MangroveWatch in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Non-governmental organisation (NGO)
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 407 578 807
Address: Suite G07 60 Leicester St 3053 Melbourne, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 Bats in the Bruguiera The Daintree R spectacled flying fox (Pteropus conspicillatus) colony has moved into the Small-leaved orange mangrove (Bruguiera parviflora) forest near the ferry. Bats help pollinate and disperse some mangrove species, like the Apple mangrove (Sonneratia), and also transport nutrients from terrestrial to marine environments. Unfortunately when flying foxes move into mangroves they damage the canopy, sometimes causing tree death in the case of Rhizo...phoraceae. Flying foxes are increasingly having to reside in mangroves as their habitat is destroyed in the catchment and populations are dispersed from urban areas. Currently @cairnscouncil is ‘moving-on’ flying foxes in Cairns city. This will possibly put greater pressure on nearby mangrove areas. #mangroves #daintree #daintreerainforest #daintreeriver #spectacledflyingfox #flyingfox #bats #batsofinstagram #pollinators #bruguiera #bruguieraparviflora See more
25.01.2022 Check out the wonders of mangroves all over the world
23.01.2022 Tune in at 3pm today for the Reef Storytellers Watch Party to see all the great Great Barrier Reef citizen science projects that are happening.
23.01.2022 Teachers of the Southern Great Barrier Reef. Mangrove PD Opportunity: MangroveWatch Teacher Training Workshop: Boyne Island Environmental Education Centre 17th-18th August 2020 for #NationalScienceWeek Follow this link and fill out the survey by 12th August to sign-up: reading
23.01.2022 Saltmarsh in bloom. The aesthetic value of tidal wetlands and their contribution to local liveability is often underrated. Rounded Noon-flower (Disphyma crassifolium) at Panboola Wetlands, Pambula, South coast, NSW. . . . .... . #estuary #coast #coastallife #nature #saltmarsh #coastalliving #conservation #naturephotography #tidalwetlands #panboolawetlands #panboola #wetlands #pambula #liveability #aesthetics #spring #flowersofinstagram #plantsofinstagram #disphymacrassifolium #aizoaceae #southcoastnsw See more
20.01.2022 For South Australian mangrove folks
19.01.2022 Mangroves never cease to amaze. This is a white starfish orchid (Chiloschista phyllorhiza) growing on the trunk of the Cedar Mangrove (Xylocarpus moluccensis) in the Daintree River. This species is a leafless orchid and the green flat parts are not leaves but photosynthetic roots . Mangroves are hosts to many such epiphytic plants that live above the tide line. #mangroves #daintree #daintreeriver #orchids #orchidsofinstagram #epiphytes #plantsofinstagram #mangrove
18.01.2022 Cairns folks see below
17.01.2022 Teachers of the Southern Great Barrier Reef - there's still a few places available for our Mangrove PD Opportunity: MangroveWatch Teacher Training Workshop: Boyne Island Environmental Education Centre 17th-18th August 2020 for #ScienceWeek Follow this link and fill out the survey to sign-up: TRS and travel support available.... For more info see the video These workshops and the Protecting Wetland's for the Future program are provided by Earthwatch Australia and funded by the partnership between the Australian Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment Australian Government’s #ReefTrust and the Great Barrier Reef Foundation. #lovethereef #greatbarrierreef #mangroves #wetlands #STEM #STEMEducation Southern Great Barrier Reef Gladstone Regional Council Marine Teachers Association of Queensland Australian Science Teachers Association Queensland Science Science Teachers' Association of Queensland I believe in a sustainable CQ Burnett Mary Regional Group for Natural Resource Management Australian Citizen Science Association
16.01.2022 Happy October! With spring in full swing, the River Mangrove (Aegiceras corniculatum) is now flowering along the East coast of Australia. DYK River Mangrove flowers makes for great mangrove honey and this species is important for many coastal pollinators. . . . .... . #mangroves #pollinators #flowersofinstagram #spring #october #flowers #plantsofinstagram #bees #mangrove #coastal #coasts #pollination #honey #ecosystemservices #australia #Aegicerascorniculatum #primulaceae #river #rivermangrove See more
15.01.2022 This MangroveWatch Cairns Mangrove Action Project (MAP) The Malaysian Mangrove Research Alliance and Network (MyMangrove) Iucn Mangrovesg Global Mangrove Alliance Cairns and Far North Environment Centre
15.01.2022 Help our supporters at Earthwatch Australia get #BacktoNature this Christmas. This includes some awesome #mangrove expeditions to the Daintree and Mackay in 2021 - watch this space!
15.01.2022 Request for Assistance - boat support for MangroveWatch Training Innisfail: The Cairns and Far North Environment Centre FNQ MangroveWatch (MangroveWatch Cairns) program will be heading to #Innisfail in October. We're looking for organisations/people willing to loan/hire a boat for shoreline video assessment training on the Johnstone River in the week beginning 19th October. Let us know if you have any suggestions? Terrain NRM C4 - Community for Coastal and Cassowary Conserva...tion- Box 132 MissionBeach Great Barrier Reef Foundation Johnstone Landcare & Johnstone Catchment OzFish Unlimited Great Barrier Reef Fishing and Island Tours Cassowary Coast Regional Council Cassowary Coast Wildlife Sanctuary Cassowary Coast positive business group Wild Woman Wildlife Rescue - Cassowary Coast Queensland Mission Beach Wildcare Inc - Cassowary Coast Innisfail Seafood See more
13.01.2022 Know a spot in SEQ with a derelict 'Ghost-boat'?
13.01.2022 In the lead up to #WorldMangroveDay (July 26th) we had a chat with ABC Tropical North Saturday Breakfast about the importance of Mackay's mangroves & citizen science protecting the regions valuable blue carbon with Earthwatch Australia -Tune in at 01:22:44 #mangrove #bluecarbon #citizenscience #Mackay ... Mackay Regional Council Mackay Christian College Reef Catchments Mackay Conservation Group Australian Citizen Science Association Marine Teachers Association of Queensland Queensland Science
13.01.2022 Opportunity for #Cairns folk to get involved in saltmarsh citizen science tomorrow
13.01.2022 Tune in below to hear us have a chat with Indi Media for 'The Local Update' Podcast about the importance of #mangroves for the #Bega valley and South Coast NSW . DYK - #Merimbula is the southern distribution of the River Mangrove (Aegiceras corniculatum) and that these trees were historically heavily harvested for #oyster rack poles? There's also loads of good local content, history and interesting stories about the Bega Valley in the Podcast, so tune in if you h...ave an interest in this region . #WorldMangroveDay #mangrove #mangroves #wetlands #estuaries #estuary #BegaRiver #Eden #Tathra #Bermagui #Wapengo #oysters Local Land Services NSW #SouthEastCoastNSW South East Local Land Services Eden Marine High Wapengo, New South Wales, Australia Buckley's Oysters of Wapengo
12.01.2022 This is just so disheartening to see . This restoration project was a community partnership and was developed with community consultation - designed to ensure that mangroves would only contribute to, not detract from, shoreline aesthetics. As well as of course provide shoreline protection and habitat values. So much community effort goes into projects like these, it's such a massive shame to see that effort so blatantly disrespected. Remember Qld folks.. If you see willful mangrove damage you can report it to Fisheries Queensland by calling the 24-hour Fishwatch hotline on 1800 017 116 (toll free within Queensland).
12.01.2022 Today we farewell a true environmental hero of the Great Barrier Reef - vale John Rumney. JR was a tireless advocate for the GBR and North Queensland environmental values and an overall great bloke. His passing is a huge loss to all those advocate for GBR habitats and wildlife. Whilst we mourn the loss of one of the reefs champions, we can take comfort in the knowledge that JR's legacy lives on in the 100's of conservation advocates and researchers who have been inspired by ...JR's actions -myself included - and through the Great Barrier Reef Legacy. "If we have seen further, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants". JR was one such giant. He led a life truly worth living. Jock Mackenzie - Director, MangroveWatch
12.01.2022 Australia is home to 7% of the world’s mangroves, mostly located in the tropics. During the summer of 2015-6, one of the worst mangrove dieback events ever reco...rded devastated around 7400 hectares of mangroves along more than 1000 km of Gulf of Carpentaria coastline. The sheer scale of the Gulf of Carpentaria coastline means that regular monitoring is a challenge. Through this project, JCU: James Cook University, Australia's Dr Norm Duke has aerially surveyed 2,633km of Gulf coastline and ground-truthed these observations with ranger groups along the Gulf coastline, but ongoing monitoring is critical to understanding mangrove recovery and identifying other unusual dieback events. This project has subsequently produced a field guide for Indigenous rangers to monitor mangrove condition in the Gulf. This guide establishes all the components and equipment settings so that ranger groups along the northern Australian coast can help to improve understanding of large-scale patterns in the Gulf’s important ecosystems. Read more about the guide here #AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe National NAIDOC | NESP TWQ Hub | Earth Systems and Climate Change Hub | Marine Biodiversity Hub | MangroveWatch | Australian Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment | Normanton Rangers | Carpentaria Land Council Aboriginal Corporation | TropWATER | Cape York Natural Resource Management | Gangalidda & Garawa Rangers
12.01.2022 Great work Great Barrier Reef Legacy & #portdouglas MangroveWatch citizen scientists. tropical saltmarsh
12.01.2022 Today is Threatened Species day in Australia. DYK - Australia has one critically endangered mangrove? Bruguiera hainesii (pictured) aka Haines’s Orange Mangrove. Until 2016, this species was not known to occur in Australia, but a keen mangrove enthusiast citizen scientist discovered a local population in Cairns- there are only ~50 known individuals in Australia. Like many mangroves, this species is threatened by climate change and urban development. Let’s all work together t...o keep this mangrove and all of Australia’s mangroves from disappearing. . . . . . #ecosystems #threatenedspecies #savingspecies #criticallyendangered #endangeredspecies #marinelife #ocean #marineconservation #protectourmangroves #mangrove #nature #conservation #mangroves #climatechange #mangrove #bruguiera #wetlands #cairns #wildoz #biodiversity See more
11.01.2022 Saving saltmarsh with Gidarjil Development Corporation indigenous rangers. Saltmarsh SAVER assessments (subjective assessment of values and environmental threats) on the Calliope River, Gladstone. #goorenggooreng country. #saltmarsh #wetlands #callioperiver #gladstone #southerngbr #greatbarrierreef #indigenousrangers #IndigenousKnowledge #caringforcountry #citizenscience #marineecology
11.01.2022 It’s #NAIDOCWeek! A time to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. Here at Earthwatch we recognise the impor...tant role of Australia’s First Nations people in protecting and understanding Australia’s rich biodiversity and environmental wealth in the past, present and future. We’re proud to be working alongside Carpentaria Land Council Aboriginal Corporation and Traditional Owner groups like the Gangalidda & Garawa, Gkuthaarn & Kukatj, and Kurtijar People to protect important coastal wetlands on country through the ‘Wetlands not Wastelands in the Southern Gulf of Carpentaria’ program. CLCAC Rangers have just completed the first phase of tidal wetland monitoring to inform the development of tidal wetland management plans to highlight the need for Indigenous-led land management in Australia’s remote north. The ‘Wetlands not Wastelands’ program is sponsored by the Coca-Cola Australia Foundation. #AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe #NAIDOC2020
10.01.2022 Polished Fiddler Crab (Tubuca polita) says peace out . DYK male fiddler crabs use their large claw for signalling mates and other complex communication. The signalling pattern is different for each species. Fiddler crabs are keystone species in tidal wetland habitats, regulating energy and material fluxes between coastal habitats and drive nutrient and sediment conditions through bioturbation. Fiddler crab burrows even play a role in moderating ocean acidification! So next ...time you see a fiddler crab wave at you, wave back and say thanks . . . . . #saltmarsh #estuary #coastallife #naturephotography #wildlifephotography #marinebiology #environment #marinelife #marinescience #scicomm #conservation #mangroves #crabsofinstagram #crustaceans #invertebratesofinstagram #sealife #ocean #animals #nature #fiddlercrab #crabs #crabs #crabclaws #crab #uca #tubuca #gladstone #wetlands See more
08.01.2022 There's a newly classified mangrove species in Central-South America. Introducing Pelliciera benthamii - red-flowered mangrove pine aka 'mangle pinuela'. A second species of the Pelliciera genus, an ancient flowering plant genus known from fossil records from the same area more than 50 million years ago! This rare mangrove tree has a very restricted distribution today in Central-South America and it is highly threatened by coastal development and pollution. Previously gro...uped with Pelliciera rhizophorae, this species has some amazing and unique features. It is so unusual that botanists have had difficulty working out which plant family it belongs to. So it is currently grouped with two other oddity genera in the world in Tetrameristaceae. There are no known close relatives! Until recently it had only been known as one species from one genus. Now we know there are two species although the presence of undefined hybrids show these two are closely related. The species has very attractive large flowers that are also spectacularly visited by small hummingbirds feeding on the high sugar content from its abundant nectaries. The fruits are pretty special also having a large, well-developed single germinated seedling with large rounded cotyledons all enclosed in a thick protective jacket with a pointed end. Given the restricted distribution and local threats, it is likely to be listed as Critically Endangered on the ICUN Red-LIst. For more information see: Duke 2020 Iucn Mangrovesg Global Mangrove Trust Mangrove Action Project (MAP) Global Mangrove Alliance IUCN Red List of Threatened Species Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute #biodiversity #botany #species #mangrove #mangroves #endangered #Pelliciera #plants #nature #environment #taxonomy #hummingbirds #flowers #manglares #mangle
07.01.2022 All the attention may be on coral spawning right now, but it's mangrove breeding season too! Help us track estuary health by keeping an eye out for ’albino’ propagules. DYK that many mangroves have live young (vivipary). What you see here are germinated propagules/baby seedlings, not fruit. Unfortunately one of these is an albino propagule. Caused by a genetic mutation that prevents green pigment (chlorophyll) production. Increased frequency of this mutation has been linked to oil pollution and heavy metals . #mangroves #pollution #mutation #albino #propagule #mangrovesofinstagram #fruiting #phenology #estuary #daintree #southarm #daintreeriver #vivipary #oilspill #heavymetals #mutant #greatbarrierreef
07.01.2022 Great work Great Barrier Reef Legacy crew . Ps. Love the new boat
05.01.2022 In celebration of #WorldMangroveDay our Earthwatch Australia intern Rosanna made some #mangrove themed cupcakes .. we’ve had to enjoy them virtually, so thought we’d share for your enjoyment too
05.01.2022 'Protecting Wetlands for the Future': The MangroveWatch kit has been officially handed over to the Boyne Island Environmental Education Centre for use by Gladstone region teachers and educators. We're looking forward to the student-led mangrove citizen science data rolling in! Over the past 2 days, 7 teachers + 3 Gidarjil Development Corporation Rangers have been trained in MangroveWatch citizen science monitoring methods and literally immersed in mangrove and salt marsh know...ledge. These upskilled educators will pass on their mangrove knowledge and passion for tidal wetlands to 100's of students - the future stakeholders and managers of mangroves and the Great Barrier Reef. The future of mangroves is in their hands! The 'Protecting Wetlands for the Future' program, including 4 GBR teacher training workshops and 6 mangrove citizen science lesson plans from Cool Australia ( were provided by Earthwatch Australia and funded by the partnership between the Australian Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment Australian Government’s #ReefTrust and the Great Barrier Reef Foundation. #lovethereef #GreatBarrierReef #mangroves #saltmarsh #wetlands #Gladstone #Queensand #citizenscience #STEM #STEMeducation #teachers #science #environment #conservation #STEAM #marinescience #marinebiology #GBR #southernGBR #BoyneRiver
05.01.2022 Ever seen a weird looking plant in the saltmarsh tidal zone and wondered - 'what is that'!? It looks like something from an alien planet or the floral equivalent of the Michelin Man or Ghostbusters Stay Puft. Well, now you can post photos on to find out what it is. Peri Coleman from Delta Environmental Consulting has made a great guide to photographing samphires on iNaturalist to help you get the right ID: Succulent saltmarsh plants are often called samphires. These halophytes (salt-tolerant plants) store water in their stems using osmoregulatory compounds to survive in the harsh environment of the upper inter-tidal zone and salt lakes where salinity can exceed 2x that of seawater (>70 ppt). Often these plants are reddish due to the photoprotective sunscreen pigments that protect the plant from extreme sun exposure. If you're trapesing around Australian saltmarsh environments you'll generally come across 2 genera (types) of samphire: Tecticornia (glassworts) and Salicornia aka Sarcocornia (bead-weeds). Telling samphires apart can be tricky - but if you follow the guide below and post photos on iNaturalist, you'll be able to get closer to the right ID with the help of experts like Peri, who is on a mission to save the samphires of Australia. #saltmarsh #botany #taxonomy #biodiversity #plants #wetlands #wetlandplants #conservation #mangroves #samphires #succulents #citizenscience #inaturalist #ecology #marineecology #marinescience #scicomm #naturalist #nature #coasts #coastalzone #tidalzone #environment
04.01.2022 Cannonball!! The large fruit of the Cannonball mangrove (Xylocarpus granatum). Xylo-carpus means ‘woody fruit’ in Latin with granatum meaning ‘many seeds’ - this refers to the large spherical woody fruit with 8-20 seeds that fit neatly in the sphere. Sometimes called ‘puzzle nut’ as it can be a fun game to piece the seeds back into a sphere. Xylocarpus belong to the mahogany family (Meliaceae) and are relatives of Red Cedar having the same beautiful red timber that is used for furniture and carvings in some countries where it occurs. #mangroves #xylocarpus #xylocarpusgranatum #meliaceae #mahogany #plantsofinstagram #mangrovesofinstagram #seeds #fruit #daintree #daintreerainforest #daintreeriver
01.01.2022 Birds eye view of the mangroves. Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) munching on a Sergeant-Major (Abudefduf sp.). Mangroves are important habitat for wildlife and birds. In places like the Gulf of Carpentaria, mangroves form the only continuous forest in an otherwise sparsely forested landscape. Photo taken during @awegov @jamescookuniversity #nespnorthern mangrove dieback surveys 2019. #mangroves #gulfofcarpentaria #gangaliddagarawa #birdsofinstagram #nests #wildoz #birds #osprey #pandionhaliaetus #abudefduf #sergeantmajor #cloncurrymustering #ozbirds #pandanuscreek
01.01.2022 It's World Mangrove Day! Whether you know it or not, we all depend on mangroves. So today’s the day to become a mangrove champion (if you're not already). Start or get involved with a local #MangroveWatch program: [email protected] for info. Sign up for an Earthwatch Australia expedition to the Daintree or Mackay later this year or in 2021: If you’re a teacher, inspire the next generation of mangrove champi...ons by using Cool Australia's mangrove citizen science lesson plans: Here’s how mangroves help you; Eaten seafood lately? It likely spent part of its life in mangroves or ate something that did. Live on the coast? Mangroves protect coastal communities from cyclones & floods. Love the Great Barrier Reef? Mangroves filter pollution from waterways protecting nearby coral reefs and keeping our seas clean. Appreciate wildlife? Loads of animals & plants depend on mangroves. 174 species of marine megafauna depend on tidal wetlands inc: dugong, turtles, crocodiles, dolphins, otters and sharks. Worried about climate change? Mangroves are climate change warriors. Mangroves store 5x more carbon than other forests and trap carbon up to 50x faster (all thanks to crabs ). Here’s how #MangroveWatch is helping mangroves: We’re working with citizen scientists to understand how mangroves forests are changing over time, what that means for ecosystem services & how we can improve mangrove management. By connecting people directly with mangroves through citizen science, we aim to increase local awareness of the importance of mangroves & inspire local mangrove champions who advocate for the protection of these amazing coastal forests. Thanks to all the mangrove champions out there! Cairns and Far North Environment Centre Great Barrier Reef Legacy South Cape York Catchments Mackay Christian College MTAQ (Marine Teachers Qld) Holloways Beach Environmental Education Centre North Keppel Island Environmental Education Centre Boyne Island Environmental Education Centre Moreton Bay Environmental Education Centre Reef Catchments Mackay Regional Council Wildlife Queensland Coastal Citizen Science Daintree River Cruise Centre Jacobs Well Environmental Education Centre Great Barrier Reef Foundation Jabalbina Yalanji Aboriginal Corporation Carpentaria Land Council Aboriginal Corporation Dawul Wuru Aboriginal Corporation Logan City Council #WorldMangroveDay
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