Mandy Nolan | Comedian
Mandy Nolan
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25.01.2022 May the Lord Open Earlier this year I was one of the many hooked on Handmaid’s Tale. There was something weirdly compelling about this dystopian take on life where humans have lost agency in a society controlled by extremist rule. Handmaid’s Tale is about the totalitarian power of governance over a population. The series always left me tingling with fear, imagining what it must be like to live a life without freedom. It’s not real, but it felt real. History shows us how quick...Continue reading
25.01.2022 What does being 'entitled' actually mean?
24.01.2022 Annastacia’s Borderline Disorder Queensland is closed. Annastacia is showing she knows how to deliver some serious borderline discipline. It’s a show of strength perhaps some might say a borderline disorder. There’s a 31st October state election around he corner and she’s not about to let a few hundred NSW cancer patients in need of treatment soften her public displays of tough love for her Queensland constituents. There’s been endless stories of seriously ill people wh...Continue reading
24.01.2022 The empty cup..
23.01.2022 Lets get rid of this virus and have FUN again!
22.01.2022 A big thank you to everyone who supported my Full Mandy go fund me! I have started the delivery/ with one of my first hand dtops to Eliza in Kyogle who seemed a little surprised when I turned up! She said ‘i had you pegged as a Jehovah’ lol! I will be dropping by your place soon! Xx
22.01.2022 Hey Mullum coming?
21.01.2022 Want to come and see these fabulous people give a talk at federal hall tomorrow at 11.30am - free! Just 10 spots available- private message me - like mini TED talks! Funny! Profound! Amazing!
21.01.2022 Amazing couple of days!
20.01.2022 Almost done my Full Mandy deliveries. Some people have never given me delivery address. If you are still waiting for the book you bought on the go fund me then private message me! If you'd still like a book you can get them on my website or go to the Echo in Mullum - there are signed copies available there! $35 online (including postage) and $30 at the Echo!
19.01.2022 I love this. Koalas need Trees. They need you.
19.01.2022 Anyone for Safe Sets? I am so excited about hosting a show with these two gorgeous people! Simon Greaves and Gyan! Simon on - he's quite the maestr...o and Gyan - that voice, that stage presence. It's beautiful. They are doing two sets, the first you choose my telling me what song you want them to play - so post it in the comments! And come along - there's not much on these days and going out and being in the presence of talent like this is an absolute gift. It makes you want to LOVE ALL! See what I did there! 2 Oct byron services club at 8pm & 3 Oct Mullum Ex services at 8pm. Shows $35. Limited tix. Please buy ahead of time so you don't turn up and I make you sad by saying we are full. Tix on See more
18.01.2022 Women Who Hate Women ‘There is a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women.’ Madeleine K. Albright, Former Secretary of State and Ambassador to the UN. This is one of my favourite quotes. You see, too often the greatest enemy women are up against, is one of us. Not a man trying to bring us down but a woman....Continue reading
18.01.2022 Fire up your brooms - the witches are heading south....
15.01.2022 The Power of Sorry Saying Sorry is powerful. I think we sometimes forget how profound a true act of contrition can be. We live in a world perpetuated by power brokers and politicians who wreak havoc without ever having the courage to admit they were wrong. I Being able to apologise is recognition of our failings that we are human and that we make mistakes but on reflection, we have the insight to desire repatriation. We start with sorry. Sometimes it's all we have. It's just words it doesn't change what happened, but somehow, when hearts are open, the act of saying sorry can go deep between the giver and the receiver. There's an intimacy of true forgiveness that happens so rarely, and it takes your breath away. It caught me by surprise today in the Post Office. I was handed a small white envelope addressed to 'Ms Mandy Nolan, Comedian/Entertainer, Poste Restante/ c/- Post Office, Mullumbimby.' My first reaction was 'oh, dear'. Handwritten mail to Mandy Nolan comes in two shades: beautiful, creative and kind OR abusive, hectoring and mean. I look at the envelope more closely, and the cursive writing has humility in the way it gently slants on the page. It doesn't look like an angry pen that pushes holes when it dots the 'I's and downstrokes tear the page. So I open it at the counter, and I read: 'Dear Mandy Nolan, I am writing to apologise to you' I feel the first tear. I know I can't read anymore because I will start bawling in the Post Office. It's so lovely I announce to the entire post office (just five socially distanced customers) 'Someone has written me a letter of apology!' Of course, no one is interested, but I hold it up to show them like I'm 2 years old with a Thomas the Tank Engine card that toots. It's like I've won something. Which in a way I did. I won this little piece of connection brought about by misunderstanding. It's simple, and it's beautiful, and I have to rush to the car to read the rest of the letter so I can cry in private. In a culture of online outrage, where people seem to be more comfortable with cruelty than kindness, there is something precious about a handwritten apology. To give a little context: a few weeks ago I'd written about my three kids being in lockdown in Melbourne there were various sympathetic responses and a few unkind ones which at the time I found hard to fathom. The writer of this letter had been the author of a few of these comments which I found strange and hurtful, but I am not unused to unkind remarks as I know while I'm the cause of affection for many I am also the cause of great irritation to some. Those 'some' love to comment on my posts to let off a little bit of steam now and then. They like to put me in my place. Ironically, Roger and Robot are two of my most dedicated readers. They hate me, but they can't get enough of me. I love that they read me every week. It must give them something to look forward to. I am used to people like Roger and Robot. Abuse and criticism are predictable and expected. I'm not used to people who have the capacity to truly apologise. It instantly made me compassionate. It reminded me not to take things personally - that someone else might have having a bad day. It's not always about me, even when it is about me. Not many people know how to apologise. Generally, they make excuses for their behaviour. I'm sorry but.' I think I apologise like that. This person didn't. They wrote 'There is no excuse I can offer. It was simply rude and uncalled for. Please accept my deepest apologies for my unthinking behaviour.' Well, I totally do. I have nowhere to send my reply. This person has disappeared off my Facebook, so I've had to write here to say Thank You. I accept your apology. No hard feelings. Wow, it just makes me want to be mean to someone, so I can make amends. Mandy Mandy Nolan and Dr George Catsi run Authentic You Masterclass to empower people to speak in a powerful voice. Like our page to stay in touch.
15.01.2022 My friend George wrote this about male violence - such an important conversation for men to have
13.01.2022 Hey Kyogle witches coming?
13.01.2022 I wrote this wondering how as a sociey we can ever deal with our most rotten apples.
12.01.2022 We gotta stop the hating.
12.01.2022 The Country Witches are coming to Katoomba and Sydney in September......
12.01.2022 Do you have a Yoni or a Vag?
11.01.2022 The Homeless Women of the Byron Shire you won’t see on Instagram Poverty is an uncomfortable truth. Knowing you can intervene to change the circumstance of another human being is a privilege and a duty. In his book The Life You Can Save, philosopher Peter Singer argued that citizens of affluent nations are behaving immorally if they do not act to end the poverty they know to exist in developing nations. This is upsetting. None of us want to perceive ourselves as immoral. But ...Continue reading
10.01.2022 My friend George Catsi who i run authentic you classes with wrote this on Fathers Day
10.01.2022 I have chosen 100 of my best columns from my weekly soapbox from the last almost 20 years to publish as The Full Mandy - due out hopefully before Xmas! I need your help! If you donate a minimum of $30 I send you a signed copy of the book! Hell if you live locally I will hand deliver it wearing the outfit of your choice!
10.01.2022 To mask or not to mask?
09.01.2022 Are you being you?
09.01.2022 Don’t Lock Me In My daughter rang me on Sunday morning with a melancholy message. ‘Guess what mum? We’re locked down again.’ My daughter and my son are both in suburbs that the Victorian government have put in lock down. While they’re despondent about returning to lockdown for the next few weeks, they’re not in mandatory lockdown like the 3000 residents living in public housing. 3000 people who can’t leave their building to even go shopping. It’s called Hard Lockdown. It se...Continue reading
09.01.2022 I am really close to $9000 on the go fund me I am running to publish the full Mandy. Thank you so much for all your support if you haven’t yet you can still buyI am really close to $9000 on the go fund me I am running to publish the full Mandy. Thank you so much for all your support if you haven’t yet you can still Pre-buy a book for $30 or make a donation! So close to the $10 k target!
07.01.2022 Hey ! Friday thrills ! Watch to the worth it!
07.01.2022 A great piece by My friend George on male violence
05.01.2022 Hey friends - I have a new book - do you want to help support and possibly score a pre xmas copy?
04.01.2022 Gross Estate Last week in Byron a house that doesn’t yet exist sold for $60 million. A beach front holiday house. A tidy little weekender. The buyer bought a drawing of the house that is yet to materialise. It’s not even a home. It’s for holidays. A holiday from what? Makes me want to puke. We should all be appalled. This sort of wealth should not be celebrated. It’s destroying us. What is going to happen to our town if this continues? Where will we live? This whirlpool of sp...Continue reading
01.01.2022 Whats become more evident all the time is that people connect with story. Do you know yours? Are you able to tell yours in a way that cuts through? I stopped teaching stand up last year because I found after 2000 students the same thing kept turning up - what makes people powerful in what they do is their authenticity and their voice. And this doesn't just hold for comedy. George and I have created this really cool 2 day class that is a gamechanger in the way you present. As ...creatives ourselves we've realised how hard its been on creative industries so we are offering a hugely reduced creatives price for this Sydney class. PM me if you want to chat about it or know anything more! If you know someone who you think would love this - we works with artists, musicians, writers, educators, health practictioners, managers, people in leadership, and pretty well anyone passionate about amplifying the volume on their ideas! See more
01.01.2022 In the age of Corona you need to stay positive...