Mana Health in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Alternative & holistic health service
Mana Health
Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
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25.01.2022 All values, morals, beliefs, habits and ways of life start with us, as parents. Children follow what they see, not what they are told. They look up to their parents for guidance without question or hesitation. ... They therefore also believe what their parents do must also be the right way. The power you have to shape your childrens lives is priceless. Your example to them is more valuable than any education ever will be. Take time today to check in... If my child / children were watching me right now, following my example, is my way of life something I am proud of? Are my habits and decisions about how I live, the best examples of how they should also live their life? If your not proud of your decisions and example, the best news is change starts with you. Now. #parenthood #change #leadbyexample #family #children #future #healthychildren #healthyfood #healthyfamilies
25.01.2022 There is no cookie-cutter solution to individual needs. Personalised healthcare and specifically nutrition are no different. The same goes for Mum, Dads, bubs and all kids. ... Specific care for you and your family starts within a personalised assessment, followed by a plan suitable for your need, goals and lifestyle, not anyone else. Individualised care = individual results. #nutrition #nutritionaltherapy #healthylifestyle #family #wholefoods #change #healthfirst
21.01.2022 Awesome!! Thank you Australian Yoga Journal #naturalhygiene #COVID19 #sanitiser #keepclean ... #coronavirus #takecareofeachother See more
20.01.2022 Changing your health. Changing your career. How you spend your spare time. Who you keep as close company. How you show up in the world...... Whatever it is, if something really matters, never ever give up until you make it happen. You will encounter roadblocks, hurdles, people with resistance and obstacles you think you dont need; but I promise you, they are there for a reason. Usually to make you stronger, more resilient and test you to grow. But they will be worth it. The speedbumps and moments of resistance will always some how help you come out ontop later. Even if you think you cant, keep going. I promise you it will be worth it when you get there. #workhard #bestrong #courage #determination #nevergiveup #hurdlesbecomeblessings
19.01.2022 Same name, still me, reborn.
18.01.2022 Its so easy to think; I have to eat vegetables. I have to eat fruit. I have to eat healthy. I have to .... I have to ... I have to ...... This dialogue which plays over and over in our mind tells us that the decisions to change our health are for someone else. They are obligations to others. They are not our willing choices. They are chores not blessings. This perspective also creates a lack mentality. Where we think we are giving up something to make healthier choices. So my question to you then is, what if you changed your dialogue in your mind to change your health. What if you thought; I have the privilege of eating fresh fruit and vegetables. I get to take care of my health. I want to take care of my health so I can be there for my family. I am so blessed to have access to fresh produce and ways I can easily lead a healthy lifestyle. You health isnt a given. It is a gift. Its a blessing. Its a precious moment to preserve with care and gratitude. Change the way you see your thoughts and your health will change. Change the quality of your health and you change your world. #healthylifestyle #realfood #nutritionaltherapy #nutritionalmedicine #fruit #vegetables #pomegranate #fuelyourbody #changeyourmindsetchangeyourlife #youvegotthis
16.01.2022 This chapter has had enormous consequences around the world. Its been incredibly hard for so many people... But my wish for you / for everyone, is that in even the smallest way you find beauty and happiness in this phenomenal time of unending change. #change #blossom #coronavirus #findpeace #iwishyouwell #health #happiness
16.01.2022 On the other side of these huge events around the world, there is no returning to normal. People view themselves, their health, their life, their place in the world through a different lens than before. Everything and everyone is changed in some way. ... There is no going back to before. For me, the value not only of my health but also the health of my family and my baby daughter is magnified in ways which heighten my awareness of our health and also its impact on others. My daughters health is the most precious thing on Earth. Close to this is mine. Without my health how can I be what she needs me to be? How can I serve her in the best way I can as a parent? If Im unwell, Im no good not only to her but also myself. Becoming a parent has changed me in ways I never saw coming. Baby Evie is an extraordinary game changer, in a good way. Combine becoming a parent with the extraordinary events around the world and you have a recipe for massive change. But I wouldnt have it any other way. I feel I may have been seeing life and the world through a different lens before she arrived. I feel so incredibly lucky and blessed she helped show me a new world. What changes have you felt / experienced/ found on the other side of this chapter? In what ways have they brought you happiness / awareness and positive change which will also mean your world never returns to the life you experienced before...? Some people may want to just go back to the normal of before. But I dont. I welcome change to evolve as a person, to stretch my mind, to find gratitude in different ways and to inspire my daughter that by embracing change, you never know where the path may lead. #change #covid19 #moveforward #progression #leaveyourcomfortzone #growthmindset #gratitude #becomethebestversionofyourself
15.01.2022 Our responsibilities as parents are huge. The list goes for days. But the gift of guiding our children towards a healthy life is one of the greatest gifts we can give them. Their mental and physical health will impact EVERYTHING they do throughout their entire journey. ... So how do you help give them the best of their health? Make your health a priority. Let them follow your example. Fuel their little bodies with real food. Teach them to play outside in the sun an fresh air. Avoid chemicals / numbers and synthetic products as much as possible. If their health becomes compromised, search for real answers from health professionals who will help treat the cause of their illness or ailment not just band-aid the challenge with pills and medications. Be the best example you can be to them and if needed along their journey, turn to nature for nurture as much as you can. #infants #infantnutrition #realfood #nuture #sunlight #parents #kidshealth #nutrition #manahealth
14.01.2022 Simple overview here on specific signs and symptoms represented with contraction of COVID-19. More tips and tricks to stay well will be up here later today! Stay well everyone!!... #immunity #realfood #realhealth #nutritionaltherapy #staywell #strongertogether
14.01.2022 For those in the Redland area, this Coffee House is so much more than just that, AND they are open all long weekend!!! Support our locals and indulge in their amazing coffee and to-die-for food!!
14.01.2022 Vitamin C is highly regarded to assist the immune system. There are claims at the moment this powerful vitamin can assist with fighting the Coronavirus and others say it wont. Truth be known, both answers are right and either way, I am loading up on the gear. Vitamin C assists in the destruction of free radicals in the body which in simple terms, it can help prevent you from getting sick! ... It also helps build hormones and collagen in the body. So how are hormones and collagen relevant now? The hormones it helps build actually assists in fighting severe infections and the ability to help rebuild collagen throughout the body means it can help rebuild tissues which constitute the cardiopulmonary system; the same system impacted most by the Coronavirus. So if Vitamin C can help keep vital tissues in tact and hormones in continual construction to help your body cope with all illnesses, you can be the judge on its benefit for your body. If you are on board and keen to up your intake, think warm colours from nature! Orange, red, yellow and pink fruits and veggies are your go to for this superpower. #vitaminc #coronavirus #nutrition #health #wellness #staystrong #realfood #nutritionaltherapy #fruit #vegetables #coloursoftherainbow
14.01.2022 This is 100% true!! And sometimes it feels they happen simultaneously.
14.01.2022 Brilliant message by Nathan at The Sporting Parent!!
13.01.2022 An excellent article attached below! #coronavirus #health #diseaseprevention
13.01.2022 One week ago today my baby angel turned one! I am STILL in disbelief! Where on Earth did the time go?! While that I cannot answer, what I do know is as long as I am alive, I will always tell her she is worthy. She is worthy of dreaming big, worthy of amazing things, worthy and deserving of anything at all that she wants and dreams! ... @manifestationbabe reminded me of this perfect message today but she also reminded me that I too am allowed to dream big. I am worthy of anything I wish and dream too! Everyone on Earth is worthy of their wildest dreams! Sometimes is easy to shelve what we want most as we take care of life events, place everyone else in-front of ourselves and prioritise their needs over ours. Of course they are important! But what is SO important also, is to remember; when we chase dreams which bring our soul to life, we bring out the best in others too! We inspire others to chase their dreams. We inspire our children!!! Thank you @manifestationbabe for reminding me today to be the dream chaser. Because I am worthy. Because I want to lead by example to and for my beautiful daughter. Because she is worthy. #mbsecondnature #dreambig #dreambiglittleone #motheranddaughter #love #family #health
12.01.2022 Whatever you hope. Whatever you dare to change. Whatever you want but doubt your capability to achieve... Never trade the thrills of living for the security of existence. ... #pathisyours #youdecide #change #bebetter #climbmountains #daretodream #fortunefavoursthebravepalette #letsdothis #dontwait #noregrets #manahealth
12.01.2022 Your health isnt just about you. The choices you make today affect your children tomorrow. They impact your family days from now. ... They shape your future with those you love, years from now. Small, tiny, positive changes all add up to healthy new directions- for you and your family! Consider what healthy choices and changes can you make today, for a better life for your family tomorrow? #family #health #realfood #changetoday #naturalhealth #prenatalhealth #familyhealth #fitness #healthhabits #nutritionalmedicine
12.01.2022 Awesome reminder The Natural Parent Magazine! The irony about our actions too, are that the decisions we make for our children affect their future on multiple levels. The world they grow up in is shaped by the decisions we make.
10.01.2022 We are currently living in a world where we are scrambling to build up our immunity enough to fight the Coronavirus. Imagine feeling confident your immune system is strong enough in advance, that it can cope no matter what comes your way. Honestly, my immunity is amazing. ... So strong, resilient, powerful and bulletproof as I tell people. Does this mean I wont get the virus? Nope. Not necessarily. But it does mean I feel confident my body will fight back with unrelenting strength. I believe a strong immune system shouldnt be built out of fear in response to widespread illness, but instead built proactively every day, in readiness for anything life throws our way. #immunity #coronavirus #health #realfood #nutritionalmedicine #mana #longevity #changenow #makelemonadefromlemons
09.01.2022 Even if you dont have children, please read until the end. Have you ever thought about what your child sees when they watch your every move, word said, emotion felt and experience shared? Have you ever thought about what your child sees of you now, as they watch you taking in the news, media and events around the world as the spread of Coronavirus unfolds?... Do they see you sad, afraid and worn down or energetic, hopeful and uplifting? What actions do you take in response to the unfolding news? What do they see? What do your friends see? What does your extended family see? Even from afar, people hear your words and feel your emotions all the time. How we process and respond to these events will change the course of our lives and our childrens lives forever- because of how they see us. Our children will forever remember this scary time to them. This time when they missed their friends. But maybe they spoke to them on FaceTime. They watched their parents grow closer or maybe further apart. They couldnt play they games they use to. But maybe their parents played with them more than ever before. They will always remember this time, not only for its impact on them, but because they watched us, their parents, process these events. This period is absolutely horrendous. Honestly; my anxious and scared mind is kept tightly in its box as often as possible and it is managed by reading simple news headlines, watching only key news bulletins and taking in necessary facts only. How we fuel our mind is up to us and significant consideration has to be made for what we let in, because it doesnt just affect us. I manage my mind so my childs face sees hope, love, happiness and connection every single day. Not because life is about sugar coating reality. But because life is about what you make of it and I want to look back proud of how she sees me. Proud of where and how my time was spent. Proud of how those in my world were impacted by me. Proud of what the world may look like through my childs eyes. #love #honesty #hope #coronavirus #changerheworld #children #bethechange #positivepower #health #happiness #cometogether
09.01.2022 Olive Leaf Extract has phenomenal power for your immune system. This powerful natural potion contains loads of amazing nutrients and most specifically phytonutrients which actually help prevent viruses from replicating within the body (and therefore leading to significant illness), as well as fighting bacteria and inflammation within the body. Amazing!! ... I personally use @comvita_au . (I am not sponsored or required to endorse any product or brand at all...just sharing what I use for reference for others). #realfood #olive #immunityboost #coronavirus #health #wellness #healing #nutritionaltherapy
09.01.2022 A post of a different kind is always welcomed here right? At a time when people all over the world are in isolation of some form and some are feeling the strain of these conditions more than others, its an amazing time to connect to people. So I figure I should start by sharing a bit more about me. Here are 9 random questions below. ... I'd love to hear your reply to one or many of these questions to learn more about you too! Copy - paste and reply below! 1. Home town? Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. 2.Who do you live with? Husband, 3 month old baby and two fur babies. 3. What do you love about what you do? I love sharing my knowledge of nutritional medicine and all things health and fitness with others! Knowledge is power and when its knowledge about improving your heath, such information is priceless! 4. Can't wait to _______when isolation and social distancing restrictions end? I need more time to think about this. :) 5. Best fitness tips during this time? I use anything and do whatever I can! Walk, stretch, home weights with high reps, slow bodyweight work - options are limitless...Its about being creative! :) 6. Book you are reading? Dotcom Secrets by @russellbrunson . 7. Podcasts you love? The School of Greatness by @lewishowes Millionaire Success Habits by @deangraziosi , Under the Skin with @russellbrand and French Kiss Life with @tonyaleigh . However, while I am subscribed to these, my list of other people to listen to ready to play is massive! :) 8. What is your silver lining to this crazy time? We have been blessed with the time and opportunity to spend time with loved ones. Seize this. We don't get a rewind button. 9: Next dream travel destination? Hawaii! :) Love to hear your answers!! #isolation #health #fitnessmotivation #nutritionaltherapy #changenow #connection #realfood #realhealth
07.01.2022 Its Sunday. Why are our beaches, parks, and hiking trails closed and under guard? We can all safely practice social distancing in the sun, except bureaucrats closed them all. Now science makes that decision look dumb. Go outside. Get some sun. #freetheparks #pandemic #covid_19
07.01.2022 Brilliant post by dave.asprey! Please read the smaller subheading underneath the lead headline. The statistics are tragic! Dont get me wrong. ... But what isnt to be neglected in all of this is that reactive healthcare is never as effective as proactive healthcare. The prevention of disease in the first place will always lay the best foundations for immune system! #health #nutrition #nutritionaltherapy #proactive #coronavirus #changetoday
05.01.2022 Nathan at The Sporting Parent sheds light on nutritional issues in the young sporting community. Its not that kids are deficient and needs this- its that marketing is now making children and then parents think that they do, its that our world is full of quick fixes and band-aid solutions, of not owning the part we play in the health of our children, of a world where we doubt athletic achievement without some kind of aid, of mass media coverage of kids heros achieving gre...atness in their sport then being paid millions to market a company or brand of supplement. Im all for supplements when and where due, dont get me wrong. But kids are not the target market and they shouldnt ever be in a position where they maybe. Watch this space for Nathans blog post to follow!
05.01.2022 There are 10 000 nutrients in one apple. You dont need tonnes of foreign chemicals, numbers and strange ingredients to elevate your immunity. All you need is fresh produce from your own back yard or your home country, for all the nourishment in the world.... 10 000 nutrients in one day from one apple? Imagine how you could fuel your body if your diet was filled with fruits and vegetables all day long? #nutritionaltherapy #realfood #realhealth #apple #fruit #immunityboost #coronavirus #besafe #proactivehealth #coronavirus
04.01.2022 Quote inspired by @lrknost Our little ones build lives on what we see them accomplish. From the second they arrive. It’s all about what each others’ child does or doesn’t do. As they grow we choose schools for their hopeful achievements and the world watches later through life on what they have still done or not done. ... I don’t want Evie to think I’m raising her the same way. I want to help her build her most true, sincere, authentic life from who she is as a person, not what she does. Whatever she needs to help her happy, authentic self thrive and flourish in this life is more important to me than what she does. I hope I’ll always be able to provide her every opportunity her heart desires... to fuel her dreams, loves, passions and plans in whatever way that she wants. Let’s raise children for who they are at their most true, sincere essence. #healthykids #happykids #raisingdaughters #raisingchildren #love #familylove
04.01.2022 In this midst of media overwhelm, theories, speculation, blame, fear and unending confusion, sometimes we cannot even hear our own thoughts. Dont forget to switch off. Turn off noice, devices, chatter and everything that harms the peace in your mind to instead find serenity in nothingness. ... The quiet calm of nature. Of presence. Of simple gratitude in the here and now. It may amaze you the impact your calmness and peace has on those around you... May peace be with you. #mindfullness #peace #switchoff #serenity #mentalhealth #bepresent
04.01.2022 Excellent article! Medical News Today BioMedica Nutraceuticals thank you for sharing!
03.01.2022 Brilliant post by Nathan Parnham from The Sporting Parent! I feel this information is so important in this day age not only for the health and wellbeing of our kids but also due to a very personal attachment to this content. Aside from being a parent now myself, my 11 years working with the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority allowed me to learn so much about the dark side of rising youth sport and due to such ease of access to supplements for young athletes today...this... post is a must read! So you dont miss a beat, I highly recommend subscribing to his website!
03.01.2022 Vitamin D. Free immune booster. Accessible anywhere in the world. Can still be found while locked down and / or in quarantine. Helpful for all ages and stages of life.... May lead to a small and highly invigorating break from electronic devices. AND outside time helps the mind as much as the body at this challenging time. #immunity #sun #vitamind #controlthespread #health #wellness #nutritionaltherapy #nature #australia #outdoors #bewell #coronavirus #bestrong #helpeachother
03.01.2022 So true! Love this!! Thanks Mum!
03.01.2022 In what has been a most phenomenal first 6 months of the year, right around the world, sometimes we need to be reminded to return to the basics. So many things we wish were different or could be done differently. Maybe we can move mountains.... Maybe we cant. Maybe we can cure disease. Maybe we cant. Maybe we can create history. Maybe we cant . What I do know we can all do, is take a moment every day, just to be grateful for all that we have. Maybe thats enough to change our world. #changeiscoming #gratitude #returntothebasics #thankful #health #honesty #returntoyourself
01.01.2022 Below you will find a simple overview of the status of COVID-19. If anyone would like a simple overview on preventative measures for COVID-19, just drop me a reply or direct message and I will send you a PDFs via messenger.
01.01.2022 Quote by Louis LAmour. Einstein also said, Insanity is repeating the same behaviour over and over again and expecting a different result. Nothing changes if nothing changes. The one thing we cannot afford to compromise in our life is our health. That suffers, everything pays a price. ... There is a toll. On our body. Our family. Our work. Our vitality. Think about the impact of unchanged action. Think about the impact of action...if true change worked. You may not make time for your health now, but I guarantee you will be forced to make time for illness later. Dont let 2020 be another year that you continue to attempt to sail on yesterdays wind. #timeforchange #healthyfood #realfood #dontwastetime #takeaction #nutrition #nutritionalmedicine See more
01.01.2022 What you focus on at the end of this epic 12 months is what matters most... Because where your focus goes, energy flows. It’s been a horrendous 12 months so many people, and it’s also been beautiful.... Bring on a bright, brand new year!!
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