Mandy Probyn | Personal coach
Mandy Probyn
Phone: +61 416 125 405
Address: 919 Eungella Dam Road 4757 Crediton, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 I hear frequent comments about chestnuts but this little guy I have in for training has to be one of the nicest little guys I have had the pleasure of riding. Huge amount of try in him going to be hard to say goodbye to him.
25.01.2022 #CowboyDressageTasmania Very excited to be heading back over to Tasmania once again save the dates 27th and 28th of February and 6th and 7th of November 2021.For bookings please contact Vicki Hume 0417832076
25.01.2022 How many people muck out their horses feet before Groundwork or Riding?
25.01.2022 Enjoying the dressage lessons by Vanessa Way Grand Prix Dressage rider Vanessa Way brings us into her lovely property in Taranaki, New Zealand to share her knowledge and approach to create happy healthy athletes with her team of Dressage horses. After spending a year at Carl Hesters yard in the UK Vanessa shares what she learnt and how she has bought this knowledge and training back to New Zealand and given it her own kiwi flavour. Sit back and enjoy the Dressage Vanessa's Way.
25.01.2022 Sally-ann Wilmot and her wonderful steed 'Call on Kevin' are in the February edition of Horse Deals, super excited for the pair of super stars
25.01.2022 Next Facebook live with Lynn McEnespy
24.01.2022 If you cannot attend our clinics as a rider consider attending as a fence sitter. You are encouraged to interact and join in, a great learning opportunity.
23.01.2022 #NthQldCowboyDressageChampionships thanks go out to Helen from she has kindly agreed to sponsor the Jack Brainard Try Award. Be sure to pop into the store, like their Facebook page and do some horse retail shopping.
23.01.2022 Even if you do not have any intention on riding the Cowboy Dressage Tests, training using the Octagon has huge benefits. I have personally found it helps my horse achieve bend when lunging around it, gives them something to focus on.
23.01.2022 Great article on Cowboy Dressage
23.01.2022 The three Mr B's Bazil, Bronson and Bud just been let out of their night paddock, off to have some playful fun in the Eungella cloud mist.
23.01.2022 #NthQldCowboyDressageChampionships Huge thankyou to Marie Cooke for sponsoring the Amateur Champion Buckle.
22.01.2022 The low down on sarcoids
22.01.2022 Don't miss Facebook live with Lyn
22.01.2022 Not horse related but a fantastic story on the Shearer's Cook
22.01.2022 Be kind to yourself ride where you can. I recently had this conversation with a group of ladies if it makes you feel sick in your stomach at the thought of stepping out of the arena and venturing on a trail ride, DON'T GO. Write yourself a plan on achieving the trail ride break it down into many pieces, set yourself a realistic time frame on achieving the goal. A trail ride can be walking 20m out of your arena if done successfully you not only feel confident in your achievement, your horse feels confident as well. Build step by step untill you reach your end goal.
22.01.2022 #cowgirlsretreat Now this is giving me ideas for 2021 Cowgirls Retreat games
22.01.2022 Sara Easdale and Daylight brilliant memory.
21.01.2022 One of our lovely attendees has had to forfeit her position in this clinic, if you would like to attend please let me know and I can pass on her details to purchase the ticket from her, Cheers Mandy
21.01.2022 #nthqldcowboydressagechampionships One lucky winner will be the receipent of this beautiful saddle pad from the lovely ladies Niole Paul and Alyssa Hills owners of Qld Western Show Pads.
21.01.2022 Cutest little Santa
20.01.2022 If you were to give your horse a Christmas gift what would it be?
20.01.2022 With Dr Jenni Grimmett Join us to discuss " & Here on on this page 24th of November 7pm pst .... . #cowboydressageworld #facebooklive #Softfeel See more
18.01.2022 #MandyProbynEquineConnection
18.01.2022 #NthQldCowboyDressageChampionships Huge thanks go out to Alyssa Hills and Niole Paul from for their kind sponsorship towards our Cowboy Dressage Championships Ladies are sponsoring the Highest Score Award. Be sure to visit their Facebook page, like and admire their lovely Saddle Pads for sale.
18.01.2022 #MerryChristmas #sharethelove
18.01.2022 The Jog - The Cowboy’s Gait A Cowboy Dressage horse in a working-frame jog should be smooth and comfortable to ride seated. The jog has its origin in the working cowboy who spent hours in the saddle....... Read more at :
17.01.2022 " Though the notion we can know anything about a horse's temperament from hair swirls or coat color seems old-wivesish on the face of it, there's actually quite a bit of information available on the linkage between physical characteristics and behavioral characteristics in humans and other species of animals. For example, Temple Grandin's study on hair swirls in cattle also noted that: -Children and adults with developmental disabilities have a high incidence of abnormal whorl patterns; -Studies with guinea pigs have shown selecting for different hair colors changed the animals' temperament; -Studies with rats have shown that breeding for the black, non-agouti (non-ticked) coat color resulted in tamer, easier-to-handle rats; -Studies with foxes found differences in temperament clearly linked to differences in coat color. Obviously, horses are not humans, rats, or foxes; still, the fact that these correlations are proven in other species may help explain some of the interesting things horsemen of old--and now today--have noticed about physical characteristics and temperament in horses."
17.01.2022 Tomorrow at 11am don't forget to bring a chair, nibblies and drinks. I will also bring snags for a sausage sizzle. Family and kids are welcome. Steve and I will get there a little earlier to set up the BBQ and gazeebo so look out for us we will be somewhere at the dam
17.01.2022 Do you have a story you would like to share with Cowboy Dressage World? Read all about Sally-ann Wilmot and Call on Kevin :) we are super proud of the wonderful pair.
16.01.2022 #NthQldCowboyDressageChampionships Huge thanks go out to Alyssa Hills from for her kind sponsorship towards our Cowboy Dressage Championships Alyssa is sponsoring the Veteran and Highest Score Award. Be sure to visit Australian Western Show Tack Facebook page, like and see what she has available for sale. I spotted some pretty neat ride in Western Saddle Covers.
16.01.2022 Reminder please mark as going or shoot me a PM so I know how many snags to throw on the BBQ, please note this get together is not for the general public, only people and their family who have attended an Equine Connection event :) Please bring a plate of nibblies /finger food to share, chair and your own drinks. Will be a casual event just to get together and catch up :) We will be meeting at 11am at Kinchant Dam near one of the BBQs and shelter sheds If you are planning o...n attending Janes event at 9am can you please let her know. See you soon Mandy and Steve See more
15.01.2022 I have started using the Lucerne hay cubes as part of my reward-based training. I am still using the large pellets but was needing a treat that would take the horse longer to eat. I have been using reward-based training to help the horses out with separation anxiety. However, it still has me puzzled how two horses can live together in one paddock, and not like each other (rephrase they tolerate each other) then you take them out together, and they act like they are best budd...ies. The horses know to touch and stand by a designated target in my case I use boat fenders clipped to the tie-up area. When they stand by their target quietly, I reward with a treat, and when training two horses at once, the hay cubes have been fantastic as it takes the horse longer to eat the cube giving me more time to get to the 2nd horse to reward. They can be provided dry, and my horses have learned to chew on them and have had no problems. Word of caution if your horse is prone to choke I would not consider these an option, they can be fed wet and will expand so you can also use them as part of your horses daily feed. I purchased my Hay cubes from the folks at . See more
15.01.2022 New stock of Idolo Tether ties have arrived Safely tie up your horse.
15.01.2022 #THANKFUL Thanksgiving in the USA can be dated back as far as 1621 ( some will say earlier) when a group of pilgrims shared a feast with Native Americans by way of celebrating what had been a fruitful harvest. The previous years harvest had been a disaster with many of the pilgrims starving to death. The members of the Native American tribe kindly demonstrated to the remaining pilgrims how to tend the land to ensure crops would grow, catch fish and generally become self sufficient. From this, the first Thanksgiving was born.
14.01.2022 Have a story to share?
14.01.2022 This will be the ! Don’t miss out on all the , We have exciting classes including the Team Trifecta. We can’t wait to see you all at ...Rancho Murieta, California. 8th-11th October, 2020
13.01.2022 HAY STACK TIPS When storing hay stack the bottom layer of bales on their sides, with the stings facing sideways instead of up. The uneven surface allows better air circulation and helps prevent mould. I like to stack on a pallet as this allows air flow under the hay bales. Stack the second layer with the strings facing up, all pointing the same direction. Stack the third layer perpendicular to the the second layer, so if the second layer of bales are pointing north and south ...the third layer of bales should point east and west. This will lock your stack making it more stable. Leave room between rows it promotes airflow. Allow at least 40cm between your hay stack, walls and ceiling to ensure proper airflow. See more
13.01.2022 #NthQldCowboyDressageChampionships one lucky winner will receive this beautiful prize package from Australian Western Show Tack The bridle is gorgeous. Please support our valued sponsors
13.01.2022 #NthQldCowboyDressageChampionships Many thanks to Kylie Chapman from For her valued Sponsorship Kylie has sponsored the Open, Amateur and Junior Reserve Champion Awards. Be sure to pop in and visit Kylie's online shop and Facebook page :)
12.01.2022 Thankyou to Kit N Kaboodle
12.01.2022 It's time to enter
12.01.2022 Love this red head soooo much.
12.01.2022 Training Tip. The easy way to catch your horse.
12.01.2022 Tickets go on sale on the 1st of December :) 3 days of fun and learning, 2 Qualified Instructors, catered for Breakfast, Morning Tea and Lunch. $300 includes meals and all activities.
11.01.2022 When cleaning brushes have you tried using vinegar? VINEGAR - Is a natural disinfectant that kills bacteria, fungi and viruses. It also breaks down grease, including oils produced by your horse's skin, which get trapped in the horses' brushes. 1. Pull out the horsehair from grooming brushes with a fine-toothed comb, one of the old fashioned metal curry combs works well, vacuuming works well also.... 2. Pre-rinse brushes and combs with a stream of water, gurneys are great for this. If you find your brushes are grimy, you can use some horse shampoo. I have a great little washing tool that you attach to the hose and fill the chamber with shampoo; the device dispenses both water and shampoo at once with a flick of the dial. 3. Fill a shallow bowl with a white vinegar mix of 1:3 water. 4. Dip the natural hair brushes in only as soaking can cause the bristles to split. You can soak the plastic combs and brushes. You only need to soak for a few minutes. 5. Lay the grooming tools out in the sun to air dry. The suns UV rays also work to kill harmful bacteria. Vinegar is also a great alternative to bleach for scrubbing out slimy water troughs.
11.01.2022 #Freerein #Liberty Kick of the New Year with a Liberty Clinic at Nebo
11.01.2022 Being a champion isn't buying the most expensive horse, having the most expensive barn, trailer, or tack. Being a champion isn't winning a class or a buckle. Being a champion isn't always glory and great times. Being a champion is love, passion, hard work, dedication... It's tears and screaming, it's not always easy. It's working no matter what conditions you have to do it in. It's late nights and early mornings, it's horses before yourself, before your friends, often b...efore your family. Its sore bodies, bruises, and cuts. It's vet bills and last dimes to make sure they have all they need. It's crying in their mane when you had a bad day. It's smiling when they finally get that thing you've been trying to teach them for a month. It's having the best network of people to care for them and to support you. It's farriers, vets, dentists, chiropractors, feed store owners, husband's, wives, family, friends and even enemies. It's learning how to take the good with the bad and never knowing what each day may bring. It's the happy and the sad. It's the highs and the lows. Its wanting to give up but never doing so. Most of all, it's the love that you feel every time you see those eyes and hear that nicker. Being a champion really has little to do with victories in the show pen as it does with victories on every road to get to that show. Being a champion is living for what you love and loving what you do and who you do it with and NEVER giving up. The victories are many and the ribbons and the buckles are icing on the cake so to say. But being a champion is so much more than just winning... And once you can learn that, you too will be a champion. ~ Author Unknown ~
10.01.2022 Thank you for your interest in the Cowboy Dressage Clinic at Finch Hatton Qld, Unfortunately it is FULL now. I will see what I can do with my schedule and see if I can try and fit in another one for those that missed out I am keen to share Cowboy Dressage and all its benefits for horse and rider. Find your tribe with Cowboy Dressage.
10.01.2022 Its on again our Cowboy Dressage Nth Qld Championships to be held at the Nebo Show Grounds 10th & 11th of October. Good luck to all competitors showing for the weekend we look forward to welcoming you all into the Cowboy Dressage Court.
10.01.2022 Pony out for a game
10.01.2022 #HappyNewYear Cheers to a new year and another chance for 2021 to get it right."
09.01.2022 For all the girls with the muckers, half chaps and gloves with a hole in a finger. For the girls who skip a party because they have to get up at 4:30am. The ones who will feed, muck, and repair a fence for the love of their best friend. This is for the girls who can drive a tractor before they can drive a car. For the girls who would rather jump fences than skip rope. This is for the girls who thi...nk bailing twine and duct tape are tools. For girls who spend more money manes and tails braided than have their own hair done. This is for the girls who are excited opening a box with a leather halter in it. Who shovel snow to get to the barn. For the girls who filled a stocking for a horse. Who wear a bracelet or a belt with their horses's name on it, not a boy. This is for the girls who dreamed of a pony for Christmas. This is for the dreams we hold and the memories we all share. We know how to love unconditionally because a horse has taught us. This is a lifestyle not a hobby. Copy and paste if you agree See more
09.01.2022 Liberty clinic this coming weekend at Capella pictured Mr Bazil Brush trying out the streamer curtain we will be bringing with us.
09.01.2022 Whew! what a week the Cowgirls all had at our Cowgirls Retreat in Nebo :) All photos are now posted I hope you all enjoyed the wonderful photos that Steve captured as well as seeing just what the ladies got up to for a week. Steve and I would like to say a huge thank you to our Caterers Janelle and Graham Andrews we were thoroughly spoilt, well-fed and all sad we had to go home to cook for ourselves once again. Our wonderful presenters who came to share with us their knowledg...e - Sarah Champion (Pilates), Lian Meaney (Art Class), Bob Kohler (Roping), Butch Taylor (Farrier demonstration), Sari Martilla (Rodan n Fields), Steve Probyn (Trailer Maintenance) THANKYOU :) Steve for capturing these wonderful moments and being my right-hand man, Nicole Grosse and Jessica Lewer for your assistance in teaching. Planning is already underway for next years Cowgirls Retreat so bring on 2021. Many heartfelt thanks to all the lovely ladies who attended and made the week special, although I was busy, tired and exhausted at times it is my horsey holiday of the year that I personally look forward to, who wouldn't love a week away with ladies, horses and someone cooking for you every night. See more
08.01.2022 Eitan with the late Arabian Horse ledgend Sheila Varian Throwing back to Anything you can DO, I can DO better! #cowboydressageworld #memorylane
07.01.2022 This horse has to win the blue ribbon for the horse with a sense of humour
06.01.2022 Timely reminder
06.01.2022 The Blind Horse (A Christmas Story) Near my home is a field, with two horses in it. From a distance, each horse looks like any other horse. But if you stop your car, or are walking by, you will notice something quite amazing.... Looking into the eyes of one horse will disclose that he is blind. His owner has chosen not to have him put down, but has made a good home for him. This alone is amazing. If you stand nearby and listen, you will hear the sound of a bell. Looking aroun...d for the source of the sound, you will see that it comes from the smaller horse in the field. Attached to the horse's halter is a small bell. It lets the blind friend know where the other horse is, so he can follow. As you stand and watch these two friends, you'll see that the horse with the bell is always checking on the blind horse, and that the blind horse will listen for the bell and then slowly walk to where the other horse is, trusting that he will not be led astray. When the horse with the bell returns to the shelter of the barn each evening, it stops occasionally and looks back, making sure that the blind friend isn't too far behind to hear the bell. Like the owners of these two horses, God does not throw us away just because we are not perfect or because we have problems or challenges. He watches over us and even brings others into our lives to help us when we are in need. Sometimes we are the blind horse being guided by the little ringing bell of those who God places in our lives. Other times we are the guide horse, helping others to find their way.... Good friends are like that . You may not always see them, but you know they are always there. Please listen for my bell and I'll listen for yours. And remember... Be kinder than necessary - Everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle. Live simply, Love generously, Care deeply, Speak kindly.... Leave the rest to God Author Unknown
06.01.2022 Cowboy Dressage EEE (Eitan’s Educate the Educators) program - super stuff. As usual, after an intense learning situation, I come home and ruminate over what wa...s said and done. I appreciate the open mindedness of the CDW program and people. Doesn't happen all that often any more, especially with people who are disciples of only one form of riding or learning.. From my notes, (my personal reflections in italics) should you want to share, feel free: 1. Education includes the horse and rider, not just training or showing. Experimentation and innovation make learning interesting for horse and rider. My horse has a much better sense of direction that I do! All the items in the court got me lost a couple of times! Just need to practice in the court with all the elements set up. 2. Analysis of the problem is primary and is for the horse and rider. Then, what is the plan to help solve the problem. A great example is the turn on forehand and haunches as well as the shoulder fore, shoulder in that was a bugaboo for most people. The aids must be clear, consistent and correct with a plan to "ride the next step" if something goes wrong. The "biomechanics" term was not really used but I think very useful to people to try fix their riding position which affects the aids and balance of the horse. If we don't sit "Excellently", how can we expect our horses to perform "Excellently"? There is a variation in body type, style and conformation just like horses, but we all have to learn where we are in relation to the horses balance. 3. Specific to my horse (poor guy!). In looking at pictures and videos the behind the vertical position is obvious of course which also makes him a bit tense and not longitudinally supple. When he is in the "tall" frame, he is not that way which is his background and training. As said, one of my reasons for attending is to "de-tune" an FEI horse who is now 22 and give him a bit easier career. I am going to experiment with the loose rein technique in both the snaffle and hackamore to see if he will open his throat latch. Since he was better the second day I think this can be done. (I should have got him out on Sun but was just too hot by the time we were done with the first session.) I did notice that he didn't seem to have much confusion with Eitan when he was on him so there is obviously similarity between the riding in the two disciplines. His and my training does not emphasize the "bend" from only the neck but the lateral suppleness combined with BALANCE on both shoulders, no falling out or in. No turning like a bicycle especially at upper levels. As an aside - I see a lot of people misconstruing "bend" for pulling the neck to the inside and I do comment on it in tests if it is pervasive. 4. Another reason for attending and really the most important one is judges MUST be on the same page as the clinicians. Judges are the evaluators of a clinicians teaching of CD. I think it is critical that we are all thinking the same and hopefully, using some of the same terms and terminology so we can be consistent and accurate if people decide they want to ride tests in shows. Clinicians need an evaluation process and then do the problem solving (with individuals of course) to help the horse and rider. Clear, consistent steps and the ability to modify the lesson if needed for either horse or rider. What is the most important thing that needs to be addressed? What can be done to help? 5. I think there is nothing like real practice for teaching and/or judging to improve our skills. It provokes thought and discussion by all. Since all the participants (except me) either are or aspire to be clinicians, practice teaching with assistance and suggestions from all involved is really key. Even though none of us like to be under the spot light especially with our peers or others who may know more. Nothing like having a judge there to make people sweat!!!! Some very good questions though about what would I do if............ 6. Thank you for all your hospitality and letting me ride your horses. Was very informative and actually reinforces my opinion that the basic training, "dressage", applies to all kinds of horses and riders. The principles of improving the horses balance, suppleness, quality of gaits, etc. and the riders ability to communicate, sit in balance, influence but not interfere, are the same regardless of saddle (or boots and breeches!) Hope to see you all soon and thanks again! Lynn McEnespy For more information: Photo by Maria Marriott
06.01.2022 11 Ways to Build up your horses Topline.
05.01.2022 Horsemans Promise
05.01.2022 Test your knowledge do you know what an Akhal-Teke is?
05.01.2022 Limited positions remaining, only Liberty clinic I am holding in the Mackay region for 2021.
05.01.2022 #NthQldCowboyDressageChampionships Many thanks to Leah Smith from Expensive Taste Equine for sponsoring the Silver Rider Award for our Championships. Pop on over and visit her Facebook page check out her wonderful colourful fly masks
05.01.2022 What an inspiring true story
04.01.2022 New stock has arrived. We are now stocking the original trainers pouch it holds approx. 4 tennis balls or 4 cups of food.
04.01.2022 #FreeReinClinic Capella thank you to all who attended it was fun to see owners playing with their horses and exploring positive reinforcing. Thanks, Steve who kept us watered and fed, set up and pull down man and chief photographer, thanks also go out to Helle and Kim for giving us a hand cleaning up. The Capella arena is such a wonderful facility perfect location to spend a weekend away with our horses out of the sun. Activities including introducing our horses to positive reinforcement, Ground work, trick training, liberty leading, targets, stand on mat finishing with streamer curtain obstacle. Please enjoy the photos, our next Free Rein Clinic will be held in Nebo Undercover arena January the 16th and 17th 2021.
04.01.2022 Free Rein Liberty Clinic at Capella, Matilda showing us her horses lovely smile
04.01.2022 #Horseriding #Mares
03.01.2022 #CowboyDressageWorldQueensland
02.01.2022 If you are planning on attending one of our events in 2021 to avoid disappointment please book in ASAP, most of the events for next year are either 50% full or sold out. To allow me to have more one on one time with clinic attendees I am capping clinics to 10 riders. If you have missed out please register via the website for the waiting list and you will be notified if we have a rider cancel (we usually do) Fence sitting and volunteer positions are another option, allowing y...ou to be a part of the clinic. Bar a few events most are posted on the website with others to follow shortly once details are finalised. If my calendar allows it I will be available for outside bookings for hosts to hold a clinic in their area, please PM for availability and details. Thankyou for all your support and I look forward to a positive 2021, and continuing to help riders achieve their dreams, Happy Riding Mandy. See more
02.01.2022 #NthQldCowboyDressageChampionships Many thanks to Kaitlin Wooldridge from Kaitlin is sponsoring our Cancer Award with a lovely hand made Country Creation Cheese Board. Pop on over like her Facebook page and view her lovely handmade country crafts.
02.01.2022 Yes embarrassed to say this is me, I will now be using name tags in 2021
01.01.2022 Time/Patience" Vaquero words of wisdom" There are no short cuts to making a good horse. The old Vaquero way of making a horse was poco y poco, little by little. It takes 8 to 12 years to train a Grand Prix level dressage horse; the same holds true for a good California bridle horse. The key to making a quality bridle horse is to give each horse only the amount of schooling that it can assimilate. No horse can be forced beyond its ability to learn. If one is pushed too h...ard, it will set the training process back significantly and can cause problems that can never be completely repaired. We never force a square peg into a round hole. Over discipline can have the same tragic results. Discipline is crucial to making a good horse but excess can easily ruin what progress has already been made. The old adage it is easier to do something right than to do it over must always be kept in mind. If a horse is doing what is asked of it, we don’t push it. We add a little bit to our training each ride but don’t over do it. If the horse is doing well then we let it relax. We go see what is on the other side of the next hill - not because we need to, but because the horse needs to. Author unknown See more
01.01.2022 #InspireYourHeartWithArtDay Today is National Inspire Your Heart With Art Day I would like to mention Lian Meaney a local Mackay Artist, I have a few of Lian's works gracing the walls of my home, view some of her art I hope you enjoy it as much as I do definitely Inspires my heart
01.01.2022 Had fun competing in the Cowboy Dressage Virtual Finals on Mr Bazil Brush. Many thanks to Cowboy Dressage World and Sponsors for the lovely Rosette and Buckle Thanks to my fellow Triffecta Team "Desert Downunders" Danielle Miller and Niki Gibbs Wilde and fellow competitors. Due to Covid I have had to judge our Nth Qld Shows this year so missed out on the live events, what a buzz to be apart of the action and compete with the ladies
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