Maret Staron | Medical and health
Maret Staron
Phone: +61 414 432 737
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25.01.2022 The very uncomfortable feeling of ‘in-between’. Today, I’m feeling a little flat. For the last few months I’ve been working hard to get my home ship shape for sale. The work has certainly kept me focussed and busy during these discombobulating times. However, now that the work is finished and my home is on the market, I’m feeling a little lost and ‘flat’. As a friend reminded me, it’s that feeling of ‘in-between’. The in-between that I’m referring to is the time between th...e old or known, and the new or unknown. We know what we are letting go of, but don’t yet know what we are going to step into. For me, I’ve got through the sadness of letting go of my home that I love and am ready to step into the new but I don’t know what that new will be ie. what and where my new home will be. It’s a most uncomfortable feeling. We can experience this in-between feeling in any area of our lives. For example, steeping out of one job but not knowing that the next job will be; leaving one relationship and not knowing what/whether there will be a new relationship; leaving one town but not yet settled in a new town, etc. You get the picture I’m sure. Often the discomfort of the in-between feeling can stop us letting go of the old (even when we know that it’s in our best interests to do so). It can simply be too daunting, not knowing what the future holds. And that’s the issue, not knowing what that new future is. However, we can make it a little easier on ourselves when we are in this situation. One of the most helpful things we can do is energetically, feel what we want our new future to feel like or in my case, feel how excited, energised and delighted I am in my new home. And I can hold onto that feeling until I find it in the physical, ie. a new home that matches that feeling (or resonance). And sometimes we just need to give ourselves time to mourn the old, sit in the uncomfortable feeling, and know that this too will pass.
24.01.2022 Happy New year and thank you for ‘liking’ or ‘following’ my page. I’m excited about 2020 and look forward to new opportunities and experiences during the year. It feels like it’s time to reassess how authentically we live our lives. During much of my life I've been scared to ‘show myself’ (my awareness) and to live my dream. It’s time that changed. What I find helpful is to set a clear intention in the new year for the year ahead. This year my intention is to have lots ‘Maret-ness’ in my life - to express my essence more fully in all that I do, be and have. I want to feel excited every morning about what the day ahead will bring. I want to get clearer on what my unique gift or skill is (every person on this planet has their own unique gift or skill) - and to bring that into every aspect of my work. I hope you have thought about what you most want in 2020 and have set a clear intention (which is simply a choice that you make). Hold the energy of that intention very strongly in your space. And every day spend a moment or so, really feeling the excitement of what that will feel like when you have it in your life. That’s an important step towards manifesting what you want. If you like rituals, have a small ritual when you set your intention eg. light a candle, meditate beforehand, or have a shower and ‘wash away’ the ‘old’ etc. This can increase your focus and connection to the energy of your intention. Make sure you focus on what you do want rather than what you don’t want. Instead of setting an intention that focuses on the negative eg. no longer feeling scared or no longer being short of money or not worrying so much etc - focus on the positive eg. I now have vibrant health ... or my life is now filled with abundance ... or I love my strength and courage etc. Really stop and take note of what you say to yourself and if negative, change it to the positive. As they say, you can fake it til you make it it works, you know. Wishing you every success and lots of Abundance, Joy, Love and Truth in 2020.
24.01.2022 Dreams can help guide your way forward Lately I’ve been having some vivid dreams. Life is pretty quiet and I’m mainly at home, and I’ve felt that I haven’t had much personal expansion or growth lately. However, my dreams are showing me otherwise. Dreams can be telling you to take notice and wake up; or to simply keep going; or you’re doing well and you’re on track. Over the years I’ve had all 3 types of dreams. Lately the focus of my dreams seems to be on sovereignty, as I’ve... had dreams about queens and kings. I’ve come to realise that my path (over many lifetimes) is about uncovering and expressing my own sovereignty. This is about stepping fully into my own power and authority ie. being a true expression of my soul in all that I do, be, have. I believe that this is the true path for all of us on this planet. I wasn’t surprised to dream about queens, as being a female I knew this represented my own consciousness and sovereignty. However, dreaming about kings has awoken me to look at aspects of sovereignty not only in my consciousness but also in my subconsciousness something that I’d not ever thought of before. So take notice of your dreams and the types of dreams you are having. Dreams are usually very symbolic. If you can’t make head or tail of your dreams, then set an intention that your dreams will be shown to you in a way that you can more easily understand and interpret. I’ve set such an intention many times and my dreams have certainly become easier to interpret. Happy dreaming.
21.01.2022 Shamaret meditation Mon 2nd March 2020 7 pm 8.30pm Summer Hill, Sydney $15 per evening... Shamaret Meditation brings together awareness meditation and shamanic journeying. We commence with a grounding meditation followed by opening to our higher-consciousness through a shamanic journey. We meditate on the first Monday of the month, from March to December 2020. You are very welcome to join me for one evening or to attend regularly. It’s suitable for both beginner and experienced mediators. There is more information about Shamaret Meditation on my website: If you’d like to attend this coming Monday 2nd March, please email me ([email protected]) or text me (0414 432 737) and I’ll send you more detailed information about location and timing.
20.01.2022 I love doing healing sessions with animals as well as people . Here is gorgeous Georgy after a healing session ... in my new workroom where you can see the apricot colour that the room will soon be painted in .
20.01.2022 Fear can stagnate in our bodies how do we shift it? Fear often comes with the unknown. Fear tells us is that we are out of our comfort zone. And it tells us to slow down or stop, consider the options and go forward slowly. There’s no denying it, many of us are feeling some level of fear during these challenging and uncertain times. One of the things about fear is that it sits in our body. In certain situations (and I hid it well) I used to be ‘frozen’ by fear unable to s...Continue reading
19.01.2022 Change and transformation are not the same thing: Change is often temporary. For example, you listen to an inspirational speaker and come away determined to change, act differently, practice a new skill however some days or weeks later, you notice you’re back to the same old patterns or habit. Whereas, transformation is ongoing, the old conditioning no longer runs you or your perspective has changed and you no longer view things in the same way. As a teacher once said to...Continue reading
19.01.2022 SHAMARET MEDITATION Mon 5th October 2020 7 pm 8.30pm Sydney time (AEST) Fee AUD$10 Further information about Shamaret Meditation: If you’d like to attend please let me know (email [email protected])
17.01.2022 When things are uncertain, you can use your imagination. Lately, I’ve been feeling uncertain about some things in my life. I’ve wondered (or being truthful, worried) about how to make some changes in my life. I’ve also been aware of the energy on the planet of fear, anger, denial, grief, anxiety and stress. Yet on the other hand, there is also the energy of hope, new possibilities, optimism, trust and ego-less thinking. These contradictory energies can at times be quite... unsettling. I can sometimes struggle to find a positive way forward. However, I do know that there are some things that I can focus on, to assist me manifesting the future life that I want. In particular, I can focus on the positive and imagine my desired future. And I do know that it’s not what’s happening in my life, but my attitude to it that can make the difference. These are some things that I do, that you might also like to try. First and foremost, acknowledge (but not dwell on) how you are feeling and why and gently and kindly accept that this is how it is in this moment. And remind yourself, that this too will pass. Then focus on the positive, on what you do want rather than what you don’t want. For example: imagine yourself in your ideal situation that brings you joy allow yourself to feel what that is like and every day practice feeling that energy of excitement and joy imagine yourself at your best, 10 years out from now, future you what does that feel like? practice that feeling every day imagine you have what you want, that makes your heart and soul smile then a) list what it is that you want; b) list how that makes you feel; c) list the benefits having it brings to not only you, but also to others (animate and inanimate) around you. In some ways I always say the same thing. It’s always about alignment. Our alignment directly supports our growth, well-being and manifestation. It’s about alignment to our true or authentic self, our true essence and one way we can do this, is to practice new patterns that strengthen that alignment.
14.01.2022 How to stay on a more even keel during these discombobulating times. Many of us have days where we feel centred, go about our days on an even keel and then wham oh, we suddenly spiral down and spend the rest of the day (or days) feeling flat or unhappy. It’s not a pleasant place to be in. That’s when we often over-eat, feel irritable, just want to be left alone, veg out etc etc. Is there anything we can do about it? Yes. Though it’s not always easy to motivate ourselves to ge...t out of that ‘stuck’ place. However, there are practices that I do when I’m feeling down or flat that help me feel better (provided I can remember to do them!). Here are a few tips. Be gentle with yourself: We don’t always recognise how harsh we often are with ourselves and the terrible messages we give ourselves that we’d never say to another person. Do your best to replace those harsh thoughts with more gentle, positive ones eg I am doing better every day; I care about myself; I accept myself exactly as I am; I’m okay; I’m kind; I give myself permission to be happy. Acknowledge your emotions: It’s always my number one go to. Acknowledge to yourself, how you feel. Be honest with yourself eg I feel angry or irritated or frustrated or hopeless. It’s only a feeling and it can’t harm anyone else if you don’t act out on it. Many people think it’s bad to admit to themselves how they feel. No it’s worse to ignore it, then it comes out sideways at a later stage. (Acknowledging your emotions is the first step towards mastering your emotions). Acceptance: Accept that this is how you feel now and it too will pass. Allow yourself to feel the energy of acceptance and flow it to yourself. Focus on something that makes you feel good: eg a place in nature, a pet, the sunset, someone you love unconditionally. Allow yourself to be in that feel-good energy. Practice staying in that feel good energy 5 minutes a day. And most importantly, breathe: Spend 5 minutes a day gently focusing on your breath, breathing in love (or peace or happiness or acceptance), breathing out fear (or anger or grief or boredom). Or you may have a breath practice from yoga that you can do. May you all be filled with wellness, contentment and joy. Let us all do the best that we can to send out happiness, peace and kind-laugher to the world, rather than the opposite. (Easy to do when a cheeky lorikeet pops in for a visit.) Namaste.
13.01.2022 Shamaret Meditation: You’re very welcome to join me for one night of meditation or on a regular basis. We meet on the first Monday of the month (March to November). Next meditation evening (last one for 2019)... Monday 4th November 2019 7.00 pm 8.20 pm (arrive around 6.50pm if you’d like a cuppa beforehand) $10 per evening Summer Hill, Sydney. Email me if you’d like to attend, so I can send you location details: [email protected] As it’s the last meditation evening for 2019, you’re invited to stay after meditation, for a cuppa and cake (I’ll provide), however of course, if you’d like to contribute (something small), please do. Shamaret meditation brings together eastern and shamanic meditation techniques in a unique way, to support you journeying to your own consciousness and knowing. For further information go to
12.01.2022 Will fear stop you going beyond your comfort zone? It can be scary doing something new out of our comfort zone, especially if it’s something that we feel we’ll be judged for and possibly found lacking, or in my case that it’s not safe to be seen (an old childhood fear that every now and then raises its head). I wonder what your fear is? A couple of months ago I got very clear guidance about doing something new this year (a workshop) and who I was to collaborate with. At the... time, as the guidance flowed through, all I felt was excitement and exhilaration. However, recently when I started thinking about actually running a new workshop, I noticed a feeling of fear. I’m so familiar with that feeling, I’ve known it most of my life. I thought for a moment that it would be easier to not step out of my comfort zone and just stay doing the same old same old. However, that could lead to stagnation and if I wanted to keep growing spiritually, emotionally and mentally, then I needed to embrace the new and unknown. I was thinking about these things when I selected a tarot card. What I got was The Chariot and when I looked it up, it said things like: The chariot cannot move without horses to pull it, just as we cannot function without our emotions to drive us But without the control of the chariot, the horses would run free, just as our emotions can run wild when unchecked and uncontrolled. Balance is needed. The wisdom gained through conquering one's enemies is nothing compared to the self-esteem you build through defeating your fear. Inner enemies are often tougher to defeat than outer ones, and thus teach you much more. Fear will cripple you unless, like the Chariot demands, you can acknowledge it and face it. Then you can use your fear constructively, for your own purposes. Once you have transcended your fears you start transcending your restrictions until nothing can hold you back from the success you deserve. ( ) I found that very heartening and decided there and then not to let my fear stop me doing what my soul was calling me to do. So when it’s something new that you want to do, that is in alignment with your higher self and true happiness, go for it, despite the fear. That is true courage.
12.01.2022 Whose 'rules' do you live by? Many of us live by rules that others (or society) have set for us. We’re not even aware we are doing this. A few years ago when I felt very irritated, I discovered that it was because I was living by other people’s rules and not by ‘Maret rules’. It was only when I changed the rules that I lived by, that I moved beyond that particular episode of irritation. Our higher self (or soul) is always calling us to become aware of the ‘rules’ that we live...Continue reading
10.01.2022 What am I avoiding when I get sick? Now I know that this doesn’t apply to everyone and to many illnesses. Illness can have many causes, emotional, mental, genetic, chemical, physical or spiritual. However, for me, I sometimes get colds when I’m either wanting to avoid something, or I’m overdoing it a bit (stressed) and I need time alone, or I need to integrate something new. I’m currently getting over a cold. I like to blame the smoke (from the fires in NSW). It was a par...ticularly smoky day when I got a sore throat, that then moved into laryngitis and finally into a cold. It was a nuisance the week that it happened, as it was a particularly busy week with a number of work appointments and social outings I’d been looking forward to. However, when I looked into it (being guided by another healer), I discovered that I simply wanted to do nothing for a week and I needed time alone. I thought I’d got over this pattern, needing to get sick instead of saying ‘no, I’m not available’ let alone, dare I admit it - no, I’m not available because I need some time alone and I need to nurture myself. It’s called ‘sacred selfishness’ because unless we have the capacity to nurture and unconditionally love ourselves, how can we nurture and unconditionally love others? It’s unfortunate that we can sometimes be living the choices of others, or living a conditioned pattern or program from childhood. It may have been the way we coped when we were young or a way of keeping ourselves safe, however, in adulthood, this pattern may no longer be appropriate and can keep us out of our integrity or alignment to our authentic self. Some years ago, a wise person said to me, Maret, wouldn’t it be better if you made a conscious decision instead of getting sick, when you don’t want to do something? There and then I made the choice to make conscious decisions. I rarely suffered from colds after that. Though, when I first started practicing ‘no’ or I’m not available’ and meeting my own needs instead of the needs or requests of others, it was very scary. These things can run very deep. Underneath it all, we can even subconsciously feel as if our life is in danger. However, sometimes we simply need to do what scares us, in order to expand and increase our alignment with our authentic self. Having said all that, I still need to acknowledge that we are all human and sometimes we do fall back into old patterns, even if only briefly. When this happens, it’s helpful if we’re kind to ourselves and don’t beat ourselves up for it. Simply acknowledge it and make a conscious choice to do it differently next time and follow through on that choice.
09.01.2022 A special one-off offer for energy healing for one month only - from this Mon 14 Sept to Sun 11th October 2020. I have been guided to make this one-off special rate for energy healing sessions for one month (4 weeks) only. You might be interested in this offer or please feel free to pass it onto others. $100 for 4 sessions (one per week) ... or $40 per individual session The 4 weeks commences this Monday 14 September and concludes on Sunday 11th October 2020. Location: Summer Hill Session length: one hour per session Session are available on: Monday morning and afternoon 14, 21, 28 Sept, 5 Oct Tuesday afternoon 15, 22, 29 Sept, 6 Oct Friday afternoon 18, 25 Sept, 2, 9 Oct Sunday morning 20, 27 Sept, 4, 11 Oct Sessions can be either in person (in my practice room) or online by Zoom. If in person, covid safe practices are in place. If you would like to book in or have any questions, please email me or call me on 0414 432 737. My energy healing sessions use Fractology and Shamanic Healing processes. For further Information, see my website: Or if you haven’t already, you might like to subscribe to my monthly buzz (monthly emails):
07.01.2022 Shamaret Meditation - Monday 7th October You’re very welcome to join me for one night of meditation or on a regular basis. We meet on the first Monday of the month (March to November). Next meditation evening:... Monday 7th October 2019. 7.00 pm 8.20 pm (arrive around 6.50pm if you’d like a cuppa beforehand) $10 per evening Summer Hill, Sydney. Shamaret meditation brings together eastern and shamanic meditation techniques in a unique way, to support you journeying to your own consciousness and knowing. For further information go to Email me if you’d like to attend so I can send you location details: [email protected]
04.01.2022 Integrity of ‘being’, ‘doing’ and ‘having’ There is a very important relationship between our being, doing and having. When we seek personal growth, authenticity or alignment it’s not just about expansion of our metaphysical being, but also about expansion of our physical doing and having. ... Our growth and shifts need to be throughout our whole system. Many people think it’s only about their being. Yet focusing on only that leads to imbalance and sometimes un-wellness, and certainly ungroundedness. Our focus needs to also be on our doing and having. Buddhist’s often talk about right action or right thinking. I like to add to that right having. Just as important. My own life started to be filled with ease and flow only after I moved through alignment of being and doing and then into aligned having. Being is about our soul resonance or true essence and growth is about learning to be in our soul resonance all the time Being is the eternal and infinite part of ourselves, that which is metaphysical. Some people call it our higher self. Doing and having is associated with our physical self. Doing is about our actions, and ensuring that every action we take is in alignment with our true essence, or an expression of our true self. Having is associated with all the material things we have in our life. We need our having to be in alignment with, and supporting our being and doing. So start taking notice not just of your inner world, but also notice how much of your doing and having is a true expression of your soul resonance and that it’s not just an expression of society or family’s norms and expectations. When I was young I was only allowed to wear cream or brown. Anyone who knows me now, knows they are not my colours, they rarely bring a spark of joy to my life. I recall the fear in my older years when I started wearing different vibrant colours. Yet, it was part of my journey of discovery, of what was in alignment with my true essence. For you it may be cream or brown, for me it’s not. So loosen up and if you haven’t already, start exploring what feels right (ie. in alignment) and if you feel it serves you, be outrageous (ie. unusual or surprising) with what you ‘do’ and ‘have’.
04.01.2022 Next Shamaret Meditation: Mon 6th April 2020 Now online. I’m continuing our monthly shamanic-awareness meditations online through Zoom. ... Monday 6 April 2020 7pm 8.15pm (Sydney AEDT). During this time, the fee is reduced to $5 AUD (to assist in covering cost of Zoom). If you would like to attend, please email me so that closer to the time I can send you a link. All you will need to do is: click on the link that I send you and then enter the meeting ID number. You are welcome to join for one evening or to attend on a regular basis. It’s suitable for both beginners and experienced meditators. For further information about the style of meditation, go to: You can email me at: [email protected]
04.01.2022 Are you a meditator or a spiritual warrior? For over 25 years I was a regular (often daily) meditator. I reluctantly admit that I initially had some fixed ideas about meditation if I was to be a ‘proper’ meditator, I needed to sit in a particular way, I needed to sit for a certain length of time, I needed to sit before 7am, etc. I eventually learnt that this was not what was important in meditation, at least not for me. I needed to work out the style of meditation that most... effectively helped me become still, present and conscious. I gradually learnt that meditation was a means to an end, not an end in itself. Meditation assisted me in calming my mind and emotions. I must admit that sometimes it had the opposite effect, because being in a place of meditative stillness, I connected to deeper emotions and thoughts, including my grief and sadness. However, I eventually worked my way through all of that. When I eventually started living my daily life (in my mind and emotions) with joy, stillness and serenity, I noticed that I started meditating less. And when I did meditate, my practice changed dramatically from an eastern based meditation style, to a more shamanic meditation style. It was around this time (about 3 years ago) that my spiritual teacher suggested I was needing to focus more on a spiritual warrior’s path, than a meditator’s path. The spiritual warrior path is more about learning to stay in my integrity, compassion and joy, irrespective of what is happening around me. To always express my true essence and truth in everything that I say, do and have. To be open spiritually to Source/Divinity, while at the same time being grounded firmly in life on this planet. This then leads me to my current belief and experience: that it’s not an either/or question about whether you are a meditator or a spiritual warrior. I think it’s more about being conscious of those aspects in your life. And being aware that focusing on one at a particular time, may serve you most at that time, and at another time, your focus may need to change. It usually boils down to, do what serves you best and is in greatest alignment with your true essence.
02.01.2022 FELDENKRAIS I do Feldenkrais regularly. I find it a very subtle form of body exercise, activating joints and muscles that I don't always use. It improves the way I move, think and feel. So I thought I'd let you know about a workshop that is coming up soon. Perhaps you or someone you know might be interested. FELDENKRAIS AWARENESS THROUGH MOVEMENT -BALANCE FOR LIFE ... Discover your sense of balance in a one day workshop presented by The Australian Feldenkrais Guild. We will explore movement lessons in standing and lying on the floor, we will examine aspects of what it takes to coordinate balance and while doing so learn to apply these ideas to our everyday life. This workshop is suitable for people of all ages and abilities. You will learn to : Coordinate your whole body for more balance and ease. Reduce tension and stress in your body. Explore ways to enhance your sense of well being through awareness of moving and balancing with ease. New York-based Feldenkrais Practitioner Anastasi Siotas will be teaching this workshop. Anastasi Siotas is a Senior Feldenkrais practitioner who after completing his training in Australia moved to New York City, where he runs a private practice. In addition Anastasi is an assistant trainer for professional training programs in the USA, Europe and Asia. His diverse background and professional experience in dance, choreography, anatomy & NLP has made him a very sought after teacher of the Feldenkrais method. Workshop details When: Saturday December 14 from 10am to 2pm Where: Harold Park Tramsheds Community Centre Cost $65 Registration What to wear and bring: Wear clothing that lets you move freely; leggings or similar are recommended. Bring 2-3 towels (to fold into a firm headrest) and a yoga or exercise mat. BYO water bottle. Prerequisites: Being able to safely get down to lie on a mat on the floor, and back up again. Conditions: Full payment at time of booking is required to guarantee your place. Cancellation after December 6 will incur a $25 fee unless your place can be filled. For more information contact Sue Anne Patterson 0423 018 320 email: [email protected] Maxine Bachmayer 0417 215 661 email: [email protected]
01.01.2022 Betwixt and between when we want things to go differently I’m still in a betwixt and between place and am struggling with unhelpful emotions and thoughts. I haven’t been in this place for a long time. At times I can clearly feel that it’s my body (or human self) that is experiencing this, whereas my soul (or higher self) is quite calm and in her place of equanimity, peace and joy. Usually I manage to quickly settle down my body (human) thoughts and emotions and retain a on the energy of my soul and her joyful, calm self. But not at the moment. The issue is that I’ve sold my home for far less than I wanted to (which gives me less money to spend on my new home). I’m angry with the universe because I’m feeling unsupported and in a way, abandoned. Probably a ridiculous thing to feel but nevertheless, that’s how I feel. And at the same time I’ve very grateful for family and friends who are supporting me through this and reassuring me that it will all work out. It has been my choice to downsize and sell my home. I just wanted it to go differently. What can we do when things don’t work out as we wanted them to work out? In a way we just need to ride it through and sometimes we need to let ourselves mourn before we can move on. We can also forgive ourselves for being human. We can practice staying connected to our vision for the future and stay connected to the energy of our soul (or true self). We can simply get on with the things that we need to do (in my case find a new home) while every day doing some things, no matter how small, that give us joy. As I was pondering what I’ve written above, it just dawned on me that my next step is acceptance, that it is what it is. I think this is the phase that I’m stepping into. From there I will find it much easier to start feeling positive again. So many of us are in the same boat, ie. feeling the emotions of betwixt and between, of not being able to control things, of not having things go the way that we want then to go. As I mentioned in my previous ‘food for thought’, this too will pass. I send blessings to you all and a prayer for insight, peace, joy and finding the delight in life again. email: [email protected] website:
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