MAN UP | Education
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25.01.2022 For those who have been asking and eagerly waiting, our next Check-In Session is live! Running on the 23rd of August, register for a free ticket using the link below! First come first serve... If youre looking for a way to add some excitement and wellness into your Sunday afternoon, we recommend you come down and have a chat!
24.01.2022 MENS HEALTH WEEK This week, from the 15th June to the 21st June, is Mens Health Week, and to continue on with our series for the week, today we ask ourselves, Am I big enough? Whether into fitness or not, a societal pressure to look superhuman with 6-pack abs, and aesthetic muscles has always existed. Being physically attractive and strong has gone hand in hand with what it meant to be a man for centuries, and this idea has been reinforced again and again. Its all ...across our social media through the models we follow, all across our movie screens with the actors we watch, and even in your average daily clothing advertisement. As a result, at a young age, this seeds and ingrains into us that I need to look like this if I am to be man enough. Of course, theres absolutely nothing wrong with focusing on your physical health and fitness; but issues arise when we start comparing ourselves to one another and lose focus on the point of being healthy in the first place. We start to focus purely on aesthetics and allure, and try to achieve a perfection which does not exist, leading to anxious tendencies and body insecurities. This mentality leads to longer-term detrimental effects around fitness such as physical injury, an unhealthy relationship with food, steroid usage, and no sense of satisfaction or pride in who you are right now. Its normal and healthy to set fitness goals, and work hard to achieve these, but, its important to keep in mind that its about the journey. Enjoy what you eat, and dont compromise and sacrifice for the sake of your own happiness. MAN UP and allow yourself to self-reflect and be proud of yourself: proud of the body you have right now and what it can do. Naturally, this will make the journey a lot easier. To be a man has nothing to do with how you look, but all to do with your relationship with yourself, so MAN UP and remember that the next time youre looking in the mirror and asking yourself, Am I big enough?
23.01.2022 We are so thankful for the work 180 Degrees Consulting WA has done for us over the past semester 180 DC is an incredible organisation dedicated to helping start-ups, not-for-profits and charitable organisations through consulting and helping them to overcome concerns around growth, impact measurement, costing structures and more! They advised us on the best ways to engage with high schools, set up a new costed business model and increase our impact across WA. The insight t...hey provided is invaluable and we’re excited to implement these recommendations Thank you so much, and stay tuned for the new and improved MAN UP
23.01.2022 How often do you feel like you have to figure it all out yourself? That asking for help is a weakness? We know this feeling all too well, but dont worry, youre never alone. Theres always someone out there willing to listen, including us!! Check out this vid to see some of the benefits of talking to someone when you feel yourself getting stressed out and losing control You are not alone.
22.01.2022 Our next Instagram Live is this Sunday (23rd May) at 3pm!!! (man_up_wa)!! Join us this Sunday as we interview the incredible Alisha McMullen on a very interesting and educational discussion around male privilege. After engaging in this space for a while now, it is clear that a majority of young men are simply uneducated about the realities women and the non-binary community face on a DAILY basis, whether that be a constant state of anxiety and fear on a night out, or the ob...vious signs of discrimination that men have never been exposed to. This conversation may be confronting but it is of utmost importance that every guy hears it so that they can become aware of the challenges that women and the non-binary community go through, and begin to sympathise. It’s about time that us guys acknowledge that we are indeed privileged, and MAN UP to take action against systems that are keeping women and the non-binary community 5 steps behind us. Alisha is a close friend of the MAN UP team and is currently completing her final year to be a primary school teacher. She is an inspiring person who embodies the true qualities of what it means to be a good human. Tune in as she shares her stories around male privilege, her own experiences as a woman, and outlines ways that we can help make sure everyone one is treated equally and with equity. A part of being a good man/human is having an open mind, and always wanting to learn. If this is something you feel like you already know about, I can guarantee you will learn something new - so do not be discouraged to listen. This may be our most important interview yet, so hop one and a reminder that it will be recorded for you to watch after if you can’t make it. We’re going LIVE this Sunday at 3pm! This will only be available through our instagram so be sure to follow us on there (man_up_wa). We hope to see you there!
22.01.2022 Boys dont cry, only girls do that. Growing up, this statement was something that was repeated throughout my life by many of my male role models. And I believed it for quite a while too. I was raised thinking that boys should not cry; should not talk about their emotions. Coming from a Kenyan-Indian background, this idea was further exploited. Males would be in a separate group to the females, and conversations amongst men would revolve primarily around topics like sports,... politics, and work. Dont get me wrong, these are perfectly valid conversation topics, but what I saw was that there was no discussion at all about male mental health. Going to a co-ed high school, I saw a shift in the way people talked about mental heath and emotional issues. There was a more open discussion about these topics in a high school setting, but there still remained a disparity in the understanding between male and female mental health. Statistically, females are more likely to seek help for their mental health than males and are more likely to discuss these issues with close friends than males. Even in high school, it seemed like the culture around male mental health was shied away from. I left high school with little knowledge about coping mechanisms to deal with my mental health in a valuable and productive way or help others with their mental health. Coming to UWA popped the bubble of mental health for me. I realised just how much the stigma around male mental health had permeated society. I had met several people that talked about their mental state in ways that were self-deprecating and toxic, or they actively avoided talking about it altogether. Although there is a plethora of services available to everyone to seek help, I found that people I knew just did not seize that opportunity. I figured that something had to change. A friend introduced me to MAN UP, and I knew that I had to be part of this movement to create a paradigm shift in the way men perceived mental health in general. Although still a far cry from completely changing the way we see and talk about mental health, MAN UP is an amazing initiative that stands to open the can of worms and begin the conversation about masculinity. For me, MAN UP stands as something monumental in helping to break down the stereotypes around masculinity in a high school or university environment where boys and young adults are their most impressionable. Being part of MAN UP has helped realise that it is the small steps in the right direction that instigate the biggest changes in peoples lives. Jevin Parmar, MAN UP Internals Director
22.01.2022 As a network and safe space for men to come together, MAN UP values real life stories and experiences of men in the community. It is only when individuals in their own space MAN UP to embrace vulnerability, embody compassion and role-model healthier understandings of masculinity that the startling statistics around mens mental health will decrease. If you have a story you want to share that you believe may benefit someone in this community, reach out to us! You never know ho...w you may impact someones life positively. This is Daynes Story, thank you for sharing I think all young men play tug of war between who they are and who they think they should be. Through out a boys life he is constantly told how he should act, what he should do with his life and what role he has to play in society. Men are told they they need to be strong, tough, self sufficient, etc. While these expectations may have been well suited generations ago, society has changed and they are well outdated. Todays society no longer requires a man to single handedly support his family, it no longer requires men to hide emotions and act tough just to seem in control. So why have we brought outdated expectations into a new society. We are shooting ourselves in the foot when we tell each other to Grow a pair or suck it up or even when we ask are you going to pay for her. We are just reinforcing expectations that no longer do us any good While I dont really know what it means to be a good man the modern world, I know I cant go wrong by just being myself. Growing up I was lucky enough to be surrounded by men who didnt tell me what I should be but asked what I wanted to be. I strive to do the same for others. - Dayne Metzner, MAN UP Community
21.01.2022 Lean into love, lean into fear, its what it means to be alive So often when faced with the stress and struggles of life, we choose to shut down, distract ourselves with unhealthy habits and do anything to avoid the uncomfortable feelings that arise within But, in reality, we cant selectively choose to feel some emotions, and ignore others. If we stop feeling hurt and pain, so too will we stop feeling the good stuff like joy, love and peace I encourage you to lean i...nto your feelings. Next time something doesnt go to plan, make a conscious effort to sit in the discomfort. Ask yourself why you are feeling this way, and constructively come up with a solution, instead of sculling a bottle of liquor and hoping that it will numb the pain To be human is to feel, both the good and the bad, and when we make choices out of the self-compassion that emerges when we allow ourselves to feel, we will make wiser and better decisions Hope this resonates with you in some way or send it to someone who you think could benefit from it! See more
20.01.2022 If we, as boys and men, are part of the problem, then we can be part of the solution." We're excited to announce our upcoming event co-hosted with Young Women Against Sexual Violence!!!! Join us for an evening that will for sure be thought-provoking, but powerful nonetheless ... We will screen a famous Ted Talk called 'Rape & Reconciliation', followed by a discussion and team activity around this topic of sexual violence. Be sure to join us and bring your friends as we shine a light on the prevalence of sexual violence within the community, and work together to make a change
20.01.2022 ITS CONFIRMED, this Check-In Session is going to be a little bit different, but we hope, still just as much fun! Were going to be running a yoga-type session with some meditation before we dive into the check-in component of the evening. We see this as a way to unwind from our busy schedules, make some new friends, and have fun pushing out of our comfort zones! ... If youre interested be sure to register for a FREE ticket, and bring along your friends for what will be an unique and enjoyable evening
20.01.2022 HAVE YOU GOT YOUR TICKET YET?! If you have a passion for helping push men's mental health in a positive direction, this will be perfect for you!! Join us for our Quiz Night on the 2nd October for a fun-filled evening as we raise funds for MAN UP - to allow us to reach wider audiences and positively impact young mens' lives... There are prizes to be won and fun to be had, so make sure you secure a table and come to win!
19.01.2022 Are you a nice guy? This idea of nice guys finish last, and bad boys get the girls is something that has been talked over for years and has been glorified especially through media Take a look at our latest video as we breakdown the root and ideas surrounding this issue. Nice Guys and Bad Boys are both archetypes to be avoided, this is because at the end of the day, sticking to your true self should be the end goal - what we call being a Good Man. Someone who values own self-worth, but also is willing to help others around them. Someone who sets clear boundaries and wont allow others to compromise them. Someone who respects everyone equally and does their best for their community Understanding this is how we create a shift and cultural change Let us know your thoughts or what youd like to hear next!!
19.01.2022 MENS HEALTH WEEK An important part of our health is sexual health, and for many men this can mean thinking about their sexuality. Men are often taught from a young age that they have to be into girls, and that having female partners is an important part of masculinity. In reality, we know that guys can be attracted to people of any gender - and this diversity is beautiful. LGBTQIA+ is an acronym that describes the community of people who do not identify as cisgender and... heterosexual. It stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, and Asexual. The + symbol stands for any other gender identities and sexual orientations (e.g. pansexual, non-binary). It is super normal to question your identity or sexuality, and it may change over time as you have different experiences and learn more about yourself. You may find a label that suits you, or many people choose not to label their sexuality at all. Unfortunately LGBTQIA+ people face higher rates of mental illness due to stigma and discrimination they face. If you feel like you need help with your mental health, you can reach out to your doctor, Headspace, Lifeline, or a really good LGBTQIA+ specific resource called QLife. Men can fit in anywhere on the rainbow of sexualities and orientations. Masculinity is something that anyone can identify with and define for themselves. Masculinity can be any colour of the rainbow.
18.01.2022 What does our mission mean? Empowering Young Men & Redefining Masculinity To keep it simple, our mission has stemmed from the idea that everything begins within yourself. Understanding that you are the master to your life creates a feeling of positivity and clarity, a feeling of empowerment. To make any sort of impact in the world, it begins by first, making a change within yourself. Believing that you have all it takes to make your dreams come true, and live a fulfilling We want to empower young men to believe in themselves, and to embrace who they really are without having to hold up a facade of what it means to be a man - just because society has said so for centuries. Empowered people can make a greater impact as they are coming from a place of authenticity and pride. There is nothing wrong with masculinity per se, but when we say redefining masculinity we mean breaking down those aspects of masculinity that have created harm in the past, whether it be a pressure to always be strong, never express emotions except for anger, feel like you have to figure out everything alone etc. Masculinity should not be a fixed concept, it should be flexible, incorporating the healthy aspects of traditional masculinity and embracing other qualities too. We want a world where men can feel confident in themselves without any pressure, which also will benefit all those in the world, women, children etc, as men will live from a place of integrity, joy, love and service. Will you help us on our mission?
18.01.2022 HAVE YOU GOT YOUR TICKET YET?! If you have a passion for helping push mens mental health in a positive direction, this will be perfect for you!! Join us for our Quiz Night on the 2nd October for a fun-filled evening as we raise funds for MAN UP - to allow us to reach wider audiences and positively impact young mens lives... There are prizes to be won and fun to be had, so make sure you secure a table and come to win!
18.01.2022 Come down and support the MAN UP team’s pitch this Sunday! Tickets can be found in the link on the original post!
18.01.2022 From my experience, every situation, decision, and outcome in life provides a valuable lesson, and this lesson allows you to grow and evolve as a person. In my case, the lessons that have been most important for me to learn have related to my mental health, and how to keep a sane and positive mind through adversity. In society at large - and especially in the all-boys school bubble that I grew up in - there is a stigma for men to hide their emotions, to be stoic, work hard,... and leave the rest of the baggage at the door as it isnt useful to anyone else. But what happens when that baggage is left unattended? It is roughened up, damaged, lost, and sometimes destroyed. This baggage I speak of is a mans own feelings and emotions. As Ive learnt through life experiences and through my studies in various biomedical and neurological fields, these negative feelings and emotions eventually lead to poor mental health, causing ailments like depression and anxiety. These are life-changing, debilitating, and often times life-ending disorders that are so pervasive and insidious that 65,300 suicide attempts occur in Australia every year. And unfortunately for men, due to a variety of factors such as expectations of what men should do and be, the neglect of emotional wellbeing, and other external pressures, means on average, mens mental health rates and suicide statistics are too high. I am not ashamed to admit that my mental health has not always been great. Ive been living on my own since 18 years of age, which comes with a constant sense of loneliness, further exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic. Being a foreigner that has lived in Australia for a very long time, Ive dealt with existential and identity crises regarding nationality and sense of belonging. Ive had to deal with not reaching the scholastic, societal, and moral expectations of others and of myself and feeling like a failure. These are challenges that no one had prepared me for, and when they came they hit me hard. Now what would have happened to me if I hadnt have had a support network, good friends or family that allowed me to air my feelings? What would have happened if I had internalised these senses of anger, frustration, and sadness as is commonly expected of men? Left this baggage at the door? There is a reason that adult male suicide rate is as high as it is, and it is time to work to change that. My mission with MAN UP is to take these lessons that Ive learnt, the strategies Ive built for myself to protect me and my mental health from cultural, societal, and social pressures, and pass them on and adapt them to those who may be in need of them more than I. The lessons may not be for everyone, and will not magically fix every single persons problems. But standing idle and doing nothing while there are people suffering, is not something that I want to do. - Luca Agostinelli
18.01.2022 You cant hang out with negative people and expect to have a positive life Weve all heard it before, but do we always listen to it? Its so easy to get carried away and spend time with people that we really dont want to be with. The problem with this is that over time, you will start to become more and more like these people, losing yourself in their petty arguments, their gossip and their drama If we are to improve the quality of our lives, this is directly proportion...ate to who we CHOOSE to spend our time with Are you hanging out with people that motivate and challenge you to grow into a better person? Or, are you giving away your time to people that would rather bring you down with them It may be useful to take a step back and take inventory of the people in your life!
18.01.2022 MAN UP - The new definition Comment below your thoughts/definitions of what it means to MAN UP - the new way
18.01.2022 Our friends down at UWA are hosting a Men's Mental Health Event this Thursday (the 3rd) at 12pm! Be sure to check it out as they dive into some important discussions around masculinity and men's mental health and of course, share around some free pizza!!
17.01.2022 Our next Instagram Live is this Sunday at 11am!!! (man_up_wa)!! MAN UP will be opening up the space to have guests, experts and members of the community come on our Instagram and share their knowledge and wisdom Here we will interview them to find out how they think and view various aspects and topics around masculinity and being a modern day man. This also provides YOU as members of the community to learn from a wide range and diverse group of guests, and, have the opp...ortunity to ask them questions too! This week we have Dewammina Gammanpila, a medicine student and long time friend with a keen interest, passion and expert knowledge around Mental Health. Dewammina will dive into the importance of maintaining a healthy well-being, having a strong support network, and the signs around mental health - particularly, how to check in on your mates and yourself. This will be a highly valuable episode that could benefit not only you, but everyone in your community. Be sure to join us this Sunday (23rd) at 11am on our Instagram - cant wait to see you all there!! A reminder that this will only be available on our instagram so chuck us a follow and stay tuned for whats to come Instagram: man_up_wa
17.01.2022 Being a man isnt about how stereotypically masculine you are, its about carving out your own definition of masculinity At MAN UP we stress the importance of finding a balance in life. Whether it be being assertive on a footy field, or compassionate when with your friends, the key to a healthy life is about maintaining balance When we feel a pressure to ALWAYS uphold traits that have been stereotypically associated with masculinity, it can become problematic. Men may ...feel like they are not allowed to show more stereotypically feminine traits, such as vulnerability or compassion, which is ridiculous, as these are normal human traits. To be a good man is about being a good human first, and navigating yourself across these traits depending on the context of the situation Stay true to yourself, and you can never be led astray
17.01.2022 Lets talk about the word simp: used in pop culture at the moment mostly to describe a man who should feel ashamed for being too nice to or for having feelings for a woman. Although its often used lightheartedly, it is important to realise that our words can have a big impact on the people around us and our own actions, and it can be pretty toxic to discourage men and young boys from treating women with respect and love. We cant shame men for being decent humans! Lets all be simps for the people we love
17.01.2022 '1 in 5 Western Australian women report having experienced partner violence since the age of 15' - 2019 Women's Report Card Today is the beginning of the annual '16 Days in WA' - Stop Violence Against Women campaign 16 Days in WA aims to drive a change in culture, behaviour and attitudes that lead to violence against women and their children - with the goal to educate, motivate and advocate our communities to stand up and make a change ... As an organisation that fully supports this message, we at the MAN UP team encourage our community to spread this message. The above statistic mentioned above only shows the women who have REPORTED violence, however, we know, from real life conversations and experiences that the statistic is a lot more common than this It starts with us. As men, we have the responsibility to show other men the correct way when it comes to handling relationships with others, particularly women and the non-binary community It becomes our responsibility to call out inappropriate behaviours and sexist remarks, as these are the attitudes that facilitate sexual violence against women further down the track. Breaking the cycle of family & domestic violence starts with respect towards women It is our responsibility to MAN UP, the new way - to help make society safer for others, so we don't even need to have campaigns like this in the first place. So over the next 16 days, we encourage you to learn about the reality for women in WA. we encourage you to call out toxic behaviours, and we encourage you to 'MAN UP' If you want to learn more, check out the campaign website, and also learn more about Haseeb’s, one of our co-founder’s, involvement in the campaign as one of the 2020 Agents or Change; Further, an amazing brand new organisation in Perth - Young Women Against Sexual Violence are running an event around sexual violence next weekend. This will be an incredible opportunity to learn more and understand this issue, so check them out! Event Link; ps. Orange is the campaign colour, so wear your orange! Department of Communities | Department of Communities - Child Protection and Family Support | Simone McGurk MLA | Mark McGowan
16.01.2022 Had a great time pitching at the @globalshapersperth event!! Super grateful for the opportunity and a huge congrats to Young Women Against Sexual Violence for taking home the win!! Big things ahead for all the pitchers
16.01.2022 Our friends down at UWA are hosting a Mens Mental Health Event this Thursday (the 3rd) at 12pm! Be sure to check it out as they dive into some important discussions around masculinity and mens mental health and of course, share around some free pizza!!
15.01.2022 IT'S CONFIRMED, this Check-In Session is going to be a little bit different, but we hope, still just as much fun! We're going to be running a yoga-type session with some meditation before we dive into the check-in component of the evening. We see this as a way to unwind from our busy schedules, make some new friends, and have fun pushing out of our comfort zones! ... If you're interested be sure to register for a FREE ticket, and bring along your friends for what will be an unique and enjoyable evening
15.01.2022 Hey folks! At MAN UP, we’re acutely aware that as the end of semester approaches tensions run high. It is a difficult time of the year - and what a year, with several lockdowns already! - and understandably, stress builds. ... Society has stigmatised male mental health so much that many of us can’t reach out to a mate and admit that we’re struggling because we think we’re just being weak. We’re not. Mental health issues, no matter how trivial you might think them to be, are serious. Now’s as important a time as ever to spread awareness of mental health and work to destigmatise it in our society! Reach out to a mate and check in. It’s simple, but I promise you it’d mean the world to them in a time where we’re all so busy. Show them you genuinely care through a simple how’re you going? and try to make sure they know you’re there to talk!! I know that a lot of us don’t do this - we think eh, I’ll ask him in person or don’t want to appear strange in asking such a simple yet pointed question. Questions like that, though, are unbelievably powerful and truly do mean the world. Social media paints everyone’s lives as perfect, but this kind of conversation helps us drill down to what’s actually going on in the lives of those close to us Ask them how they’re doing, and do so with genuine care. Listen to them intently, don’t dominate the conversation, and make sure they know that whatever they’re going through they aren’t alone. It’s simple and yet oh so effective. Always remember: It’s okay to not be okay. Much love, MAN UP If you think the situation with your mate is really bad, don’t hesitate to contact emergency/crisis services (000) For further advice you can call Lifeline (13 11 14) or the Suicide Call Back Service (1300 659 467)
15.01.2022 MENS HEALTH WEEK We had an incredible time presenting to the Year 10's at Christ Church Grammar School over the past week for Men's Health Week! We had some wonderful discussions around our Culture and Relationships workshops Thank you for the opportunity, and we can't wait to present our workshops to more schools along our journey of empowering young men and redefining masculinity
14.01.2022 MENS HEALTH WEEK Seeing a doctor is supposed to be an easily accessible and comfortable resource for anyone experiencing a health problem. Whether its physical or mental, we trust health professionals to provide us reliable diagnosis and useful health advice. Yet, studies state that mens apparent reluctance to consult general practitioners has been cited as an important obstacle to improving mens health. For common symptoms like headaches and back pain women are 20%... more likely to visit a GP and that statistic worsens dramatically for mental illness symptoms such as anxiety or depression. As a supporter of someone seeking help its important to understand the main barriers and stigma around finding help which include; - According to Harvard and Rutgers university, men with traditional macho values (values from inside the man box if you saw Montes webinar ) are less likely to seek consistent health care. - A 2016 survey showed that 25% of men found the biggest roadblock to scheduling an annual exam was the fear and nervousness of a negative diagnosis. - Men have reported being uncomfortable with GPs performing certain body exams. Especially when some doctors can feel like strangers, rectal and other invasive exams make men trepidatious to see doctors. To conclude, as Dr. Simon Torvaldsen, a Perth GP says You wouldnt drive your car around forever without having it serviced and expect it to run well. Seeing your GP to improve how you run is the same idea. Being a tough guy or thinking youre bullet proof is not helpful. Problems get worse the longer you leave them and health checks are often much easier and less painful than blokes imagine them to be. So, to all the young and old men out there - when was the last time you visited your GP and do you need to visit them again soon?
14.01.2022 Our last check in session for the year is running tomorrow morning!! Come join us at the beach for a good time and an important discussion
14.01.2022 MENS HEALTH WEEK This final post brings our Mens Health Week series to an end! We had such an awesome time concluding the week with our first ever check-in event, where we had 18 young men turn out to play a game of soccer, get out of isolation, and then take the time to share and check-in on our wellbeing. It gave us the time to listen what some other people around us have been going through, and to also voluntarily share any difficulties that you may personally be ...experiencing. On top of this, Luca Agostinelli also had his webinar today, which was awesome too. Thank you so much for joining us as we investigated various topics around Mens Health throughout the week!
12.01.2022 Our next Instagram Live is this Sunday at 4pm!!! (man_up_wa)!! MAN UP will be opening up the space to have guests, experts and members of the community come on our Instagram and share their knowledge and wisdom This week we have a special guest Adriahn Frank joining us!! ... Adriahn is a remedial/sports massage therapist on a mission to help men step into their identity and live from a place of love, forgiveness and compassion. After experiencing his own issues around toxic masculine ideals, Adriahn was left feeling helpless, angry and confused as a man. Unsure of what was important to him, or what his purpose was. However, after experiencing a motorcycle accident forcing him to slow down and focus on his development, Adriahn grew on the inside tremendously. He realised how much he enjoyed helping people heal, and how just by being honest and vulnerable, you could help someone else out. He is passionate in the area of Mens Work, and enabling men to live from a place of authenticity and confidence. This will be an episode you dont want to miss out on as we dive into his journey and lessons learnt. A reminder that this will only be available on our instagram so chuck us a follow and stay tuned for whats to come Instagram: man_up_wa
11.01.2022 Happy Sunday Everyone! As a group and community, we want to share stories, insights and experiences of the people involved as we believe it to be a powerful way to convey a message and carry this movement forward If you are keen to get involved with MAN UP, shoot us a message to see just how you can do that. Change begins with the individual, but is spread by the community. It is our job to make sure this happens in an effort to eliminate the stigma involved with mens mental health, and empower men to be bold and open up about their own journeys with masculinity
11.01.2022 You asked for it so we delivered! Introducing our Instagram Lives (man_up_wa)!! MAN UP will be opening up the space to have guests, experts and members of the community come on our Instagram and share their knowledge and wisdom Here we will interview them to find out how they think and view various aspects and topics around masculinity and being a modern day man. This also provides YOU as members of the community to learn from a wide range and diverse group of guests, a...nd, have the opportunity to ask them questions too! Our first guest is Adeniyi Adegboye who will dive into the topic of RELATIONSHIPS. We understand the importance of having healthy and thriving relationships, especially romantic ones, but how exactly do we do it? Ade is someone who holds his relationships dear to him, and this is evident as he is thriving in a successful romantic relationship as well as in the ones with his family, friends and importantly himself. Ade understands the pressures and stigmas associated with being a man, as well as the dangers that toxicity can lead to. Successful relationships are about navigating yourself in a healthy partnership with others, without any pressure from either end Join us on our first IG Live this Sunday at 4pm (AWST Time) as we interview and run a discussion alongside Ade to find out what makes a good relationship, and how we can all improve the ones around us to create happier more joyful lives! This will ONLY be featured on our Instagram Page so make sure to chuck us a follow to see the interview! FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM: @man_up_wa
11.01.2022 If I can be half as good a father as my dad was to me that would be my greatest achievement - Tom Daley Happy Fathers Day to all the dads (biological or not) out there doing their best to raise their children into the best humans they can be Dads play a crucial role in the development of boys into men, as, for most boys, their dads are the primary example and guiding star on what it means to be a man. Of course our dads arent always perfect, and theyre learning t...oo!! But when we can understand that they are doing the best they can, we can look to find comfort in this Thank you Dads for showing us the way, for your fun and passion, and for your unconditional love!!
10.01.2022 This week, from the 15th June to the 21st June, is Mens Health Week, which gives people around the globe an opportunity to focus on some of the health issues and problems which burden men all over the world and how we can help to alleviate some of these complications. We at MAN UP hope to bring you a brief insight into some areas where mens health can improve throughout the week. --- TRIGGER WARNING ---...Continue reading
09.01.2022 How good’s this We’re presenting in a workshop for UEC and SU this Thursday at UWA Come down and listen in to our amazing presentation on Coping and have a chat with our brilliant team!!... Can’t wait to see as many of you there as possible! Much love, MAN UP
09.01.2022 JOIN US THIS SUNDAY FOR OUR NEXT CHECK-IN SESSION!! Depending on the weather, well be conducting a yoga/mindfulness activity before diving in and checking in on one another. We see this as a great way for guys within the community to unwind and form a support network that allows them to express whats been going on in a non-judgemental environment.... This is open to men of all ages so come alone, bring a friend or bring a whole group! Be sure to register so we can tally up numbers! This is a free event and a great way to connect with us! Hope to see you guys there!
08.01.2022 Be sure to jump onto our Instagram today at 4pm to hear Ade talk about relationships! @man_up_wa
07.01.2022 MENS HEALTH WEEK We had an incredible time presenting to the Year 10s at Christ Church Grammar School over the past week for Mens Health Week! We had some wonderful discussions around our Culture and Relationships workshops Thank you for the opportunity, and we cant wait to present our workshops to more schools along our journey of empowering young men and redefining masculinity
07.01.2022 VOLUNTEERS WANTED! We have been blessed with a great opportunity to present at a school in the near future and we are looking for people in the community that would like to be a workshop facilitator! The exact dates are still TBA, but we are looking for young men who embody the MAN UP Values; Authenticity, Compassion, Courage, Accountability & Vulnerability ... The role will involve coming into the school with the team and running through our 3-Part Program with students in a peer-to-peer setting covering the topics of Male Culture, Male Coping & Male Relationships. You will have your own small group of boys (around 10-15) in which you will cover these topics with and enable open discussions. We will also have a Facilitator Training Day prior so you will be prepared for the in-school session Requirements: - An enthusiasm and passion to make a change around these topics - Working With Childrens Check (You can acquire one using MAN UP as the organisation for only $11) If this sounds like something you would be interested in, comment below, message the page or message Gareth. We will let you know about the details, but we are looking for expressions of interest! This will be a one-off, but, we will definitely have further opportunities in the future! This is the perfect opportunity if you always wanted to make a difference in this space, and help us on our mission! Happy Wednesday
06.01.2022 **IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO COME AND HELP US RAISE SOME FUNDS TO ACHIEVE OUR PURPOSE** Schedule it in, and be sure to bring your friends along to our QUIZ NIGHT! Join us for a fun-filled evening of games, food, drink and good company as we come together to raise funds for a great cause!... This will be our first ever fundraising event, and wed love to have as many of you come down and show some support, and have a great night too!! Make sure to click GOING!
05.01.2022 Our website is LIVE!! Have a look If your keen to have us speak at your school or event, reach us through there! ... Were so excited for whats to come
05.01.2022 A reminder about our next check in session!! Join us for a very casual morning at the beach, we'll play some beach volleyball (depending on numbers), meet one another, and more importantly have a meaningful discussion about our lives. Be sure to bring a friend down too!!... Just click 'Going' on the event
05.01.2022 MENS HEALTH WEEK In order for connection to happen, we have to allow ourselves to be seen - Dr. Brene Brown One of our fundamental values driving MAN UP, and a quality that we believe to be vital for creating stronger connections and improving well-being is vulnerability. ... But, what exactly does it mean? One of our members defined vulnerability in its simplest form as having the strength to share that part of you that perhaps brings feelings or experiences of shame, embarrassment or unease - being brave to share that part of you that you perhaps hide. Common amongst men is this idea that exposing ourselves honestly and openly being vulnerable is a weakness. We put on masks of traditional masculinity to protect ourselves, act tough when were scared, act up at the clubs when we get our hearts broken, and do anything to distract ourselves from truly feeling our emotions. But what if, the solution to this inner turmoil and conflict begins by first confronting ourselves authentically? A strange thing happens when we share our biggest fears, insecurities and secrets with our loved ones we deepen our connection with them. We build trust, and understand that whatever problem we are facing, someone else is too. We feel supported and, we dont have to pretend to be someone were not, which can be exhausting if sustained for long periods of time. When we say embrace vulnerability, what we mean is to own those parts of you that arent perfect. Embrace the fact that youre scared of the future, or that you have uncertainty about which career to choose because its normal to feel that way. Hiding it will only result in a bottling up of emotions, which are bound to explode at some point. Embrace your vulnerabilities with your friends, and watch them open up about theirs to you too. As by embracing it is the only way to work towards developing and growing. Its a slow process, that can feel weird at times, but we challenge you to MAN UP, as vulnerability will lead to deeper, more authentic connections with the people around you, and an overall greater well-being. If youre keen to open up and dive deeper into vulnerability, join us for our Mens Outdoor Check-In Session this Sunday at 4pm!! Well begin the afternoon with a game of soccer followed by a very informal check-in session and open discussion around masculinity. Wed love to see you there, and, if you know a friend who may benefit, bring them along too!! REGISTER HERE:
05.01.2022 The Next MAN UP Webinar in our epic Webinar Series!! MAN UP is be running regular FREE online webinars on various topics to educate, empower and inspire those of you interested in learning about us, and those of you who are determined on growing and developing yourself These will be run by members of the exec over Zoom fortnightly on weekends. ... The next topic is on; STRATEGIES TO MAINTAIN MENTAL WELL-BEING by Luca Agostinelli on Sunday June 21st. This webinar couldnt have come at a better time, as there is so much going on in the world at the moment, it can be easy to switch off, isolate, and stay in states of anxiety and depression longer than expected. Luca will go over the best ways of keeping a healthy mind and well-being, and how you can use your friends and family as support networks to help you when you may be feeling down. Its normal to feel upset, and so equipping ourselves with effective methods to help us feel emotions, and bounce back with more resilience is key! Be sure to check this one out, or, tell a friend who you think could benefit from it All you need to do is register to be sent a Zoom link!! ALL ARE WELCOME Stay tuned REGISTER HERE: REMINDER THAT ALL ARE WELCOME!
04.01.2022 MEN'S HEALTH WEEK This week, from the 15th June to the 21st June, is Mens Health Week, and to continue on with our series for the week, today we ask ourselves, Am I big enough? Whether into fitness or not, a societal pressure to look superhuman with 6-pack abs, and aesthetic muscles has always existed. Being physically attractive and strong has gone hand in hand with what it meant to be a man for centuries, and this idea has been reinforced again and again. It's all ...across our social media through the models we follow, all across our movie screens with the actors we watch, and even in your average daily clothing advertisement. As a result, at a young age, this seeds and ingrains into us that I need to look like this if I am to be man enough. Of course, theres absolutely nothing wrong with focusing on your physical health and fitness; but issues arise when we start comparing ourselves to one another and lose focus on the point of being healthy in the first place. We start to focus purely on aesthetics and allure, and try to achieve a perfection which does not exist, leading to anxious tendencies and body insecurities. This mentality leads to longer-term detrimental effects around fitness such as physical injury, an unhealthy relationship with food, steroid usage, and no sense of satisfaction or pride in who you are right now. Its normal and healthy to set fitness goals, and work hard to achieve these, but, it's important to keep in mind that its about the journey. Enjoy what you eat, and dont compromise and sacrifice for the sake of your own happiness. MAN UP and allow yourself to self-reflect and be proud of yourself: proud of the body you have right now and what it can do. Naturally, this will make the journey a lot easier. To be a man has nothing to do with how you look, but all to do with your relationship with yourself, so MAN UP and remember that the next time youre looking in the mirror and asking yourself, Am I big enough?
04.01.2022 HAVE YOU CHECKED OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE YET? Heres a preview, but be sure to check it out to see what we have to offer, and book us for your next school or community event!!
04.01.2022 JOIN US THIS SUNDAY FOR OUR NEXT CHECK-IN SESSION!! Depending on the weather, we'll be conducting a yoga/mindfulness activity before diving in and checking in on one another. We see this as a great way for guys within the community to unwind and form a support network that allows them to express what's been going on in a non-judgemental environment.... This is open to men of all ages so come alone, bring a friend or bring a whole group! Be sure to register so we can tally up numbers! This is a free event and a great way to connect with us! Hope to see you guys there!
03.01.2022 I have so much respect and empathy for every young man right now searching their way from boy to man in our communities, its one of the most difficult experiences for many young men. I remember how tough i found it going through a highly competitive all-boys school. It was considered manly to show up to rowing every morning at 5:30. it was considered manly; to march around the oval as an army cadet. But i never understood why i felt like less of a man because i liked in the theatre production every year. I will never forget the change that happened in my school community when we all thought we were becoming men. In year 10, there were 30 to 40 young men who were doing drama. Even the cool kids were part of it. Then all of a sudden, year 11 rolled around, and we were left with just 5 of us in the class. All of a sudden after that, the way that people talked about the theatre, and interacted with me changed. I remember being called names, being insulted, no one caring about my passion for acting. That was really tough as a 16 year old boy trying to work out what it meant to be a man. It wasnt until just a few years ago when i fell into a job in rite of passage and mens mental health that i began to learn about the issues in masculinity in my communities and began to learn how to share my stories and my feelings. I remember that for the first few months of this work i was a mess. I would cry at the drop of the hat, and feel sad about nothing, and it took my a while to understand that this was ok. I realised that this was me finally learning all at once how to express my emotions, and how to share my stories to my friends and peers. Beyond this my work showed me how these issues of mental health, emotions and the masculine stigma were still present in communities of young men and men alike. More importantly than this though, i began to learn how i could have an impact on these communities, and since then rite of passage, mens mental health and building stronger communities has become my main passion and driver in life. Montefiore Charles, MAN UP Program Development Director.
03.01.2022 Being a Man is not about being powerful or strong, vulnerable or caring. Its not about being brave or courageous, fit or sporty, or intelligent and educated. Its about owning who YOU are as a man and waking up every day aiming to be the best version of yourself you can be. No one who has ever tried to do their very best has ended up regretting it. -Matthew Pinsent The concept of masculinity to me has always been something tricky that I could never quiet grasp until only ...just recently and through the education and examples provided by MAN UP, I now feel I can own my definition of being a man and can feel much more comfortable in my own skin. Growing up I was always taught or shown a more traditional example of what a Man should look like. I was always pushed into sport as thats what I thought boys must do, I idolised my sporting heros on TV as tough, brave characters who never show pain or suffering. I worked a job all the way through school as I wanted to pay my own way as much as I could and finding a good career was something I had always prioritised as thinking of providing for my future family was an ever present pressure I felt and still do today. All of these aspects of my past definition of men and masculinity were strongly engrained in my mind and thats what I associated with normal behaviour of what a man should do. Its only recently that I found a much more positive version of masculinity to me that has allowing me to connect with what I value within myself as oppose to doing what I had always thought men had to do. Primary this has been through the help of mentors and male role models/examples that have allowed me to feel more comfortable with who I am and simply be the best version of myself possible. I strongly believe, you are the average of the 5 people you hang around with most. If you dont like who that person turns out to be, find some different people to influence your life as the people around us will always have a huge impact on who we are and how we behave. - Matt Randall, MAN UP Treasurer
03.01.2022 A reminder about our committee applications for 2021! If you're passionate about making an impact in the men's mental health area this is perfect for you! Applications close on the 18th of December, so make sure you get to it ASAP!! ... Tag a friend who you know may be interested too
02.01.2022 ‘Change begins with you’ It can feel so scary and hard to stand up for what you believe in, but, nothing of significance ever came easy. Calling out your friends or loved ones for their inappropriate comments and actions can be extremely difficult, but having the courage to do so can have a tremendous impact on your immediate circle, and the community around you When you start to stand up, it empowers those around you to also stand up for what’s right. It flows like a rip...ple, and before you know it, calling out inappropriate comments becomes the new normal. Marginalised groups no longer have to fear offensive ‘jokes’ and conversations This sort of change can only begin when the individual makes a stand, even if scrutinised at first - It’s a challenge, but one worth fighting for. All you need to do is something, whether that be not laughing to the ‘jokes’, ignoring or questioning them or having direct one-on-one conversations with these individuals These are what we teach the boys we run workshops with at high schools!! If we can convince them that it’s normal to call out these behaviours, maybe then, when they enter adulthood they’ll think twice before they make an offensive ‘joke’, and take a stand for those around them!
01.01.2022 There is only one health lesson from high school that I still remember. The teacher put on a documentary series about a man that was trying to change the meaning of masculinity in modern Australia. That was the first time that I was really struck by how outdated the concept of masculinity was; no showing vulnerability, no crying, no seeking help essentially acting as an unemotional robot. The whole idea of men being expected to be these constant pillars of immovable really stuck with me, so much so that I decided to study psychology when I finished school so that I could attempt to do something about the stigma of mens mental health. Coming from a co-ed school it was blatantly obvious how much more open most girls were to seeking help for their mental health when they were going through rough patches. I had countless late-night deep conversations with friends throughout the timespan of high school, very few of them with boys. The simple act of asking for someone to talk to is seen as a foreign concept for many males, but Ive found that this can have such a huge positive effect on a persons mental health. High school is a really rough time for lots of people, but it is also a time where the smallest things can have large impacts, like a chat with a friend or an educational session about mental health. I was talking to a friend (the brilliant Alisha McMullen) earlier this year and she brought up this great sounding idea that some of her friends were concocting that she thought would be right up my alley. I couldnt resist having a look into MAN UPs socials to find out what they were all about. I found that MAN UPs premise is to redefine masculinity by running workshop sessions with young men from high schools around Perth and through our own events, something that I have felt would be a powerful tool for reducing poor mental health in men for years. For me, just watching that documentary in a health lesson has shaped my goals and identity into what they are now so I know firsthand that a small workshop can have strong, lasting effects. I am stoked to be a part of MAN UPs exec team so I can play a role in promoting a more positive definition of masculinity for Australias next generation of young men. - Ethan Blume, MAN UP Externals Director
01.01.2022 Hey everyone! Our next check in session is coming on the 29th May! This time we’re going to be running a High Intensity Style team challenge!... Come on down for some healthy competition and to speak what’s on your mind in a safe environment
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