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24.01.2022 Read all of Matthew Chapter 18 then watch this sermon
24.01.2022 Dear parishioners and friends, Here is our SNIPPETS newsletter for the week: CHORAL EVENSONG: at 5pm this Sunday, 27th September we are all invited to be part of a Diocese-wide Choral Evensong service via Zoom. The link to this service, together with the pew sheet, was emailed on Friday 25th to parishioners and friends for whom we have addresses. If you have not received this information and would like to join in, please ring Gilli Bruce on 0429 195 283. REFURBISHMENTS: refur...bishments are underway in the St. John’s vestry in time to welcome our new Priest. RECTORY: Our excellent tenants in the Rectory have now moved into their brand new house. We are grateful to them for the exemplary manner in which they maintained 43 Highett Street and we wish them great happiness in their new home. PARISH COUNCIL will meet on Thursday, 1st October via Zoom and we hope to have news about some further lessening of COVID-19 restrictions by then. Best wishes, Trish Gilson Parish Councillor, 25th September, 2020 (Edited Gilli Bruce) See more
23.01.2022 Dear parishioners and friends, PRAYER SERVICES: We joined in an historic Zoom service with the Diocese on Sunday, 30th August at 10am (in place of our usual 9.30am ‘extended Mansfield’ service). It was astounding to learn that 99 computers or phones were joined in the link but, still, some could not get in! The Bishop has promised that won’t happen again. If you would like to join in, please contact Fiona Van Bree at [email protected] and ask to be include...d. Easy! GRAHAM PADBURY: A funeral service was held on Monday for Graham who came to Mansfield as a young teacher at the Primary School. He and Nell Walsh were married and they had moved around Victoria at the whim of the Education Department until their return here upon retirement. Together, Nell and Graham were an invaluable team setting up for regular church services at St John’s always ready with a cheery greeting. They, and their extended family, celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary two years ago. Latterly, Graham has been a recognizable figure in his smart covered scooter tripping between Highton Lane and the hospital for treatment. Our thoughts and prayers are with them all at this time. KEEP WELL and best wishes, Trish Gilson, Parish Councillor. 4th September 2020 (Edit GMBruce). See more
22.01.2022 Dear parishioners and friends, Here is our 'SNIPPETS' newsletter for the week: BISHOP’S LETTER: Bishop Clarence has written to the people of the Diocese referring to the Premier’s ‘roadmap’ and reminding us of the restrictions in place. He too is disappointed that a greater lessening of restrictions has not been possible yet but he encourages us to continue to support those who are suffering as a result of the restrictions and to pray, at noon each day, for those affected by ...the disease as patients, relatives and friends or health workers. A HYMN: today, Sunday 13th September, we plan to include a hymn in our 9.30am Zoom service so please bear with us as we ‘wrangle’ the technology involved! If you have a hymn you would like to be sung, please let Jane Freemantle know on 0419 843 252. CONTACT LIST: the names and contact details of those responsible for various aspects of parish life were listed in Snippets published in the Fb post of 27th August. Please contact any one of us if you need a hand or know of anyone who does / would like to receive Snippets please contact me on 0408 739 283. BEST WISHES, enjoy the wonders of Spring and let’s all pray for the lessening of restrictions. Trish Gilson Parish Councillor. 11th September, 2020 (Edit- G M Bruce) See more
22.01.2022 Dear Parishioners and Friends, Here is our SNIPPETS newsletter for the week: RESTRICTIONS LESSENED: It’s so good to realize that, in regional Victoria, some elements of a normal life are appearing again but, it’s no less difficult to recognize people behind their masks! Oh well! We know it could be worse. We must pray that the metropolitan area can join us soon. PARISH COUNCIL: the Council was to have met on 17th September, via Zoom. However, due to a lack of clarity, as ye...t, about how the lessening of restrictions might impact on participation in Church activities in our Diocese, the meeting has been postponed until Thursday 1st October. MORNING PRAYER: This week was to have been the last of our Wednesday Morning Prayer services via Zoom but they have proved to be so popular that the Diocese has extended its Zoom contract. If you, or anyone you know, would like to be included in these gatherings please advise Fiona van Bree at the Diocesan Registry (03 5721 3484). TERRIFIC EFFORT: Stuart Gray and Pamela Dalgleish donated more than 200 potted and un-potted miscanthus grass clumps this year but, since we are unable to hold our Church Fete, Pamela advertised them on Facebook. All but 5 have been sold and the funds accrued. Thank you Stuart and Pamela - a great effort! CHRISTMAS STALL: We are hoping to have a Christmas stall later in the year. We’ll be sure to let everyone know if and when it will be on. Warm regards and may we all enjoy the blessings of spring, Trish Gilson Parish Councillor. 18th September 2020 (Edited G M Bruce) See more
18.01.2022 Dear parishioners and friends, Here is our ‘SNIPPETS’ newsletter for the week: WHO WOULD have imagined twelve months ago that we would be in a second lock-down, being permitted to leave our homes for only 4 reasons and wearing face-masks while trying to stay one and a half metres away from everyone (except those at home)? We pray that this lock-down will succeed in bringing down the numbers. COVID-19 has brought hardship to many but it has caused caring people to look around... their neighbourhoods to see what they can do to help people stay connected. Over the months, Zoom has offered some of our parishioners the opportunity to worship via video. For a few others, for a while, there was a chance to worship at St. John’s while adhering to strict guidelines. Sadly, this avenue has had to be shut down again but and we look forward to being able to resume these services as soon as possible. And then there’s our team of parish volunteers who regularly contact people who might appreciate a phone call. If you know of someone who fits this description, please ask Jane Freemantle on [email protected] to include them. FATHER PAUL continues to present the wonderful ‘African Model’ for considering the scriptures. It encourages us to listen carefully to a passage read aloud, reflect on how the passage relates to our lives and decide how we might change in response. The group gets together at 1:30pm on Thursdays via Zoom. If you would like to join us, please ask Jane Freemantle (as above) to include you. ANOTHER initiative is the Diocese-wide Morning Prayer service (with hymns) via Zoom every Wednesday at 9.30am (we can all sing as loudly as we like - on mute!). The relevant Zoom link will be sent to everyone on the Snippets’ mailing list and, again, if you would like to join us, please ask Jane (as above). NEXT SUNDAY, 30th August, we are all invited to participate in a Diocesan-wide Morning Prayer service at 10am. Want to join in? You know who to call! Yes, Jane on 04196 843 252!! THE PARISH contact details are set out below. Please use them especially for sending Gilli Bruce news and photographs. Trish Gilson 21st. August 2020 (Edit: Gilli Bruce) Locum Priest: Rev’d Dr. Paul Dalzell on 0467 682 036 and [email protected] Priest’s Warden: Dr. Jane Freemantle OAM on 0419 843 252 and [email protected] Parish Council Chair: John Gilson on 0417 582 982 and [email protected] Parish Secretary: Pat Webb on 0432 411 205/message 5775 2704 and [email protected] Publicity & Communications Coordinator: Trish Gilson on 0408 739 283 and [email protected] Media Pages Coordinator: Gilli Bruce on 0429 195 283 and [email protected]. Parish Email: [email protected] Website: See more
13.01.2022 Read Matthew 20:1-16 and then watch the video
12.01.2022 Blessing of the animals this Sunday, 4th October for the Feast of St. Francis. Bring your animal companions to our zoom church at 9.30 for a blessing.
10.01.2022 DEAR parishioners and friends, Here is the 'SNIPPETS' newsletter for the week: SPRING: The wonderful show of daffodils and wattle is a reminder that spring is not far away and we hope that it will help lift people's spirits. MORNING PRAYER: Bishop Clarence has invited us to join him and others from across the diocese in Morning Prayer this Sunday 30th at 10am. The relevant Zoom link was emailed by Fiona Van Bree to everyone on 27th August. STORM: We keep in our prayers thos...e in Melbourne who were affected by the violent storm especially those who lost their lives. BERYL HOWIE: news of the death of Beryl Howie is very sad and our thoughts and prayers go to her loving family. She was a devoted wife, mother, grand-mother and friend and a compassionate contributor to her Church and many other organizations in the community. MAL FITZPATRICK: we also extend our sympathy to the Fitzpatrick family following the recent death of Malcolm (‘Mal’). He will be greatly missed as a family man, friend and farmer then as an active resident in town. STATEMENT FROM THE HEART: Jane Freemantle has invited us all (email of 24th August) to join the Zoom discussion about the Australian Board of Missions’ study, A Voice in the Wilderness: Listening to the Statement from the Heart by Celia Kemp. The discussion will take place over two Thursdays on 3rd and 10th September. Jane has copies of the study and will happily distribute them to those who want to join the discussion. Please advise/ ring her on 0419 843 252. WELL-BEING: the Parish Outreach program has revealed that our parishioners and friends have remained quite safe and secure during the second lockdown. However, if someone does need a hand please let Jane Freemantle know on 0419 843 252. Best wishes Trish Gilson 28 August, 2020 (Edited G.Bruce ) See more
09.01.2022 Hello all friends of Mansfield Anglican Parish. This Sunday (30-8-20), our parish will be joining the Diocese for Morning Prayer - so, sorry, I won’t be posting a sermon this week. I will be back next week with my sermon posts though.
07.01.2022 Read Matthew 21:23-32 then watch the video
02.01.2022 A wonderful voice singing for us all ...
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