypass external validation a...nd look within for strength and compassion. I found this article that beautifully illustrated the sacredness of looking within and accessing the light that is ALWAYS there. In a society that often values productivity, busyness and stress over stillness, space and calmness I hope this article allows new doors to open in your mind and heart.

02.01.2022 Its easy as a mama to look after the rest the family and forget about yourself! Today I gifted myself time to make a nutrient rich salad, including fermented veggies, ate it in the sun and loved every bit of it. How do you nourish yourself from the inside out mamas?

01.01.2022 It's world gratitude day today, and boy do I have ALOT to be grateful for. My imperfect perfect body, the ebb and flow of my breath, my creative mind, my abundant loving heart, my three precious boys, my beautiful family and in laws, countless amazing cousins, being able to enjoy the wisdom of nature everyday, having the opportunity to practice yoga and of course to my spiritual practice which illuminates my entire being everyday. I was gifted these extraordinary ceramic mala beads for my meditation practice by my lovely sister in-law last night, just because. So grateful! No matter what your going through whether it be a be a high or low there is always a tiny pocket for gratitude- life itself can be celebrated.

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