Mareeba Shire Council | Public & government service
Mareeba Shire Council
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25.01.2022 Nominations are open for the 2021 Australia Day Awards! This is your opportunity to nominate someone (or group) who deserves recognition for their achievements and contributions to our local community. Entries close Tuesday 15 December 2020. NOMINATE NOW:
24.01.2022 Nominations are open for the 2021 Australia Day Awards! Residents are encouraged to nominate an individual or community organisation that has gone above and beyond to make our Shire a better place to live, work and play in! Entries close Tuesday 15 December 2020. NOMINATE NOW:
24.01.2022 Not sure where you can vote on election day this Saturday? See the link below for a list of all polling locations for the Barron River, Cook and Hill electorates. MORE INFO:
23.01.2022 Happy National Volunteer Week! Congratulations to Crime Stoppers Mareeba on being awarded State Volunteer Area Committee Award; Volunteer of the Year Award and Police Representative of the Year Award at the recent Crime Stoppers Qld Awards held in Brisbane. Thank you for the tremendous job you do in our community!
23.01.2022 It's that time of year again! Mayor Angela Toppin is encouraging residents and business owners to get into the festive spirit and brighten up the Shire. Nominations are now open for the annual Christmas Lights Competition. Grab a copy of The Express Newspaper to cut out a cppy of the entry form, or download one from Council's website. Enteries close 7 December.
23.01.2022 We all have a responsibility when it comes to biosecurity and protecting our natural assets. Council recently adopted a Community Biosecurity Plan (2020-2025) to unite community efforts to manage invasive plants and animals within the Shire. See the snapshot below or read the full plan online. READ MORE:
23.01.2022 Mareeba Shire Council has reinforced its commitment to support and promote small businesses within Mareeba Shire. Coinciding with Small Business Month Queensland, Councillors voted unanimously at this month’s Council meeting to sign the Queensland Small Business Friendly Council Charter. The Charter brands Council as a Small Business Friendly Council and aims to engage proactively and effectively with small business owners.... Council was very pleased to support his new initiative by the Queensland Government, Mayor Toppin said. It is critical that Council joins this initiative as small businesses are the backbone of the Mareeba Shire’s economy, Cr Toppin said. READ MORE:
22.01.2022 Restrictions on gatherings and events will start to ease from 1 October 2020.
21.01.2022 Water main break this morning at 21 Byrnes Street (north Byrnes Street). Water will be turned off in the area to allow emergency works to be carried out. We have had several water main breaks lately due to the ageing water infrastructure. Over the next 10 years, Council will need to replace over 300kms of pipeline that has been identified for renewal. This is a significant investment to ensure a reliable water supply for residents and businesses across the Shire. In the lead up to the Budget, Council is considering an increase in water access charges of at least $250 for those properties connected to the Council’s water network. This increase will ensure that funds are available to commence urgent renewal and replacement of critical water infrastructure.
21.01.2022 Only 35 sleeps until Christmas! Help your children write a letter to the North Pole and they'll get a reply from Mr Claus himself. Post the letter at the Dimbulah, Kuranda, Mareeba Library and Santa will reply within a week. Please contact your local library branch for more information.
21.01.2022 When it comes to extreme weather events in Queensland, it’s not a matter of ‘if’ but ‘when’. You can't control the weather or when the next disaster will hit Queensland, but you can be aware and prepared. Get Ready Queensland helps you to take the steps to protect what’s most important to you. GET READY:
20.01.2022 Kuranda Visitor Information Centre celebrates 20 years of welcoming visitors to the Village in the Rainforest. A special celebration was held this afternoon for the wonderful volunteers who are the backbone of the centre, providing first class customer service to those visiting the region. Over the past 20 years, the Kuranda Visitor Information Centre has been the recipient of many industry awards, including a Bronze and Silver award for Visitor Information services at the Q...ueensland Awards. The opening of the original Kuranda Visitor Information Centre on 22 May 2000 by then State Minister for Tourism, Merri Rose, was a vital step in Mareeba Shire’s revitalisation programme for Kuranda Village. The new Visitor Information Centre was completed in August 2014 and has lifted the service level for visitors with a Wet Tropics interpretive corner, live insect displays, local art and books for sale and a tour desk. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
20.01.2022 Tech Savvy Tips! Lean how to create an account with the State Library and access online newspapers from around the world. Thanks to William and the team at the Mareeba Library for putting this tutorial together.
19.01.2022 Mareeba Shire and Tablelands Regional Councillors and staff recently met the Honourable Scott Buchholz MP, Assistant Minister for Roads and Transport on Ootann Road. Minister Buchholz was travelling through North Queensland and visited Ootann Road at the request of the Far North Queensland Regional Organisation of Councils. Mareeba Shire Mayor Angela Toppin said Ootann is a strategic transport corridor for the region. Ootann Road is an imperative link, connecting industry in... Northern Australia with southern markets, she said. Councillor Toppin said that many sections of Ootann Road are narrow and unsealed, and subject to road closures and load limits during the wet season, which impacts its reliability as a freight and tourist route. Any work to progressively widen, seal and flood-proof this road will be reliant on funding from the Australian and Queensland governments and we will continue to advocate funding commitments from both levels of Government, she said. READ MORE:
19.01.2022 HAVE YOUR SAY! Council is developing a Parks and Open Spaces Strategy to ensure that our public spaces are planned and managed for our growing community! Council maintains a variety of parks and open spaces such as recreational parks, waterway esplanades, streetscapes, footpaths and cycleways. Your feedback is important and is the starting point for community engagement which will assist with the development of this Strategy. This survey closes on Monday 1 February 2021. HAVE YOUR SAY:
18.01.2022 'At the end of the garden, underneath some rocks, was a village of fairies who lived in teapots.' Join Lottie and Pop on their magical adventure to the Fairy Queen's Ball! This week's online storytime with Miss Prin. Lottie and Pop written by Shivaun Clifton and illustrated by Kirilee West.
18.01.2022 STAY INFORMED: Mareeba: Currently as at 3.30pm Wednesday 21 October, a bushfire is burning on the western side of the Barron River between the Barron River and Langton Avenue. The fire is burning in a northerly direction towards Herberton Street and Anzac Avenue and in a southerly direction near the Riverside Caravan Park. Bushfire warning level: ADVICE
18.01.2022 Inland Queensland Roads Action Project (IQ-RAP) Partners have requested commitments from each political party to endorse the Inland Queensland Road Network Strategy, invest $200m into currently unfunded priorities across the 28 local government areas, and progress detailed planning for the identified priorities. Our Deputy Mayor Cr Kevin Davies Mareeba Shire Councillor is the Far North representative on the FNQ Regional Roads Group on IQ-RAP and said investment into roads has... a very significant multiplier effect in terms of benefits. "Investment can immediately catalyse local construction jobs in each of our communities. Businesses will benefit through better and more reliable road quality that ensures greater productivity and efficiency. More areas will open up to tourists and there will be better safety outcomes for all road users," he said. READ MORE:
18.01.2022 Happy Citizenship Day! Today we welcomed Australia’s newest citizens to the Shire. Eight residents were naturalised at a small (COVID-Safe) ceremony this morning.
18.01.2022 We are currently seeking tenders for the Gamboola Crossing Causeway remediation works (T-MSC2020-13). Tenders close at 11.00 am on Monday 12 October 2020. VIEW ALL TENDERS:
18.01.2022 We currently have two positions vacant. Applications for the following vacancies close this Sunday. Rhyme Time Project Assistant (Casual) Corporate Communications Officer
18.01.2022 Did you know the original John Doyle Bridge on Anzac Avenue in Mareeba was built in the 1920s? Our Deputy Mayor Cr Kevin Davies Mareeba Shire Councillor provides an update on the bridge upgrade. Historical photos: Mareeba History Facebook Page
17.01.2022 Each year, the Mayor’s Christmas Appeal plays a vital role to support those in need across the Mareeba Shire during the festive season. Mareeba Shire Mayor Angela Toppin is encouraging residents to get behind the annual cause and donate to the appeal to assist local families. This year has been an incredibly difficult year for many, Cr Toppin said.... I urge residents, if they can, to please donate to the Mayor’s Christmas appeal to help those who need a little extra help this year. Donations to the Mayor’s Christmas Appeal can be made at Council’s customer service centres in Mareeba and Kuranda. People can also send their donation by cheque to Mayor’s Christmas Appeal, PO Box 154, Mareeba 4880. Make the cheque payable to MSC Mayor’s Christmas Appeal. Donations will also be accepted via online direct debit [ Mayor’s Appeal Gift Fund - BSB: 084-512. Account: 74-152-3490. ]
16.01.2022 We are currently seeking a Concrete Form Setter/Finisher to join our team. The role is responsible for providing quality labouring, steel fixing, concrete finishing and form setting services to Council to ensure projects within area of responsibility are completed on time, within budget and of a high quality and professional standard. Applications close Monday 5 October 2020. APPLY NOW:
16.01.2022 This week's online storytime with Miss Wendy. Featuring playful verses by Craig Smith and charming illustrations by Katz Cowley, The Dinky Donkey follows the same formula that made its predecessor a worldwide hit, the Wonky Donkey. The Dinky Donkey is published by Scholastic.
15.01.2022 Happy Boxing Day! You've spent hours carefully selecting gifts for your loved ones. You've painstakingly wrapped each present. You bought wine and food and spent hours in the kitchen. But by Boxing Day it is all over and now all that is left is to dispose of your Christmas waste responsibly. So how much of the plastic, glass and paper that you use over the festive season can be recycled? READ MORE:
15.01.2022 In commemoration of National Police Remembrance Day, police, their families and community members will pause on Tuesday, September 29 to pay tribute to fallen officers. Due to COVID-19 restrictions and concerns for the community’s safety, things will be a little different for our commemorative activities. Unfortunately, there will be no march or public service held this year. The Queensland Police Service instead invites you to remember alongside them by joining in the viewing of a live-streamed service on National Police Remembrance Day.
15.01.2022 What do you love about Mareeba Shire? Follow us on Instagram and share your favourite photos by tagging #lovemareebashire! Follow us: World Heritage Rainforest in #Kuranda
15.01.2022 On behalf of the Mayor, Councillors and staff we wish everyone a peaceful Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year.
15.01.2022 Nominations are open for the 2021 Australia Day Awards! COVID-19 has impacted the way we live our lives but has not stopped the outstanding contributions of so many within our community and we must acknowledge these residents and community groups. Residents are encouraged to nominate an individual or community organisation that has gone above and beyond by Tuesday 15 December 2020.
14.01.2022 Rubbish collection services will operate as normal over the Christmas and New Year period. This means your bin will still get collected on the public holidays, including on Christmas Day. Just remember not to overflow your wheelie bin and if you have too much rubbish, perhaps visit a transfer station (which will also operate as normal except for Christmas Day which will be closed) and dispose of household waste appropriately or recycle what you can by placing it in to the containers provided.
14.01.2022 We are looking for a casual Rhyme Time Project Assistant to plan and deliver grant-funded literacy programming for babies at various locations throughout the Shire. Applications close 30 May 2021. Find out more:
13.01.2022 Council recently acquired a parcel of land located adjacent to the existing Kuranda Cemetery, suitable to expand the current cemetery. Mayor Angela Toppin said it was fortuitous the land became available for purchase while Council was considering community feedback regarding the future of the Kuranda Cemetery A development application for the material change of use and reconfiguration of the property will now be prepared. READ MORE:
13.01.2022 Construction of the Baron Falls Walking Trail project is progressing well. The first phase of the project is practically complete with work on the second section now underway. Stage 1: A link trail from the Kuranda Jungle Walk to the end of Weir Road Stage 2: A link through Barron Gorge National Park from the end of Weir Road to the Barron Falls car park area.... Weather permitting, the trails will be open by the end of the year. The project is funded by the Kuranda Infrastructure Fund.
13.01.2022 Work in progress: The Dimbulah Community Centre was awarded a RADF Community Grant for an Aboriginal cultural heritage mural to be painted on the amenities block in Dimbulah Memorial Park to raise awareness of the cultural heritage of the Bar-Barrum People. The mural is being painted by local Bar-Barrum artist Deon Wason and tells the story of Bar-Barrum country and culture. The mural includes aspects of men’s business and ceremony, hunting and communication tools and instruments and sacred animals. We look forward to seeing the project completed soon! Dimbulah Community Centre.
12.01.2022 STATE GOVERNMENT ELECTION PRE-POLL Barron River Smithfield 7 Mount Koolmoon St, Smithfield, QLD Australia 4878 Friday, 23/10/2020 09:00 AM 06:00 PM Saturday, 24/10/2020 09:00 AM 05:00 PM... Monday, 26/10/2020 09:00 AM 06:00 PM Tuesday, 27/10/2020 09:00 AM 09:00 PM Wednesday, 28/10/2020 09:00 AM 06:00 PM Thursday, 29/10/2020 09:00 AM 09:00 PM Friday, 30/10/2020 09:00 AM 06:00 PM Cook Mareeba Memorial Bowls Club 41B Anzac Ave, Mareeba, QLD Australia 4880 Friday, 23/10/2020 09:00 AM 06:00 PM Saturday, 24/10/2020 09:00 AM 05:00 PM Monday, 26/10/2020 09:00 AM 06:00 PM Tuesday, 27/10/2020 09:00 AM 09:00 PM Wednesday, 28/10/2020 09:00 AM 06:00 PM Thursday, 29/10/2020 09:00 AM 09:00 PM Friday, 30/10/2020 09:00 AM 06:00 PM Hill Atherton St Mary the Virgin Anglican Church 36 Alice St, Atherton, QLD Australia 4883 Friday, 23/10/2020 09:00 AM 06:00 PM Saturday, 24/10/2020 09:00 AM 05:00 PM Monday, 26/10/2020 09:00 AM 06:00 PM Tuesday, 27/10/2020 09:00 AM 09:00 PM Wednesday, 28/10/2020 09:00 AM 06:00 PM Thursday, 29/10/2020 09:00 AM 09:00 PM Friday, 30/10/2020 09:00 AM 06:00 PM
10.01.2022 Looking for work? We currently have two labourer positions available. Labourer Construction & Maintenance (full time) Closes Sunday 8 November 2020 ... Labourer Water & Waste (full time) Monday 9 November 2020
10.01.2022 STAY INFORMED: Biboohra - Currently as at 3.30pm Wednesday 21 October a large, fast moving vegetation fire is burning in the vicinity of Hodzic Road and Bilwon Road. Firefighters are conducting backburning operations to contain the fire.
09.01.2022 Happy Friday! Shop and support LOCAL this Christmas.
08.01.2022 We are seeking tenders from suitably qualified companies to design, supply, and construct grid-connected solar systems at 8 locations across the Shire. FIND OUT MORE:
08.01.2022 Angela Toppin - Mayor Mareeba Shire Council provides an update on our Capital Works Program.
08.01.2022 Crime Stoppers FNQ invites you to join a fundraiser walk on Sunday 11 October 2020. All money raised will go to the recently formed Crime Stopper FNQ Branch that covers the Mareeba Shire and Tablelands Region.
07.01.2022 Construction has begun on a new water reservoir in Chillagoe that will boost the town’s water capacity by almost 40 percent. Jointly funded by the Australian and Queensland Governments, the Chillagoe Critical Water Infrastructure Project will see the construction of a new 500 kilolitre reinforced concrete water reservoir including all associated infrastructure. Mayor Angela Toppin said construction of the new reservoir was a major win for the Chillagoe community and will help... deliver essential water security to the town. READ MORE:
07.01.2022 STAY INFORMED: MUTCHILBA (near Mareeba) vegetation fire as at 1.40pm Tues 20 October 2020. Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) crews are on scene at a vegetation fire near the intersection of Mareeba-Dimbulah Road and Borzi Road in Mutchilba. Fire warning level: ADVICE. The fire is posing no threat to property at this time but is producing a lot of smoke. Water bombing aircraft are being used to help extinguish the fire. Residents should keep windows and doors and if suffering from a respiratory condition, keep medications close by. Motorists should drive with caution and to conditions. If residents are concerned their property is under threat, they are advised to call Triple Zero (000) immediately.
07.01.2022 Last week, Council adopted an updated Disaster Management Plan for the Shire. The Plan is an overarching document that details the structure, management arrangements and governance in terms of preparing for, responding to and recovering from a disaster. READ MORE:
06.01.2022 We are currently seeking a Heavy Plant Operator to work at the Mareeba Landfill. This full time, fixed-term position is responsible for the operation and general maintenance of Council plant at the Mareeba landfill site as well as provide support for the department anywhere within the Council area as directed. APPLY NOW:
05.01.2022 We are currently seeking submissions from suitably qualified individuals for an Independent Chairperson of the Audit Committee (Q-MSC2020-25). The Audit Committee is an advisory committee of Council that reports to Council on the capability of Council to achieve its corporate strategies and objectives; corporate governance, controls, risk management and all audit related matters. FIND OUT MORE: Responsibilities of the Committee Chair: - to chair the meetings of the Audit Committee; - to develop a clear understanding of the role of the Committee and the way in which it contributes to Council fulfilling its responsibilities; - to provide leadership to the Committee; - to ensure that the Committee fulfills its responsibilities to Council and its obligations under the Audit Committee Charter; - to undertake a probity role as directed by the Chief Executive Officer such as, but not limited to, probity checks on significant tender processes; - to actively promote the Committee as a collegial body that encourages open exchanges of ideas and views on matters of financial reporting, risk management, internal controls, legislative compliance, insurance, governance and internal and external audit; and - to approve the minutes of the Committee prior to distribution.
05.01.2022 Peppa's Pumpkin Party! This week's Halloween story time with Miss Wendy is based on the TV series Peppa Pig, created by Neville Astley and Mark Baker. The story was adapted by by Rebecca Gerlings and published by Ladybird.
05.01.2022 Looking for work? We have a number of positions available within our infrastructure services team. APPLY NOW:
04.01.2022 Heads up, the Kuranda Range will be partly closed this Saturday 19 September 2020 for the annual Cardiac Challenge. To allow riders to safely pedal up the Kuranda Range, the uphill lane will be closed from 6am - 8.45am. The riders will stop briefly at Mareeba's Rotary Park before heading to Mt Molloy on their way to Cooktown. Please be advised that there will be traffic management in place on Railway Avenue between Jacobsen and Byrnes Streets from 10am. We wish the riders a safe journey as they head to Cooktown - raising money for cardiac health services for Far North Queensland. Far North Queensland Hospital Foundation | Cardiac Challenge
04.01.2022 Don't miss your chance to see thirty-seven time Golden Guitar winner Lee Kernaghan LIVE this October at the Savannah in the Round Summer Series. Country rock singer-songwriter Casey Barnes, The Buckley's, SaltbushSix, The Ayres Rockettes and The Roadtrippers will pack out Kerribee Park, kicking off the Queen's Birthday long weekend.
02.01.2022 A report tabled at yesterday’s Council meeting confirmed that at this point in time, there were no saltwater crocodiles found in the Barron River from the bridge on Henry Hannam Drive at Mareeba to the Barron Falls at Kuranda. Mayor Angela Toppin said Council contracted Top End Crocodile Service to conduct two surveys of local waterways following inuendo of crocodile sightings. An earlier survey conducted by TECS along Two Mile Creek and Lake Mitchell established the presence... of saltwater crocodiles within that waterway system. Mayor Angela Toppin said Council would continue to advocate for the removal of the saltwater reptiles found in the Two-Mile Creek and Lake Mitchell areas. The State Government needs to move quickly before the reptiles mature and start reproducing, Cr Toppin said. READ MORE: (Stock photo)
02.01.2022 Welcome back! From rich savannah country to tropical World Heritage Rainforest, Mareeba Shire is full of hidden gems waiting to be explored. Mayor Toppin is looking forward to welcoming friends, family and visitors from Victoria and New South Wales to our Shire next month, following Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk MP's announcement earlier this week that border restrictions will be eased ahead of the festive season. READ MORE #lovemareebashire #exploretnq
02.01.2022 The Queensland Government announced that all licensed venues now have to digitalise their contact tracing due to false and illegible details being given at some venues. Help keep Queensland safe this Christmas.
01.01.2022 Book Week with Miss Wendy!
01.01.2022 Subscribe to our eNews and stay up to date with your local Council. SIGN UP NOW:
01.01.2022 We are seeking a plant operator to join our parks and gardens team in Mareeba. The successful candidate will be required to perform a variety of duties which include the safe operation and general maintenance of Council plant and equipment, general duties such as mowing, weeding, brush cutting, fertilising, irrigating and picking up litter as well as to provide other support for the workgroup as required. Applications close 21 September 2020. APPLY NOW:
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